Wednesday 25 June 2014

Survivor: Heroes vs Villains Episode 3

Episode 3

Links to past episode: Episode 1 Episode 2

Episode 2 Recap

Previously on Survivor, the Zephyr tribe returned from a shocking Tribal Council whereby Hanwei got blindsided. Feeling on the outs, the guys on Zephyr tribe started to work harder so that the girls wouldn't pick them off. The Torrent tribe, despite winning the Immunity Challenge, started to conflict, causing the whole tribe to literally split into two. Back at the Zephyr tribe, the girls discussed about how easily Lisa can swing her vote and doubted her loyalty. At the Reward and Immunity Challenge, the Zephyr tribe managed to work well together and completed their staircase with ease. With Tribal Council looming over Torrent, Celest and Yuyan went on to lead the tribe to vote against each other. When Jezabel overheard that almost the whole tribe has an alliance with Shelia and Yuyan, she decided that it's not safe to vote against them. At Tribal Council, Yuyan aimed Celest at causing them to lose immunity. Despite pleading her case, Celest was still on the outs. In the end, the Torrent tribe sealed her fate with an unanimous vote, causing Celest to be the second person voted out.

18 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Night 6

Torrent Camp

Jezabel (confessionals): What I found out just before the Tribal Council was that Shelia and Yuyan has made a Final 3 pact with almost everybody in the tribe. But I don't think that they know it. What I have to do to ensure my survival now is to reveal this conspiracy but I shouldn't do it too obvious.

Yuyan (confessionals): I am feeling in a very comfortable position right now. Celest was voted out. And Jezabel will be the next to go. And with my alliance with almost everyone else, I can easily pick them off one by one.

Yanzhi (confessionals): We voted off Celest during the last Tribal Council. I hope that after this, our tribe can work more cohesively together.

Day 7

Zephyr Camp

Ruth (confessionals): We won the previous immunity challenge. This should prove that voting off Hanwei was a correct decision made. Now all we have to do is to keep the tribe strong and win challenges.

Baowen (confessionals): Winning the previous immunity challenge, we got ourselves tarp and we can finally keep ourselves warm!

Jianhong: Let's try putting these tarps on.
Erwitt: We should do it quickly. Looks like another storm is heading our way.
Ruth: I can help you guys if you want.
Erwitt: Sure thing, hold up that part while we secure this area.
Jianhong: Anyway, just a random thought, who do you have in mind for the next boot?
Ruth: Geez, I've got no idea yet.
Erwitt: I'm still set on Siying. She's still our weakest link.

Jianhong (confessionals): The thought of Hanwei's blindside is still lingering in my head. I don't want to be the next to go off like that. It's just too sudden and unpredictable.

Ruth (confessionals): So there I was helping the guys to put up the tarp and Jianhong raised the issue about the next boot. In my mind, I was like 'Gosh, this guy is super competitive.' I don't think we should keep him after the merge. He's just going to turn on us to further his game.

Zhenyang: Let's go and find some food. We need to recharge before our next immunity challenge.
Jenyun: Yup.
Baowen: Alright, count me in.

Baowen (confessionals): When I saw Zhenyang and Jenyun heading out into the woods, I tagged along so that I can try to learn some information about what they are thinking.

Zhenyang: There are still many challenges coming up before the merge. We definitely need to keep the tribe strong.
Jenyun: I know. So are you hinting that Siying should go next?
Zhenyang: That's probably the best results we can get.
Baowen: Oh well, we should discuss this after seeing how Siying performs in the challenge.
Jenyun: That's a fair assessment.
Zhenyang: Hmm, alright ba. Sounds logical to me too.

Jenyun (confessionals): Personally, I think that keeping Siying in the long run can benefit me because I can see myself beating her easily in the immunity challenges after the merge. Also, Siying can be an important number for us to be in the majority.

Baowen: Siying, we have to win this challenge. You are on the chopping block again.
Siying: What? Me?
Baowen: Yes you.
Siying: We have to divert their attention to someone else again.
Baowen: We have to stir some shit about Lisa or Hexun. Try to convince the others that they are not trustworthy because they flipped that time.
Siying: Brilliant.

