Thursday 26 June 2014

Survivor: Heroes vs Villains Episode 12

Episode 12

Episode 11 Recap

Previously on Survivor, Timothy and Priscilla found themselves at the bottom of the pecking order when their ally, Waisin, got blinsided by Ruth and Siying. On the other hand, Baowen continues to be kept in the dark by her closest ally, Siying, and it made her rethink what should her next step be. At the reward challenge, Jianhong made a blunder, which allowed for the red team of Timothy, Priscilla and Siying to go for reward. At the reward, Siying and Priscilla knew that an idol clue would be hidden and set out finding it, while Timothy just basked in the sun with an idol in his pocket. Siying lucked out finding it in the kitchen, while Priscilla continues to overturn the toilet to find nothing. Back at camp, Jezabel got on Jenyun's nerves by initiating an all female alliance, while Jenyun refuses to dump the boys in her current alliance. At the immunity challenge, the wind picked up, toppling many of the card structure. In the end, it was a close fight between Priscilla and Jezabel, leading to Priscilla with the win. Left with nowhere to go, Timothy's plan was to pull the idol at tribal. However, Jenyun and her alliance started to cook up a plot to blindside Jezabel once and for all. At tribal council, Baowen blurted that she didnt want to be kept in the dark and mentioned that Timothy is on the chopping block, which made Timothy more certain to play his idol. When the votes were read, Timothy played the idol which left a smug face on Jenyun. With Timothy votes nullified, it came down to Jianhong and Jezabel tied 3-3. In the end, Siying cast the deciding vote against Jezabel, sealing her fate as the twelfth person voted out and the fourth member of the jury.

8 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Night 30

Zephrent Camp

Baowen (confessionals): Once again, I have no idea what happened. This is really bad for my gameplay!

Siying (confessionals): I was really shocked that Timothy has the idol! Thank goodness he didnt find the clue during reward. Now that he played the idol, one more idol is probably going to be rehidden again. I have to find it.

Jianhong (confessionals): That was scary! I really thought I was going home tonight. I think that Ruth and Siying voted Jezabel which kept me in the game. Sorry to say that, but they are going to live to regret that decision.

Ruth: That was one crazy hell of a tribal council.
Priscilla: I want to know why are there votes split against Jezabel? Shouldn't it be between Jianhong and Timothy only?
Ruth: It's probably the 3 of them again.
Siying: I am starting to think that I made the wrong choice. They are a really strong trio
Priscilla: We have to try to break their dominance! Look, Timothy and I are probably at the lowest in this tribe right now with nowhere to go. You can totally use our votes to break them apart.
Ruth: The thing is Timothy is a challenge threat! Much bigger than Zhenyang and Jianhong!
Priscilla: Can we at least take out on of them first?
Siying: I guess so.

Priscilla (confessionals): This is infuriating. Everyone sees the biggest threat but no one is willing to do anything against them!

Jenyun: We did it!
Zhenyang: Right now, we are probably solid up till the Final 5 with Ruth and Siying.
Jianhong: I also think it was them who voted Jezabel.
Zhenyang: I was really shocked by the idol! I didn't think that Timothy has it. He didn't say anything back in Torrent though.
Jianhong: Yeah, good thing is the idol is now no more!

Day 31

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Zephrent tribe walking in*

Yixuan: First things first. Did you bring the immunity necklace Priscilla?
Priscilla: Yes.
Yixuan: I will take it back because today, you are not playing for reward, you are playing for immunity.
Castaways: *gasp*

Each of you will stand barefoot on a small wooden perch with an arm raised above your head, and it will be tethered to a bucket of paint. If your hand drops, it will tip the bucket, pouring paint all over you and you will be out of the challenge. Last person standing wins immunity.

Yixuan: Let's draw for spots.

*everyone stands on the perch*

Yixuan: Alright, once you are comfortable, remove the stick and the challenge is officially underway.
Priscilla: Grr, I hate endurance challenges.

