Wednesday 25 June 2014

Survivor: Heroes vs Villains Episode 5

Episode 5

Links to past episode: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4

Episode 4 Recap

Previously on Survivor, after winning 2 consecutive challenges, the Zephyr camp has many luxury items. Siying accidentally stumbled a clue to the hidden immunity idol amongst the luxury items. Sharing the clue with Baowen, both of them started to find the idol. However, when Siying found the idol, she decided to keep it from Baowen. At the reward challenge, the Torrent tribe pulled a great victory and won shelter and tools for their tribe. While unpacking, Timothy found a clue to the hidden immunity idol too. But his carelessness caused Priscilla to get news of the clue too. In the end, Priscilla found the idol before Timothy and decided to keep it to herself. At the immunity challenge, Ruth and Pohchoon led their blindfolded tribe through a winding course and a table maze. However, Siying's lagness caused Zephyr the immunity, sending them back to Tribal Council. Back at the Zephyr camp, the tribe decided to vote Siying out for her mistake again. At Tribal Council, Siying detected that she was in trouble and pulled out the hidden immunity idol to save herself. In the end, 7 votes against Siying was negated and Erwitt got sent home with 2 votes, making him the fourth person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains.

16 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Night 11

Zephyr Camp

Ruth (confessionals): No one knew that the Hidden Immunity Idol has come into play. So when Siying pulled it out from her pocket, we were all dumbfounded. But the lucky thing is that I'm not sent home. I sure have to be more careful now.

Siying (confessionals): Thank goodness I played the idol. For a moment, I thought that Ruth and Lisa are voting along with me. I never expected the whole tribe to vote against me. Looks like my only trustworthy alliance now is only Baowen.

Jianhong (confessionals): Siying is like a cockroach. You just can't get rid of her. Two tribal councils, 2 surprises for me. If i can't get rid of her, I will let her ride my coattail to the finals and I can easily won over her!

Hexun (confessionals): The idol did indeed shake things up. Now that another idol has been planted in our camp, things are going to be very chaotic.

Day 12

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Torrent walking in*

*Zephyr walking in*

Yixuan: Torrent getting a first look at the new Zephyr tribe. Erwitt, voted out the last Tribal Council.


Yixuan: Shelia, surprised?
Shelia: Yea, considering that he has been performing well in the challenges.
Yanzhi: What are they thinking? Voting out 2 strong members.
Yixuan: You shall see. Before we get to today's challenge, we have a twist.

Yixuan: Drop your buffs, we are switching tribes.

*more gasps*

Yixuan: This game never cease to have surprises eh? Now, pick a rock out of the bag. Keep it covered until I say so.

*everyone picks a rock*

Yixuan: Now, Zephyr, open your hand. The one with the blue rock will step forward.

*Ruth steps forward*

Yixuan: Torrent, open your hand. The one with the red rock will step forward.

*Timothy steps forward*

Yixuan: Ruth, Timothy, you are now the leader of the Zephyr tribe and the Torrent tribe respectively. You will pick your tribe members in a schoolyard pick. You may not pick someone from your previous tribe. Ladies first, so Ruth, who's your pick?

Ruth: Siaun.

Timothy: Jianhong.

Siaun: Hexun.

Jianhong: Yanzhi.

Hexun: Pohchoon.

Yanzhi: Zhenyang.

Pohchoon: Baowen.

Zhenyang: Shelia.

Baowen: Waisin.

Shelia: Jenyun.

Waisin: Siying.

Jenyun: Jezabel.

Yixuan: Siying, Jezabel, your choices have been made for you. Priscilla will be joining Zephyr. Lisa will be joining Torrent.



Yixuan: Alright, put on your new buffs and we will carry on with our reward challenge. For today's challenge,

Four members of each tribe will battle to retrieve balls in the pit. They will then toss these balls to the other four tribemates who are up on a platform who will attempt to shoot these balls into a basket. Each time a player gets a ball into a basket, they score one point for their tribe. The first tribe to score two points wins.

Yixuan: Want to know what you are playing for?

Castaways: Yea!

Yixuan: Winning tribe will leave here and be taken to a beautiful watering hole and you will enjoy a feast of chocolate. Chocolate bars, chocolate cake, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate milk. Worth playing for?

Baowen: Definitely.

