Thursday 26 June 2014

Survivor: Heroes vs Villains Episode 7

Episode 7

Links to past episode: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6

Episode 6 Recap

Previously on Survivor, Lisa's elimination from the Torrent camp causes fear to build up within the previous Zephyr members. During the challenge, another shocking twist was revealed that both tribes will be going to tribal. Sensing that they are in trouble, Zhenyang and Jianhong worked hard to claim immunity in the Torrent tribe. In the end, Zhenyang edged out Jianhong to win immunity. For the Zephyr tribe, it was Ruth's agile movement which helped her win immunity. In a showdown between Ruth and Zhenyang, Ruth barely beat Zhenyang when he got caught in his own ropes. Back at Zephyr camp, Siying and Baowen tried to talk Priscilla, the only woman from Torrent, to kick out the guys one by one. Holding on to the hidden immunity idol, Priscilla felt that she have to understand how both tribes are going to vote to prevent a tie. Meanwhile, Pohchoon worked on Hexun, the only man from Zephyr to split their votes. Back at Torrent camp, despite having had a deal with Yanzhi, Jianhong still feels that his head is on the chopping block. However, Jezabel insisted that Shelia will become a threat in future as she has the guys wrapped around her fingers. During Tribal Council, Siaun became targeted as a strong threat in terms of individual immunity. Whereas Siying, once again, got targeted for her weakness in challenges. After the vote, Priscilla shocked the tribe by pulling out the second hidden individual immunity in play to save her original tribemate, Siaun. In the end, her move saved Siaun as 4 votes from the original Zephyr tribe got cancelled, sending Hexun home with the remaining 4 votes, causing him to be the 6th person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains. During Torrent's Tribal Council, Zephyr get to tuck in to their reward of hotdogs. Ruth spotted a parchment tucked within her hotdog buns and quickly kept it to herself. The Torrent tribe praised Zhenyang for his strength and how he has contributed to their tribe after the switch. In the end, Jezabel flipped and helped the 3 Zephyr members to vote out Shelia, causing her to be the 7th person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains.

13 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Night 15

Torrent Camp

Yanzhi: How did Shelia get voted out? Isn't it supposed to be Jianhong?
Timothy: I have no idea! Now, it looks like we became the outs of the tribe in one sudden twist of events.
Yanzhi: It must have been Jezabel. She's messing our plans up!
Timothy: She has to go!

Jezabel (confessionals): I feel very proud of myself that I managed to blindside that arrogant bunch. Now I'm in control of this tribe. Both sides need me.

Jianhong: Luckily Jezabel voted along with us, if not I would have been the one going home.
Zhenyang: Don't get too confident. Jezabel is quite cunning. Don't get fooled by her.
Jenyun: I think she is worth our trust.
Zhenyang: Still, don't get too comfortable around her.

Zephyr Camp

Ruth (confessionals): The idols seem to be replenishing themselves constantly. I've already seen 2 and now I've got a clue to the third one!

"Another immunity is hidden at your camp.
Stroll down the beach to the river's bed;
Atop the second bridge you will see;
a tree rooted where two currents meet.
Behind it in a shallow grave it shall be."

Ruth: Looks like this idol is going to be mine!

Siaun: When did you find the idol?
Priscilla: Timothy found the clue and I sort of leeched on his clue to find it.
Pohchoon: That was some nice move back there.
Priscilla: I know. *flicks hair*
Waisin: Let's rock and roll baby!

Baowen: I feel backstabbed by Priscilla.
Siying: Yea, we share our information and she used it back on us.

Baowen: We have to watch our backs now.

Day 16

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Zephyr walking in*

*Torrent walking in*

Yixuan: Zephyr, take a first look at the Torrent tribe, Shelia voted out last tribal council.

Yixuan: Alright, for today's challenge.

Three members of each tribe will race through the water to get a ball. They must then work together until someone can shoot their ball in their tribe’s basket while members of the other tribe attempt to stop them any way they can. Each time a ball enters the basket, the shooter scores one point for their tribe. The first tribe to score three points wins reward.

