Wednesday 25 June 2014

Survivor: Heroes vs Villains Episode 2

Episode 2

Links to past episode: Episode 1

Episode 1 Recap

Previously on Survivor, 20 castaways from different walks of life are brought together to outwit, outplay and outlast each other to claim the Sole Survivor title. Once they land on the beach, they were faced with their first challenge. With good co-ordination in their pairs, the Zephyr tribe managed to win the Torrent tribe 3-1 to win flint for their tribe. At the Torrent Camp, Jezabel stepped out to help everyone know everyone else. Whereas in the Zephyr tribe, everyone darted into the forest to make their introductory. At the immunity challenge, Zephyr worked hard to establish a lead over Torrent. However, the lead evaporated when Hanwei and Siying couldn't work together at the puzzle. In the end, Celest placed in the final puzzle piece for Torrent, throwing Zephyr to tribal council. Back at camp, Hanwei worked the guys to vote Siying out, claiming she's their weakest link. Not wanting to go down without a fight, Siying pleaded her case to the girls. Siying's hard work paid off when Hexun's swing vote ultimately sealed Hanwei's fate, causing Hanwei to be the first person voted out.

19 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Night 3

Zephyr Camp

Jianhong (confessionals): We got back from Tribal Council whereby Hanwei got voted out. I am utterly shocked. Isn't the target supposed to be Siying? How did it bounce back to Hanwei? Something must have happened and those who swung their votes have to be weeded out.

Siying (confessionals): I was very excited that my plan came into fruition. We managed to blindside Hanwei and hopefully, our tribe can function better together without his screaming and shouting.

Zhenyang: Fill me in on what happened. I thought we were set on Siying?
Lisa: The girls talked and thought that Hanwei was causing the tribe to be dysfunctional.
Ruth: Yup, he isn't contributing to any tribe cohesiveness.
Zhenyang: I see. But could these things be discussed first before execution? I don't like to be kept in the dark.
Ruth: Alright. We will try to rope you in our discussions in future.

Ruth (confessionals): Zhenyang seems to be very paranoid with his standing now. I think I can make it to my advantage as a swing vote.

Day 4

Zephyr Camp

Hexun (confessionals): Last night, I decided to vote along with the girls to get rid of Hanwei. I'm not sure if that's the correct move that I should have made. But we won't know until we test our tribe out at the challenges.

Jianhong: I am wondering who switched votes at tribal last night.
Zhenyang: I know it's not you and me, and it's not Erwitt.
Jianhong: So it's Hexun and Lisa?
Zhenyang: Most probably. You realise we are in a very bad situation right now?
Jianhong: 5 v 4? Yeah. We are screwed.

Ruth: I somehow don't trust Lisa. She can swing her vote so easily to help us. She might swing it off to kill us too.
Jenyun: Yea, but we should keep her temporarily now to keep our numbers strong.
Ruth: Hmmm, get rid of another guy first?
Jenyun: Yup, and I am looking towards Jianhong or Erwitt. They are really strong and you don't want to face them during individual immunities.
Ruth: You've got a point there.

Siying: Thanks for voting with us during the last tribal council.
Hexun: I am just hoping for a secure Final 3 spot in future.
Baowen: Don't worry, we will watch your back like how you helped Siying out.

Baowen (confessionals): I hope that having Hexun on our side can help us get far.

Siying (confessionals): Keeping Hexun around is a strategic move because he can help us with numbers. And if needed, he can also be the first to go!

Torrent Camp

Timothy: I wonder who they got out last night.
Priscilla: As long as it makes their tribe weaker, it doesn't matter to me.
Celest: Yeah! We just have to continue winning and we will be safe!
Yuyan: Do you think challenges can be won easily? We have to work hard and if things happen like the last reward challenge, we are going to be screwed.
Celest: Are you saying that Jezabel and I caused us to lose reward the other time?
Yuyan: Is it me or is my pair the only one who scored for our tribe?
Pohchoon: Okay girls, break it up. It's not going to help in anything.

Pohchoon (confessionals): It's only 4 days in and our tribe is having internal strife. My goodness.

Celest (confessionals): I was just trying to boost the morale of our tribe and Yuyan had to butt in and talk about the Reward Challenge we lost. I don't know what's wrong.

Yuyan (confessionals): I really think Jezabel and Celest are currently on the outs and the weaker ones. So I am thinking of getting our giant alliance to pick them off first.