*1 minute elapsed*

Yixuan: *pushes in trolley with covered contents*
Priscilla: Oh my god! What is that?
Yixuan: If anyone steps down now, *removes cover* you will be rewarded with cookies and milk!
Jenyun: I'm taking it! *bucket of paint overturns on Jenyun*
Yixuan: Jenyun is out of the challenge.
Priscilla: Urgh, I wanted it.
Ruth: Is it nice?
Jenyun: Delicious.

*5 minutes elapsed*

Yixuan: Who wants some donuts and chocolate milk?
Baowen and Priscilla: Me! *bucket of paint overturns*
Yixuan: Baowen and Priscilla out of the challenge, and you guys have to share this.
Priscilla: Why did you step down!!!
Baowen: Why can't you stay longer???

*10 minutes elapsed*

Yixuan: It's been 10 minutes into the challenge. Your arms must be aching, and you must be hungry. Next person who steps down will receive this. *reveals covered item* You will have to come open it yourself.
Siying: I am stepping down. *bucket of paints overturns*
Yixuan: Siying officially out of the challenge. Come over and see what you won.
Siying: *opens cover* THIS IS AWESOME!
Yixuan: Siying won a burger and fries set with a ice cold beer to go along with!
Timothy: Oh god, I really needed that!
Jianhong: Why didn't I step down!
Yixuan: 4 people left. 3 guys against Ruth, the last girl standing.

*20 minutes elapsed*

Yixuan: This item remains covered and will go to the next person with steps down for it.
Zhenyang: I can't take this anymore. Good luck guys. *bucket of paint overturns*
Yixuan: Zhenyang is out of the challenge. Come and see what you have won.
Zhenyang: Burgers please! *opens cover*
Yixuan: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with strawberry milk!
Zhenyang: Oh well, it's better than nothing.
Yixuan: Ruth still standing strong. Jianhong is adjusting his arm. Timothy stable as a rock.

*30 minutes elapsed*

Yixuan: Okay, this is the last temptation I have for you. *brings in chocolate cake* Chocolate fudge cake for everyone on the bench to share if someone is willing to step down now.
Ruth: Jianhong, are you going to win this?
Jianhong: I am not too sure, but one of us definitely has to win it.
Ruth: Timothy, are you stepping down? It might win you some points and get you off the chopping block tonight.
Timothy: No thanks! I rather have the necklace on my neck.
Yixuan: 5 seconds to decide.
Jianhong: Ruth, can you hold out against him?
Ruth: I should be alright
Jianhong: Fine, have fun guys. *bucket of paint overturns*
*everyone on the bench cheers*
Yixuan: Jianhong sacrificing immunity for the tribe to enjoy chocolate cake.
Jianhong: Do I get to eat it too?
Yixuan: Sure!
Jianhong: Gee, great!
Yixuan: Right now, it's down to Timothy and Ruth.

*1 hour elapsed*

Yixuan: One hour into the challenge and both guys are still going strong.
Priscilla: Can we go back to camp and sleep first?
Zhenyang: They look like they can go on forever.
Siying: Wake me up when one of them loses.

*1 hour 30 minutes elapsed*

Timothy: I can't feel my arms.
Ruth: Come on Timothy, just step down.
Baowen: One of you just step down to be honest.
Yixuan: Baowen asking them to give up immunity. Will they listen?
Timothy: How can I be sure that everyone doesn't vote me if I step down?
Baowen: I promise I won't vote for you.
Timothy: The rest?
*at that moment, Timothy lost his balance and fell of the perch*
Timothy: Oh crap! *bucket of pain overturns*
Yixuan: Halfway through the negotiation, Timothy lost his balance and is out of the challenge. That means RUTH WINS IMMUNITY!

Yixuan: Ruth, come on over.
*puts immunity necklace on Ruth*
Yixuan: Ruth is guaranteed a 1 in 7 shot of winning and safe from the vote tonight. As with the rest of you, you have the afternoon to find out who will be going home tonight.

