Thursday 26 June 2014

Survivor: Heroes vs Villains Episode 10

Episode 10

Links to past episode: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9

Episode 9 Recap

Previously on Survivor, Zephyr's good life came to an end when Torrent started to win challenges. Timothy lucked out when he left camp early in the morning and found the hidden immunity idol by the stream. With that, the rockiest players on both tribes, Ruth and Timothy, each possess a hidden immunity idol. When Torrent wins the reward challenge again, Zephyr starts to think if they made a mistake sending Siaun home previously. It also made the alliance of Baowen and Siying relook at Ruth's value to the tribe since she is a strong player. At the immunity challenge, Waisin and Baowen's stamina couldn't match up with Torrent, causing them to fall far behind. Despite having Ruth cover lost ground, they are still unable to defeat Jianhong's superior puzzle skills. Winning the immunity challenge, Torrent sent Zephyr back to tribal council. Ruth started to scramble once again, trying to prove her worth to stay by attacking Waisin's weak performance in the challenges. Pohchoon tried to gain control over the tribe by lobbying for the whole tribe to vote for Ruth. Out of sheer desperation Ruth, revealed her possession of the idol to Pohchoon, hoping for him to vote with her to get Waisin out. But Pohchoon has other plans, he wanted the idol to be flushed out and he wants to come out it unscathed. Siying, on the other hand, approached Priscilla and told her about the idol. Knowing that Pohchoon, Waisin and Baowen are set on voting Ruth and Ruth is set on voting Waisin. The two of them decided to use the advantage of the idol and gain control of the situation. Making sure Ruth plays her idol at tribal council, Priscilla suggested voting out the brain of the tribe, Pohchoon. At tribal council, Priscilla answered the questions such that it would look like Ruth is going home. In the end, Ruth pulls out her idol and negated all 3 votes against her, and Pohchoon ended up receiving 2 out of the remaining 3 votes, making him the tenth person voted out and the second member of the jury.

10 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Night 24

Zephyr Camp

Waisin (confessionals): I have absolutely no idea what happened. It was supposed to be Ruth going home, but in the end it was Pohchoon and myself receiving votes. But I guess I am lucky. If everyone voted for Ruth, I would have gone home! And I am assuming Ruth voted for me since she singled me out for being weak in challenges during tribal council. Right now, I am feeling very unsafe, being the only guy left in a tribe of girls.

Siying: (confessionals): I was very happy that Priscilla and my plan worked! Right now, I have the most options in this tribe. I can go with either Ruth, Baowen, Priscilla or even Waisin! So hopefully, my position in this tribe continues to be like this and it would be awesome.

Priscilla (confessionals): I am afraid it would merge right now. We are even in numbers are I am not sure what other allegiances the girls here have. And I definitely do not want to be the first person out once we merged.

Ruth (confessionals): I thought everyone was voting for me. Apparently, 2 people knew I was going to play the idol and decided to make the situation to their advantage. And I have a slight feeling that it's Siying and Baowen. Both of them have been playing the low lying game the whole time and I am a little irritated by them.

Baowen (confessionals): Huh? What happened? Why did people vote for Pohchoon? This is seriously too confusing!

Day 25

Torrent Camp

Jianhong: I wonder who did they vote out.
Zhenyang: I sure hope it is not Ruth, Siying or Baowen. I have a feeling the merge is coming and I want us to have more options.
Jianhong: I heard Timothy and Priscilla were quite tight before. I hope that Priscilla won't make it to the merge. After all, we have been trying to get rid of him.
Zhenyang: We don't even know if he has the immunity idol or not.
Jianhong: Oh look, we have a key and a map in our treemail!
Zhenyang: I think it's the merge! The key can be used to unlock something I guess.

Zephyr Camp

Ruth: We found this large box in treemail!
Siying: "Zephyr, do not open this box until you have the key. Make room in your camp... company will be arriving soon."
Priscilla: It's the merge!

Priscilla (confessionals): I was very excited merging. I have my alliance over here with Siying and Baowen. And now, I am getting reunited with old Torrent members like Timothy and Jezabel. And from the looks of it, my choices of alliances just multiplied!

Ruth (confessionals): Thank goodness for the merge! I don't know how many more tribal councils can I survive with them hunting me down my throat. Hopefully, I can get back into an alliance with Jenyun. If she's in a solid alliance with Zhenyang and Jianhong, then maybe we can cook up something.

