Wednesday 25 June 2014

Survivor: Heroes vs Villains Episode 6

Episode 6

Links to past episode: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5

Episode 5 Recap

Previously on Survivor, Siying's usage of the Hidden Immunity Idol caused tension and paranoia in the Zephyr camp. Before the reward challenge, a twist was revealed. The castaways are forced to switch tribes, leaving an equal number of 4 Zephyr and 4 Torrent members in the new tribes. At the reward challenge, Torrent decided to work with their old tribe mates and pulled off a victory. During the reward, Jianhong and Zhenyang shared what happened during the previous immunity challenge and revealed the appearance of the Hidden Immunity Idol, but Lisa is disapproving of what they are doing. During the immunity challenge, Lisa stumbled very badly in the blindfold, causing Zephyr to win with a huge lead. Back at camp, Jianhong and Zhenyang decided to flip and vote out Lisa, while striking a deal with Yanzhi to vote out an original Torrent after that. At the tribal council, Lisa was attacked for her poor performance during the immunity challenge but she deflected them to Jenyun who didn't participate. In the end, it was an unanimous decision as Lisa was sent home with 7 of the 8 votes, causing her to be the 5th person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains.

15 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Night 14

Torrent Camp

Yanzhi (confessionals): Jianhong and Zhenyang thinks they have the game in control. They thought I would let my numbers drop. They are going to be picked off one by one.

Jenyun: That wasn't a nice Tribal Council. I didn't expect Lisa to shoot me like that.
Jianhong: I have a bad feeling about this. Now that they have the upper hand, do you think we are going to be picked off?
Jenyun: I've been talking to Jezabel. She wants Shelia gone. I think we can make this into our advantage.
Zhenyang: I really hope so. If not, we will be gone one by one.

Zhenyang (confessionals): I am very uneasy. I can't help but to feel that Jianhong or myself are next on the Torrent chopping block.

Timothy: Cheers to us having the majority now.
Yanzhi: Yup. They are gone. I can't believe they are so easily bought over.
Shelia: I am loving this more and more. We are in such a strong position right now.
Jezabel: All the way to the Final 4!

Jezabel (confessionals): I wanted to take Shelia out the last time, but after that numbers will not be on my side. So I had to wait for one of the ex-Zephyr members to go first. Now will the best time for me to execute my plan.

Day 15

Zephyr Camp

Ruth: Treemail!

"When things look desperate,
never lose hope.
Never throw in the towel,
and you just have to cope.
And never, ever give up,
even when you're at the end of your rope."

Baowen: Is this reward or immunity?
Hexun: By right, it should be reward this time.
Priscilla: But there's no hint of any reward or sorts.
Siaun: We will know after we are there!

Torrent Camp

Timothy: If this is immunity, we cannot afford to lose another member.
Yanzhi: I really hope it's reward. I need the reward badly.

Zhenyang: I have a bad feeling that this is immunity and we have to send someone home tonight.

Jianhong: Stop being so paranoid. We will win this.

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Zephyr and Torrent tribe walking in*

Yixuan: Zephyr, take a first look at the new Torrent tribe, Lisa voted out the last Tribal Council.

Ruth: Aww.
Yixuan: Ruth, disappointed?
Ruth: Yeah, that makes the original Zephyr down to 7.
Yixuan: We will see how it turns out. First things first, I'll take back the immunity idol.

*walks over to Baowen and takes immunity idol*

Yixuan: Once again, immunity is up for grabs. Today's challenge will be slightly different. For today's challenge, you will be competing against members from your own tribe for this.

*removes blanket and reveals a necklace*

Yixuan: This is individual immunity because tonight, both tribes will be going to Tribal Council. Both tribes will be voting somebody out and this is the chance to make sure this is not you.

Jezabel: Wow.

Yixuan: Here's how it goes. For today's challenge,

Each person will be attached to a long rope that is threaded through a series of obstacles. You will climb over, crawl under and maneuver around these obstacles as they make their way to the finish. The first person to the finish wins individual immunity. After both tribes have run the challenge, the two winners, one from each tribe, will square off in showdown.

Yixuan: And here comes the reward. Winner will win for their tribe hot dogs, condiments, fixings and soft drinks which you guys will enjoy while sitting in on the other tribe's Tribal Council. So you will win food and in addition, some insights into how the other teams is getting along after the tribe switch. A lot at stake. You will play rock, paper, scissors to determine who goes first.

