Thursday 26 June 2014

Survivor: Heroes vs Villains Episode 8

Episode 8

Links to past episode: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7

Episode 7 Recap

Previously on Survivor, Jezabel turned against her former Torrent alliance and voted out Shelia, someone whom she views as a threat in terms of good relationships with the guys. As a result, Yanzhi finds his plan thwarted and himself on the bottom of Torrent's totem pole. After Zephyr's blindside on Ruth's closest ally, Hexun, Ruth caught a break as she found a clue to the hidden immunity idol stuffed amongst their rewards of hotdogs. Back at camp, Ruth started her search for the hidden immunity idol while Yanzhi tries to put himself out of trouble. At the reward challenge, the total lack of cooperation within the Torrent tribe led Zephyr to win a trip to a nearby waterfall. During the reward, Pohchoon and Waisin devised a plan to keep themselves safe in the next few tribal councils by planning to boot Priscilla's closest ally, Siaun. At the immunity challenge, Jezabel and Yanzhi found it difficult to work together and it resulted in them losing the immunity challenge. Finding his head on the chopping block, Yanzhi approached Zhenyang and Jianhong and offered them a final 4 guys and voting out Jezabel. At the same time, Jezabel approached Jenyun for help, and proposed to get rid of either Timothy for being a physical threat, or Yanzhi being a manipulative player. Oblivious to the fact that Priscilla already found the hidden immunity idol, Timothy continued his search using the clue he obtained on Day 11. During tribal council, Jezabel and Yanzhi started shooting each other, while the rest of the tribe tried to be their mediator. In the end, it was Yanzhi who was cut loose from the tribe, receiving 4 out of the 6 votes, causing him to be the 8th person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains.

12 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Night 18

Torrent Camp

Timothy (confessionals): Yanzhi was voted out last night. And now, I am on the outs of this tribe. I have to try my best to win this challenge if not it is going to be me packing my bags.

Jezabel: Thanks for keeping me.
Jianhong: We saw how Yanzhi's gameplay is like and if we continued to keep him around, it's not beneficial for us too.
Jenyun: All the way to the Final 4!
Zhenyang: Yea, final 4!

Jezabel (confessionals): I'm glad that I am finally in a proper alliance and not jumping all around the place. Right now, I'm hoping for a merge and I can hopefully be back with Pohchoon and Waisin.

Day 19

Zephyr Camp

Ruth (confessionals): Even though I have the clue now, I still do not know where the idol is hidden. And if this prolongs, people will get wary of me and I might be in danger. Please let me find this idol.

Baowen: Right now, I feel that we are going to be the next 2 out.
Siying: I know, unless we work with Ruth or get them to vote out Ruth.
Baowen: If Ruth goes, we are next!
Siying: Looks like we have to pray for miracles

Pohchoon (confessionals): I am hoping for a merge right now, because I think my alliance still has the upper hand. Hopefully, Priscilla and Siaun doesn't jump ship or we might have to vote out one of them.

Waisin (confessionals): Right now, my strategy is to lay under the radar and swoop into the merge. Then I will poof up and do some major blindsides to cause damage.

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Zephyr walking in*

*Torrent walking in*

Yixuan: Zephyr, taking a first look at the Torrent tribe. Yanzhi voted out last night.
Pohchoon: What?
Waisin: Oh no.
Yixuan: Pohchoon, surprised?
Pohchoon: Yea, definitely. I think something is wrong with them, voting out their strong players when they are losing challenges.
Yixuan: Alright, let's get on with the challenge. For today's challenge,

One member from each tribe will square off in a round of bowling. They will roll the ball down the lane, knocking over as many pins as they can. Each tribe member gets two rolls. Whoever knocks over the most pins scores one point for their tribe.

Yixuan: Want to know what you're playing for?
Castaways: Yes.
Yixuan: First tribe to score three points wins a feast of pizza, beer and brownies which you can bring back to you camp to enjoy. Worth playing for?
Waisin: Yeah baby!
*awkward silence*
Yixuan: Alright, to even out the tribes, Zephyr, you have to sit out 2 girls. Who's it going to be?
Siaun: Ruth and Priscilla.
Yixuan: Ruth and Priscilla, take a spot on the bench, The rest, give you a minute to strategize.