Yixuan: Give you a minute to strategize. Will be interesting to see how you work with your new tribe.

Yixuan: For Zephyr, Waisin, Siaun, Ruth and Siying in the pit, Priscilla, Baowen, Pohchoon, Hexun on the platform. For Torrent, Jianhong, Zhenyang, Jenyun and Lisa in the pit, Timothy, Yanzhi, Shelia, Jezabel on the platform. Looks like Torrent is uncomfortable with working with their new friends.

Yixuan: Round 1. Survivors ready? GO! Siaun rushing ahead and knocks Jianhong and Zhenyang aside! Waisin gets a ball and passes to the platform. Jenyun fighting with Siying for a ball. Ruth snags the other ball right from Lisa's grip. Priscilla tosses for Zephyr. Misses by a bit and Jezabel catches it. Jezabel makes a toss. Coming in a little too short. Everyone in the pit fighting for that ball. Pohchoon catches the ball from Ruth and makes a shot. It hits the hoop and into Timothy's hand. Waisin grabbing the ball from Zhenyang and passes it to Hexun. Hexun making a shot! ZEPHYR SCORES A POINT!

Yixuan: Alright, Zephyr leads 1 - 0. Now to switch over. Those on the platform, go into the pit. Those in the pit come on out. Survivors ready? GO! Timothy swipes two balls and passes it quickly to Lisa and Jenyun. Baowen trying to wriggle free from Shelia's grip with the ball. Priscilla takes the ball from Baowen and passes it to Ruth. Ruth makes a shot! Lisa uses her ball to block the shot! Jenyun makes a shot. Oh goes a little too far and Siaun catches it. 2 balls in the pit now, 8 survivors fighting for it. Jezabel shoves Baowen away! Priscilla pushes Shelia into the fence! The girls are getting into a catfight! Timothy locking in Hexun and Pohchoon. Yanzhi picks up both ball and tosses it to Jianhong. Siaun making a shot. Jianhong making a shot. Both misses and the ball went back to the pit! Jianhong making another shot. TORRENT SCORES A POINT!

Yixuan: We are tied, 1 - 1. We are playing to 2. The winner of this round will win reward. You guys have to switch roles again. Final round, survivors ready? GO! Jenyun quickly grabs a ball. Siaun grabbing Jenyun back to Zephyr's platform. Jenyun struggling to break free. Waisin picking up a ball and tosses it to Priscilla. Lisa using her arms to block Ruth and Siying from the ball! Zhenyang picks up the last ball and passes it to Yanzhi. Yanzhi making a shot. Priscilla blocks it with her ball. Ruth snatches the ball from Jenyun's hands, passes it to Baowen. Baowen aiming nicely. 2 other balls are still in the pit. No one is giving them up. Baowen shoots. It hits the hoop and into Timothy's hands. Timothy shoots! It goes in! TORRENT WINS REWARD!

Yixuan: Alright Zephyr, I've got nothing for you, grab your bags head back to camp. Congratulations Torrent, go out and enjoy your reward.

Torrent Reward

Jezabel: Oh my god, look at all the chocolate!
Lisa: Let's dig in!
Yanzhi: So what happened last night at Tribal Council? I was expecting one of the girls to go out.
Jianhong: We have been trying to get rid of Siying since forever.
Zhenyang: And last night, Siying pulled out a hidden immunity idol. And Erwitt got bounced off instead.
Lisa: *thinking to herself* Oh man. Those 2 have to stop talking, they are going to cause the original Zephyr's downfall.
Jenyun: *thinking to herself* They are so desperate to slide into the Torrent 4 alliance. I am going to be on the outs now.
Shelia: So the idol is now in play?
Jianhong: Definitely.
Yanzhi: *thinking to himself* Then what Pohchoon said makes sense. Timothy and Priscilla might be holding on to the other idol. I have to flush it out once we have the numbers.

Shelia (confessionals): I think the appearance of the Hidden Immunity Idol definitely caused people to scramble for alliance.

Timothy (confessionals): This is not good. They all know about the Hidden Immunity Idol. I have to find it quickly.

Day 13

Zephyr Camp

Priscilla (confessionals): Now that we are even in numbers, I am hoping to get one of the girls to flop. Either that, or I make myself the target and use the idol to get rid one of the previous Zephyr member.