Yixuan: Zephyr wins the rock, paper, scissors and decided Torrent will be going first. Zephyr, take a spots on the bench, Torrent, we will get you hooked up.

Yixuan: For individual immunity, survivors ready? GO! Jianhong in the lead, throwing himself around the obstacles. Jezabel right behind him. Jenyun is squirming through the course. Zhenyang sliding through quickly. Yanzhi is stuck early. Shelia is having difficulty. Timothy moving through with ease. Timothy now in the lead. Zhenyang zipping through the course. Shelia and Yanzhi falling out of the challenge. Jezabel going up and down through the obstacles. Jenyun catching up to the front. Jianhong getting stuck in the middle. It's now Timothy, Jenyun and Zhenyang leading. Jezabel right behind. Jenyun is the first to finish the first section! Zhenyang neck-in-neck with Jenyun to the second section. Timothy falling behing. Yanzhi overtaking Jianhong. Jianhong's rope is in tangled up! Shelia moving very slowly. Zhenyang squirming around the second section of the puzzle. Jenyun have to hustle. Zhenyang cleared the second section. ZHENYANG WINS INDIVIDUAL IMMUNITY!

Yixuan: Zhenyang, congratulations. Torrent, take a spot on the bench, Zephyr, we'll hook you up.

Yixuan: Will Zephyr learn anything after watching Torrent clear the obstacles? For individual immunity, survivors ready? GO! Ruth and Siaun taking a quick lead over the rest. Baowen quickly falling behind, unable to figure out the ropes. Waisin is not looking good. Priscilla fighting to stay in this. Pohchoon making quick work of the obstacle, he's now in the lead. Siying trying to flip herself over the obstacle. You need to be daring to finish this quickly. Hexun now stuck in the middle of the first section. Baowen finding herself stuck once again! Siaun finishing the first section. Ruth finishing the first section. It's now between Siaun and Ruth. Pohchoon right behind! Baowen, Priscilla, Waisin and Hexun is lagging far behind! Ruth and Siaun continues to dominate as they entered the second section. Pohchoon not giving up. Siying right behind Pohchoon. Siaun getting caught in the rope! Ruth pulling ahead. Only one of them will get the immunity idol. Siaun has to break free of the ropes. Ruth squirms out from the last rope knot. RUTH WINS INDIVIDUAL IMMUNITY!

Yixuan: Congratulations Ruth! Now for the showdown. Ruth and Zhenyang, come on over, we will hook you up. This is a three tier puzzle, you will have to climb up, down and over the obstacles. Winner wins for their tribe food and knowledge of the other tribe's dynamics.

Yixuan: Survivors ready? GO! Zhenyang getting a slight headstart, pushing himself up the obstacle. Ruth straying right behind. Zhenyang making his way around the obstacles very quickly and swiftly. Ruth not losing out. Ruth making a bold move going through many ropes at once. And she did it! Ruth is now in the lead. Zhenyang right behind! They are entering the second part of the obstacle. Ruth not panicking. Zhenyang speeding up, overtaking Ruth. Nobody wants to give up on the hot dogs. Zhenyang trying to squirm across the rope. But he failed. He almost fell and is down hanging upside down from the rope, his leg getting caught in a tangle. Ruth overtaking him slowly. Zhenyang has to recover from his situation fast. Ruth climbing across to the final part. Zhenyang still trying to pull himself back on course. Ruth pulling ahead, Zhenyang is back on course. He really has to hustle now to get back in the game. Ruth turning herself over the final log. ZEPHYR WINS REWARD!

Baowen: Yes!

Yixuan: Here's how it works. Zephyr will go to Tribal Council first, and after that, sit on the jury bench to enjoy their reward while listening in to Torrent's Tribal Council. Ruth, Zhenyang, you are safe from tonight's vote. The rest of you, have the afternoon to decide who it will be.

Zephyr Camp

Pohchoon (confessionals): Sucks. This is the first time winning a challenge doesn't mean anything. And we still have to attend Tribal Council.

Ruth (confessionals): Having the immunity necklace ensures that I'm safe but now, I really don't know how I should vote. If we force a tie, we might be picking rocks. So I am really going to see how we can do this.

Siying (confessionals): I hate going to Tribal Council. My name will always be brought up. And this is going to be the third time now.