Yixuan: Round one, Jianhong from Torrent, taking on Pohchoon from Zephyr. Pohchoon wins the rock, scissors, paper, Jianhong going first. Jianhong having a shot. It's a strike! Tremendous pressure for Pohchoon. Pohchoon takes a shot, and he hits 5 pins. Jianhong's turn, if he can hit 6, Torrent will score a point. Jianhong rolls the ball. And he hits 7 pins! TORRENT LEADS 1 - 0.

Yixuan: Second round, Siying from Zephyr taking on Jenyun from Torrent. Siying wins the rock, scissors, paper so Jenyun goes first. Jenyun hits 7 pins! Siying hits the gutter! Things are not looking good for Zephyr. Jenyun need only 4 pins to win this. And she hits 6 pins! TORRENT LEADS 2 - 0.

Yixuan: Round three, Zhenyang from Torrent taking on Waisin from Zephyr. We are playing to three, Torrent could win this challenge right here. Zhenyang wins the rock, scissors, paper, Waisin going first. Waisin drops the ball accidentally and the ball is rolling forward slowly, looks like Zephyr is in trouble. Surprisingly, Waisin hits all 10 pins! It's a strike! Zhenyang hits 8! Second ball, Waisin using all his might to roll the ball. He hits 7 pins! If Zhenyang scores a strike, Torrent will win this challenge. Can he do it? Zhenyang scored another 8! ZEPHYR ON THE BOARD WITH 1, Torrent still leading with 2.

Yixuan: Fourth round, Jezabel from Torrent taking on Baowen from Zephyr. Baowen wins the rock, scissors, paper so Jezabel goes first. Jezabel scores 7! Baowen scores 8! We are still playing to 3, Jezabel can win it for Torrent right now. Jezabel scores a 5! Baowen needs a 5 and better. Baowen takes a shot. It's a strike! ZEPHYR TIED UP THE MATCH WITH 2 - 2!

Yixuan: Final round, Siaun from Zephyr vs Timothy from Torrent! Siaun wins the rock, scissors, paper, Timothy preparing for his shot. Timothy hits 9 pins! Siaun hits 9 pins too! They are neck-in-neck! Timothy's second ball. He scores 8! Siaun needs to get 9 and more to win! Siaun scores 7! TORRENT WINS REWARD!

Jenyun: Yea!
Jezabel: Finally!

Yixuan: Congratulations to Torrent on ending your losing streak. Zephyr, I've got nothing for you, grab your stuff and head back to camp.

*Zephyr leaving*

Yixuan: Torrent, come and get your feast and head back to camp.

Jezabel (confessionals): I'm really ecstatic that we won this challenge. We have been losing too much!

Jianhong (confessionals): Looks like voting out Yanzhi was a correct move after all. We ended our losing streak once he goes home.

Torrent Camp

Timothy (confessionals) Once we got back to camp, I was keeping my eyes peeled for any clue to the hidden immunity idol hidden among the pizza but I didn't see anything.

Zhenyang: The pizza really hits the spot!
Jianhong: After so many days of suffering, we finally got our breakthrough!
Timothy: *thinking to himself* Could it be under a pizza?
Jenyun: The brownies are delicious!
Jezabel: And the beer is just refreshing!
Timothy: *thinking to himself* Oh it's in the brownie basket! Jenyun hasn't noticed it yet! *talking to Jenyun* Hey Jenyun, could you please pass me the brownies?
Jenyun: Sure! *passes over brownie basket* There you go!
Timothy: *stuffing clue into pocket* Thanks!

Timothy (confessionals): Hopefully nobody saw what I did. And if there is a new idol, it means Priscilla already used the previous one. How dare she steal my idol, I hope she gets voted off soon.

Day 20

Zephyr Camp

Ruth (confessionals): I went out to look for the idol before anyone else woke up.

Siying (confessionals): This morning, I saw Ruth sneaking out of camp when everyone else was still asleep. Being curious, I went to stalk her.