Ruth (confessionals): Argh, the previous alliance I formed are all over at the other tribe. I only have Hexun here now. And I am not sure if Siying is still angry that I voted for her the last Tribal Council.

Pohchoon (confessionals): It's weird in camp. The ex-Zephyr members and the ex-Torrent members are still divided by this imaginary line. I am hoping one of them flip to our side or I am going to squeeze myself into the cracks of their alliance.

Ruth: We have to get one of them to vote with us.
Hexun: Who do you think has the highest chance of flipping?
Ruth: I don't know. Looking from their tribe, I would work with Priscilla and maybe promise her a female alliance. That might benefit us.
Hexun: But first, we need Baowen and Siying on our side.

Baowen: We need to stick with Ruth and Hexun for the time being. They are the ones we can trust now.
Siying: After they tried to blindside me? Man, do we have another option?
Baowen: We can take those 2 out and we will be on the chopping block next.
Siying: Fine.

Torrent Camp

Jianhong: Zhenyang, I was thinking of voting off Lisa. She's one of the weakest now. I am hoping to strike a deal with them, after voting out Lisa, we will vote out one of their girls too. Probably by then, we get hold of an idol and pick them off.
Zhenyang: I think it's a great idea. We have to watch each other's back though. The girls are quite sneaky.
Jianhong: We are going to the Final 2 man!
Zhenyang: Hopefully.

Shelia: We should try to swing one of them to vote with us.
Timothy: We can work with Zhenyang and Jianhong. I think they want to get rid of the weaker girls.
Jezabel: Then we are in trouble too.
Yanzhi: Don't worry, we will watch your back.

Jezabel (confessionals): Seriously, I only trust Yanzhi now. Timothy and Shelia are formerly in an alliance and I think they might backstab me for revenge once we have the numbers. So my aim is to not let that happen and vote them out before I get blindsided.

Day 14

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Zephyr and Torrent walking in*

Yixuan: First thing first, taking back the idol.

*takes immunity idol from Yanzhi*

Yixuan: Once again immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge,

One person will be your caller. The other tribe members will be blindfolded and paired up. Using only verbal command, the caller must direct their other tribe members to collect ten very large puzzle pieces scattered on the field. Once you have all your pieces, take off your blindfolds and solve the puzzle. The first tribe to get it right wins immunity.

Yixuan: For this challenge, you have to sit out one member from each tribe. Who's it going to be?
Siying: Me.
Jenyun: Me.
Yixuan: Siying, Jenyun, take your spots on the bench. The rest, give you a minute to strategize.

Yixuan: For Zephyr, Pohchoon will be the caller. For Torrent, Yanzhi will be the caller. Ruth and Hexun, Siaun and Baowen, Waisin and Priscilla are the pairs for Zephyr. Timothy and Lisa, Jianhong and Shelia and Zhenyang and Jezabel will be the pairs for Torrent. Survivors ready? GO!

Yixuan: Pohchoon and Yanzhi shouting to direct their tribe members to the puzzle pieces. Siaun and Baowen off with a good start. Jianhong bumped into a barrel. Lisa walking into the ropes at the boundary. Torrent losing precious time at the start. Ruth and Hexun very near their puzzle piece. Jianhong and Shelia at their puzzle piece. Priscilla and Timothy bumping into each other. Siaun and Baowen, Ruth and Hexun, Jianhong and Shelia all with a puzzle piece. Zhenyang and Jezabel walking aimlessly. Lisa trying to find Timothy. Zephyr is leading 2 puzzle pieces, Torrent with only 1!

Yixuan: Pohchoon very calm trying to direct all three pairs at the same time. Yanzhi starting to get frustrated. Zhenyang and Jezabel finally at a puzzle piece. Lisa finally found Timothy. They are losing time. Jianhong and Shelia finding their second piece. Ruth and Hexun, Siaun and Baowen, Waisin and Priscilla all with another puzzle piece heading back. Timothy and LIsa with their first puzzle piece. All of them are heading back. Waisin bumped into Lisa, causing her to drop her puzzle piece. Timothy cannot carry it alone, it's too heavy. The pairs are coming back with their puzzle pieces. Zephyr now leading 5 - 4.