Baowen: So the plan is this, we will work on Priscilla to flip and take out one of their stronger player. Either Pohchoon or Siaun.
Siying: But what if Priscilla forces a tie?
Ruth: I doubt it, we will be picking rocks if she does that.
Hexun: Hope we can emerge unscathed.

Priscilla (confessionals): I have a feeling the idol has to be played tonight. I don't want me picking the rock which will send me home.

Baowen: Priscilla, we have a suggestion.
Siying: Yeah, we will form an all-female alliance and kick out the guys one by one.
Priscilla: Who are you guys thinking of?
Siying: I think either Siaun or Pohchoon. They can be threats after we merge and beat us during the immunity challenges.
Priscilla: Hmm, that sounds like a good plan. But we only have 4 girls.
Siying: Ruth was thinking of bringing Hexun on board and kicking him off when needed.
Priscilla: That's worth considering. I would say take out Siaun. He has more alliances on the other side.
Baowen: Alright!

Pohchoon: So if the 4 of us stick together and vote out their guy, it would still be a tie.
Waisin: Unless their votes are not together.
Siaun: Let's scam Hexun into voting one of themselves. Probably Siying, cause she's currently our weakest link.
*Priscilla walks over*
Priscilla: They are voting you Siaun. Baowen and Siying told me so.
Siaun: What? That is funny.
Pohchoon: We are going to split their votes. Making Hexun vote one of them girls. Then, we can send him him with 4 votes.
Waisin: Let's make our plan work

Priscilla (confessionals): Looks like I can save my idol for tonight!

Pohchoon: We are getting rid of Siying. And we are offering you a Final 5 if you work with us to vote for Siying.
Hexun: That's tempting, but I would have to think about it first.
Pohchoon: Well, you have until Tribal. If a tie occurs, we will all be in trouble.

Hexun (confessionals): A final five alliance is nice. But I don't want to break what I have now.

Torrent Camp

Jianhong: So according to our agreement, Shelia should be going next right?
Yanzhi: Definitely. If we all vote for her, she should be leaving for sure.
Jianhong: Nice working with you.

Jianhong (confessionals): I think I am in a very comfortable position right now. With them and Zhenyang, I am hoping to make the final 4.

Yanzhi (confessionals): Poor Jianhong. He doesn't know the votes are going his way tonight.

Jezabel: There's a way for the 3 of you to be safe tonight.
Jenyun: Really?
Jezabel: But you guys have to promise me final 4 with you all for this to work.
Jenyun: Tell me about it.
Jezabel: I am the swing vote now. Shelia wants to take Timothy and Siaun into the final 3 because she can ride their coattails in and win the jury easily.
Jenyun: So you want to vote out Shelia tonight?
Jezabel: Yes.

Jezabel (confessionals): It's time to make my move now. And after this, I am hoping that I can get back into a solid alliance.

Yanzhi: So our plan right now is to get rid of Jianhong. He's the biggest threat right now.
Timothy: And after this, we should be in a very safe position at least until the merge.
Yanzhi: I really hope this works out. I don't want another alliance member going home tonight.

Jianhong: We are voting out Shelia tonight.
Zhenyang: Are you sure? I think it would be better to get rid of one of those brains.
Jianhong: Yanzhi?
Zhenyang: He is quite scheming from my point of view. I am afraid he has been pulling our strings ever since the tribe swapped.
Jianhong: We shall see at tonight's vote.

Shelia: Sorry about last time. I didn't mean those harsh words.
Jezabel: It's alright. It's just a game right?
Shelia: Let's bury the hatchet and bring ourselves into the final 3 with Timothy. We can do it definitely.
Jezabel: That is very nice.
Shelia: We will be voting out Jianhong.
Jezabel: Sure!

Jezabel (confessionals): She apologized is now offering me a Final 3. What should I do now? This is indeed a headache. Who should I vote for now?

Tribal Council

*Zephyr tribe walking in*

Yixuan: So this is your first Tribal Council as a mixed tribe. Priscilla, how do you find the other tribe?

Priscilla: I get along very well with the girls, Ruth, Siying and Baowen. But Hexun strikes off as a very quiet and introvert type of person.

Hexun: *raises eyebrow* Really?

Priscilla: Well I haven't got the chance to talk to you in the past 4 days.