Ruth: Is this the bridge? This root looks like what the clue is mentioning. *digs around*
Siying: *hiding behind tree* She must have a clue to the hidden immunity idol!
Ruth: *digs up idol* Oh my god! I found it!
Siying: *walking out of her hiding spot* Ruth, what are you doing out here so early?
Ruth: Er, I've got good news, I found the hidden immunity idol!
Siying: Great, now we can even the numbers!

Ruth (confessionals): I was so happy when I found the idol. Then, I heard Siying's voice from behind. I was like "Oh man!"

Siying (confessionals): Luckily I stalked Ruth, now only she and I knows of that idol and we are going to use it to our advantage.

Torrent Camp

Timothy (confessionals): This morning, I finally got time on my own to look at the clue to the hidden immunity idol.

Timothy: Hmm, the clue says it's located near a stream. I wonder where could it be.

Jenyun: I wonder where did Timothy run off to?
Jianhong: Probably to find an idol? That would be bad for us!
Zhenyang: Should we go look for him?
Jenyun: I think it's fine. If he really finds the idol, we can force a tie by dumping 2 votes to Jezabel. I want the 3 of us to make the Final 3 regardless.
Jianhong: Sounds good!
Zhenyang: I will just go follow Timothy. Having an idol on our side isn't that bad.

Day 21

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Zephyr and Torrent walking in*

Yixuan: Alright, first things first, Priscilla, I will take back the idol.

*takes idol from Priscilla*

Yixuan: Once again, immunity is up for grabs. For today's challenge,

Both tribes will be belted together in pairs. They will race through the mud by going under and over a series of obstacles to retrieve a flag, then race back. The first pair back at their mat with their flag scores one point for their tribe.

Yixuan: The first tribe to get two points win immunity. Losers will have a date with me at Tribal Council tonight whereby one of you will be voted out. Because Torrent only has 5 members, one of the match-ups will be a one-on-one showdown. Zephyr, you have 2 extra members, who are you going to sit out? Keeping in mind you cannot sit out Ruth and Priscilla in this challenge.
Siying: Baowen and I will sit out.
Yixuan: Alright, Baowen and Siying take a spot on the bench. Everyone else given one minute to strategize.

Yixuan: First round, Pohchoon and Priscilla from Zephyr, taking on Jezabel and Jianhong from Torrent. Survivors ready, GO! Jezabel and Jianhong taking a quick start over Pohchoon and Priscilla as the slide through the first obstacle. Priscilla getting caught there. Pohchoon trying to pull Priscilla along! Jianhong starting to climb over the second obstacle. Jezabel has to go along as they are belted together! Priscilla got pass the first obstacle now. Pohchoon and Priscilla trying to catch up! Jianhong and Jezabel cleared the second obstacle! Pohchoon and Priscilla falling behind. Jianhong and Jezabel making quick work of the third obstacle! They got the flag and starts to make their way back! Pohchoon and Priscilla looks like they are giving up. Jianhong and Jezabel using the same technique to clear the obstacles. Pohchoon cleared the third obstacle. Priscilla having some trouble there. She seems out of breath! Jianhong and Jezabel makes it back! TORRENT LEADS 1 - 0!

Yixuan: Second round, Ruth and Siaun from Zephyr taking on Jenyun and Zhenyang from Torrent. If Torrent wins this round, it will be over for Zephyr. Survivors ready, GO! Ruth and Siaun and Jenyun and Zhenyang neck-in-neck as the approached the first obstacle. They are learning from the mistakes of Pohchoon and Priscilla as they make their way swiftly under it. Jenyun and Zhenyang with a slight lead. They are now making their way over the second obstacle. Ruth and Siaun following suit. Jenyun losing her footing! She fell backwards into the mud, pulling Zhenyang with her! That is going to cost them some time! Ruth and Siaun pulling ahead now, starting on the third obstacle. Jenyun and Zhenyang have to redo the second one. Ruth and Siaun squirming through and grabs their flag. They are making their way back! Jenyun and Zhenyang under that third obstacle now. Ruth and Siaun rushing back through the obstacles. Zhenyang grabs the flag and now making their way back. Ruth got stuck on the second obstacle! Jenyun and Zhenyang making up some ground there. Siaun helping Ruth to go across the obstacle. They are now under the first obstacle. Jenyun and Jianhong clearing the second obstacle. Ruth and Siaun on the mat! ZEPHYR SCORES!