Siaun: Looks like Yuyan and Celest got off a bad footing.
Yanzhi: Yes, and if they continue to quarrel like that, it's going to cause us to lose.
Siaun: By the way, if we are going to tribal, I'm aiming for those 2.
Yanzhi: Well, I'm going to think about it first.

Yanzhi (confessionals): Siaun does things very rashly and doesn't really think. I am currently not in alliance so I should be more careful and not trod over other people's toes.

Yuyan: Celest has to go. She's causing all the arguments in the tribe.
Shelia: Okay, but how are you going to convince the others to vote for her?
Yuyan: Let's assess this. We have Siaun, Timothy, Waisin and Priscilla. If things work well, we have at least 6 votes.
Shelia: And in the meanwhile, we should try and rope in Pohchoon and Yanzhi.
Yuyan: Great idea!

Celest: I don't know what did I do wrong? Yuyan just stepped up to me and started to whack me for no reason.
Jezabel: Don't worry. We can simply vote her off first?
Celest: That's what we are going to do.

Jezabel: Time to flirt the votes in.

Day 5

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Zephyr and Torrent tribe walking in*

Yixuan: Torrent, getting a first look at the new Zephyr tribe. Hanwei voted out last tribal council.
Yanzhi: *grins*
Yixuan: Yanzhi, surprised?
Yanzhi: No, not really, after seeing his performance at the last Immunity Challenge, I wouldn't want to keep him in too.

Yixuan: Alright, guys ready to get into today's Immunity Challenge?
Survivors: Yeah.
Yixuan: First things first, taking back the immunity idol.
*taking the immunity idol back from Priscilla*
Yixuan: Once again, immunity is up for grabs. For today's challenge,

On my go, two members of each tribe will race to roll a large, tribe-colored crate back to their platform and then the next two goes. Once you have collected all six crates, you must use them to build a staircase that will spell their tribe name on both sides. The first tribe to stack their crates correctly and get all of its members to the top of the platform wins immunity, safe from the vote. Losers go to tribal council where the second person will be voted out of this game. In addition, you will be playing for reward, tarp, rope and nails to help you keep dry.

Yixuan: Because the challenge runs in pairs, we need to even up the tribe. That means Torrent, you are sitting out 2 members. Who is it that you want to sit out?
Timothy: Waisin and Jezabel.
Yixuan: Waisin and Jezabel are going to sit this one out. Zephyr, you have to sit out one person, who's it going to be?
Jianhong: Lisa.
Yixuan: Lisa sitting out for Zephyr. Sit out, take a spot on the bench, everybody else given a minute to strategize.

Jianhong (confessionals): We have to win this immunity if not the advantage Torrent is having over us will get bigger and bigger.

*a minute later*

Yixuan: Here we go, for immunity and reward! Survivors ready? Go! Hexun and Baowen heading out for Zephyr, Pohchoon and Celest heading out for Torrent! Hexun and Pohchoon reaching the crates first and starts pushing! Baowen having difficulty! Celest pushing the crate with all her might! Hexun and Baowen rolling the crates off course! Pohchoon and Celest pushing steadily. Once your crate hits the black line, the next two can go. Pohchoon and Celest reached the line, go Torrent!

Yanzhi and Yuyan heading out as Torrent's second pair! Hexun finally getting the hang of pushing. Go Zephyr! Siying and Zhenyang running out for Zephyr. Yanzhi and Yuyan maintaining the lead over Zephyr. Zhenyang not giving up. Siying helping to stabilizing the crate while Zhenyang is plowing through. Yuyan trying to keep up with Yanzhi. Yanzhi with a final push, and Priscilla and Timothy sets off. Torrent keeping a one-crate lead over Zephyr. Zhenyang and Siying pushing their second crate in, and it's in!

Jenyun and Erwitt running out for Zephyr's third crate. Timothy and Priscilla starting to push their third crate back. Can Zephyr manage to overtake Torrent? Timothy pushing the crate sideways! Priscilla trying to control it. Erwitt using his brute force to push his tribe through. Jenyun is working very hard as well. Torrent's lead is evaporating. Timothy working well with Priscilla at the final stretch. Go Torrent! Shelia and Siaun running for their fourth crate, while Erwitt and coming in with their third plate. Zephyr, go! Ruth and Jianhong running out for Zephyr now. Siaun starting to roll the crate by himself. Shelia offering some help. Jianhong and Ruth seemed to be lagging behind!