Yixuan: Want to know what you are playing for?
Castaways: Yes!
Yixuan: Winning tribe will be taken to an outdoor waterfall where they will have a picnic with beef, chicken, tuna and fruits.
Siying: Oh my god!
Yixuan: Worth playing for?
Priscilla: Definitely.
Yixuan: Zephyr, you have one extra member, who will be sitting out?
Siying: I am.
Yixuan: Siying sitting out, everyone else given one minute to strategize.

Yixuan: First round, Priscilla, Ruth and Waisin taking on Jianhong, Jezabel and Jenyun. Survivors ready, GO! Jenyun making a dive for the ball! She grabs it and makes a pass to Jianhong. Jianhong attempts to shoot. And he misses! Waisin makes a quick recovery of the ball and passes it to Priscilla. Oh Jezabel intercepts it but failed to catch it! Ruth picks up the ball and passes to Priscilla and she shoots! PRISCILLA SCORES! Zephyr leads 1 - 0!

Yixuan: Second round, Siaun, Pohchoon and Baowen taking on Timothy, Yanzhi and Zhenyang. Survivors ready, GO! Timothy and Yanzhi running for the ball. Pohchoon grabbing on to Yanzhi to prevent him from passing. Yanzhi trying to pass the ball to Timothy. Timothy got tackled by Siaun! The ball is free! Baowen trying her best to reach for the ball! Yanzhi breaks free and grabs the ball. He passes to Zhenyang and Zhenyang shoots! But he misses by a bit! Baowen picks up the ball and shoots! It's a slight miss! Timothy picked up the ball and shoots! He got intercepted by Siaun. Siaun's turn to shoot. SIAUN SCORES! Zephyr leads 2 - 0!

Yixuan: Third round, Priscilla, Siaun and Ruth taking on Jianhong, Jenyun and Yanzhi. We are playing to three. If Zephyr scores, it will be over for Torrent. Survivors ready, GO! Yanzhi making a quick tackle towards Siaun and pushing him away. Siaun struggling to get out of the hold. Jenyun and Ruth fighting over the ball. Ruth snatched it out of Jenyun's hands and passes to Priscilla. Jianhong intercepts it and grabs the ball! Siaun tugs Jianhong, causing him to lose balance and the ball. Yanzhi rolling over to grab the ball. Ruth pulling the ball from Yanzhi. Jenyun joining the struggle. Jenyun pulls it out and shoots! Siaun catches the ball in midair and shoots! The ball rebounded! Ruth grabs the ball and shoots again! RUTH SCORES! ZEPHYR WINS REWARD!

Yixuan: Torrent totally getting thrashed at this challenge. I've got nothing for you. Grab your bags head back to camp.

*Torrent leaving*

Yixuan: Zephyr, you will be taken for a day out. Enjoy your reward!

Ruth (confessionals): I am very happy that we won! But I want to go back to camp to find the idol!

Torrent Camp

Yanzhi: Jianhong, Zhenyang, let's have another proposal.
Jianhong: The last time I had a proposal with you, my name appeared in the votes.
Yanzhi: That was totally different. You all can see now, Jezabel is a dangerous player. If she continues to stay in this, we will all get decimated.
Zhenyang: You are being too paranoid.
Yanzhi: Think about it. The four guys going into the final 4.
Jianhong: Sounds good. Provided you are trustworthy enough.
Yanzhi: Like I said, we were just voting alongside with Shelia. Now that she's gone, our voting style will be different.
Zhenyang: So you want to take out Jezabel?
Yanzhi: Yup!
Zhenyang: We shall see first.

Yanzhi (confessionals): Currently, Timothy and I are on the chopping block. And unless I do something, we will be chopped. So, looks like it's time to cut Jezabel loose.

Jenyun: Hey Jezabel, do you think we will be targeted by the guys? Being the only 2 girls left.
Jezabel: Don't think too much! As long as Jianhong and Zhenyang are on our side, we are going to be alright.
Jenyun: I really hope so.

Jenyun (confessionals): I am not too sure about Jezabel since her blindside of Shelia is really sneaky. If the guys do gang up on the girls, I will definitely push for her to be voted out.

Zephyr Reward

Ruth: Look at all those food!
Priscilla: This is so good! I love winning the rewards!
Siying: Yummy!
Siaun: Let's tuck in!

*eat eat eat*

Pohchoon: Let's walk around to take in all the breathtaking scenery!
Waisin: Oh yeah man! Let's go check it out!

