Wednesday 25 June 2014

Survivor: Heroes vs Villains Episode 4

Episode 4

Links to past episode: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3

Episode 3 Recap

Previously on Survivor, Zephyr was celebrating voting out Hanwei which helped them to win the next challenge. In the meanwhile, Jezabel stumbled upon Yuyan's conspiracy. Angry that her closest ally, Celest, was voted out, she managed to work with Yanzhi and work the votes against Yuyan. Meanwhile, Siaun and Timothy worked hard to provide their tribe with energy and nutrients for the upcoming challenges. On the other hand, Priscilla sees that as an action to win over the girl's votes at Tribal Council. Back at Zephyr camp, Jianhong's insecurity in the tribe caused him to focus the tribe's attention on their weakest link, Siying. At the immunity challenge, Zephyr sat out Siying and proved their point by totally thrashing Torrent with a score of 8 - 0, sending Torrent to Tribal Council. Back at Torrent camp, Yanzhi and Jezabel scrambled for votes by surfacing Shelia and Yuyan's plot. At Tribal Council, Shelia went up against Jezabel, saying that she will be voted off because she has no alliance. However, Shelia's point was proven wrong when her closest ally, Yuyan, was blindsided 5 - 4 and became the third person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains.

17 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Night 8

Torrent Camp

Pohchoon (confessionals): This isn't good. Our tribe has been visiting too many Tribal Councils. At this rate, we are going to lose our numbers.

Shelia (confessionals): I am still trying to figure out what happened. Jezabel should be going home, not Yuyan. I am so dead.

Priscilla (confessionals): Last night, Yuyan was voted out and I'm now in the alliance of five. I hope this alliance will be strong enough to bring me to the Final 5.

Timothy (confessionals): With the loss of Yuyan. I'm trying to bring myself, Siaun and probably Shelia to the final tribal council. But by the looks of it, we might be picked off even before we merge.

Waisin (confessionals): My strategy to fly under all their drama is actually working. Oh yeah! I am loving myself! I rock!

Day 9

Zephyr Camp

Siying (confessionals): When I woke up this morning, everyone is still sleeping. I think I shall start preparing coffee for all of them.

*Siying opening the coffee jar and starts to scoop coffee powder out*

Siying: Why is there is piece of paper in it? *picks up and starts reading*

"An immunity idol is hidden at your camp,
And you have found the clue.
Hide it or share it; but use it wisely,
It's yours to choose what to do.

At the end of your beach, you will find the "right angle",
In a clearing are three sections of a tree.
One tall, one fallen, and one on the ground,
Dig under the rock, beneath the 90 degrees."

Siying: This is huge! I am keeping it to myself definitely.

Siying (confessionals): I have been targeted for the past 8 days. With this, I can guarantee myself safe for one more tribal council. I feel great!

Lisa: Guys, treemail!

"Choose from this mountain of goods,
Some items to help improve your life.
Work like a well-oiled machine,
To alleviate your hardship and strife."

Jenyun: Oh my god! It's a full catalog of good stuff!
Zhenyang: We are only allowed to pick two of them.
Jianhong: Pick the fishing kit. We can go out and fish for more food.
Erwitt: And the cooking set to cook the fishes we catch?
Ruth: Alright, let's settle on these 2 items!

Torrent Camp

Timothy: Let's pick the tarp, twine and multi-function tool set.
Siaun: Good idea and we have one more choice?
Waisin: How about camp comfort?
Priscilla: It doesn't help much. I rather have the fishing kit or the cooking set.
Jezabel: How about the tool box? It might come in handy.

Yanzhi: I say we go with the tool box.

Yixuan: Zephyr, come on in.

*Zephyr walking in*

Yixuan: Torrent, come on in.

*Torrent walking in*

Yixuan: Zephyr taking a first look at the Torrent tribe, Yuyan voted out the last Tribal Council.

Yixuan: Alright, are you guys ready for today's reward challenge?

