Thursday 26 June 2014

Survivor: Heroes vs Villains Episode 11

Episode 11

Episode 10 Recap

Previously on Survivor, 24 days passed and both tribes finally merged at 5 Zephyr and 5 Torrent and named themselves Zephrent. Old alliances rekindled and new deals are formed. Timothy confronted Priscilla regarding the idol theft, but later showed her his new found idol to solidify their alliance. On the other hand, Siying starts to open up her opportunities, while shutting the door to her closest ally Baowen. The initial Zephyr alliance of Zhenyang, Jianhong, Jenyun and Ruth reconnected, while Jezabel desperately try to regain Jenyun's trust. At the immunity challenge, castaways have to hang on their dear life to win immunity. Priscilla dropped out almost immediately and the others followed suit slowly. In the end, it was a test of endurance between Timothy and Waisin, with Timothy edging out a little. Back at camp, Waisin starts to scramble, knowing that he is probably on the block. Ruth called him out for being lucky, and they cannot afford another gamble. On the other hand, Priscilla and Timothy and working together to boot Jianhong, a challenge threat. At Tribal Council, Waisin pleaded for his life, saying how his alliance got crushed back in Zephyr and he can be a free agent. However, the initial Zephyrs couldn't be bothered with him, and together with Jezabel, sent Waisin to the jury with a 6-4 vote, making him the eleventh person voted out and third member of the jury.

9 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Night 27

Zephrent Camp

Baowen (confessionals): What happened at tribal again? It's like I never know what is going to happen! First with Pohchoon, now with Waisin. Oh no! Am I next?

Ruth (confessionals): Looks like our plan is playing out nicely. If nothing goes wrong we should be comfortable in the Final 6. Now I just need another idol to further myself.

Priscilla (confessionals): I am like fighting a losing battle. I have to jump ship right now because it looks like this alliance is going downhill.

Priscilla: Tell me what you know from Torrent. We need something to break up that alliance.
Timothy: How would I know, I'm 5th in their alliance and I am pretty sure they would have voted for me if I had not won immunity.
Priscilla: Then you should have totally given up your immunity to Waisin and played your idol!
Timothy: Hello~ You think idols are free? They are hard-earned okay!
Priscilla: Yeah, but right now there is only probably us 2 left. Baowen can totally go back to Siying.
Timothy: Alright, I think that Jianhong, Zhenyang and Jenyun are going to the Final 3 together.
Priscilla: Ew, that would be totally gross.
Timothy: That's why I think we should break them apart now.
Priscilla: Lemme go talk to Ruth and try to change her mind.

Baowen: Siying! Why didn't you tell me anything about those 2 votes? I feel like an idiot now you know!
Siying: Well, if I voted Waisin, we might have gone into rocks and I am not risking my life to those rocks you know.
Baowen: True. But you could have told me and I can vote with you guys.
Siying: Nah, it's doesn't really matter.
Baowen: It does!
Siying: Okay okay, I will tell you next time.

Siying (confessionals): I think I should keep Baowen in the loop more. She might flip and not care about me anymore.

Day 28

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Zephrent tribe walks in*

Yixuan: Today, you will be playing for reward.

You will first be randomly divided into teams of three. Then, one at a time, you will slide your pucks across the board. The team with the puck closest to the center wins reward.

Yixuan: Want to know what you are playing for?
Everyone: Yes!
Yixuan: The winning team will go to Robert Louis Stevenson's home and watch the film Treasure Island. You will spend the night there and return to camp the following morning. You will now draw for teams.

*draws for teams*

Yixuan: The black team consists of Jenyun, Jezabel and Zhenyang! The red team consists of Siying, Timothy and Priscilla! The blue team consists of Baowen, Jianhong and Ruth! Let's start!

Yixuan: The black team sends out Jezabel first. She slides the puck and it lands slightly to the right.