*Pohchoon & Waisin walks away from group*

Pohchoon: Who do you think we should keep now?
Waisin: I dunno.
Pohchoon: Priscilla and Siaun seems very tight. She even pulled out her idol for him!
Waisin: Yeah man.
Pohchoon: And the 3 girls from the previous Zephyr are also very close. It's practically impossible to break them up!
Waisin: How about we boot Siaun? He's strong and could prove to be a threat in future.
Pohchoon: Yeah! And with that, Priscilla will come back to us for an alliance. Great idea!
Waisin: Of course!

Siying: Priscilla, I thought you were sincere on voting with us!
Priscilla: If I go along with you guys then, I will be out next! I need some warranty that I will still be safe if I flip!
Baowen: So what now? You are willing to flip and help us?
Priscilla: I am going to see how things go! Shelia is out, and I have a feeling Timothy will be out next. By then, Siaun will have to find a new alliance.
Siying: Oh! So you are trying to pull all the individuals together?
Priscilla: Something like that, at least they won't gang up against you.
Baowen: So are we set on making the Final 3?
Priscilla: No promises though. If we are too close, Ruth will get suspicious.
Siying: We are okay with voting for Ruth next, if you are willing to vote out at least 2 guys.
Priscilla: We shall see about that.

Priscilla (confessionals): It's really funny how these dumb girls believe all the lies I say. Right now, I have to do all it takes for me to reunite with my Torrent people in the merge, and now, we have a 7-6 advantage over them.

Day 17

Torrent Camp

Timothy (confessionals): It's been days already and I still haven't found the idol yet. I am in need of it now and I really hope that Priscilla didn't find it.

Yanzhi (confessionals): Timothy seems to be wandering out of camp a lot these days. I wonder if he has a clue to the hidden immunity idol. That might be the only thing to ensure our safety.

Zephyr Camp

Baowen: I wished we could stay at the waterfall longer.
Siying: Yeah! Me too!
Ruth: Looks like we are thrown back to reality.

*Siying and Baowen sneaks into forest*

Siying: Did you find any note in the reward basket?
Baowen: No, did you?
Siying: Nope, according to the previous time, we should be getting a clue.
Baowen: And Yixuan mentioned a new idol hidden in our camp.
Siying: Could it be hidden in the hotdogs we had at tribal?
Baowen: Oh no! I totally didn't think about that. Let's just try to find it anyways.

Ruth: It's hard to get away from camp grounds without being noticed. And now that I managed to sneak out, I hope I can find the idol quickly.
Ruth: Hmm, 2 bridges. And a root where two currents meet. I wonder what that means.

Priscilla: You think another idol has entered play?
Siaun: I am not sure. I haven't even seen a clue yet.
Priscilla: Everyone left camp in different directions, I wonder what they are doing.
Siaun: This is seriously nerve-wrecking.

Day 18

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Zephyr and Torrent walking in*

Yixuan: First things first, I will take back the individual immunity necklace.

*Takes necklace from Ruth and Zhenyang*

Yixuan: Once again, tribal immunity is up for grabs. For today's challenge,

Three members of each tribe will race relay-style up a platform and across a net. They will then climb up a large roped web to retrieve bags of puzzle pieces. Once all six bags have been collected, the three remaining tribe members must use those pieces to solve a puzzle. The first tribe to get it right wins immunity.

Yixuan: Zephyr, you have one extra member, who are you sitting out? Remember Siying cannot sit out.
Priscilla: I'm sitting out.
Yixuan: Alright, Priscilla take a spot on the bench. Everyone else given a minute to strategize.

Yixuan: For Zephyr, Ruth, Siaun and Waisin collecting the bags, Siying, Baowen and Pohchoon solving the puzzle. For Torrent, Jianhong, Timothy and Zhenyang collecting the bags. Yanzhi, Jezabel and Jenyun solving the puzzle. For immunity, survivors ready, GO!