*Survivors nodding head*

Yixuan: For today's challenge,

One member of each tribe will race head-to-head, sliding down a slippery course to retrieve a numbered ball that I will randomly assign each round. Once you have their ball, you must toss it in their basket. The first person to get their ball in their basket scores one point for their tribe. The first tribe to score four points wins the reward.

Yixuan: Alright, for your reward, you are asked to choose two items from a catalog. Zephyr chose a fishing kit and a cooking set. Torrent chose tarp, twine, multi-function tool and a well equipped tool box. Alright Zephyr, you have to sit out 2 woman. Torrent, you have to sit out a man. Keeping in mind you cannot sit out the same person in back to back challenges.

Jianhong: Siying and Jenyun sitting out.
Siaun: I'm sitting out.
Yixuan: Alright, Siying, Jenyun and Siaun take a seat on the bench. The rest of you, give you a minute to get ready.

Yixuan: Alright, round 1. It's Timothy from Torrent taking on Lisa from Zephyr. You are going for number 14. Survivors ready, GO! Timothy sliding down the course with ease. Lisa not sliding as far. Timothy reaching the ball first. Lisa is falling out of this challenge. Timothy getting ready to shoot. He misses! Lisa crawling to her feet and picking up her ball. Timothy making another shot. Timothy scores for Torrent! Torrent leads 1 - 0.

Yixuan: Next round. Shelia from Torrent taking on Baowen from Zephyr. You are going for number 9. Survivor ready, GO! Shelia taking a quick lead. Baowen right on her back. It's neck-in-neck, both got the balls at the same time. Shelia prepping up to shoot. Baowen getting ready to shoot. Shelia shoots and misses. Baowen taking a long shot. And it's in! We are now tied, 1 - 1.

Yixuan: Third round, Waisin from Torrent taking on Erwitt from Zephyr. You are going for number 2. Survivors ready, GO! Both survivors sliding across the slippery course. Erwitt taking the ball first. Waisin right behind. Erwitt taking his first shot. Waisin just reached the platform. Erwitt scores! Zephyr leads 2 - 1.

Yixuan: The next round, Ruth from Zephyr taking on Priscilla from Torrent. You are going for number 6. Survivors ready, GO! Ruth has a small lead over Priscilla. Priscilla fumbling on the slippery floor. Ruth got her ball and prepares to shoot. Priscilla just reached her ball. Ruth misses, but has lots of time to try. Priscilla aims. Ruth misses yet again! Priscilla scores! We are tied again, 2 - 2.

Yixuan: Next round, Jianhong from Zephyr taking on Yanzhi from Torrent. You are going for number 5. Survivors ready, GO! Yanzhi sliding ahead of Jianhong. Jianhong trying to pull Yanzhi back. Yanzhi with a kick and got his ball! Jianhong just behind. Yanzhi tosses the ball into the basket. Yanzhi scores for Torrent! Torrent now lead 3 - 2.

Yixuan: Round 6, Hexun from Zephyr taking on Pohchoon from Torrent. We are playing to 4, if Pohchoon scores, Torrent win reward. You are going for number 1. Survivors ready, GO! Both sliding down the path. Pohchoon knocking Hexun out of the way and grabs his ball. Hexun needs to recover lost time. Pohchoon is ready to shoot and he throws. But he misses! Hexun snagging the ball and making his way to the platform. Pohchoon making another shot and misses slightly. Hexun shoots! But it bounced out of the hoop. Pohchoon shoots again and he scores! TORRENT WINS REWARD!

*Torrent tribe cheering*

Yixuan: Alright Zephyr, I've got nothing for you. Grab your stuff, head back to camp. Congratulations Torrent, come and get your reward.

Torrent Camp

Pohchoon (confessionals): We emerged victorious and now we have tools to build a better shelter!

Jezabel (confessionals): All these while, I have been worrying about the hidden immunity idol and whether it has already entered the game.

