Sunday 29 June 2014

Survivor: Cagayan Teaser

On the next season of Yixuan's Reality Show Fan Fictions, we head out to the Philippines and 18 castaways delve into the remote Cagayan islands to start their adventure of a lifetime.

They will be split into 3 tribes, each based on their relationship to me. Who will emerge victorious after 39 days of intensive challenges?

Find out on:


Original Tribe
Total Votes


















Saturday 28 June 2014

Survivor: Heroes vs Villains Finale


Night 38

Zephrent Camp

Siying: *confessionals* I think the best option for me is to enter the Final 3 with Ruth and Priscilla. Zhenyang has really been a tough competitor and I really doubt I could beat him.

Priscilla: *confessional* Gosh I made it to the Final 3! I hope that people acknowledge my bold moves and vote for me at the Final Tribal Council.

Ruth: *confessionals* I have a really good feeling going into the Final 3 with Siying and Priscilla. I believe that I have what it takes to win them.

Day 39

Zephrent Camp

Siying: It's our last day here.
Ruth: Yeah, it's been a rough journey to get here.
Siying: We've been through our fair share of ups and downs.
Priscilla: The most important thing its that we made it here. Standing on this beach at Day 39.
Siying: We've all been through tough times, and it's really awesome to be standing here.

Priscilla: *confessionals* I am going to show the jury that I played this game to win from the start. I've made moves that are necessary for my survival and I cut loose ally members to further myself in the game. It may be seen as cruel but it's what I needed to do.

Siying: *confessional* I will show the jury how much I've grown since Day 1. I won a couple of individual immunity and I had been in the core of some blindsides. Hopefully, the jury recognizes my gameplay and vote for me tonight.

Ruth: *confessionals* I think I have a good chance of winning because the jury will see that I have been in control of my own fate. I did not follow anyone's orders and I have made moves of my own. This is it, I'm going to put all I have out there in the open.

Final Tribal Council

*Zephrent tribe walking in and sitting down*

Yixuan: Now bringing in members of the jury, Siaun, Pohchoon, Waisin, Jezabel, Timothy, Jianhong, Jenyun, Baowen, and Zhenyang, voted out at the previous Tribal Council.

*Siaun, Pohchoon, Waisin, Jezabel, Timothy, Jianhong, Jenyun, Baowen and Zhenyang walking in*
*Zhenyang gives the Final 3 a smile*

Yixuan: Alright, the power in this game now shifts to the jury. This is how it will be. Each of you will be given a chance to make an opening speech, then the jury will be given a chance to address any of you, and you guys will give a closing speech. Give you guys a minute to arrange your thoughts.

*Final 3 thinking of what to say*

Yixuan: Alright, Siying, you are up.

Siying: Coming into this game, I wanted to learn and break out of my shell. At the beginning, I was unaccustomed to the situation and stumbled a lot. However, I managed to grew out of it and I really pleased with myself. I was so happy to have won individual challenges and made moves of my own. And at the end, you guys did try to get rid of me because you have also witnessed the change in me. Tonight, I am ready to own up to all the moves that I have made and jury members, I'm sorry if I have offended you in any way but it is all kept within the game.

Yixuan: Priscilla, it's your turn.

Priscilla: I didn't expect myself to make it here especially after how badly my situation was at the merge. I believe that it is my hard work and determination that helped me to make it here. Also, you guys have been great players and I really feel bad for blindsiding you. I feel that playing this game, you need to have the mind to outwit, looks to outplay, and strength to outlast. I may not have any of these qualities at first but I am sure they slowly developed throughout the course of the game.

Yixuan: Okay, Ruth, carry on.

Ruth: I feel that I have been the biggest threat in the game since the tribal swap. However, I made the right alliances at the merge to keep myself safe the whole way. In addition, I managed to win a couple of immunity challenges so that I am ensured to stay in this game. The hardest thing I had to do was to vote Zhenyang out last night. I admit that it was a coward move but it was my best move. And I would definitely explain myself why I made all those moves. Survivor is ultimately an individual game and I hope you guys can look past my mistakes.

Yixuan: Thank you Final 3. Jury members, give you some time to prepare the questions you want to ask them. Some of you, like Siaun, have waited a long time.
Siaun: I sure did.

*jury thinking of what to say*

Yixuan: Jenyun, you may start the questioning.
Jenyun: Thank you Yixuan.

*Jenyun walks to the stand*

Jenyun: Before I ask my question, I must congratulate the 3 of you. The 3 of you managed to be sneaky and voted me out, if not the outcome would have been very different. Priscilla, I don't agree with your gameplay, stealing Timothy's idol, cutting loose the people who are sincere to keep you around. And you are only there because of you played the idol. Siying, you are also there only because you played 2 idols when the whole tribe wanted you out. But, you did prove yourself worthy by winning 2 individual immunity challenges, so my question to you would be, what do you think is the most important to you that helped you make it to the Final 3?