Yixuan: So is this the first time you two spoke?

Priscilla: Probably? Haha.

Yixuan: Let's get to the challenge, Siaun and Ruth were neck-in-neck during the second section when suddenly Ruth emerged out of those entangled ropes to claim immunity. Siaun, how are you feeling?

Siaun: That sucks. I was so close and I didn't expect for a moment I would lose to Ruth.

Ruth: That was really a close fight. I got lucky when the ropes sort of gave way for me. And I can squeeze through it easily.

Yixuan: And you moved on to beat Zhenyang during the showdown.

Ruth: I was really lucky on that one. He got trapped within his own ropes.

Yixuan: So I see that this tribe is somehow still divided. How is that going to affect your vote tonight?

Pohchoon: I hope it won't affect. If not, we will be forcing a tie and both sides might have to pick rocks and see who's unlucky.

Hexun: I mean your old alliances are definitely important and they are those you trust. So it's hard to turn against them.

Yixuan: Baowen, will your vote strengthen your alliance or the tribe as a whole?

Baowen: I would say my alliance. As Ruth always emphasized, alliances are what will bring you through to the end.

Yixuan: I see. Waisin, what about you?

Waisin: I would prefer to strengthen the tribe so that we won't have to come back here again. That way, we will still be strong in terms of alliances.

Yixuan: Siying, does that worry you? After all, you have been labelled the weakest the past 2 Tribal Councils and received the most votes in the original Zephyr tribe.

Siying: When you are sitting here without the necklace, you should be worried. So yes, I really hope it isn't me tonight.

Yixuan: Alright it's time to vote. Ruth you have the immunity necklace, are you giving it up?

Ruth: Nope.

Yixuan: Okay, you cannot vote for Ruth, everyone else is fair game. Priscilla, you are up.

*Priscilla voted*
Priscilla: Obviously I am going to play my idol to keep my Torrents strong. You are just an unlucky target.

*Waisin voted*
Waisin: I won't have to scramble like a scrambled egg if I vote you out.

*Baowen voted*
Baowen: Hoping that Priscilla keeps to her word and vote with us.

*Siaun voted*
Siaun: I really feel insecure after what Priscilla told me.

*Siying voted*
Siying: I am sick and tired to be at the bottom. Please leave so that I can stop scrambling for awhile.

*Ruth voted*
Ruth: We need the numbers, and unfortunately, you aren't one of them.

*Hexun voted*
Hexun: I just pray that I am not played by the Torrent people.

*Pohchoon voted*
Pohchoon: Everything will be fine as long as it goes according to my master plan.

Yixuan: I will go tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately. If anyone has the Hidden Immunity Idol and would like to play it, now will be the time to do so.

*everyone looks around*

Priscilla: I would like to play it, but not for myself. Siaun, here you go.

Siaun: Wow, thanks! I will play it then.

Yixuan: The rules of Survivor states that if anyone plays the Hidden Immunity Idol, then any votes cast against that person will not count and the person with the next highest number of votes will be sent home. This is indeed the Hidden Immunity Idol, any votes casted against Siaun will not count.

Ruth: Not again.

*Siying, Baowen and Hexun looks shocked*

*Pohchoon and Waisin laughing*

Yixuan: I will read the votes.

First vote, Siaun.

Does not count.

Second vote: Siaun.

Does not count.

Third vote, Siaun.

Does not count.

Fourth vote, Siaun.

Does not count.

Fifth vote, Hexun.

That's 1 vote Hexun.

Hexun: Damn. *looks over at Pohchoon*

Sixth vote, Hexun.

That's 2 votes Hexun. 2 votes left.

Sixth person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains, Hexun.

Hexun: This is incredible.

*Ruth stands up and gives him a hug*

Yixuan: That's 3 votes, that's enough. I need you to bring me your torch.

*Hexun walks over with torch*

Yixuan: Hexun, the tribe has spoken. *extinguishes Hexun's torch*

Hexun: Good luck Ruth.

*Hexun walks off*

Yixuan: Looks like it was a nicely planned blindside yet again. Take a spot on the bench and enjoy your reward.

Hexun: I didn't expect 2 Hidden Immunity Idols in back-to-back Tribal Councils. I was totally shocked. However, I learnt that I can do well if I put my mind into it. Sad that I have to take such an early exit.