Yixuan: We are tied, 1 - 1. Final round, it's a one-on-one showdown between Timothy from Torrent and Waisin from Zephyr. We are playing to 2. Winner of this round wins immunity for their tribe. Survivors ready, GO! Timothy blazing through the first obstacle. Waisin rushed forward and bumped into the obstacle! Timothy making quick work of the second obstacle, climbing up and down with much agility. Waisin squirming under the first obstacle. Timothy jumps into the mud and loses his footing! Waisin having an opportunity to catch up. Timothy recovering and carried on with the third obstacle. Waisin falling back yet again. Timothy got his flag! This could be the end for Zephyr! Waisin has to hustle! Timothy making his way back the third obstacle. Waisin over the third obstacle and grabs the flag! Timothy flipping himself over the second obstacle. Waisin trailing behind. Timothy sliding under the first obstacle. Timothy touches the mat! TORRENT WINS IMMUNITY!

*Torrent tribe cheering*

Yixuan: Congratulations Torrent, you have won immunity, safe for tonight's tribal council. *hands over immunity idol to Jenyun*
Jenyun: Thank you.
Yixuan: Zephyr, tribal council tonight whereby one of the 7 of you will be going home tonight. You have the afternoon to figure out who it's going to be. Grab your stuff and head back to camp.

Timothy (confessionals): I was racing my heart out just now to win immunity. Now that we've won, I don't have to worry about going home tonight!

Zephyr Camp

Ruth (confessionals): This sucks. We lost immunity and I have a feeling that one of the three original Zephyr girls will be on the chopping block. I certainly hope it's not going to be me or else I will have to flash the idol.

Pohchoon (confessionals): We are going to tribal tonight. Priscilla is hinting to me to take out Ruth but she has shown her strength in the immunity challenge. Also, she's not much of a threat as her closest ally is gone now. The worst she could do is to lobby towards Baowen and Siying. Whereas I think the pair of Priscilla and Siaun is more dangerous after the merge.

Priscilla (confessionals): I want to keep all my alliance safe tonight. And that includes both my ex-Torrent and Baowen and Siying. So most likely, my vote tonight will go to Ruth.

Pohchoon: Priscilla really performed badly during the immunity challenge today.
Waisin: Yeah, should we vote her out?
Pohchoon: I don't know. It seems that this is the best time to break up Priscilla and Siaun. If Priscilla continues to perform like that, we can easily defeat her after the merge. But Siaun will be more problematic.
Waisin: I understand. So it's going to be Siaun tonight?
Pohchoon: I guess so.

Waisin (confessionals): I don't like the Pohchoon's plan of gunning for our own people. After all, we should stick together to vote out the rest.

Priscilla: So it's going to be Ruth tonight?
Baowen: That is only if you promise us Final 3. I don't want to see my name written down next after Ruth leaves.
Priscilla: Deal *crosses fingers behind back*
Baowen: I will talk to Siying about it.

Priscilla (confessionals): If everything goes well, Ruth will be going home.

Baowen: Priscilla wants to vote for Ruth.
Siying: I don't think it's a very good idea. After all, I don't want to be on the wrong side of numbers.
Baowen: But what to do? There doesn't seem to be any crack in their four we can squeeze through.
Siying: If we have no other choice by tribal then we will vote Ruth.

Siying (confessionals): I know Ruth has the idol and I don't want it out so soon. It could be used in the future to probably safe myself. So I am really hoping for another option.

Pohchoon: Ruth, everyone is gunning for you right now.
Ruth: Really?
Pohchoon: Priscilla wants it that way. Probably because you are not close with anyone here.
Ruth: That's total crap.
Pohchoon: There's a way for you to be safe. You, me, Waisin, Baowen and Siying will vote for Siaun instead. Blindside Priscilla's closest ally.
Ruth: Hmmm, he's a strong player and is an asset to our tribe.
Pohchoon: But if he makes it to the merge, he's going to be tough to beat!
Ruth: If that can save me, then I'll do it!
Pohchoon: We have to tell Baowen and Siying.