Siying: I would say trust in people. Back in Zephyr, I had Baowen to trust and she helped me realize that I needed to play my idol. And after the merge, I had Priscilla and Ruth. Honestly, Baowen would still be sitting here if she still trusted me, but I guess that's not important anymore.

Jenyun: That's funny, because if not for us girls, you would have been gone on Day 3. And you managed to land 2 of them into the jury. Moving on, Ruth, I want to know what you were thinking when you blindsided me.

Ruth: Well, from the start, I was never in your Final 3. I knew that, but I decided to hold on to that with the hope of winning the final immunity challenge. However, after Jianhong got voted out, your increased interest in Baowen scares me. And Siying also caught wind that I have already been replaced in your alliance, so instead of settling for 4th, I could make a move for myself and possibly try to be in the top 3.

Jenyun: Very well-played girls. All the best.

*Jenyun went back to sit*

Yixuan: Timothy, you are next.

*Timothy walks to the stand*

Timothy: Congratulations Final 3. Priscilla, I would like to know one thing, did you have the idol when I was voted out?

Priscilla: Yes. But I didn't use it on you because if I did, we would still be in the bottom 2 for a 7 man tribe. And you would probably have a higher chance to win immunity than me, so I had to do what's best for me.

Timothy: Thank you, your answer just proved that you are the most vile player this season. Ruth, my question to you is, why didn't you make any moves earlier since you know you are in their bottom?

Ruth: The time wasn't right. I wasn't too sure about Priscilla then, and even until now, I don't know if I can trust her.

Priscilla: What?

Timothy: That would be enough, thank you.

*Timothy went back to sit*

Yixuan: Pohchoon.

*Pohchoon walks to the stand*

Pohchoon: Priscilla, you have been a coward the entire game. From the moment Siaun got voted out, you have been hiding behind shields such as Siying and Timothy.

Priscilla: In my defense, I wouldn't have to do that if Siaun wasn't voted out by you.

Pohchoon: I'm not interested to know that. You are dead to me. Siying, when you knew that Ruth was playing the idol, why did you go along with Priscilla's plan?

Siying: It was my plan to boot you actually. I knew that Ruth was going to vote for Waisin, but Waisin is just your follower. And so I thought, why not get rid of the head of the snake when we could? So we merely struck while the iron was still hot.

Pohchoon: Fair enough. Ruth, what was your intention of showing me the idol when you knew that I wouldn't have worked with you anyways.

Ruth: I was just testing your reaction to see if we could work something out then. But after you brushed me off, I wanted to keep you, but also show you that I could do some damage. That was why I voted for Waisin to try to scare you.

Pohchoon: Well, it would have worked better if you had kept the idol to yourself. I am done talking.

*Pohchoon went back to sit*

Yixuan: Baowen, you are up.

*Baowen walks to the stand*

Baowen: Firstly, Ruth, congratulations for making it there. You know that I would love to see you win. So my question to you is, if Siying was out at the Final 5 and you win immunity at the Final 4, who would you vote out and why?

Ruth: Honestly, I would have voted you out. This is because you are such a threat! You haven't pissed off most of the jury members and you did a great job weaving in and out of alliances. I was totally threatened by you.

Baowen: Alright. Next up, I am wondering why are there 2 dead bodies beside you. Anyways, all the best Ruth!

Ruth: Thanks!

*Baowen went back to sit*

Yixuan: Thank you Baowen. Jianhong, go ahead.

*Jianhong walks to the stand*

Jianhong: Hey guys, congratulations on making Final 3! Siying, you are like a cockroach. Since Day 1, your persistence to stay in the game amazes me. And I am really impressed at your performance. Right now, you have my vote.

Siying: Thanks!

Jianhong: So Ruth and Priscilla, I want you guys to bash Siying. Why should I not vote for her?

Priscilla: I feel that even though she may outlast most of you guys, she hasn't really outwit nor outplay us. Both her idol plays were flukes. She never knew that she was going home, which shows that she didn't play a good social game. On top of that, she is also not as strong as Ruth when it comes to physical challenges. So I think that she was really lucky to make it here.

Ruth: Siying hasn't played a strategic game, not has she played a clean game. Strategy-wise, she kept relying on others to bring her further. Like after the merge, she would have been gone at the Final 6 if I had not flipped. On top of that, she lied to people such as Baowen, Zhenyang, and including myself, when there wasn't really a need to. Hence, I felt that she is not deserving to win the game.

Siying: Wow.

Jianhong: Alright, thank you very much.

*Jianhong went back to sit*

Yixuan: Siaun, you're up.

*Siaun walks to the stand*

Siaun: Congratulations Final 3. Priscilla, I've witnessed how you fought so hard to make it there, so kudos to you. My question is, if you had to pick a Final 2 between these 2, who would it be and why?