Yanzhi: Let's unpack all the tools.
Siaun: *starts unpacking* Yup, we can see which items will be of higher value to us.
Timothy: *picking up handsaw* Hmm, there sure is a lot of stuff here. *looking inside handsaw holder* *thinking to himself* Why is there a note here? I think I should hide it first.

Priscilla (confessionals): While unpacking, I saw Timothy slip one of the tools into his back pocket. I wonder what it could be. I think I will confront him later and not make a big fuss here.

Timothy (confessionals): When I was unpacking, I noticed something odd about the shape of the handsaw holder. When I picked it up, I saw a note stuffed inside. Without a second thought, I slipped it into my back pocket hoping that nobody else has seen it.

*Timothy walking away from the tribe*
*Priscilla following behind*

Timothy: *taking the handsaw out and reading the note*

"An immunity idol is hidden at your camp,
And you have found the clue.
Hide it or share it; but use it wisely,
It's yours to choose what to do.

Head down to the beach to a crazy palm,
Which juts out over the sea.
Go just beyond it, and to the right,
And dig around the roots of the double tree."

Timothy: Oh man, this is great!
Priscilla: And if you don't share it, you will be forced to play it.
Timothy: *stunned* What?
Priscilla: How about this, I help you find the idol, you can hold on to it. But you will bring me to the final Tribal Council with you. It's either that or you will be getting the bulk of the votes at the next Tribal Council.
Timothy: Alright. Let's go find it now.

Priscilla (confessionals): I stalked Timothy and found out he has a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol. And I offered him to form an alliance and help him to find it. But it's going into my pocket.

Timothy (confessionals): I was too careless and now someone else knew about the idol. Damn.

Day 10

Zephyr Camp

Ruth (confessionals): Even though we lost the reward challenge yesterday, it's now a brand new day and I feel recharged for the next challenge tomorrow.

Siying (confessionals): I think I should start finding the Hidden Immunity Idol today. I don't want to get voted out if we lose tomorrow's immunity challenge.

Siying: Baowen, I have a secret to share with you.
Baowen: Yeah?
Siying: I have the clue to a hidden immunity idol!
Baowen: Don't joke. Are you serious?
Siying: Here it is.
Baowen: Oh my god. Let's go find it quickly!

Jianhong: I wonder what are those two up to. Running off like 2 little girls early in the morning.
Erwitt: I heard they were going to collect firewood.
Jianhong: And they seem so happy to collect firewood. Weird.

Ruth: Siying and Baowen are rushing off to the beach.
Jenyun: Just ignore them. They are always doing such stuff for the past 9 days.

Baowen: A right angle? Does the 3 sections of a tree form a right-angled triangle?
Siying: I have a feeling it's here. You see, there's a triangle!
Baowen: Let's start digging.
Siying: This part of the soil looks loose. Someone might have tampered with it. *digs loose soil*
Baowen: Could it be under a rock?
Siying: *pulls up idol and tucks it into her shirt* I don't know. I haven't found it yet.

Siying (confessionals): Even though Baowen is my closest ally as of now, I still prefer to trust no one and keep the idol to myself. That way, I can use it in case I am in trouble.

Baowen: Look, Jianhong and Erwitt are coming our way. Let's get out of here quick.

Baowen (confessionals): After reading Siying's clue to the immunity idol, the place we dug makes the most sense. But why can't we find it? Probably it's at the wrong place?

Torrent Camp

Priscilla (confessionals): Timothy and I have been finding the idol for 1 day already. I hope we can find it quickly before another person from our tribe uncovers another clue.

Timothy (confessionals): The clue to the idol is hard to decipher. I hope I cant engage more help but it would only be to my disadvantage.

Pohchoon: Priscilla and Timothy haven't been around camp the whole of yesterday. Could they be finding a hidden immunity idol?
Yanzhi: But we haven't even got a clue yet. I think you are thinking too much.
Pohchoon: I hope so.