Yixuan: Before you go, I have one last announcement for you. *unrolls parchment* The idol Timothy used last night has been replanted in camp. And it is hidden under a bush on fire. Good luck finding it. Grab your stuff and head out.

Jianhong (confessionals): I was really laughing when Timothy slipped and fell during the negotiation. Too bad man, you are too strong and you are definitely receiving my vote tonight. Now, we just have to keep the idol away from Timothy.

Zephrent Camp

Siying (confessionals): Once we hit the campsite, everyone started the frantic search for the idol. It wouldn't harm me to have 2 idols so I joined in the fun.

Timothy (confessionals): Everyone started looking for the bush on fire once we hit the campsite. And my first instinct was finding any bushes that were burnt down.

Priscilla (confessionals): On the way back to camp, I was decoding the idol clue. And I concluded that it cant be hidden under a burnt bush, so the next alternative is the bush with red leaves.

Zhenyang (confessionals): Back at camp, I thought on fire meant that the bush was drying up so I checked for those bushes far away from the stream and has brown leaves.

Jenyun (confessionals): I am just resting here because I have faith that Jianhong and Zhenyang will find the idol. And as the queen of the tribe, I can probably get them to use it on me if need be. Besides we are so safe right now.

*everyone scrambling to find the idol*

Priscilla: I am pretty sure it's here. *digs under bush* Oh my god! This is huge! *looks around* Nobody is in sight! Lemme tuck this away first.

Jenyun: This idol hunt is silly. If Timothy really finds the idol, so be it. The most we could is to split the vote.
Baowen: I don't think anyone would find the idol. It's so difficult to find!
Jenyun: I know right. Look Timothy is coming back sulking. He sure doe not have the idol.
Baowen: Hahaha yup!

Siying: Okay, I am not so sure about Ruth and her allegiances with the power trio, but I am sure I am not with them.
Priscilla: That's good. I am thinking of probably pulling a fast one on them.
Siying: This tribal doesn't seem to be a good one. And I don't want Timothy around! He is a huge threat!
Priscilla: Let's look at the situation right now. If we vote Timothy out, we are 2 in 7, with me at the bottom.
Siying: I know, but if we don't vote Timothy out, and our plan fails, both of us are at the bottom. Which is way worse!
Priscilla: This is tricky honestly.
Siying: That's why I feel that the best bet is still to get rid of Timothy first.
Priscilla: Oh well.

Ruth: Looks like everyone is voting Timothy tonight.
Jianhong: Yeah, he sealed his fate by not sacrificing for the chocolate cake to be honest.
Ruth: I thought he would you know.
Jianhong: Nah, he is selfish. He won't do such things. That's why I stepped down in the end.
Ruth: Anyway, I was thinking of plans at the Final 4. You wanna work with me to advance into the Final 3?
Jianhong: That's still far away. Why are you talking about that now?
Ruth: I am just worried that if I don't win immunity at the Final 4, I would be out next.
Jianhong: Don't worry, we can also force a tie.
Ruth: Alright then.
Jianhong: Worry for the current tribal council first. Make sure Timothy doesn't have the idol.

Jianhong (confessionals): I was shocked that Ruth approached the topic regarding the Final 3. Honestly, I am not keen on sitting with her at the Final Tribal Council because she would probably blow the jury away. She played a great game and is a challenge threat too. So we might have to cut her loose once we get our numbers.

Ruth (confessionals): I feel like Jianhong is a great person to bring to the Final Tribal Council just because he has pissed off many jurors. Also, he is a threat and it will look good on me if I choose to sit against a threat. Maybe I should take out Zhenyang when I have the chance. So that I can have a Final 3 of myself, Jianhong and Jenyun.

Timothy: Looks like I am dead tonight.
Priscilla: Yeah, did you find the idol?
Timothy: Nope.
Priscilla: I am trying to convince people to flip as well, but it's really hard.
Timothy: I am going to go out with a bang. Try to rustle as much feathers as I can.
Priscilla: We still have hope. Just try to make people flip at tribal council.
Timothy: It's practically impossible.