Priscilla: I would have chose Siying. Reason being we have been in an alliance since before the merge and we have similar gameplays. So I definitely would have a better shot at winning instead of going up against Ruth.

Siaun: Alright, Ruth, you disappointed me. I thought that you were probably the strongest player left int he game, yet you only won 1 immunity challenge after the merge. Not only that, you let your fate being decided by others, Jenyun and then Siying. Tell me, what have you done on your own?

Ruth: Firstly, I did make the move to break myself out of Jenyun's alliance. I would think that it was my most pivotal move. And before that, I did have a choice to go against them, however I felt that it would be better for me to stick with them since I would trust the 3 of them more than Priscilla and Timothy.

Siaun: Fair enough. Siying, I feel that you have really worked hard but let's face it, your moves are insignificant compared to the 2 of them. You are only there because you have idols and you won the final immunity challenge by luck. Good luck to all of you.

*Siaun went back to sit*

Yixuan: Waisin, it's your turn.

*Waisin walks to the stand*

Waisin: Hi guys, I want to say that you guys did a great job making it to the Final 3. I must say that I am not bitter and I will vote based on the best gameplay. Ruth, I was really offended by you when you called me out as being weak. And Siaun pointed out just now, you yourself haven't won many challenges too. So, tell me why should I vote for you?

Ruth: I felt that I have the best gameplay because without me, Siying and Priscilla would not have made it here. My move at the Final 6 is probably the most pivotal move anyone made in the entire game. On top of that, I also had control after the tribe swap by winning the individual immunity and finding an idol as well. So, I would think that I played a superior game compared to the two of them.

Waisin: Okay. Priscilla. We had so much fun together. Tell me, what is your biggest move in the entire game?

Priscilla: I would say that it is cutting loose Pohchoon and Timothy.

Waisin: Biggest means one Priscilla.

Priscilla: Okay, then it would be not using my idol on Timothy. I think that if I had saved Timothy then, Siying would lose her trust in me and I would probably be out in 6th or 7th. It was because of that trust Siying and I developed, we are able to overcome the majority alliance and make it here.

Waisin: Siying, I think that you have played a really good game because everyone hates you, but they can't seem to get rid of you. So, tell me, who was your ideal Final 3 when you made the merge.

Siying: At that point of time, I was thinking of going into the Final 3 with Baowen and either Priscilla or you. This is because I felt that Baowen and I were really tight, but that somehow fell apart. And also I want to play this game with people I trust, and at that point, the 3 of you were probably who I trust most.

Waisin: Thank you. Once again, may the stars shine on the winner of the game.

*Waisin went back to sit*

Yixuan: Jezabel, go ahead.

*Jezabel walks to the stand*

Jezabel: Alright, I wanted to know why in the hell you guys voted me out. It was the best opportunity for you to take out Jianhong, but no, this harmless girl has to go.

Priscilla: I voted Jianhong though.

Jezabel: Thank you Priscilla.

Ruth: Well, it made no sense to keep you since you were a wedge between me and my alliance. I always felt that you could have replaced me anytime.

Jezabel: Oh wow. What about you Siying?

Siying: Well, I voted for you mainly because you were a big threat then. You had loads of big ideas and I thought that you have the potential to make game-changing moves. And that is not really good for me because I wanted to keep things within control.

Jezabel: Which you didn't. After I get voted out, all of you guys went into a depression, getting controlled by Jenyun and her minions.

Siying: Well, I couldn't trust you enough too since we only spent 6 days together. But if we had the chance to talk more, I would definitely have changed my vote then.

Jezabel: Oh whatever. Thank you Yixuan.

*Jezabel went back to sit*

Yixuan: Thank you to you Jezabel. Now, the last member of the jury, Zhenyang.

*Zhenyang walks to the stand*

Zhenyang: Well well, where to start. Ruth, talking about trust, you slammed Siying for not playing a clean game, but you turned around and voted me out last night.

Ruth: Well, I didn't want to sit in the Final 3 with you because you would have been a tough nut to beat. And having Priscilla and Siying splits up their supporter votes. It was purely a strategic move, sorry.

Zhenyang: Alright. Priscilla, I never trusted you. Even when you came up to me that night to vote Siying out, I was holding my reservations towards you. I somehow felt that you were a venomous python who could turn around and bite me when I am not aware. And you did.

Priscilla: Well, you voted for me too.

Zhenyang: Tsk tsk, talking back to a jury member is never a good thing. Siying, you never approached me for an alliance before. Never. The only time you spoke to me is when you have immunity and told me that you wanted me out. Tell me, how is that a strategic move?

Siying: Right from the start, you and the other guys have been plotting for my demise. So I wasn't really ready to trust you. And you were really tight with Jenyun. And I remember at the Final 7, Jenyun was really mad that I was fanning a fire from below, trying to get Ruth and Baowen to flip.