Priscilla: Okay, you dig over there I dig over here.
Timothy: I can't believe we couldn't find after so long. Damn.
Priscilla: *thinking to herself* What's this? I better hide it from Timothy, it looks like the idol. *stuffs unknown stuff into bra*
Timothy: Maybe we deciphered the clue wrongly? Perhaps it's not supposed to be here? Hmm.

Priscilla (confessionals): I found the Hidden Immunity Idol right under Timothy's nose! The next thing to do is to kick him off so that no one in the tribe will know about this thingy's existence.

Day 11

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Zephyr and Torrent walking in*

Yixuan: Alright, you guys ready to get to today's immunity challenge?
Castaways: Yea!
Yixuan: First thing first, taking back the immunity idol.
*takes immunity idol back from Ruth*

Yixuan: Alright, immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge,

One person will be strapped inside of a giant ball. That person must then guide two other blindfolded tribe members as they push the ball down a long, winding course to a table maze. The person inside the ball must then guide four other tribe members, also blindfolded, as they maneuver a small ball through the table maze to the finish hole. The first tribe to finish wins immunity.

Yixuan: Winners get to live to see another day, losers, tribal council, another member going to be voted out tonight. Zephyr, you need to sit out 2 woman. You cannot sit out the same members in back-to-back challenges, meaning Siying and Jenyun must take part.
Erwitt: Baowen and Lisa.
Yixuan: Torrent, you have to sit out one man, you cannot sit out Siaun.
Waisin: I'm sitting out.
Yixuan: Baowen, Lisa, Waisin take a spot on the bench. Everyone else, give you a minute to strategize.

Yixuan: For Zephyr, Ruth strapped inside the ball. Jianhong and Erwitt pushing it. Siying, Jenyun, Hexun and Zhenyang doing the table maze. For Torrent, Pohchoon strapped inside the ball. Siaun and Timothy pushing it. Shelia, Priscilla, Yanzhi and Jezabel doing the table maze. Survivors ready, GO!

Yixuan: Pohchoon and Ruth shouting, trying to cover the opponent's voice. Zephyr getting a quick lead over Torrent. Pohchoon leading Torrent into a wall. Ruth taking the opportunity to overtake Torrent. Pohchoon redirecting Torrent back on course. Ruth leading Zephyr off course! Pohchoon overtaking Zephyr now. Zephyr getting back on track. It's now neck-in-neck. Torrent reaching the table maze seconds before Zephyr.

Yixuan: Siaun, Timothy, take out your blindfolds and arrange Pohchoon in place! Jianhong, Erwitt, take off your blindfolds and put Ruth in place. Both Ruth and Pohchoon leading their tribe in the table maze. They must go through 3 metal gates. Big immunity on the line. If Torrent loses this, their numbers will be severely affected. Pohchoon with great leadership skills and got the ball through the first gate. Ruth following straight behind. Pohchoon navigating through the maze with ease. Ruth stumbled over there. Torrent goes through the second gate. Zephyr trying to find the second gate. Oh no! Torrent's ball back-rolled into the second gate. Torrent losing precious time, allowing Zephyr to catch up. Zephyr and Torrent passing through the second gate at the same time, heading towards the third gate. Torrent pulled ahead once more!

Ruth leading Zephyr past the third gate. Torrent right behind. Ruth making a big move. If she succeeds, Zephyr will win immunity. Siying lifted the maze too slow! The ball rolled back the third gate! Torrent going past the last obstacle. TORRENT WINS IMMUNITY!

*Torrent tribe cheering*

Yixuan: Alright, Torrent, immunity is yours, safe at tonight's Tribal Council. Zephyr, after 11 days, one of you 9 will be going home. You have the afternoon to think about it.

*both tribes moving out*

Zephyr Camp

Erwitt (confessionals): We were leading during the table maze and because of Siying's delayed reaction, we lost immunity. It's clear cut who will be leaving tonight.

Jianhong (confessionals): It was so frustrating looking at Siying blowing another challenge. I am definitely writing her name down.