Tribal Council

*Zephrent tribe walking in and sitting down*

Yixuan: Now bringing in members of the jury, Siaun, Pohchoon, Waisin and Jezabel, voted out at the last tribal council.

*Siaun, Pohchoon, Waisin and Jezabel walking in*

Yixuan: Alright, let's talk about the challenge. Ruth asked Timothy to sacrifice immunity for the chocolate cake, he refused and Jianhong ended up stepping down.

Jianhong: From Torrent days, I feel that Timothy has been rather selfish and likes to keep things to himself, that's probably why he chose to stick to immunity today.

Timothy: It's because I know that once I step down the perch, you guys will write my name down in a heartbeat.

Yixuan: But you still tried to negotiate you way through.

Timothy: That was probably my downfall. I lost focus for that split second and lost balance.

Jenyun: I felt that Timothy should have just stepped down for the chocolate cake. After all, it will give him jury points and perhaps some sympathy points.

Yixuan: Which comes to my next point. You guys made it obvious that Timothy is leaving. Then, he decided to stick it out at the immunity challenge to guarantee his safety. Baowen, what did you think Timothy did wrong?

Baowen: Well, he should have thought for the tribe. I did offer him a negotiation that I won't write his name down tonight, but I feel that he did not believe me.

Timothy: Would you believe a tribe of people who are out to eat you alive? Obviously not.

Yixuan: So who is out to eat you alive?

Timothy: Jianhong, Zhenyang and Jenyun obviously.

Yixuan: Same as last tribal.

Timothy: Definitely. And these people aren't seeing it!

Priscilla: Well, seeing it is one thing, and doing it is another. There is always the lack of people who wants to leave their comfort zone.

Yixuan: Siying, is that true?

Siying: I feel that what Priscilla said last night at tribal was true. We are not playing to get 2nd or 3rd. We are playing to win. And to win, we have to make big moves at the CORRECT time. Note the emphasis on correct. Making the right moves doesn't mean making the reckless moves. And I believe that sometimes, patience do pay off.

Timothy: But not to someone who is running out of time here.

Yixuan: Zhenyang, you are awfully quiet here. Worried that it might be you tonight?

Zhenyang: Definitely. After hearing all these, I am definitely feeling vulnerable because I haven't been talking much to other people other than Jianhong, and if the others decide to make the big move, I am obviously at risk here.

Yixuan: Baowen, you have been lost at the last 4 tribal councils. Will it be the case tonight?

Baowen: I hope not. It really sucks to not know what is happening.

Yixuan: With that, it's time to vote. Ruth, I expect you will be keeping immunity?

Ruth: Yes.

Yixuan: You may not vote for Ruth, everyone else is fair game. Siying, you are up.

*Siying voted*
Siying: I am sorry but tonight is not the time for big moves.

*Ruth voted*
Ruth: Thank god you are finally going home.

*Jianhong voted*
Jianhong: I am keeping to my word for you.

*Baowen voted*
Baowen: If it's not you tonight, I am totally going to flip out back in camp.

*Timothy voted*
Timothy: Desperate cry for help!

*Jenyun voted*
Jenyun: You are not sticking around longer to spoil my plans.

*Zhenyang voted*
Zhenyang: It better be you, not me.

*Priscilla voted*
Priscilla: This is probably the toughest choice in this game I have to make. Hope that you wont hate me after this. Maybe we can get together and have babies after the game. xoxo

Yixuan: Alright, I'll tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.

*everyone looks at Timothy*

*Timothy fidgets*

*Priscilla starts to cry*

Yixuan: Okay, once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

First vote, Jianhong

Second vote, Timothy
1 vote Jianhong, 1 vote Timothy

Third vote, Timothy
2 votes Timothy, 1 vote Jianhong

Fourth vote, Timothy
3 votes Timothy, 1 vote Jianhong

Fifth vote, Timothy
4 votes Timothy, 1 vote Jianhong, 3 votes left.
*Timothy gathering his things and prepares to stand up*

Thirteenth person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains and the fifth member of the jury, Timothy.