Merged Tribe Camp

*Torrent walking in*

Jenyun: Look! Pohchoon is voted out!
Zhenyang: Looks like our plan is coming into fruition.
Jianhong: We need someone to flip to counter Timothy flipping.
Jenyun: I will try to talk to Ruth later.

Jenyun (confessionals): I want Ruth to be back on my side because I trust her. But if she proves to be too strong a threat, I will just vote her off.

*Zhenyang unlocks large box*
*purple buffs drop out*

Waisin: There's a note. "Drop your buffs, you are merged! Put on your new buffs and prepare a new tribe name and a tribe flag."
*everyone started cheering*

Timothy (confessionals): That merge changes things. I don't know if I should put my trust in Priscilla or not. After all, she stole my idol.

Jezabel (confessionals): I feel like I might be public enemy number 1 now, fllipping on my previous tribe. Right now, I just hope that I can trust my current alliance.

Timothy: Did you find the idol before the swap?
Priscilla: Yes. Why?
Timothy: It's mine after all. Do you still have it?
Priscilla: I already used it to save Siaun once. And what do you mean by it's yours? You couldn't even find it that time!
Timothy: Alright, that's not important. RIght now, their next target it me. And even though they want me to vote with them, I can tell you that I'm definitely next.
Priscilla: Oh. I think it's the same with Ruth here.
Timothy: Let's form back our alliance. And we can make it far!

Timothy (confessionals): I want to form the alliance back with Priscilla but this time I'm not letting her know about the idol. If I really need to use it, then I will just use it.

Priscilla (confessionals): Hmm, Timothy is acting very weirdly, I wonder if he was even serious about forming that alliance.

Jenyun: Ruth!
Ruth: Jenyun!
Jenyun: How's your situation?
Ruth: Everyone wants me out since Hexun was blindsided! I was lucky when they flipped to vote Siaun out and I used an idol.
Jenyun: Right now, Zhenyang, Jianhong, Jezabel and I are in an alliance. We suspect Timothy is going to flip because he is close to Priscilla.
Ruth: Oh, you want me to flip?
Jenyun: Yeah, and we suspect he has an immunity idol.
Ruth: You don't say?
Jenyun: That's why we might be in danger.
Ruth: So even if he flips he still can use his idol to save someone.
Jenyun: That's what I suspect.
Ruth: Alright. I will try to check out the situation.

Ruth (confessionals): Right now, the whole situation is very messed up. There's going to be a lot of mistrusts and jumping of alliances this upcoming tribal council.

Jenyun (confessionals): I am trying to get Ruth over to our side to compensate the loss of Timothy. Hopefully, she can pull one of the previous Zephyr girls over.

Day 26

Merged Tribe Camp

Baowen: What's do you want to do?
Siying: I have no idea. I think sticking with Priscilla is not a bad idea.
Baowen: But they have all the challenge threats! Jianhong, Zhenyang, Timothy and maybe even Ruth if she flips! And we only can do puzzles, and Waisin can't even do anything.
Siying: Lemme talk to Ruth.
Baowen: I will come along.
Siying: Don't. I think it might be better if I approached her 1 on 1.

Baowen (confessionals): I was rather skeptical when Siying tried to brush me off. But it's true that I've not been close with Ruth, and me being there might spoil our plans.

Siying: What are your plans?
Ruth: I was just about to approach you.
Siying: Huh?
Ruth: Jenyun offered us to jump back with them and Zhenyang and Jianhong. We can form a alliance of 5. And they have Jezabel as their 6th to form a majority.
Siying: I know Baowen is rather keen on working with Priscilla.
Ruth: Why?
Siying: Priscilla hasn't been strong in challenges. And I think she would be an easy win in the final immunity challenge.
Ruth: Oh. Anyway, we will confirm things nearer to the tribal council.
Siying: Sure.

Siying (confessionals): To tell you the truth, I rather advance with Jenyun and Ruth rather than Baowen and Priscilla. They may be easy wins. But if they don't starting putting their game on, we will be losing out of immunity idols and challenges. And I want to be taken out for rewards. So right now, I am just keeping my options open and it seems like Ruth is a very nice option for me.

Ruth (confessionals): I am on the fence with Siying. Her social gameplay has picked up quote a lot! And I am afraid I might be outplayed by her in future. But right now, I need her on our side if we want to form the majority.