Siying (confessionals): During the challenge, the table maze was so heavy. And I think because I lifted the maze too late, we lost immunity. If the tribe is voting me tonight, I will have no choice but to pull out my idol.

Ruth: It wasn't entirely Siying's fault. It's just a case of bad co-ordination.
Hexun: Yeah, but it's caused by Siying. I think the boys will be campaigning to vote Siying off again.
Jenyun: Well, I am not so sure. Siying may be weak at challenges but looking at the long run, we can beat her easily at individual immunities.
Hexun: But by that time, our tribe would have dwindled down to none.
Jenyun: You have a point though.

Jianhong: Tonight, Siying is going home.
Erwitt: Yup. I totally can't stand her throwing challenges. We win when she sits out, we lose when she participates. This is ridiculous.
Lisa: I think we should vote her out tonight.
Jianhong: No point keeping her.

Baowen: Siying, I think they are voting you off tonight.
Siying: I know.
Baowen: And you don't have the idol.
Siying: *thinking to herself for a long time* Siying, let me show you this. *pulls out the hidden immunity idol*
Baowen: You found it?
Siying: Yup, after we left, I went back again and saw a loose spot in the soil.
Baowen: Great! So you play the idol and we kick out one of those mean boys.

Baowen (confessionals): My idea now is to flush out Siying's idol. I want it out quickly so that it doesn't get bounced onto me in future.

Siying (confessionals): Unless i can get enough votes, I have to play the idol tonight. I hope to get the girls to vote with me so that I can reserve the idol for another time.

Ruth: Hey Siying, are we going with our plan to take out Jianhong?
Siying: Well, I was thinking either Jianhong or Erwitt. Both of them think they are leaders and want to command the tribe. It's obnoxious.
Ruth: Heehee. Okay, so one of them will be going tonight?
Jenyun: I would say Jianhong. He is not that good at challenges and he is really bossy.
Siying: But first, we need to get the support of all the girls.
Ruth: I will go talk to Lisa.

Ruth (confessionals): I want to let Siying feel comfortable. So that she wouldn't blast at me during Tribal Council. I do not want to be targeted next time.

Ruth: We are voting Siying. But just play along with her.
Lisa: Alright. This is easy.

Zhenyang: So Siying tonight?
Jianhong: Yup, for her poor performance during the challenges and to revenge Hanwei.
Zhenyang: Alright. sounds good to me.

Siying: So tonight we are going to vote one of the guys?
Lisa: That's what Ruth told me.
Baowen: I was thinking if the guys in our tribe are gone, Torrent will have to sit out their strong guys during challenges. That way we might retain the upper hand.
Lisa: Oh! That's brilliant!
Siying: So that's set!

Siying (confessionals): I might not have to play the idol tonight. With the 4 girls on my side, I should be safe!

Tribal Council

*Zephyr tribe walking in and sitting down*

Yixuan: So let me get to know you guys better. After voting out Hanwei, your tribe did work better and won two straight challenges. But then, you also lost 2 straight challenges after that! Erwitt, what do you think contributed to that?

Erwitt: Without Hanwei's constant shouting, we are able to concentrate better and we can work much better together. However, we started to lose because we do have probably the weakest player left in the game.

Siying: *raises eyebrow*

Yixuan: Siying, you raised your eyebrow. You don't agree?

Siying: I know that he is referring to me. But, I must clarify that the challenges so far are all about team effort and team work. It's not up to one individual to win it.

Ruth: I agree to a certain extent. Yes, teamwork may be very important but if one part of the team isn't up to standard, the team will still lose.

Yixuan: Alright, so from what Ruth said, Zephyr has a weak link. Jianhong, how are you going to rectify this problem?

Jianhong: Simple, by voting the weakest link out. And by doing so, we can make our tribe stronger and probably do better in future challenges.

Siying: Ultimately, it's just the boys wanting to take control over the girls. They think they are the only ones contributing to the wins. But looking at the previous immunity challenge, the girls also helped to win.