Siying (confessionals): For some reason, I became the center of attention again. I really don't wish to be voted out.

Torrent Camp

Siaun: Guys, we caught some fishes!
Timothy: Time for a seafood platter!
Siaun: Shelia, help us prepare to cook these babies! Priscilla, could you prepare the fire?

Siaun (confessionals): Timothy and I went out early in the morning to catch some seafood for the tribe. And of course we talked about strategy and stuff. And we feel that at this point of time, aligning ourselves with Yuyan and Shelia is our best bet. So we are most probably going to boot Jezabel next.

Priscilla (confessionals): So early in the morning, Siaun and Timothy went fishing. They are like trying very hard to take control of the tribe. But personally, I think it's bullshit. They are starting to annoy me.

Waisin (confessionals): I think that everybody in the tribe has been contributing to the daily chores. I hope that we can continue to keep this spirit up.

*Yuyan, Shelia and Timothy walks into forest*
*Yanzhi crept up behind them*

Timothy: I was thinking probably we can get Siaun in with us for the time being. At least we can guarantee our numbers.
Shelia: That's a good idea. After this, we vote off Jezabel. And if need be, Pohchoon, Yanzhi and Waisin can be next to go.
Yuyan: Either of the guys could be huge threats in the individual immunity. So we need you to be strong and win them.
Shelia: And our original 4 can easily be the majority.
Yanzhi: *eavesdropping and whispering to himself* Oh my god. This is huge.

Yanzhi (confessionals): When I saw the 3 of them slipping into the forest, I somehow did not feel right. So I followed them and unraveled a huge secret. Right now, I don't know who to share it with as I'm not sure who's tight with Shelia and Yuyan.

Waisin: The seafood smells good.
Priscilla: Yeah. We need to get recharged before the next challenge. We can't afford to lose another member.
Pohchoon: Hopefully, we can win the next immunity challenge so that we won't have to see Yixuan's face at tribal again.

Day 8

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Zephyr walking in, Torrent following behind*

Yixuan: Zephyr taking a first look at the new Torrent tribe. Celest voted out at the last Tribal Council.

Yixuan: Guys, ready to get to your next challenge?
Waisin: Let's rock and roll.
Yixuan: First thing first, *getting immunity idol from Lisa* once again immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge,

You are going to square off one-on-one sumo-style. Using a large, heavy bag, you will attempt to knock your opponent off of the platform and into a pit of mud. Two rules, you must keep their hands on the bag at all times and cannot use their legs as a weapon. The first tribe to score eight will win immunity and safe from the vote. Losers go to Tribal Council where somebody will be voted out of this game. In addition, you are once again playing for reward. First we have luxury items, each of you brought one item from home to remind you of the love you left behind. In addition, you are playing for coffee, sugar, and one week’s supply of rice.

Yixuan: We need an equal number of women and men on each side. Zephyr, you are sitting out a woman. Torrent, you have to sit out a man.
Siying: I'm sitting out.
Waisin: I'm sitting out.
Yixuan: Siying and Waisin sitting out, you two take a spot on the bench. Everybody else, give you a minute to strategize and change clothes if you like.

Yixuan: First round, Hexun for Zephyr, taking on Yanzhi from Torrent. Survivors ready, GO! Hexun rams into Yanzhi. Yanzhi blocks it and made a quick turnaround. Yanzhi slides and pushed against Hexun's legs. Hexun lost balance. Yanzhi made another push but Hexun making a quick recovery! Hexun spun around and pushed Yanzhi back. Yanzhi couldn't control his movement. Yanzhi flew out of the platform. Zephyr leads 1 - 0!

Yixuan: Round 2, Baowen from Zephyr, taking on Yuyan from Torrent. Survivors ready, GO! Baowen made a dash towards Yuyan. Yuyan was caught off guard! Yuyan slid straight into the mud! Zephyr leads 2 - 0!

Yixuan: Round 3. Erwitt from Zephyr against Pohchoon from Torrent. Survivors ready, GO! Pohchoon pushed Erwitt. Erwitt made a quick dodge and pushed against Pohchoon. Pohchoon taking the hit and trying to recover. Pohchoon slammed the bag against Erwitt's side. Erwitt on the ground! Pohchoon pushing Erwitt off! Erwitt pushing back at Pohchoon's face! Pohchoon cannot see anything! Erwitt stood up and gave a forceful push towards Pohchoon! Pohchoon into the mud! Zephyr leads 3 - 0!