Zhenyang: Good job!
Jenyun: *hugs Jezabel*

Yixuan: It's the red team's turn and they send out Priscilla. Nice shot by Priscilla, deflecting the black puck away from the center and landing itself close to it. Red team is in the lead!
Siying: Yes!
Timothy: Wow, nice!

Yixuan: Now it's Baowen from the blue team. She's trying to aim for the red puck to hit it out of the zone. And she misses far! The blue puck fly out of the board! What a wasted turn!

Ruth: Urgh!
Jianhong: *facepalm*

Yixuan: Black team sending out Zhenyang. He is also aiming for the red puck. And he hits the red puck, sending it out for the board! Now only black pucks are on the board.

Yixuan: Siying from the red team giving it a try. And she comes out short, directly below the center but far away.

Yixuan: Ruth is giving it a try from the blue team! Ruth giving a nice sweep and pushes the black puck out of the way! Blue is now in the lead!

Yixuan: Jenyun's turn, shooting the last puck for the black team. And she just misses the blue puck! Looks like black is out of the challenge!

Yixuan: Now it's Timothy from Red team. Timothy won immunity the last time, will he win reward for the red team today? He shoots and hits the blue puck away! However, his red puck also went far! Black is in the lead again!

Yixuan: The last player, Jianhong. Will he win this for the blue team? He hits the puck directly to the center. And it hits Siying's red puck! The blue puck is losing momentum while the red puck is moving. And the red puck landed right in the middle! RED TEAM WINS REWARD!

Siying: OMG YAY!
Priscilla: I won something! This is awesome!

Timothy: It's a team effort guys! Good job!

Yixuan: Siying, Timothy and Priscilla, stay behind, you will be brought out on a trip of a lifetime. As for the rest of you, I've got nothing for you. Get your stuff and head back to camp.

Robert Louis Stevenson's home

Siying: This is awesome!
Priscilla: I am going to shower!
Timothy: I am going outside to enjoy the nature and scenery!
Siying: I'm going to prepare some popcorn for the movie!

*at the kitchen*

Siying: Wow! They sure have lots of flavours!
*a rolled up parchment dropped out*
Siying: What's this?
Siying: *gasped* It looks like a clue to the hidden immunity idol! Let me hide it in my underwear first.

*at the toilet*

Priscilla: I am pretty sure there is a clue somewhere in this house. And it would be disastrous if Timothy finds it again. He seemed to be having an idol luck.
*overturns everything in the toilet*
Priscilla: Looks like it isn't here.


Timothy: This place is beautiful. The mountains. The sun. The birds. Everything is perfect!
*continue to bask in the sunset*

Zephrent Camp

Jezabel: Hey Jenyun, now that the girls have an advantage, we should totally try our plan.
Jenyun: What plan? The all girls?
Jezabel: Yeah, totally! We can try to split the votes 3-3 if need be, in case of any idols.
Jenyun: We have to make sure that all of them are on board.

Jenyun (confessionals): Jezabel is getting on my nerves! Partially because I am totally against the all girls thing! It's pretty obvious that if we do all girls, Ruth is going to immunity sweep, and I don't want to be sitting against her at the end.

Baowen: Hey, why didn't anyone tell me about the Waisin vote?
Jianhong: We thought you were tight with Priscilla, and we didn't want any idols to be played!
Zhenyang: Yeah, besides, you haven't even approached us or anything.
Baowen: Huh? Okay, now I'm telling you that I want to be part of your alliance! I wasn't even close to Priscilla!
Zhenyang: Alright! But I think we are going to stick to Timothy tonight.
Baowen: Okay!

Baowen (confessionals): Hmm, seems like I have an alliance with Jianhong and Zhenyang. Hope they will bring me to the final 4!

Ruth: What is it Jenyun?
Jenyun: Okay, look we have 4 of us right now. So if all goes well, we can make it to the Final 4. And we can try to use Siying this time to vote.
Ruth: But what do we do at Final 4?
Jenyun: Only one of the guys can win immunity, so we will just vote out the other!
Ruth: Do you think we can beat them?
Jenyun: You never know!