Priscilla: Waisin, we are cool on voting Ruth right?
Waisin: Er, yeah...
Siaun: You don't sound too sure.
Waisin: It's like this, Pohchoon thinks you two are too close. But I don't really know what he's going to do about that.
Priscilla: What? He wants to blindside one of us?
Waisin: Not really, he just feels insecure.
Priscilla: Fine. *facing Siaun* I think we should talk to him.

Pohchoon: My current plan is to break up Priscilla and Siaun's alliance. They have been too tight such that Priscilla can pull an idol for Siaun!
Siying: Exactly!
Ruth: So what Pohchoon is proposing is to blindside Siaun and make Priscilla vulnerable.
Baowen: Why not vote Priscilla then? She's like the mastermind behind all this!
Pohchoon: Priscilla is weaker at challenges and we can win her easily after the merge. And once Siaun is gone, she's going to come to us again.
Siying: Hmm, that's a good idea. But we have to make sure no one leaks anything out.
Pohchoon: Don't worry, nothing will go wrong.

Baowen (confessionals): I really liked Priscilla and I hope the Final 3 deal I struck with her will still hold till then. I don't want a case whereby she begins to distrust me because of this stupid move. What should I do?

Waisin: Pohchoon talked to you?
Baowen: Yea.
Waisin: So you voting for Ruth or Siaun?
Baowen: I really don't know. I don't want to break my alliance but it seems the only way.
Waisin: You are in an alliance with Siaun?
Baowen: *thinking to herself* Oh shit! What did I say? *turning back to Waisin* Erm, I mean it's not nice to tell Priscilla one thing and do another.
Waisin: Oh. I really don't know who to vote.

Waisin (confessionals): Argh! So confusing! I am seriously not sure who to vote for right now. If what Baowen say is true, then Siaun is a more dangerous target! He is even in an alliance with Baowen! But I don't feel safe keeping Ruth around.

Priscilla: I heard that you are feeling insecure.
Pohchoon: About?
Priscilla: My alliance with Siaun.
Pohchoon: Oh that. *thinking to himself* Damn! Someone leaked!
Priscilla: I just want to reassure you that I want to keep the original alliance intact so that we can make it all the way.
Pohchoon: Alright, I just felt that you two were too close.
Priscilla: So we still set on voting Ruth?
Pohchoon: Yeah sure!

Priscilla (confessionals): Even though I have a guarantee from Pohchoon, I still feel uneasy about tonight's tribal.

Ruth (confessionals): Looks like I might not have to play the idol. But I will still bring it to tribal in the event that I need it.

Siying (confessionals): I hope Ruth doesn't pull out the idol tonight. I really want the idol to linger around slightly longer.

Tribal Council

*Zephyr tribe walking in and taking a seat*

Yixuan: Zephyr, welcome to Tribal Council. Let's take a look at the immunity challenge today. Priscilla, you were totally useless on the obstacle!

Priscilla: I think I wasn't ready for that challenge. All the mud stuck on my clothes. I weigh so much heavier all of a sudden. I just didn't have the strength to move myself.

Yixuan: So fatigue sets in just when you start the challenge. How do you view this, Ruth?

Ruth: I think it just shows the physical competitiveness of Priscilla. She's not ready for the physical challenges and if this goes on it might hurt the tribe.

Yixuan: Siying, you have always been labelled the weakest. Looks like now, Priscilla has taken over your throne.

Siying: I admit that I may not be the strongest one out here but being weak doesn't mean anything! We have our own strengths and our way to play the game. I admit I'm not as physically capable as some people but I'm decent in the puzzles. Priscilla is also strong in her own way, in terms of manipulative play!

Priscilla: Are you trying to say that I'm being manipulative?

Siying: Last tribal council, you talked your way into us just to get information on who you can use the idol on. That's pretty impressive.

Priscilla: If I remembered correctly, you guys shared the information willingly. I didn't do anything wrong to get that information.

Yixuan: So Siying, you just blurted out who to vote for and all of a sudden, an idol appeared to protect him.