Yixuan: Round 4, we have Lisa from Zephyr and Jezabel from Torrent. Survivors ready, GO! Lisa going up at Jezabel. Jezabel trying to run. Lisa chasing and gave another shove! Jezabel lost balance and fell into the mud! Zephyr leads 4 - 0!

Yixuan: Alright next two, Zephyr's Zhenyang taking on Torrent's Timothy. Survivors ready, GO! Timothy goes low and jabs at Zhenyang's stomach! Zhenyang pushing Timothy onto the floor! Timothy lying face down. He cannot lever himself upwards. Zhenyang taking advantage of the situation and rolling Timothy across the platform. Timothy making a swift comeback and pushed against Zhenyang's head! Zhenyang is in trouble! Timothy makes another push! Zhenyang using the bag to deflect Timothy's arms! Timothy spinning! Zhenyang shoved against Timothy's back! Timothy is in the mud! Zephyr leads 5 - 0! Zephyr making this challenge look easy now!

Yixuan: The sixth round, Jenyun from Zephyr up against Shelia from Torrent. Survivors ready, GO! Both of them in a staredown, waiting for each other to move. Rain is pouring now, making the platform extremely slippery. Jenyun made a swift slide and caught Shelia in the stomach! Shelia trying to fight back but she's in an awkward position! Jenyun made a final push and Shelia is in the mud! Zephyr leads 6 - 0! We're playing to 8!

Yixuan: Zephyr only needs 2 more points to win immunity. Next up, Jianhong from Zephyr taking on Siaun from Torrent. Survivors ready, GO! Siaun taking the first move. Jianhong saw that coming and deflected it. Siaun very aggressive and deliver another blow. Jianhong sliding backwards! Jianhong making a quick turn and pushed Siaun on his back! Siaun didn't see that coming! Siaun in the mud! Zephyr scores 7 - 0!

Yixuan: If Zephyr scores again, this will be over. Round 8. Ruth from Zephyr up against Priscilla from Torrent. Ruth uses all her might and pushed Priscilla. Priscilla holding on. Priscilla returned a push. Ruth is having difficulty standing on the slippery platform! Priscilla advancing towards Ruth with another push. Ruth is going off the platform! Ruth went low and attacked Priscilla's ankles! Priscilla falling forward! Ruth took the opportunity and shoved Priscilla's back! Priscilla in trouble! Priscilla into the mud for Torrent! ZEPHYR WINS REWARD AND IMMUNITY!

Yixuan: Congratulations Zephyr, immunity is yours once again. In addition to immunity, you have coffee, sugar, rice for a week and some luxury items. Grab your stuff head back to camp. Enjoy the night off from tribal. Torrent, tribal council for you guys again. One of you 9 people will be the 3rd person voted out of this game. Grab your stuff, head back to camp, I will see you guys at tribal.

Torrent Camp

*all 9 survivors washing mud off in the water*

Jezabel (confessionals): Losing the immunity challenge, it was rather obvious that Yuyan was gunning for me. I have to find someone I can trust to reveal their conspiracy and hope that it doesn't backfire.

Yanzhi (confessionals): I don't know if I should vote along side with Yuyan and get rid of Jezabel or to reveal Yuyan's secret. She can be very dangerous if not handled properly. We might get picked off easily once we lose the numbers.

Yuyan (confessionals): Even though we lost the immunity challenge, I'm not very uneasy as I know that my alliance have already set things in order. And we are going to take out Jezabel tonight.

*tribe splits into different groups*

Yanzhi: Look, I know this sounds unbelievable but you might not be going home tonight.
Jezabel: What?
Yanzhi: I overheard Yuyan and Shelia plotting with the rest against the whole tribe. They are having like different alliances all over the place.
Jezabel: You knew? Thank god!
Yanzhi: You also knew about this?
Jezabel: I overheard them talking to Waisin and Priscilla, telling them different things before Celest got voted off.
Yanzhi: That's great. It's dangerous to keep her around. We have to get the rest to vote for them.