Yixuan: Siaun and Timothy running first for their tribes. Siaun and Timothy are neck-in-neck getting to their first puzzle bags. Both of them making their way back. Ruth and Jianhong running out next for their tribes. Ruth took a tumble, causing Jianhong to take a small lead. Ruth getting back up and catching up. Zhenyang running the course now for Torrent! Ruth coming back, Waisin running out for Zephyr. Zephyr has to hustle. Zhenyang is back with Torrent's 3rd puzzle bag. Timothy is on the course! Waisin is back with Zephyr's 3rd puzzle bag. Siaun going out. Siaun is making up lost ground. Timothy stumbling on the ropes. Siaun catching up! Timothy and Siaun back with their 4th puzzle bag. Ruth and Jianhong on the course again. Ruth learning from her previous mistake. Both of them neck in neck to the puzzle bag. Ruth coming back. Jianhong coming back. Zephyr picked up a small lead! Waisin out first. Zhenyang right behind. Waisin blocking Zhenyang slightly as he changed paths. Zhenyang pushing Waisin away! This is getting nasty. Waisin fell! This could cost them time. Zhenyang picking up the last puzzle bag for Torrent. Waisin trying to pick himself up. Zhenyang is back with Torrent's last puzzle bag. TORRENT CAN START WITH THE PUZZLE!

Jenyun, Jezabel and Yanzhi starting out with the puzzle. Waisin is back with Zephyr's final puzzle bag. ZEPHYR CAN START WITH THE PUZZLE. Both tribes neck in neck into the puzzle. However, only one tribe can win this. Torrent pulling ahead by trying to fix up the puzzles in pairs. Zephyr trying to find all the corners in the puzzle. Which strategy will pay off? Zephyr fixing in all the corners. Torrent getting stuck. Yanzhi and Jezabel arguing over which pieces go where. Zephyr having a rhythm going, putting in the pieces one by one. Torrent quickly falling behind. Zephyr is getting close, Zephyr thinks they have it. ZEPHYR WINS IMMUNITY!

Yanzhi: Damn.
Jezabel: Just great.

Yixuan: Alright, Zephyr congratulations, here's your tribal immunity. *passes idol to Priscilla*

Yixuan: Zephyr, I've got nothing for you, grab your stuff and head back to camp.

*Zephyr leaving*

Yixuan: Torrent, a date with me tonight at tribal council where one of the 6 of you will be going home. Grab your stuff, head back to camp.

*Torrent leaving*

Yanzhi (confessionals): It was very frustrating when we are not working together. And now that we lost immunity, my head is definitely on the chopping block.

Torrent Camp

Jenyun: So, we are going back to Tribal Council.
Jezabel: I think Yanzhi is just out to disagree with me. If not, we could have finished the puzzle.
Jenyun: The question now is whether to vote Timothy or Yanzhi out.
Jezabel: I don't know, Timothy is a physical threat, and yet Yanzhi is a social threat. Both of them are threats.
Jenyun: Let's discuss with the guys first.

Timothy (confessionals): After another 3 days, I still can't find the freaking idol. Looks like Priscilla has already taken it with her to Zephyr. My chance now is to hope that they will keep me due to my strength in the challenges.

Yanzhi: So, are we good on voting Jezabel?
Zhenyang: Right now, voting her out will keep the tribe strong.
Jianhong: Yes, and we cannot afford to lose any more challenges.
Yanzhi: That's great.

Yanzhi: Timothy, the plan now is to vote Jezabel out. And then hopefully Jenyun goes next. That way, we will make it to the merge and most probably be safe.
Timothy: *heaves a sigh of relief* Anyway, I have the clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol. But I haven't found it yet.
Yanzhi: *thinking to himself* I guessed it. Now he is sharing it with me! *turns to Timothy* Alright, I'll help you to look for it. But if any of us are in danger tonight, use it okay?
Timothy: Deal.

Jenyun: So, who are you guys voting tonight?
Jianhong: To keep the tribe strong, we should vote Jezabel.
Jenyun: But right now, it's going to be the merge anytime soon. It would be risky to keep them around.
Zhenyang: Hmmm, who do you think we should vote then?
Jenyun: I am thinking Yanzhi, he is very scheming and plotting against us all the time.
Jianhong: But Jezabel is still a burden for us.
Jenyun: But at least I can feel that Jezabel is trustworthy and feel safer around her.
Zhenyang: I need to think about this.

Yanzhi: According to the clue, the hidden immunity idol should be here. But I am not getting anything.
Timothy: I've already dug here for very long. I still got nothing.
Yanzhi: Looks like we have to depend on Zhenyang and Jianhong now.