Yixuan: That's 5 votes, that's enough. Timothy, bring me your torch.

*Timothy stands up and hugs Priscilla*

Priscilla: Take care <3

Yixuan: Timothy, your tribe has spoken. *extinguishes torch* Time for you to go.

*Timothy walks off silently and never look back*

Yixuan: From the looks of it, the dominance of one alliance is picking out the stray people one by one. Will it continue to be this way? Grab your stuff and head back to camp.

*Zephrent tribe standing up and walking out*

Timothy: Well, I expected it. I wish Priscilla all the best in the rest of the game because she is the only original Torrent left. Hopefully, the rest can see how much bullshit Zhenyang, Jianhong and Jenyun is feeding them and turn against them.

Tribal Council #13:
Baowen - Timothy
Jenyun - Timothy
Jianhong - Timothy
Priscilla - Timothy
Ruth - Timothy
Siying - Timothy
Timothy - Jianhong
Zhenyang - Timothy

Night 31

Zephrent Camp

Baowen (confessionals): Finally, a tribal council which I know what is happening.

Priscilla (confessionals): *wiping away tears* It was really heartwrenching to see Timothy being bullied out of the game. Karma is going to bite back at all these bullies.

Jenyun: Looks like we are comfortable having the numbers advantage right now.
Jianhong: Yeah, assuming that idols don't kill us.
Zhenyang: I doubt they have any. If not, they would have played it on Timothy anyways.
Jianhong: Good point.
Jenyun: All that is left is to cement the alliance with Ruth!
Zhenyang: Let's celebrate in the water!

Ruth: So our next boot is Priscilla?
Baowen: I think so, Final 6 of Zephyrs!
Ruth: Sounds good!

Baowen (confessionals): I don't trust Priscilla now. She hasn't been talking to me since Waisin got voted out and she is really sneaky.

Ruth (confessionals): I don't really want Baowen around because she seems to be in her own world the whole time. And that's bad because she hasn't pissed off any jury members, and that is bad for my game.

Day 32

Zephrent Camp

Siying (confessionals): Last night, no one played the idol. I have a feeling it's either not found yet, or maybe it's with the power trio. And I obviously prefer the former. So I woke up early today to try to find the bush on fire.

*Siying approaches bush with red leaves*

Siying: This spot seem to have been dug up before, and there is and obvious void in the soil. I wonder if it was here and got found by someone?

Jenyun: So Ruth, we are solid for Final 4 right?
Ruth: Definitely! I think we should get rid of Baowen next.
Jenyun: Why? She is of no threat!
Ruth: She's a huge social threat! She has no hand in voting out any of the jury members.
Jenyun: Oh, so what do you think?
Ruth: I feel that it should be between Priscilla and Baowen.
Jenyun: I think Priscilla first because she is more manipulative and threatening.
Ruth: It's the same I guess.

Jianhong: Treemail guys!
Zhenyang: It looks like another immunity challenge.

If you want to stay in this
You have to fight to stay on top
For if you slide down just one spot
You might be on the chopping block

Siying (confessionals): So the treemail hints that the challenge is going to be staying out from last place. Hopefully I can finally win a challenge.

Jianhong (confessionals): Looks like something I am good at! Maybe I can win this challenge today!

Ruth (confessionals): I just need to keep immunity away from Baowen and Priscilla. Then there are more options at tribal.

Day 33

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Zephrent tribe walks in*

Yixuan: First things first, Ruth, I will take back the necklace.
Ruth: Gladly.

Today's immunity challenge will be split into 3 parts. First, you will race to dig up a peg and maneuver through a table maze. The first 5 to complete move on to the second part, where you will be using four individually shaped pegs to climb up a wall. The first 3 to get to the top of the wall will move on to the final part, where you will be solving a slide puzzle. First person to solve the puzzle and reads out the phrase wins immunity, and a guaranteed spot in the Final 6.

Yixuan: We'll draw for spots.