Shelia and Siaun brought back the fourth crate. Now it's Pohchoon and Yanzhi going out for Torrent's fifth crate. The powerhouses are being activated. Jianhong pushed through with Ruth. Zhenyang and Hexun running out for Zephyr's fifth crate. Yanzhi having trouble to control the crate. Pohchoon pumps in extra strength but the crate stated to roll sideways. Hexun and Zhenyang gaining momentum. They are neck-in-neck! Both tribes came in together. The last runners for Torrent, Siaun and Timothy. Runners for Zephyr, Jianhong and Erwitt. All 4 guys are on par with each other! No one letting anyone else off. Both the crates are on their way back! Zephyr with a slight lead over Torrent now. This is going to voice down to how fast they can assemble the staircase!

Zephyr back seconds before Torrent. Now guys start working on the staircase! Pohchoon trying to direct Torrent to fix their staircase in. Zephyr in a mess! They don't know what they are doing! Baowen trying to turn the crates around. Siying pushes the bottom in. Torrent placing in 2 crates now. Jianhong thinks he sees the overall picture. He's asking the Zephyr members to co-operate. Erwitt and Zhenyang pushing in the base according to Jianhong's instruction. The girls lifting up the second tier crates. Torrent not making any progress. Pohchoon, who showed superior ability in solving puzzles the last challenge, is stumped at this one. Yuyan starts to push the crates in place. Celest says it's not right. Shelia trying to break up a potential argument. Yanzhi pushing up another crate. Siaun supporting Yanzhi.

Zephyr thinks they have hit something! They completed the lower two tiers of the staircase. Now it's top most tiers. All members need to help each other to get the crates up. Zhenyang and Erwitt supporting the base. Hexun and the girls pulling it up. They do not have enough strength. Jianhong rushing in to support. They got it up. Torrent tribe still struggling. Timothy pulls out the crate Celest just slotted in wrongly. Pohchoon changing the direction of the crate Yuyan just secured. The Torrent tribe is in a complete disaster. Zephyr has one more crate left. Torrent, nowhere near the end. Jianhong continued to encourage everyone to move on. Using the same strategy, Zhenyang, Erwitt and Jianhong lifting the crate up while the girls pull in into place. Zephyr thinks they got it, now get everyone up the stairs. ZEPHYR WINS IMMUNITY AND REWARD!

Yixuan: Zephyr congratulations. Grab your tarp, rope, nail and head back to camp. Torrent, you will have an interesting day ahead where you will be going for the Tribal Council. Go ahead, grab your things and head back to camp.

Day 6

Torrent Camp

Yuyan (confessionals): We just lost the immunity challenge. And it is rather obvious who's the vote going to be. I just hope our tribe can remain as cohesive as we possibly can. And at tonight's Tribal Council, I will make sure that happens. I will see to it.

Jezabel (confessionals): We lost immunity, we are going to tribal tonight. Things around camp just sucks. I really hope I don't get blamed for losing and not be targeted.

Pohchoon: So tonight we are either going with Celest or Yuyan.
Waisin: I guess so.
Siaun: But I'm more keen to get rid of Celest. I mean none of us know her very well personally. She rarely socialize with us. I don't know.
Timothy: I'm picking anyone you guys decide on.
Priscilla: I am saying Celest. I think probably because she didn't really do well just now. But's also partially Yuyan's fault. I am not sure who to vote for.
Yanzhi: But can I be assured that the 6 of us will have the same vote?
Pohchoon: Yup.
Jezabel: *whispering to herself while eavesdropping* I need to know who they are voting for so that I won't suicide.

Waisin (confessionals): Previously, Shelia agreed on a pact with me and Yuyan to go into the Final 3. So I am most probably going to pick out Celest.

Priscilla (confessionals): It seems that Jezabel and Celest are developing strong bonds. I hoping to maintain a better relationship with everyone so I won't get into trouble. The current situation, I am hoping that by breaking their alliance, Jezabel might come to me to look for an alliance.

Siaun (confessionals): I'm in a dilemma. Both have approached me to be in the alliance. I am quite torn. Looks like bridges have to be burnt on one side.

Shelia: I suppose it's going to be Celest?
Yuyan: Ya, I guess so.
Shelia: We should speak to the rest about this.

Celest: We need to scramble for votes.
Jezabel: Yup. We have to get Yuyan out.
Celest: Definitely!

*after a whole afternoon of scrambling*

Jezabel: *eavesdropping*
Pohchoon: So the decision is set?
Timothy: Yes. We will vote her off first then see what is better for us.

Jezabel (confessionals): Oh my god. That sounded like an evil conspiracy. I really don't know what to do now. I don't want to be on the outside of the alliance. It will just kill me.