Ruth (confessionals): I am pretty much safe to the Final 4 if I go with Zhenyang, Jianhong and Jenyun. But I will never win against them! What to do?

Jenyun (confessionals): I just need Ruth to come with us. Then get rid of her when we don't need her. And I will be the only girl standing and making all the bold moves!

Day 29

Zephrent Camp

*Siying, Timothy and Priscilla returns*

Siying (confessionals): I don't know if I want to do this alone or share it with Ruth. She's probably the only one I fully trust now.

Priscilla: Ruth, I hope you will look past the previous votes and we can start an alliance right here.
Ruth: What do you have in mind?
*Timothy walks over*
Timothy: Look, back in Torrent, Zhenyang, Jianhong and Jenyun are super tight. I doubt they will break up for you to be Final 3. I tried talking to Jezabel but she blindly continued to listen to them.
Ruth: Are you serious?
Priscilla: Yes, and the 3 of us can probably form the same alliance and try to thwart their plans.
Ruth: I will consider it. But right now, let's just be careful of what they do.

Siying: So the clue says that the idol is hidden near a stream. I wonder where it could be.
*walks towards stream*
Siying: There's only a stream here. Could it be on the trees? That would be bad because I can't climb them. How about under those rocks?
*starts overturning rocks*
Siying: Oh my god! It's here! This is really my lucky day! So now, should I share this with Ruth?

Jezabel: Baowen! Are you keen on forming an all female alliance?
Baowen: Wow! Sounds good to me!
Jezabel: So let's try getting all the boys out!
Baowen: This is a great plan!

Jezabel: Hey Priscilla! I have a great plan. So far, you and Siying are left!
Priscilla: What plan?
Jezabel: Let's form an all female alliance!
Priscilla: Oooh! Sounds exciting!
Jezabel: Who do you want to vote out next?
Priscilla: Either Jianhong or Zhenyang to be honest.
Jezabel: What about Timothy?
Priscilla: Not yet. He has no allies and he will listen to us.
Jezabel: Sounds like a plan!
Priscilla: So exciting!

Zhenyang: Somehow, I don't feel comfortable being outnumbered by girls.
Jianhong: Yeah, somehow 6-3 is really scary.
Zhenyang: We need to find the idol seriously, and continue winning immunity.
Jianhong: How is this a social game seriously?

Day 30

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Zephrent tribe walks in*

Yixuan: Timothy, I'll be taking that back.
Timothy: I am going to get it back.
Yixuan: You can try.

In today's challenge, each of you are given 150 cards. The first person to build a house of cards that reaches ten feet tall wins immunity! Safe from tonight's vote and a guaranteed spot in the Final 8. We'll draw for spots.

*castaways get into place*

Yixuan: For immunity, survivors ready, go!

Yixuan: Everyone starting off with different strategies! You need a stable base, but if you use too many cards for the base, you cannot reach high enough.

Yixuan: Ruth off to a quick start. Jezabel off to a quick start. Timothy building a really solid base. Baowen's house starting to form. Siying trying a flimsy base. Jenyun not focussing on the base. Looks really shaky. Zhenyang taking his time to build the base. Jianhong trying a totally different strategy, building triangular bases. Will it work out? Priscilla trying a really risky method. Will it stay long enough?

*5 minutes elapsed*

Yixuan: Right now, Jezabel and Ruth are in the lead at 7 feet. Priscilla and Jenyun close behind at 6.5 feet. Everyone else falling out of it. Timothy is running out of tiles really quickly and he is only at the 5 feet mark! Jianhong's trianglular base looks sturdy. Siying catching up to Jianhong.