*castaways get into place*

Part 1

Yixuan: For immunity, the first 5 to make it through the table maze moves on. Survivors ready, GO!

Yixuan: Everyone digging for their peg. Jianhong and Zhenyang digging faster than the girls. Jianhong found his peg first and is starting on the table maze! Zhenyang right behind! Ruth found her peg! Priscilla found her peg! Siying found her peg! Jenyun and Baowen falling out of this! Jianhong and Zhenyang flying through the table maze! Jenyun found her peg at last! Ruth's peg getting stuck! Jianhong is done with the maze and moves on! We are looking for 4 more spots! Priscilla catching up with Zhenyang! Siying starting to trail behind! Baowen found her peg! You have to hustle Baowen! Zhenyang and Priscilla completes the maze and moves on! We are looking for 2 more spots! Ruth is slowly getting out of this. Baowen is far from catching up! Siying and Jenyun nearing the end of the table maze! And the complete it and moves on!

Part 2

Yixuan: We have Jianhong, Zhenyang, Priscilla, Siying and Jenyun doing the challenge. First 3 to make it up the wall moves on. Survivors ready, GO!

Yixuan: Jianhong off to a quick start. It looks like it's Jianhong's challenge to lose! Priscilla fixing the first peg in! Siying analyzing all the pegs first! Jenyun just randomly doing by trial and error! Zhenyang can't seem to solve this puzzle! Jianhong with 2 pegs in! Priscilla and Siying with 1 peg in! Zhenyang and Jenyun have no idea what they are doing! Zhenyang getting the first peg in! Jianhong with 3 pegs in! You have to hustle! Jianhong is first up the wall and moves on! We are looking for 2 more spots! Priscilla slipped and fell! That's a painful fall! Zhenyang catching up with Siying! Siying fixes the last peg in and climbs up to the wall! We are looking for one last spot! Zhenyang and Priscilla trying to figure which slot is meant for their last peg! Jenyun falling out of it totally. Both fixed in their last peg but Zhenyang was quicker to climb up! Zhenyang moves on!

Part 3

Yixuan: We have Jianhong, Siying and Zhenyang fighting it out on a slide puzzle for immunity. Survivors ready, GO!

Yixuan: You are looking for a phrase. Even if you figure out the phrase, you have to solve the puzzle to be valid! Slide puzzles are one of the hardest puzzles we have here on Survivor! Siying sliding her pieces around very swiftly! She is visualizing the final product in her mind! Zhenyang moving much slower than Siying, and Jianhong looks like he is completely out of it! Jianhong, you have to hustle and stop stoning! Zhenyang picking up pace! Siying maintained her speed and lead over the boys! Siying managed to get one quarter of it done! Zhenyang getting the hang of it. Jianhong hopelessly falling out of the slide puzzle. Siying completed two-thirds of it in a flash! Zhenyang trying to catch up desperately, getting stuck at the halfway mark! Siying feeling really confident right now, hastening her actions! Zhenyang just staring at her blankly!

Siying: I got it! Only Immunity Will Keep You Safe!

Yixuan: Only Immunity Will Keep You Safe! SIYING WINS IMMUNITY!

Siying: Yes!

*Zhenyang showing displeasure*

*Jianhong burying his face in his hands*

Yixuan: Siying, come on over!
*puts immunity necklace on Siying*
Siying: Yay! Thank you!
Yixuan: Siying is safe from the vote tonight and is guaranteed a 1 in 6 spot in winning the game. As for the rest of you, one of you will be voted out tonight. You have the afternoon to figure it out. Grab your stuff and head back to camp.

Zephrent Camp

Siying (confessionals): I am so happy to win this immunity! Right now, I feel that it's the best time to break the power trio. But I definitely have to work Ruth and Baowen over.

Priscilla (confessionals): Siying winning immunity means that I am most probably going to get the bulk of the votes. However, *pulls out idol* I have this darling here which is going to tide me past tonight's tribal safely.