Waisin: Priscilla, what are you planning to do now?
Priscilla: Timothy is going to flip and vote with us.
Waisin: Aren't you worried about Ruth?
Priscilla: She's the only problem left. If she flips to them, I will have to work on probably Jezabel to gain back the majority.

Waisin (confessionals): I am actually not feeling safe at all. Looks like I really have to win the immunity challenge this time.

Priscilla (confessionals): I think I should be safe this tribal council. Everyone seems to be more concentrated on booting the challenge threats. Hopefully, I can fly under the radar, find a hidden immunity idol, then fly far into the game!

Zhenyang: I am worried.
Jianhong: Why?
Zhenyang: We are both challenge threats. Is one of us win the immunity, the other will definitely be in danger.
Jianhong: I know right. And I really have no idea where Jenyun is standing now that she has reunited with Ruth.
Zhenyang: She's a headache. And also I do not know if Jezabel can still be trusted.
Jianhong: Let's worry about that tomorrow.

Jianhong (confessionals): In a perfect world, I will win immunity tomorrow. And Zhenyang will by some means find the hidden immunity idol. Then we are okay!

Zhenyang (confessionals): I just want to rest well and prepare for tomorrow's challenge. Something tells me it's going to be either a physical challenge or an endurance challenge.

Day 27

Merged Tribe Camp

Jezabel: Are we still sticking the the guys?
Jenyun: I think we should. We don't have much option.
Jezabel: We could do an all-girls thing! It's clearly 6 against 4 now.
Jenyun: But I don't trust Priscilla. She's like a scheming player!
Jezabel: Hmm, then I guess we have no choice.

Jezabel (confessionals): I want to get out of the alliance with Jianhong and Zhenyang because I know that they will definitely bring Jenyun over me into the Final 3. And even if I managed to sit in the Final 3 with them, I don't stand a chance against them. Hence, I want to make a move. But I know that the move is not now. I need to stick with them a little longer.

Jenyun (confessionals): When we were collecting treemail, Jezabel mentioned something about backstabbing the boys. This made me more wary of her next move. If she starts with booting the boys, I could be next.

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Merged tribe walks in*

Yixuan: First things first, Jenyun, I will take back the idol.
*takes immunity idol from Jenyun*
Yixuan: Tribal immunity is no more. Right now, you guys will be playing for individual immunity.
*removes cloth covering stand and reveals a necklace*
Yixuan: This is what you want. Individual immunity. With this necklace around your neck, you cannot be voted out. This is the one most important thing in the game right now.
*castaways cheer*

Yixuan: Priscilla, what's the new tribe name?
Priscilla: Zephrent. Since we have swapped tribes and mixed around, we feel that we have been part of both tribes and hence, we just merged the name.
Yixuan: All right, Zephrent, ready for today's challenge?
Castaways: Yes.

For today's challenge, you will hold on to a tall pole for as long as you can. When you fall off, you are out of the challenge.

Yixuan: Last person left hanging on their pole wins individual immunity and a 1 in 9 shot of winning the million dollars. Let's draw for spots.

*drawing for spots*

Yixuan: Alright, everybody is already comfortable hanging onto their poles. And the challenge is officially underway. Remember, you cannot touch the top of the pole. Everyone is starting out strong. Priscilla sliding down slowly.

Priscilla: I can't hold on properly. It's too slippery!

Yixuan: Priscilla already at the halfway mark! Less than 1 minute into the challenge and Priscilla is almost out of it!

Baowen: Priscilla, don't give up.

Yixuan: Baowen, you guys are competing against each other for immunity and you are giving your opponent encouragement?

Siying: Baowen, just concentrate on yourself.

Yixuan: Siying scolding Baowen.

Priscilla: I give up.

Yixuan: Priscilla is out of the challenge. And now there are 9.

Waisin: This is hard.

Yixuan: Waisin readjusting down 2 notches, settling down on the 8th notch. Baowen sliding down to the 7th notch. Siying also sliding down to the 7th notch.

Siying: My arms are tired.

Yixuan: So far, only Timothy, Ruth and Jenyun not moving. Zhenyang fidgeting. Jianhong is trying his best to hold on to the pole. Jezabel sliding down to the 6th notch.