*Torrent walking in*

Yixuan: Torrent, taking a first look at the new Zephyr tribe. Hexun, voted out just now. Zephyr, you may start eating. You will stop when their Tribal Council ends.

Yixuan: So Torrent, you are back again after one day. Jenyun, are you at all worried that the original Zephyr members will be picked off one by one? Seeing that another Zephyr member was voted out in the new Zephyr tribe.

Jenyun: That's definitely a worry but I am sure that we can work things out.

Yixuan: Shelia, how comfortable are you in today's Tribal Council?

Shelia: You can never be too comfortable because once you become overconfident, you are out.

Timothy: And we have to remain vigilant at all times with the presence of the Hidden Immunity Idol.

*at the jury bench*

Ruth: *looks at hot dog* *thinking to herself* Why is there a parchment here? Better keep it. *quickly hides parchment into shirt*

Yixuan: Zhenyang, how disappointed are you when you got tangled up at the obstacle?

Zhenyang: Definitely. I was very sure that I could win it but who knows, I got caught up in the ropes and lost.

Yixuan: Jenyun, if Zhenyang doesn't have the necklace, does it warrant a reason to vote him out?

Jenyun: I don't think so. Zhenyang has been performing very well for the past few challenges and is definitely an asset.

Yixuan: Yanzhi, what do you think is more important? Alliance or strength?

Yanzhi: I think both are equally important. You need both to get far in the game.

Jezabel: I think that trust is far more important. You can't go around lying to everyone and expect to go far.

Yixuan: Jianhong, what about you?

Jianhong: I just hope that who I trust is worth trusting. And I don't get stabbed in the back.

Yixuan: Alright it's time to vote. Zephyr, I need you to stop eating and head back to camp.

*Zephyr walking out*

Yixuan: Zhenyang, you have the immunity necklace, I don't suppose you are giving it up.

Zhenyang: Nope.

Yixuan: You cannot vote for Zhenyang, everyone else is fair game. Jenyun, you are up.

*Jenyun voted*
Jenyun: You should have kept your chess pieces in check. Too bad for you now.

*Timothy voted*
Timothy: This is getting a little way too easy for me.

*Jianhong voted*
Jianhong: Hoping and praying that Jezabel can be trusted.

*Yanzhi voted*
Yanzhi: Shame on you for falling for such a lame trick.

*Shelia voted*
Shelia: This is going to solidify my alliance with my tribe.

*Jezabel voted*
Jezabel: Keeping me on the outs was one huge mistake than you cannot undo.

*Zhenyang voted*
Zhenyang: I hope this works out. If not, I would be in deep shit next tribal council.

Yixuan: I will go tally the votes,

*collects vote*

Yixuan: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately. If anyone has the Hidden Immunity Idol, now will be the time to play it.


Yixuan: I'll read the votes..

First vote, Jianhong.

1 vote Jianhong.

Second vote, Shelia.

We are tied. 1 vote Shelia, 1 vote Jianhong.

Third vote, Jianhong

That's 2 votes Jianhong, 1 vote Shelia.

Fourth vote, Jianhong.

That's 3 votes Jianhong, 1 vote Shelia.

Fifth vote, Shelia.

3 votes Jianhong, 2 votes Shelia. 2 votes left.

Sixth vote, Shelia.

We are tied again. 3 votes Shelia, 3 votes Jianhong. 1 votes left.

Seventh person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains, Shelia.

Yixuan: I need you to bring your torch.

*Shelia walks over*

Yixuan: Shelia, the tribe has spoken. *extinguishes torch*

Shelia: Good luck guys.

Yixuan: Torrent, grab your stuff, head back to camp. Tomorrow will be a long day.

Shelia: I was disappointed that one of us flipped. But I guess that proves that I'm a threat and they feel threatened by me. Nevertheless, I'm proud of how I played this game and how I can endure such conditions. I think I have grown a lot through this experience.

Tribal Council #6:
Baowen - Siaun
Hexun - Siaun
Pohchoon - Hexun
Priscilla - Hexun
Ruth - Siaun
Siaun - Hexun
Siying - Siaun
Waisin - Hexun

Tribal Council #7:
Jenyun - Shelia
Jezabel - Shelia
Jianhong - Shelia
Shelia - Jianhong
Timothy - Jianhong
Yanzhi - Jianhong
Zhenyang - Shelia

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