Priscilla: So Siying, is tonight the night?
Siying: Definitely! I am going to talk to Ruth and Baowen about it right now.
Priscilla: So who should we target? Jianhong or Zhenyang or Jenyun first?
Siying: I am thinking between one of the boys. One of them is a endurance challenge threat, the other is a puzzle challenge threat, and Jenyun is a social threat. All 3 of them are threats!
Priscilla: I am going to talk to them too, to see if they are open to new ideas! I am going to do everything to save myself.

Priscilla (confessionals): I am not sure if I can trust Siying enough to tell her about the idol. I don't want her to be angry because I have an idol and she has to do all those scrambling work.

Siying: Hey, what do you think we stand right now?
Ruth: Honestly speaking, probably 4th and 5th?
Siying: You wanna go with Priscilla? We can possibly make Final 3 with her.
Ruth: And take out Baowen tonight? I don't mind!
Siying: Not really, we can get 4 votes against them!
Ruth: Oh, in that case, we should probably vote for Zhenyang!
Siying: I have to talk to Baowen first.

Ruth (confessionals): That nutcase wants me to risk a Final 2 with Jianhong for Baowen? No way this girl is going with that!

Siying: Hey Baowen!
Baowen: Who are you going to vote tonight?
Siying: I'm thinking of breaking up the trio!
Baowen: With Priscilla? I don't trust her!
Siying: Look, right now, if we get rid of Priscilla, we are next to go!
Baowen: Right.
Siying: And if we break the power alliance, we might have a potential Final 4!
Baowen: I will consider.
Siying: Get back to me alright!
Baowen: Okay.

Baowen (confessionals): Siying wants me to align with Priscilla? No way! I don't even trust her. I just hope she gets voted out tonight.

Ruth: Hey, Siying is rounding up numbers against you guys!
Jenyun: Serious?
Jianhong: Just because she has immunity, she is doing all the stunts.
Ruth: Yeah, and I think she has Priscilla with her.
Zhenyang: So we should get rid of Priscilla tonight?
Jenyun: Yes!

*awhile later*

Baowen: I heard Siying is plotting against you guys!
Jenyun: Are you serious?
Baowen: Yes, and I know I want to go far with you guys. That's why I think we should get rid of Priscilla tonight!
Jenyun: This is bad! I have to tell the boys!
Baowen: Alright, I will keep you updated!

Jenyun (confessionals): I totally feel like a queen bee with all my slaves reporting to me with information. If Siying dare to overthrow me like that, I will make sure she will live to regret it.

Priscilla: How's the talk with them?
Siying: I think they will be voting with us, I hope.
Priscilla: I have something to tell you.
Siying: Yeah?
Priscilla: I found the idol that was replanted. *takes out idol from bra*
Siying: This is awesome! Oh my god!
Priscilla: Yup! So if they don't flip in the end, I am still safe.
Siying: I think you should save it for future tribals!
Priscilla: We will see how.

Tribal Council

*Zephrent tribe walking in and sitting down*

Yixuan: Now bringing in members of the jury, Siaun, Pohchoon, Waisin, Jezabel and Timothy, voted out of the previous tribal council.

*Siaun, Pohchoon, Waisin, Jezabel and Timothy walking in*

Yixuan: I will first talk about the challenge. Jianhong and Zhenyang dominated the front part of the challenge but when it comes to the slide puzzle, both of them failed and Siying managed to win. Jenyun, what's your take on this?

Jenyun: I think that everyone has their forte and it just happened that Siying managed to float to the last round to beat them in puzzles.

Siying: I didn't float to the last round. I got 4th in the first round and 2nd in the second round, beating you both times.

Jianhong: I would like to add that Siying has actually grown alot as compared to Day 1. The girl who argued with Hanwei is not longer here. And in her place, is a warrior who has be playing both the social aspects and the physical aspects of the game well.

Siying: I am flattered.

Yixuan: Wow, strong words there. Baowen, do you agree?

Baowen: Definitely, no one would have expected Siying to win an individual immunity 30 days ago. But right now, she has proven us wrong!