*5 minutes elapsed*

Yixuan: Baowen sliding all the way down, and is out of the challenge! Siying stepping down at the same time! We are left with 7!

Yixuan: Timothy finding a comfortable spot at the top and is not moving at all. Ruth sliding down to the 8th notch. Waisin is at the 7th notch. Zhenyang and Jianhong holding on tight at the 7th notch too. Jezabel at the halfway mark now. Jenyun sliding down to the 6th notch. Everyone is still in it.

*15 minutes elapsed*

Yixuan: Jianhong is flirting with danger, hanging tight on the 2nd notch! Waisin dropped to the 5th notch. Ruth losing control and started sliding down quickly. Oh she managed to grab on at the 4th notch. Timothy dipping down to the 9th notch. Zhenyang dropped to the 4th notch. Jezabel holding on at the halfway mark with her dear life.

Jianhong: Damn it!

Yixuan: Jianhong fell off and is out of the challenge, and we are down to 6!

*20 minutes elapsed*

Jenyun: This is torture.

Yixuan: Jenyun is fidgeting badly and losing her grip! And with that, Jenyun drops off and is out of the challenge. We are down to the final 5. Ruth falling down to the halfway mark. Waisin not moving. Timothy is leading comfortably at the 7th notch. Jezabel and Zhenyang at the 3rd notch!

*25 minutes elapsed*

Jezabel: You guys are too irritating!

Yixuan: Jezabel steps off. It is now Timothy, Ruth, Waisin and Zhenyang fighting for immunity!

Ruth (confessionals): Waisin suddenly became like another person. He hung out so long during the challenge. I was trying my best to keep immunity away from him.

Yixuan: Zhenyang dropping to the 2nd notch! But he's not giving up!

*30 minutes elapsed*

Yixuan: Ruth is the only girl left fighting against 3 guys. Zhenyang relaxing his limbs. His butt is dangerously close to the ground but he is still fighting on. Ruth dropping down to the 3rd notch. Waisin is at the 4th notch. Timothy is solid as a rock on the 7th notch still.

*40 minutes elapsed*

Zhenyang: Gosh!

Yixuan: Zhenyang readjusting frantically. He looks like he is losing his grip!

Zhenyang: No!

Yixuan: With that, Zhenyang is out of the challenge! Leaving us with 3 survivors fighting for immunity.

*45 minutes elapsed*

Yixuan: No one is moving. Immunity is at stake, you want this around your neck when you go to tribal council. Oh. Ruth starts to fidget!

Ruth: I can't feel my arms already.

Yixuan: Dig deep! You have already endured so long. It would be wasted if you drop out now.

Ruth: I can't take it anymore.

Yixuan: Ruth is out of the challenge. It is Timothy from the old Torrent tribe against Waisin from the old Zephyr tribe.

Timothy: Argh, this is tiring.

Yixuan: Timothy showing the first signs of tiredness and slides down to the 5th notch. Waisin refusing to give up at the 3rd notch.

*55 minutes elapsed*

Yixuan: Timothy inching down the pole and is almost at the same level as Waisin. If Waisin can hold on longer that Timothy, he will win.

Waisin: Ahhhhhh!

Yixuan: And Waisin falls off the pole. TIMOTHY WINS IMMUNITY!

Yixuan: Come on over Timothy.

*puts immunity necklace around Timothy's neck*

Yixuan: Timothy, safe at tribal council tonight. The rest of you tribal council tonight whereby one of you will be voted out tonight. You have the afternoon to decide who it is. Grab your stuff and head on back.

Waisin (confessionals): Looks like I am in trouble tonight. I have to scramble hard.

Zephrent Camp

Timothy (confessionals): I am wearing the necklace plus I have an idol in my pocket. That makes me the safest person tonight at tribal council. It's going to be nice to witness all the scrambling for once.

Zhenyang: Jianhong, who you want to vote?
Jianhong: I am thinking Waisin. He seems to be a threat from how he played just now.
Jenyun: Hmm, I am not sure about that. Ruth said he was really weak at challenges and he somehow lucked out just now.
Jianhong: We can't let him luck out another time. We might be in danger!
Jezabel: I also agree with voting Waisin out. Then at least the girls are easier to handle.

Jenyun (confessionals): Jezabel seems bent on doing the all female thing. I wonder how it will turn out. Right now, I know I'm safe so I think I will keep it that way.