Zhenyang: But you didn't ask me.

Siying: I wasn't sure that you are okay with blindsiding your closest ally.

Zhenyang: That's enough for me. All I want to say is that Ruth, your choice of sitting in the Final 3 with the 2 of them is going to hurt you. Siying, I am giving you my vote just because I find that your gameplay has been the least abrasive compared to the other 2. Hopefully, you can get 4 more votes to win.

*Zhenyang went back to sit*

Yixuan: Alright, Final 3, time for a closing speech.

Ruth: Thank you everyone for this amazing journey. I would like to apologize if I hurt any feelings and I hope all of these are kept within the game. It would be really great to know you guys better.

Priscilla: Well, I do hope that my moves in the game are acknowledged and you guys would vote for me to be the winner.

Siying: I would like to thank everyone who played a part in my journey to grow. Especially the jury members, without you guys, I would never have thought to make it so far in the game. And to my fellow Final 3, may the best girl win.

Yixuan: Okay. Jury members, you are already given a shot to question the Final 3. Now, take a minute to decide who you are going to vote for. Remember this vote is a vote for the winner.

*jury thinking of vote*

Yixuan: And now, for the last time, it's time to vote. Jezabel, you are up.

*Zhenyang voted - SIYING*
Zhenyang: I am really impressed at how you managed to flip the situation and end up sitting at the Final 3. And I am keeping my word of giving you my vote.

*Baowen voted - RUTH*
Baowen: I am writing your name down because you have been the nicest to me. I don't even care if this is such an obvious vote.

*Timothy voted - PRISCILLA*
Timothy: Even though you have been cruel and ruthless, I believe it's how you should play this game. I hope you can get enough votes to win.

*Pohchoon voted*
Pohchoon: I feel that even though you haven't made the best moves, but the moves you made does warrant you the win. Good job!

*Jezabel voted*
Jezabel: You did play a good game and getting rid of me is probably why you are still sitting there right now.

*Siaun voted*
Siaun: Congratulations. I would have never expected myself to vote for you but you did play the best game in my opinion. All the best!

*Jenyun voted*
Jenyun: Girl, you did a good job. I am really honoured to have played with you and become such good friends. Don't worry, this bitterness will dilute itself with time.

*Waisin voted*
Waisin: Well done. I respect most of your gameplay so I am giving you my vote. And I really think that you would win because the stars are aligned in your directions.

*Jianhong voted*
Jianhong: After listening to the tribal council, you deserved to win because you have really been through a lot during the whole game. You just need 4 more votes!

Yixuan: I will go tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: Thank you guys for such a wonderful season of Survivor. It would never have happened if not for all you awesome people. We will only reveal the votes back in CBS Live studio, thank you for watching.

*Yixuan walks out*

CBS studio

*everyone cheering*

Yixuan: Right now in my hands, there are 9 votes for a winner. It just takes 5 votes to win. And now, I'll read the votes.

First vote, SIYING

Second vote, RUTH

Third vote, PRISCILLA

Fourth vote, SIYING

Fifth vote, RUTH

Sixth vote, RUTH

Seventh vote, SIYING
We are tied, 3 votes Siying, 3 votes Ruth, 1 vote Priscilla.

Eighth vote, RUTH




Original Tribe
Switched Tribe
Merged Tribe
Total Votes

1st Voted Out
Day 3
2nd Voted Out
Day 6
3rd Voted Out
Day 8
4th Voted Out
Day 11
5th Voted Out
Day 14
6th Voted Out
Day 15
7th Voted Out
Day 15
8th Voted Out
Day 18
9th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 21
10th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 24
11th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 27
12th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 30
13th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 31
14th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 33
15th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 36
16th Voted Out
8th Jury Member
Day 37
17th Voted Out
9th Jury Member
Day 38
2nd Runner Up
1st Runner Up

The Total Votes is the number of votes a castaway receives during Tribal Councils where the castaway was eligible to be voted out of the game. It does not include the votes received during the final Tribal Council.

^1 Because SIYING played the Hidden Immunity Idol, 7 votes against her did not count.
^2 Because SIAUN played the Hidden Immunity Idol, 4 votes against him did not count.
^3 Because RUTH played the Hidden Immunity Idol, 3 votes against her did not count.
^4 Because TIMOTHY played the Hidden Immunity Idol, 3 votes against him did not count.
^5 4 additional votes were cast against JEZABEL during a tie-breaker vote.
^6 3 additional votes were cast against JIANHONG during a tie-breaker vote.
^7 Because PRISCILLA played the Hidden Immunity Idol, 5 votes against her did not count.
^8 Because SIYING played the Hidden Immunity Idol, 4 votes against her did not count.

Thank you to all the supporters for this fan fiction. Stay tuned for the next fan fiction!