Zhenyang: But you didn't.

Yixuan: Jenyun, how important are girls in this tribe?

Jenyun: Of course we are important. We are the ones doing most of the chores around camp while the guys go get food for us.

Yixuan: Hexun, what are you basing your vote on tonight?

Hexun: I am hoping that our tribe can become more united and work with more synergy to win the upcoming challenges.

Yixuan: The last time, Ruth mentioned that alliances are very important. How about now?

Ruth: Like I said, alliances can get you far. But you need the basics for you to reach a certain stage before the alliances can help you to get far. If the alliance get voted off one by one, you are as good as dead.

Yixuan: Lisa, do you think tonight's vote will help to strengthen the tribe?

Lisa: Definitely. We do want to win the rewards. And we want to win the immunities even more. So I am going to ensure that our tribe becomes stronger after this.

Siying: *thinking to herself* Ruth and Lisa doesn't seem like they are going with our plan. They want to strengthen the tribe so badly.

Yixuan: Alright, it's time to vote. Hexun, you are up.

*Hexun voted*
Hexun: Looks like it's end of the road for you.

*Baowen voted*
Baowen: You will definitely not see this coming.

*Jenyun voted*
Jenyun: Voting you out now would strengthen our tribe. Sorry.

*Zhenyang voted*
Zhenyang: I really don't want the girls to dominate over the guys, so this is a necessity.

*Ruth voted*
Ruth: Sorry girl, I wish I could keep you but I can't do anything rash now.

*Siying voted*
Siying: I really want to keep my idol, but after listening to you guys, to hell with it.

*Erwitt voted*
Erwitt: This time, I hope you have no more random reversals of votes to cause another blindside.

*Lisa voted*
Lisa: I really like you but this tribe needs to be strong.

*Jianhong voted*
Jianhong: It's time to avenge Hanwei. Goodbye.

Yixuan: Alright, I will go tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: After the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and wants to play it, now is the time to do so.

*brief silence*

Siying: Yixuan, I would like to play it.

*Zephyr tribe stunned and shocked*

Yixuan: The rules of Survivor states that if somebody plays the Hidden Immunity Idol, then any votes cast against that person will not count and the person with the next highest number of votes will be sent home. This is indeed the Hidden Immunity Idol, any votes casted against Siying does not count.

Yixuan: I will read the votes.

First vote, Siying.

Does not count.

Second vote, Siying.

Does not count.

Third vote, Siying,

Does not count.

Fourth vote, Siying.

Does not count. Nobody with any votes yet.

Fifth vote, Siying.

Does not count

*Siying heaved a sigh of relief*

Sixth vote, Siying.

Does not count.

Seventh vote, Siying.

Does not count. Still no one has any votes.

Eighth vote, Erwitt.

That's 1 vote Erwitt. 1 vote left.

Fourth person voted out Survivor: Heroes vs Villains, Erwitt.

Yixuan: That's 2 votes, that's enough.

Erwitt: Wow.

Jianhong: Not again.

Yixuan: Erwitt, I need you to bring me your torch.

*Erwitt walks over with his torch*

Yixuan: Erwitt, your tribe has spoken.

*puts out fire*

Erwitt: All the best guys.

*Erwitt walks off*

Yixuan: Looks like nobody knew that the Hidden Immunity Idol is in play now. Should make it interesting for the next few days. A note to all, a new Hidden Immunity Idol will be planted at your camp. Grab your stuff, head back to camp.

Erwitt: I didn't know the Hidden Immunity Idol has entered play. If I had known earlier, I would have split votes between Siying and Baowen. Looks like I have no one to blame. I really enjoyed my 11 days out here and hope everyone remaining the best of luck to win the Torrent tribe without me.

Tribal Council #4:
Baowen - Erwitt
Erwitt - Siying
Hexun - Siying
Jenyun - Siying
Jianhong - Siying
Lisa - Siying
Ruth - Siying
Siying - Erwitt
Zhenyang - Siying

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