Jenyun: Ruth, they are voting Waisin.
Ruth: He doesn't have any alliance now. I am actually more afraid of Priscilla. She has a lot of strategic things going on in her mind. I sure do not want to end up on her bad side.
Jenyun: Actually Jezabel wanted to form an all-female alliance. But I think it is quite stupid because I also can't trust Priscilla.
Ruth: How about we do Priscilla tonight?
Jenyun: Alright.

Timothy: Hey, who are we voting tonight?
Priscilla: I am thinking Zhenyang or Jianhong. They are the biggest threats right now.
Timothy: I am on your side you know.
Priscilla: Prove it.
Timothy: I have the hidden immunity idol.
Priscilla: Show it.
Timothy: *reveals hidden immunity idol* There.
Priscilla: This is big! Okay, so you are really going to play them?
Timothy: Yes. I will convince them I'm voting with them but in fact, I will blindside them.
Priscilla: Who do you think is more dangerous?
Timothy: Jianhong. He's a strategist. Zhenyang is more of a challenge person.
Priscilla: Alright, then we will go with Jianhong tonight.

Priscilla (confessionals): Timothy just showed me another hidden immunity idol and I was shocked. He has the idol luck! Right now, I'm trying to test his loyalty. If he truly wants to vote with us, Jianhong will be gone. If not, he cannot be trusted and I will make his idol flush out.

Baowen: We are voting Jianhong?
Priscilla: That's right.
Siying: Do we have the majority?
Priscilla: Timothy is jumping ship.
Baowen: What about Ruth?
Priscilla: I have not spoken to her yet.
Siying: Alright, I will speak to her.
Priscilla: And I will talk to Waisin.

Priscilla: Waisin, it's Jianhong tonight. We have 6 votes on him.
Waisin: Who? Timothy?
Priscilla: Yup!
Waisin: Phew, that made me heave a sign of relief.
Priscilla: Don't tell anybody anything.

Siying: Ruth, they are voting Jianhong.
Ruth: Really?
Siying: Are you having other plans?
Ruth: I spoke to Jenyun and I think they are voting Waisin.
Siying: Oh! I get it, we could get Waisin out and we form back an alliance with the old Zephyr.
Ruth: Bingo! Should we tell Baowen?
Siying: I doubt it. She's too close to Priscilla. Anyway, I think let's just play both sides now. That way, we have more options.
Ruth: Good. So Waisin tonight?

Siying (confessionals): Right now, I am in the middle of both alliance and I think it's an awesome place to be at because I can choose to go either sides. Also, I feel that I can trust Ruth better than Priscilla. And if need be, Baowen might have to go too. But I am still caught in between both sides. Not sure who I should vote for.

Ruth (confessionals): I am actually more keep on keeping Jianhong than Waisin. But who knows what Torrent might have up their sleeves? And I don't have any idols to protect myself from being blindsided. Gosh, maybe I might even be played by both sides. Hopefully nothing goes wrong tonight.

Jezabel: Timothy, what are you going to do?
Timothy: Waisin right? Anyway, I'm safe tonight so I don't really care.
Jezabel: Alright. If you have an idol, please play it for us to gain the upper hand.
Timothy: That is if I have it.

Timothy (confessionals): I hope Jezabel is being played into my hand. Wait till they see the look on their face when Jianhong gets voted out.

Jezabel (confessionals): I think Timothy is going to vote with us. In that case, we should be very solid and the votes could still tie up even if Ruth decides not to flip. And if he really plays the idol for us, it would flush out his idol and he will be the next to go.

Night 27

Tribal Council

*Zephrent tribe walking in and sitting down*

Yixuan: Welcome to tribal council as a merged tribe. Now bringing in the members of the jury. Siaun, and Pohchoon, voted out of the last tribal council.

*Siaun and Pohchoon walking in*

Yixuan: Baowen, keep me up with the tribe dynamics

Baowen: I think Torrent is sticking to Torrent and Zephyr is sticking to Zephyr, pulling a 5-5 tie. So hopefully someone flips or pulls the idol, if not all of us will be vulnerable drawing the purple rock.

Yixuan: So alliance lines are being drawn based on previous tribal arrangements.

Timothy: Maybe at the surface it is. But I'm sure everyone is looking for opportunities to advance beyond the 5th place of their original tribe.