*10 minutes elapsed*

Yixuan: Priscilla taking the lead from Ruth, but Ruth is running out of tiles at the 9 feet mark. Jezabel at 8.5 feet mark. Siying over takes Jianhong and ties with Jenyun at 8 feet. Jianhong and Baowen slightly behind at 7 feet. Zhenyang and Timothy at 6.5 feet. The wind is picking up. The base has to be sturdy to hold your house of cards. Oh! The wind blew off half off Jenyun's house! She has to restart at 4 feet!

*15 minutes elapsed*

Yixuan: Priscilla getting stuck at 9 feet. Ruth's tower collapsed slightly and stands at 7 feet now. Jezabel also stuck at 8.5 feet. You need to make bold moves to complete 10 feet, you don't have enough cards! Zhenyang trying to take a bottom card to put on top. It didn't turn out well! His whole pile collapsed! Jianhong is at 8 feet now. Baowen's pile collapsed too! Everyone trying to destabilize their bases to get more cards. Part of Timothy's pile collapsed. He is at 5 feet again. Jenyun working up to 6 feet.

*20 minutes elapsed*

Yixuan: Looks like it's between Jezabel and Priscilla now, both at 9.5 feet. Ruth is at 9 feet. Siying at 8.5 feet. Everyone else is out of it. Every time you make a change to your base you have to be careful! If not you will lose your height. Priscilla has slightly more cards left than Jezabel.
Jezabel: Yixuan, I'm done.
Yixuan: It has to stay there for 3 seconds. And it doesn't, part of it collapsed!
Priscilla: Yixuan, here.
Yixuan: 1, 2, 3! It stays there! PRISCILLA WINS IMMUNITY!

*some castaways wreck their pile in frustration*

Yixuan: Priscilla come on over.
*puts immunity necklace on Priscilla*
Yixuan: With this necklace, Priscilla is safe from the vote and guaranteed a spot in the Final 8. And for the rest of you, tribal council tonight, whereby one of the 8 you is going home. Take the afternoon to find out.

Zephrent Camp

Priscilla (confessionals): I am so happy that I won immunity! Looks like tonight we are going to vote out one of the guys. And I think Timothy is going to be one of the targets as well. So what gives?

Baowen: So we are voting Timothy right?
Siying: I guess so. It's like the only logical choice to do now that Priscilla has immunity.
Jenyun: Yes, let's just vote Timothy out and not waste time. Keeping him is dangerous.
Ruth: Okay, looks like it's going to be 7-2!

Jezabel (confessionals): It seems that all of them are voting for Timothy. What should I do?

Jenyun (confessionals): I am not sure if this is the best time to blindside Jezabel. I really can't stand her all-female alliance to be honest.

Ruth (confessionals): I think the next 2 votes should be Timothy and Priscilla. That way, we can have a majority of 4 in 7.

Jenyun: Guys, I think Jezabel might be gunning for you two.
Zhenyang: Why?
Jenyun: Because she wants an all female alliance. And after getting rid of Timothy, she can get Priscilla, Siying and Baowen to probably cause a tie.
Jianhong: But we only have 3 votes. How do we get a majority?
Jenyun: I think that we should just do it nevertheless. Scare her a little and show her whose boss.
Jianhong: I hope it works though.

Jezabel: Do we have enough votes to vote Jianhong out?
Priscilla: We don't need votes. Let them all happily vote for Timothy, because he has the idol.
Jezabel: Serious?
Priscilla: Yes, he showed it to me!
Jezabel: Okay, so if they all voted for Timothy, then our 3 votes will be the majority!
Priscilla: I know right!
Jezabel: Okay, lets do it!

Siying: Ruth, how are you voting tonight?
Ruth: I'm not too sure. I feel that Zhenyang, Jianhong and Jenyun might be getting too much power, and they have Jezabel by their sides.
Siying: Hmm, I know right. But we can't go against them now, we definitely do not have the numbers.
Ruth: That's the headache!
Siying: I think we should go with their plan first. Then pull a blindside once there is an opportunity!
Ruth: Sounds good to me.