Jezabel (confesisonals): When Yanzhi came up to me to talk about the evil conspiracy, I suddenly felt light has been shone onto me. I still have a chance in this.

Yanzhi: We have to vote for Yuyan or Shelia. They have been plotting to take out the guys before the merge. And they promised Timothy and Siaun Final 3 individually.
Pohchoon: Are you serious?
Yanzhi: Yes, Jezabel overheard their conversation before our previous Tribal Council too.
Jezabel: That's true. If we continue to keep them around, it will be detrimental to us in the long run.
Waisin: So what do you propose?
Yanzhi: We have 4 of us here. We go with either Shelia or Yuyan. Then the other will be helpless and we can use her as a swing vote if need be.
Jezabel: But first we need at least one more.
Waisin: I will go talk to Priscilla.
Pohchoon: I will try to work on Timothy.

Pohchoon (confessionals): Yanzhi and Jezabel came up with a story about Yuyan and Shelia plotting a great conspiracy to bring themselves to the finals. They have made an agreement with me to the Final 3. But if what they said was true, every other person out here will also be in their alliance to the Final 3. So I have to be wary definitely.

Waisin: Priscilla, we have to vote either Yuyan or Shelia out tonight.
Priscilla: Why?
Waisin: Did they offer you a Final 3?
Priscilla: Oh my god, how did you know?
Waisin: They offered that to everyone on the tribe!
Priscilla: If what you said was true, then we are not in a safe position after all.
Waisin: That's why.

Priscilla (confessionals): I am torn yet again. On one hand, I was offered a Final 3 alliance. And on the other hand, I was one of the many who were offered a Final 3 alliance. And only one person can be in the Final 3 with Yuyan and Shelia. Hence, I have to consider my vote carefully today.

Pohchoon: Timothy, we have to vote Yuyan or Shelia out tonight.
Timothy: Huh? Didn't we agree on Jezabel?
Pohchoon: The 2 of them are a far greater threat then Jezabel alone.
Timothy: Really? Let me think about it.
Pohchoon: Try not to go around spreading it.

Timothy (confessionals): Pohchoon coming to me and telling me to vote Shelia or Yuyan. And the suspicious thing is he told me not to spread it around. Could it be that everyone is gunning for me?

Timothy: They are gunning for you two.
Yuyan: What?
Shelia: How can that be?
Timothy: Pohchoon said something about you two being big threats.
Shelia: That's so untrue.
Yuyan: Okay, we have to confirm who are voting for Jezabel. The three of us, Siaun, Waisin and Priscilla.
Timothy: I think it's better for you to confirm with them again.

Yuyan (confessionals): The others suddenly want to vote either me or Shelia out. That's not right according to my plans. This will cause my grand finale to collapse. I will not let it happen.

Yuyan: Priscilla, who are you voting for tonight?
Priscilla: I haven't decided yet.
Yuyan: If you vote with them, you will definitely be on the outs, if you vote with us, we can form a female alliance after Jezabel is gone and weed the guys out one by one.
Priscilla: Well, that sounds great. But I am really still thinking.
Yuyan: Hope you can stay true to our alliance.

Shelia: Waisin, we have to vote Jezabel out.
Waisin: I know. I know.
Shelia: Oh so it's set?
Waisin: Definitely as set as a sunset.

Shelia (confessionals): Somehow, I don't feel safe. Waisin seems very impatient to talk to me.

Waisin (confessionals): Shelia scrambling up to me just before Tribal Council to influence my vote. Something is definitely up and smelling fishy.

Tribal Council

Yixuan: Welcome back Torrent.

*Torrent tribe walking in and sitting down*

Yixuan: Alright, 2 days after voting out your weakest link, you guys are back at Tribal Council again. Siaun, do you think you have made a wrong decision?

Siaun: Definitely not. We may have voted out someone weak, but there are other weak people left on our tribe.

Yixuan: So you are basing tonight's vote on performance?

Siaun: Yes.

Yixuan: But how can you base it on performance when all 8 of you lost to Zephyr tribe out there. It was a total thrash?