Zhenyang: However, we have played with 2 different tribes and the mix and match of these interactions could produce unexpected results.

Yixuan: And that's where blindsides occur. Ruth, tell me, are you worried?

Ruth: Of course. Sitting here without immunity is the most nerve-wrecking thing that can happen. Right now, I just hope the people who gave me their word, does according to what they say. At least that would make me feel safer.

Yixuan: Waisin, you almost won the immunity challenge. Does that make you a threat?

Waisin: Of course not. Everybody knows how I suck at challenges and after my alliance got crushed back at Zephyr, I am practically left to fend for myself.

Jianhong: However, you can see that Waisin is really fighting for his life and it could be a motivation for him to pull a stunt in future!

Yixuan: Jenyun, what's your criteria for voting tonight?

Jenyun: I want to keep my alliance strong and pick out possible threats to our alliance, be it challenge threats or social threats.

Jezabel: I feel that being girls, we tend to lose to guys when it comes to physical challenges. So I really hope that I can send a guy home with my vote.

Yixuan: Alright, so right now you know that it is an individual gameplay. Siying, how does that change they way you play it?

Siying: I am not changing my gameplay. As long as the option works for me, I will go for it. After all, I've been targeted since Day 1. Anything to keep me safe will get my attention.

Yixuan: With that, it's time to vote. Timothy, you have individual immunity are you keeping it?

Timothy: Definitely.

Yixuan: Alright, you cannot vote for Timothy, everyone else is fair game. Jenyun, you are up.

*Jenyun voted*
Jenyun: You have to go. I don't want you winning immunities at the wrong time.

*Priscilla voted*
Priscilla: You are a threat and that's about it.

*Baowen voted*
Baowen: I just don't want it to be me.

*Zhenyang voted*
Zhenyang: I feel that you are not a threat, but my alliance does. So here's my vote to you.

*Ruth voted*
Ruth: Hopefully I never put my trust in the wrong hands. If I get screwed over, then I am most likely the next to go.

*Timothy voted*
Timothy: Sorry that I had to vote for you. You guys never treated me as part of a tribe since Jezabel flipped. Now you will get a taste of how being flipped on feels like.

*Jezabel voted*
Jezabel: I need you to go for my grand master plan to take place.

*Siying voted*
Siying: I wish that this is the correct choice. And I definitely have to do damage control after this.

*Jianhong voted*
Jianhong: It could be me going home tonight, but I wish it will be you.

*Waisin voted*
Waisin: Please let it be you going home. Please!!

Yixuan: Alright, I will go tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and wants to play it, now would be the time to do so.

*Priscilla and Jezabel turned to face Timothy*
*Timothy fidgets*

Yixuan: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

First vote, Waisin

Second vote, Jianhong

1 vote Waisin, 1 vote Jianhong

Third vote, Jianhong

2 votes Jianhong, 1 vote Waisin

Fourth vote, Waisin

We are tied, 2 votes Jianhong, 2 votes Waisin

Fifth vote, Waisin

3 votes Waisin, 2 votes Jianhong

Sixth vote, Waisin

4 votes Waisin, 2 votes Jianhong, 4 votes left.

Seventh vote, Jianhong

4 votes Waisin, 3 votes Jianhong, 3 votes left.

Eighth vote, Jianhong

We are tied again, 4 votes Waisin, 4 votes Jianhong, 2 votes left.

Ninth vote, Waisin

5 votes Waisin, 4 votes Jianhong, 1 vote left.

Eleventh person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains and the third member of the jury, Waisin

Yixuan: Waisin, bring me your torch.

*Waisin walks over*

Yixuan: Waisin, your tribe has spoken. *extinguishes torch* Time for you to go.

*Waisin walks off*

Yixuan: Looks like tribal alliance are no longer existing and that was definitely a blindside. Grab your stuff, head back to camp. I will see you tomorrow.

Waisin: I was so sure that we were going to tie. And move into the purple rock picking. I definitely think it was Ruth who flipped and got me out. So I hope that the rest can see that and vote Ruth out next.

Tribal Council #11:
Baowen - Jianhong
Jenyun - Waisin
Jezabel - Waisin
Jianhong - Waisin
Priscilla - Jianhong
Ruth - Waisin
Siying - Waisin
Timothy - Jianhong
Waisin - Jianhong
Zhenyang - Waisin

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