Timothy: So what's the plan tonight?
Priscilla: Vote for Jianhong, and pull your idol. I have Jezabel with us and I think they are going 6-3. And the good thing is no one knows about it.
Timothy: Are you sure?
Priscilla: Yes!
Timothy: Oh well...

Timothy (confessionals): I am not too sure if I should trust Priscilla. After all, she stole my idol once and I don't know if she just wants me to burn it or something. But seeing that I have no one else to trust, why not?

Tribal Council

*Zephrent tribe walking in and sitting down*

Yixuan: Now bringing in the members of the jury, Siaun, Pohchoon and Waisin, voted out at the previous tribal council.

*Siaun, Pohchoon and Waisin walking in*

Yixuan: Alright, let's talk about the challenge. It requires delicacy and apparently all the woman were leading. Jezabel, how does it feel to lose to Priscilla at that very last moment?

Jezabel: It sucks! Especially when immunity is what I think I need most right now?

Yixuan: Why is that so?

Jezabel: I am not too sure on where I stand in this tribe and yeah, having immunity definitely will calm my nerves down.

*Jenyun shaking her head*

Yixuan: Jenyun, why are you shaking your head?

Jenyun: I believe that Jezabel is safely with us because it's rather obvious who is the target tonight.

Yixuan: And the target is?

Baowen: Timothy.

*Timothy appeared shocked*

Yixuan: Wow! Baowen, that requires a great deal of courage!

Baowen: Well, the last 2 tribal councils I went to, the results were totally out of my expectations. So this tribal council, I want to at least make sure I know what is happening.

Yixuan: So Timothy, your reactions?

Timothy: I think I know why this is happening. They see me as a threat from the previous immunity challenge. But look, I have no allies left and I can jolly well be a swing vote for you.

Yixuan: Waisin used that argument the last time, and see where it got him landed up in.

Timothy: All I'm saying that I am not perfect, I will not win all the immunity challenges. So you can keep me around as a vote and vote out those alliances whom you will never break.

Yixuan: And I assume you know who you are talking about.

Timothy: Yes. Look at Jianhong, Zhenyang and Jenyun! They have been tight since Day 1 and who know how many followers they have under them.

Zhenyang: We did offer you an alliance but you were too proud to accept it then.

Jianhong: Yeah. And what do you mean by followers? We make decisions together as a tribe.

Timothy: And who's decision is it to put me up on the chopping block tonight?


Priscilla: I have something to add, Yixuan. It just seems that they are using their majority to bully us around. And I hope they understand that it's a Final 3, not a Final 7. So moves have to be made before you become 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th.

Yixuan: Siying, tell us about the reward.

Siying: It was awesome! We went to this huge mansion and got lots of food to eat. And the bed was gigantic and comfortable. Never had I enjoyed myself so much in a day before.

Yixuan: Ruth, worried that it might be you tonight?

Ruth: Definitely. No one is safe without the necklace. However, adding on to Priscilla's point, it may not be true that we are having a majority alliance. Look at how things can go, we can even form a six girl alliance! So what I'm trying to say is that nothing definite around here.

Yixuan: With that, it's time to vote. Priscilla, I assume you are keeping the necklace?

Priscilla: Yes.

Yixuan: Alright, you may not vote for Priscilla. Everyone else is fair game. Ruth, you are up.

*Ruth voted*
Ruth: You haven't talked to me at all after the merge, I wonder what are you even up to?

*Baowen voted*
Baowen: Hopefully, this is the majority vote and I am not being lied to again.

*Priscilla voted*
Priscilla: Praying that the idol will kill you.

*Jenyun voted*
Jenyun: I'm sorry girl, but I am totally not interested in your plan.

*Zhenyang voted*
Zhenyang: This is to prevent any overthrow of power in future.

*Siying voted*
Siying: I do not need you around winning all the immunities and spoiling my gameplay.