Siaun: We will look into past challenges, camp activities and judge if they are weak.

Yixuan: Jezabel, you are shaking your head. You don't agree?

Jezabel: Previously, Celest got picked off not because she's weak but because she's on the outs. And I know what's going to happen again tonight.

Shelia: You can blame it on the fact that you don't have any alliance in the tribe.

Jezabel: Having one true alliance is enough. Having one too many might just cause your downfall.

Yuyan: *raising eyebrows* I don't get what you are trying to say.

Yixuan: Okay, so it is voicing down to alliance again. Priscilla, how important do you think alliances are now?

Priscilla: It's still quite early in the game so the alliance are actually quite blurred. You can have alliance here and there so help yourself early in the game but later on, you have to stick to one alliance.

Pohchoon: I agree with that. Survivor is not only a competitive game, it's also a social game. If your social skills are not there, you will definitely not survive.

Yixuan: Talking about social skills, Timothy, do you think you have good social skills?

Timothy: Well, judging from the way other people is treating me, I should have decent social skills.

Yixuan: What way?

Timothy: Everyone doesn't mind talking to me, doesn't mind hanging out with me. So I guess it's good for me.

Yixuan: Waisin, 8 days into the game and you guys are here twice. How are you going to vote to change this?

Waisin: Hopefully, we can emerge as a stronger tribe and win the next challenges. If we continue losing, our numbers will dwindle.

Yixuan: Alright, it's time to vote. Yanzhi, you are up.

*Yanzhi voted*
Yanzhi: It's too bad that I overheard your ploy. Goodbye.

*Shelia voted*
Shelia: I really hope the plan we have is still in motion. I really don't want to go home tonight.

*Timothy voted*
Timothy: This is probably going to strengthen us as a tribe.

*Waisin voted*
Waisin: No one messes with Waisin. If you play with me, I will return the favour double!

*Jezabel voted*
Jezabel: I am praying for my dear life that this works. If not, I am dead.

*Siaun voted*
Siaun: I am sorry that you have to go, but this is for the best for me.

*Pohchoon voted*
Pohchoon: You don't sneak past me with your sneaky antics. Time to pack your bags.

*Priscilla voted*
Priscilla: You are way too dangerous to keep around. I wonder what you are capable of once you get the numbers.

*Yuyan voted*
Yuyan: Praying that this vote pulls through. It will get smooth sailing from here on.

Yixuan: Alright I will go tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I will read the votes.

First vote, Jezabel

Second vote, Yuyan
We are tied, 1 vote Jezabel, 1 vote Yuyan.

Third vote, Jezabel
2 votes Jezabel, 1 vote Yuyan.

Fourth vote, Yuyan
Tied again. 2 votes Jezabel, 2 votes Yuyan.

Fifth vote, Jezabel
That's 3 votes Jezabel, 2 votes Yuyan.

Sixth vote, Yuyan.
We are tied again, 3 votes Jezabel, 3 votes Yuyan, 3 votes left.

Seventh vote, Jezabel
4 votes Jezabel, 3 votes Yuyan. 2 votes left.

Eighth vote, Yuyan
We are tied yet again. 4 votes Jezabel, 4 votes Yuyan. 1 vote left.

Third person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains, Yuyan.

Yuyan: Oh my god.

Yixuan: Yuyan, I need you to bring me your torch.

*Yuyan walks over with her torch*

Yixuan: Yuyan, the tribe has spoken. *puts out fire* Time for you to go.

*Yuyan walks off*

Yixuan: That was definitely a blindside. Let's hope that after this, Torrent can stay away from tribal council. Grab your things head back to camp.

Yuyan: I think someone found out about Shelia and my idea to form the giant alliance and got use weeded out before we can get the plan working. I am just happy that I got to play 8 days in such a wonderful game and wish everyone else the best of luck, maybe except for Jezabel.

Tribal Council #3
Jezabel - Yuyan
Pohchoon - Yuyan
Priscilla - Yuyan
Shelia - Jezabel
Siaun - Jezabel
Timothy - Jezabel
Waisin - Yuyan
Yanzhi - Yuyan
Yuyan - Jezabel

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