Yixuan: Zhenyang, how frustrating was it to see Siying pulling away?

Zhenyang: I can't do slide puzzles. And to watch Siying sliding them left, right, center, it was painful.

Yixuan: Last tribal council, you guys identified a power group in the tribe. Has that situation changed?

Priscilla: Not at all. Right now, it would be the best chance to overthrow them. We have 4 votes, we can just take out one of them so that all of us have a higher chance to sit in the Final 3!

Jenyun: However, you have to understand that advancing with someone you don't trust will make your future tribal councils even harder.

Yixuan: Both of them have valid points. Ruth, what's your stand?

Ruth: I feel that risking a final 4 for a brand new Final 4 doesn't make sense because after all, it's still a Final 4. I don't see myself advancing forward, and there is a chance that I might even be out before that! I am definitely trying to look for a spot that can further me past the Final 4.

Yixuan: Baowen, do you think that risks should be made in this case?

Baowen: You have to evaluate them. If they are worth it, why not? But of course, every decision you make here will ultimately piss someone off. So, I guess we can only wish for the best.

Yixuan: Priscilla, looking at the jury, there are 5 original Torrent members, worried that it might be you tonight?

Priscilla: It is really apparent that I am next to go. They can't look past their tribal lines and they are probably going to regret their decision of voting me out tonight.

Yixuan: With that, it's time to vote. Siying, I assume you are keeping your necklace?
Siying: Yes.
Yixuan: Okay, you may not vote for Siying, everyone else is fair game. Baowen, you are up.

*Baowen voted*
Baowen: I am sorry but this lack of trust and communication between us is why I am voting for you.

*Jianhong voted*
Jianhong: There isn't much choice tonight, is there?

*Siying voted*
Siying: It's time to end your reign of power.

*Ruth voted*
Ruth: I don't see how I can get to the Final 3 with you. Sorry.

*Jenyun voted*
Jenyun: All those who go against me will pay the price.

*Priscilla voted*
Priscilla: Hopefully this will work this time.

*Zhenyang voted*
Zhenyang: Go join your darling on the jury bench. You won't be missed.

Yixuan: I will now tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.

*Siying looks to Priscilla*

Priscilla: As a matter of fact, yes, I would. Tonight's conversations made me feel really unnerving and I really don't want to go home with this hidden in my bra. So here you go!

*Jenyun stares in shock*

*jury members start to laugh*

*Jianhong and Zhenyang bury their head in their hands*

Yixuan: This is indeed a hidden immunity idol. Any votes cast against Priscilla will not count. Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately

First vote, Priscilla. Does not count

Second vote, Priscilla. Does not count.

Third vote, Priscilla. Does not count.

Fourth vote, Priscilla. Does not count.
Priscilla: Thank goodness.

Fifth vote, Priscilla. Does not count.

Sixth vote, Jianhong.
1 vote Jianhong, 1 vote left.
Jianhong: Oh damn it. *hugs Zhenyang and Jenyun*

Fourteenth person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains and the sixth member of the jury, Jianhong.

Yixuan: That's 2 votes, that's enough. Jianhong, bring me your torch.

Jianhong: Oh dang! Your idol play was too good.

*jury members super excited*

Yixuan: Jianhong, the tribe has spoken. *extinguishes torch* Time for you to go.

Jianhong: Be prepared for my jury question *chuckles*

Yixuan: Congratulations Final 6. From what I see, Jianhong definitely did not see it coming. I will be looking forward to your next Tribal Council. Grab your stuff and head back to camp.

*Zephrent tribe standing up and walking out*

Jianhong: I really didn't expected to be played by an idol. Priscilla is really sneaky and I applaud her playstyle. Keeping the idol for herself and not using it on Timothy. It was a real bummer to go out this way.

Tribal Council #14:
Baowen - Priscilla
Jenyun - Priscilla
Jianhong - Priscilla
Priscilla - Jianhong
Ruth - Priscilla
Siying - Jianhong
Zhenyang - Priscilla

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