Siying: Yes.

Yixuan: Siaun, they are talking about you. Anything to share?

Siaun: I must admit that I'm very close with Priscilla because we came from the same tribe. However, it was purely her decision to use the idol. I had no clue that she was holding on to that idol.

Pohchoon: So you admit you are close to Priscilla.

Siaun: Yes. I believe so.

Yixuan: Waisin, seeing how close these 2 are, don't you feel any worry?

Waisin: Of course, it will cause us to worry or even panic. If they are close, the chances of them turning against each other is quite low and that might probably cause us to be eliminated.

Yixuan: Judging from their relationship, you think you should break them up?

Waisin: I don't know about that.

Yixuan: You don't know? Pohchoon, what about you.

Pohchoon: Yes.

Yixuan: Ruth?

Ruth: I think so.

Yixuan: Siying? Baowen?

Siying: I am afraid they might do something funny so I will say yes.

Baowen: I don't think so. I mean ultimately you need a good alliance to get far into the game.

Yixuan: So Priscilla and Siaun, hearing their replies, are you worried at all?

Priscilla: Definitely. I thought we were all okay before coming here.

Siaun: Tribal Council does funny things to your mind. But I must emphasize that being here, I want to keep my alliances intact and I will vote to keep my alliance safe.

Yixuan: Speaking of that, Waisin, what will you base your vote on tonight?

Waisin: I will vote based on how far I can stay in this game. The vote tonight will help me to stay in this game as long as possible.

Yixuan: What about you, Baowen?

Baowen: I think I want to keep the tribe strong and my alliance stronger.

Yixuan: Alright, time for the vote. Siying, you are up.

*Siying voted*
Siying: I'm writing your name down not because I'm against you but I want to protect Ruth's idol.

*Priscilla voted*
Priscilla: I'm sorry that your name have to appear here. But I am left with no other choice.

*Siaun voted*
Siaun: You cannot win this game if you are a lone wolf. You need to have alliances and unfortunately, you don't.

*Ruth voted*
Ruth: I'm hoping that by writing your name down, it will keep me in this game for another 3 more days.

*Pohchoon voted*
Pohchoon: If only you two weren't that close, then I wouldn't have to put your name down.

*Baowen voted*
Baowen: I'm sorry it's going to be you. I really don't wish to write this name but this is crucial for me.

*Waisin voted*
Waisin: I am still in a very confused state. So I'm voting based on my gut instinct. And I am hoping my gut instinct is correct this time.

Yixuan: I will go tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and wants to play it, now will be the time to do so.

*Siying glanced at Ruth*

Yixuan: Alright, once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I will read the votes.

First vote, Ruth

Second vote, Ruth

2 votes Ruth.

Third vote, Siaun

That's 2 votes Ruth, 1 vote Siaun.

Fourth vote, Siaun

We are tied. 2 votes Ruth, 2 votes Siaun.

Fifth vote, Ruth

3 votes Ruth, 2 votes Siaun, 2 votes left.

Sixth vote, Siaun.

We are tied again. 3 votes Ruth, 3 votes Siaun. 1 vote left.

Ninth person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains and first member of our jury, Siaun

Yixuan: That's 4 votes, that's enough. I need you to bring me your torch.

Siaun: Damn. *walks over*

Yixuan: Siaun, your tribe has spoken. Time for you to go. *extinguishes torch*

Siaun: Good luck guys.

*Siaun walks off*

Yixuan: Looks like this tribe is starting to be divided and cracks are forming. We shall see how you guys tackle this situation. Also, you guys have noticed the jury has started to form. Grab your stuff, head back to camp.

Siaun: That was definitely a blindside. I didn't expect that to come. I think I said the wrong thing during Tribal. I shouldn't talk about my alliance with Priscilla and now it cost me. But being on the jury, I can see a clearer picture of the game now. I really enjoyed myself and wished my adventure could last longer.

Tribal Council #9:
Baowen - Ruth
Pohchoon - Siaun
Priscilla - Ruth
Ruth - Siaun
Siaun - Ruth
Siying - Siaun
Waisin - Siaun

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