Tribal Council

*Torrent tribe walking in and taking a seat*

Yixuan: Welcome back to Tribal Council.

Yanzhi: Sucks to be here.

Yixuan: Alright, Jezabel. Back at the immunity challenge, Yanzhi and you started arguing over the puzzle pieces. Care to update us?

Jezabel: I was trying to put some pieces together when Yanzhi insisted that I'm holding on to a piece he needs.

Yanzhi: Which in the end was true.

Jezabel: So when I didn't give it to him, he started yelling at me.

Yanzhi: That was my puzzle piece, it won'd fit into yours even if you tried a million times. So why should you continue to hold on to it?

Jezabel: But you could have asked nicely.

Yixuan: Alright. Jenyun, you were there too. Surprised at how things turn out?

Jenyun: Yeah, definitely. This task requires tremendous teamwork to accomplish, and 2 of my teammates started quarreling out of nowhere. It will definitely impact the result of the task.

Yixuan: And you didn't try to stop them?

Jenyun: I tried, but at the same time, I was trying to fix in all the remaining puzzle pieces so that we could at least have a shot at winning.

Jianhong: But in the end, we still lost.

Zhenyang: And we started the puzzle first.

Yixuan: So this is an issue of teamwork and co-ordination. Timothy, how important do you think this 2 issues are?

Timothy: They are the basis of how a team can work well. If there is not teamwork, nothing can be achieved. And it can be seen in our past few immunity challenges.

Jenyun: And to add on to the point, I feel that our tribe is still being divided despite so many days after the tribal swap. It's very hard to get things going in this state.

Jianhong: However, you can see that past alliances are actually dissolving as we try to get ourselves further into the game.

Yixuan: So Jenyun feels that the tribe is still ex-Zephyr and ex-Torrent. But Jianhong feels another way. Zhenyang, what is your stand?

Zhenyang: I find that it a mix of both. Sure, you will feel more comfortable with people you have know for the past 18 days then with those you only know for 7 days. But there will be tension within those people you have known longer.

Yixuan: Yanzhi, so you find that Jezabel and you are not co-operating well. What should you do?

Yanzhi: Jezabel flipped the last tribal to take out one of our own. Since then, I felt betrayed by her. That's why I cannot put myself to work with her properly. And what I should do is just to vote her out so that she will not be in my way.

Jezabel: *looked shocked*

Yixuan: Jezabel, shocked to hear that?

Jezabel: Definitely. In this game, you need to form as many bridges as you can so that it can keep you alive and help you to win. But what Yanzhi just done is to burn down a bridge.

Yixuan: Alright, it's time to vote. Jenyun, you are up.

*Jenyun voted*
*Zhenyang voted*
*Jianhong voted*
*Yanzhi voted*
*Jenyun voted*
*Timothy voted*

Yixuan: I will go tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and wishes to play it, now will be the time to do so.


Yixuan: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I will read the votes.

First vote, Jezabel.

Second vote, Yanzhi.

1 vote Jezabel, 1 vote Yanzhi.

Third vote, Yanzhi.

2 votes Yanzhi, 1 vote Jezabel.

Fourth vote, Jezabel.

We are tied. 2 votes Yanzhi, 2 votes Jezabel.

Fifth vote, Yanzhi.

3 votes Yanzhi, 2 votes Jezabel, 1 vote left.

Eighth person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains, Yanzhi.

Yixuan: Yanzhi, I need you to bring me your torch.

*Yanzhi walks over*

YIxuan: Yanzhi, your tribe has spoken. Time for you to go. *extinguished torch*

*Yanzhi walks off*

Yixuan: Looks like you guys chose to bring your tribe closer and be more united. We shall see how this worked out. Grab your bags head back to camp.

Yanzhi: I didn't expect the guys to vote along with the girls. With that said, I pretty much feel beaten up to be sitting here. But hey, I had a great time. Jezabel, watch it. You will not win with that playstyle of yours.

Tribal Council #8:
Jenyun - Yanzhi
Jezabel - Yanzhi
Jianhong - Yanzhi
Timothy - Jezabel
Yanzhi - Jezabel
Zhenyang - Yanzhi

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