Tribal Council

Yixuan: Welcome Torrent.

*Torrent tribe walking in*

Yixuan: Behind each of you is a torch. Go ahead and grab a torch, approach the flame, dip it and get fire. This is part of the ritual of Tribal Council, because in this game, fire represents your life. As long as you have fire, you are still in the fame. When your fire is gone, so are you and that will be the case for one of you tonight.

*Survivors lighting torch*

Yixuan: It's your first trip to Tribal Council and I would like to know your tribe dynamics. Shelia, interest me.

Shelia: After the last immunity challenge, we got back to camp. Then, it's like a fuse sparked and Yuyan and Celest started to argue over small things. And I guess it ultimately cost us to lose the immunity challenge.

Celest: It's not entirely my fault we lost. It's a tribe effort for god sake.

Yuyan: And I'm sure a certain someone didn't try anything funny to cause the tribe to lose.

Celest: Are you talking about me?

Yixuan: Alright, cut it out. So Celest and Yuyan started to become loggerheads? Timothy, what do you think?

Timothy: I don't really want to take sides. But if possible I would have rather help the one who will be beneficial to me in the further run.

Celest: So does that mean we are your numbers only? You are supposed to use your heart to treat others. Not treat them like junk.

Yixuan: Let's not get personal alright? Alright, next. Siaun, how important do you think alliances are in this game?

Siaun: I think that your alliance is the only thing you've got. And I am definitely make tonight's vote ensure that Torrent will become stronger.

Yixuan: Interesting, Yanzhi, what about you? Alliance or skill?

Yanzhi: Skills can get you far. But ultimately, you need alliance to bring you further in the game.

Yixuan: Priscilla, what are you basing tonight's vote on?

Priscilla: For tonight, we are hoping to avoid a tie, so I am just voting along with the majority.

Yixuan: Jezabel, what about you?

Jezabel: There are certain people I don't want to vote for but then again, if it don't stand by them, who will?

Pohchoon: I think that as long as your social game is there, you can definitely survive the tribal councils.

Yixuan: Waisin, do you think you will vote for the wrong person tonight?

Waisin: Everything has risks. And to win, you must take those risks.

Yixuan: Alright, so some people think that alliances are really important. We shall see how important it is. Priscilla, it's time to vote.

*Priscilla voted*
Priscilla: I just want to remain in my majority.

*Waisin voted*
Waisin: Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but I don't like you, so go home maybe.

*Yuyan voted*
Yuyan: No one crosses my path and survives.

*Siaun voted*
Siaun: Guys should just stay out of catfights.

*Pohchoon voted*
Pohchoon: I do not want to have anything to do with this.

*Shelia voted*
Shelia: Getting you out is just the first step to my grand plan

*Yanzhi voted*
Yanzhi: As long as it isn't me, who cares.

*Celest voted*
Celest: I don't really want to spend another second with you here.

*Timothy voted*
Timothy: Girls are really scary when they fight. Hope this is the right choice!

*Jezabel voted*
Jezabel: I'm sorry but I don't want to be stuck on the outs so early.

Yixuan: Alright, I'll go tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I will read the votes.

First vote, Yuyan

Second vote, Celest.

We are tied, 1 vote Yuyan, 1 vote Celest.

Third vote, Celest

That makes it 2 votes Celest, 1 vote Yuyan.

Fourth vote, Celest.

3 votes Celest, 1 vote Yuyan.

Fifth vote, Celest

4 votes Celest, 1 vote Yuyan, 5 votes left.

Sixth vote, Celest.

That makes it 5 votes Celest, 1 vote Yuyan. 4 votes left.

Second person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains, Celest.

Yixuan: Celest, I need you to bring me your torch. That's six votes, that's enough.

*Celest walks over with her torch*

Yixuan: Celest, your tribe has spoken.

Celest: Good luck to all of you guys!

*Celest walked off*

Yixuan: That's your first casualty. Let's see if you will be continue to remain strong.

Celest: It just sucks to be the first of your tribe to be out. But I think it's my characteristics to speak up which cost me. I'm hoping that Jezabel, being my only alliance mate, do well and not be picked off during the next tribal council.

Tribal Council #2
Celest - Yuyan
Jezabel - Celest
Pohchoon - Celest
Priscilla - Celest
Shelia - Celest
Siaun - Celest
Timothy - Celest
Waisin - Celest
Yanzhi - Celest
Yuyan - Celest

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