*Timothy voted*
Timothy: There is nothing else I can do.

*Jezabel voted*
Jezabel: Big moves have to be made, and this is my big move.

*Jianhong voted*
Jianhong: I never like you anyways. Time for you to go!

Yixuan: Alright, I'll tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.

*Timothy stands up*

Timothy: As a matter of fact, after all those conversation, I am a little worried for myself and hopefully this little baby can keep me around longer.

*shocked expressions and relieved expressions*

*Siying fidgets*

Yixuan: This is indeed a hidden immunity idol. Any votes cast against Timothy will not count. Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

First vote, Timothy. Does not count.

Second vote, Timothy. Does not count.

Third vote, Timothy. Does not count.

Fourth vote, Jezabel.
*Jezabel looked up in shock*

Fifth vote, Jianhong.
1 vote Jezabel, 1 vote Jianhong.
*Jianhong getting uncomfortable*

Sixth vote, Jezabel.
2 votes Jezabel, 1 vote Jianhong.

Seventh vote, Jianhong.
We are tied again. 2 votes Jezabel, 2 votes Jianhong, 2 votes left.

Eighth vote, Jianhong
3 votes Jianhong, 2 votes Jezabel, 1 vote left.

Twelfth person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains and the fourth member of the jury, no one.

Ninth vote, Jezabel
We have a tie.
*Jezabel glares at Jenyun*

Yixuan: Jianhong and Jezabel will not vote. Everyone else will revote. You can only vote for Jezabel or Jianhong. Timothy, you are up.

*Timothy voted*
Timothy: I'm sticking to my vote. Goodbye!

*Jenyun voted*
Jenyun: This shall be the final nail to your coffin.

*Priscilla voted*
Priscilla: You should have gone home already. Don't know which idiots split the vote.

*Zhenyang voted*
Zhenyang: You are a evil witch that needs to be eradicated now.

*Baowen voted*
Baowen: I think I am voting you out because I want the all female alliance to come true.

*Ruth voted*
Ruth: This is for me to secure my spot in the Final 4 at least.

*Siying voted*
Siying: I hope this is the correct move for me.

Yixuan: Alright, I will tally the votes again.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: Okay, once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.

First vote, Jezabel

Second vote, Jezabel
2 votes Jezabel

Third vote, Jianhong
2 votes Jezabel, 1 vote Jianhong

Fourth vote, Jianhong
We are tied. 2 votes Jezabel, 2 votes Jianhong, 3 votes left.

Fifth vote, Jianhong
3 votes Jianhong, 2 votes Jezabel, 2 votes left.

Sixth vote, Jezabel
We are tied again. 3 votes Jianhong, 3 votes Jezabel, 1 vote left.

Twelfth person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains and the fourth member of the jury, Jezabel.

Yixuan: That's 4 votes, that enough. Jezabel, bring me your torch.

Jezabel: You guys got me good.

Yixuan: Jezabel, the tribe has spoken. *extinguishes torch* Time for you to go.

Jezabel: Good luck girls, I really wanted to go far with you all. *Jezabel walks off*

Yixuan: From what I see and hear, Jezabel definitely did not see it coming. And another idol just came into play. So how many more idols are there exactly? Grab your stuff, head back to camp. I will see you tomorrow.

*Zephrent tribe standing up and walking out*

Jezabel: I was really pissed that I got blindsided here. I think I positioned myself in a very good spot to make it far. I think Jenyun wanted to stick to her 2 guys so much that I became a threat. Oh well, life's tough.

Tribal Council #12:
Baowen - Timothy, Jianhong
Jenyun - Jezabel, Jezabel
Jezabel - Jianhong, -
Jianhong - Jezabel, -
Priscilla - Jianhong, Jianhong
Ruth - Timothy, Jezabel
Siying - Timothy, Jezabel
Timothy - Jianhong, Jianhong
Zhenyang - Jezabel, Jezabel

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