Yixuan: Pohchoon directing Siaun and Baowen to the furthest puzzle piece. Yanzhi trying to control Lisa who keeps walking into obstacles. Ruth and Hexun getting another puzzle piece swiftly. Waisin and Priscilla with another puzzle piece. Jianhong and Shelia with their third puzzle piece. Lisa doesn't know where she's going and heading straight for the ropes again. Zhenyang and Jezabel with another puzzle piece. Siaun and Baowen reaching the furthest puzzle piece. All the pairs except Timothy and Lisa is heading back. Timothy dragging Lisa and following Yanzhi's instruction to the next puzzle piece. Zephyr is leading 7 - 5 now.

Yixuan: Zephyr working very well together. Only 2 more pieces left before Zephyr can start with their puzzle. Torrent needs 4 more pieces. Ruth and Hexun looks like they have memorized the whole course. They can walk through it with ease! Ruth and Hexun, Siaun and Baowen coming back with puzzle piece. Jianhong and Shelia back with a puzzle piece. Zephyr is leading 9 - 6. Torrent quickly falling out of this challenge. Waisin and Priscilla with Zephyr's last puzzle piece. Zhenyang and Jezabel, Timothy and Lisa all with a puzzle piece. All heading back. Zephyr can start on their puzzle, take off your blindfolds! Torrent still needs 2 more puzzle pieces. Jianhong and Shelia going for the furthest puzzle piece now. Zhenyang and Jezabel going out again. Timothy and Lisa decided not to go again in case Lisa gets lost again.

Yixuan: Ruth and Priscilla making very quick work of the puzzle base. Pohchoon trying to visualise the puzzle. The image must be on the outside. Jianhong and Shelia coming back. Zhenyang and Jezabel just getting their puzzle piece. Siaun holding up the sides. Baowen pushes the edge in. Zephyr is having a very great lead over Torrent but it's not over yet. Torrent are still in this challenge. Torrent has all 10 puzzle pieces! They can start fixing the puzzle. Hexun on top of Zephyr's puzzle and hauling the middle piece from Waisin. Zephyr working very well. Torrent figuring out the base. Ruth puts the final piece in. ZEPHYR WINS IMMUNITY!

Yixuan: Congratulations Zephyr, immunity is yours, safe from tonight's vote. Torrent, Tribal Council tonight, one of you will be going home. You have the afternoon to figure out. Grab your stuff, head back to camp.

Torrent Camp

Yanzhi (confessionals): That was by far the worse display of performance by Lisa. She doesn't even know what she is doing. I want her out now. Keeping her only makes my blood boil.

Jenyun (confessionals): Sitting there and watch Lisa perform like a clown was indeed entertaining. But we cannot afford to keep this sort of deadweight in our tribe. We will just die with her.

Timothy (confessionals): I am thinking of voting out either Lisa or Jenyun tonight. I want to keep our Torrent 4 strong and hopefully, we get one of the guys to flip. They all should know how badly Lisa performed today.

Lisa (confessionals): I think the target is on me tonight. I have no idea what I was doing. But I'm not going down without a fight. I will convince them that keeping me is better than keeping Jenyun.

Shelia: So it's Lisa tonight?
Yanzhi: Without a doubt. I don't want her to do this stunt again the next immunity challenge.
Timothy: What about Jenyun? She did seem quite weak during the reward challenge today.
Yanzhi: But not as bad as Lisa during the immunity challenge. You should have seen her.
Jezabel: Alright, we will have to convince them to flip.
Timothy: I will go talk to the guys.

Timothy: Jianhong, Zhenyang, we are going to vote Lisa out tonight.
Jianhong: Our exact sentiments.
Zhenyang: No point keeping her if she isn't doing her part.
Timothy: Great!

Timothy (confessionals): Jianhong and Zhenyang agreed to me a little to easily. I doubt they have the hidden immunity idol to do anything funny. Speaking of which, I am going to spend the afternoon finding the idol to keep myself safe.

Lisa: Zhenyang, we should vote Jenyun out tonight.
Zhenyang: Why?
Lisa: At least I tried my best during the immunity challenge, she didn't even try.
Zhenyang: But you screwed up.
Lisa: I know.
Zhenyang: I cannot guarantee you safe, I don't know who the rest are voting for. But I've got a feeling it's either Jenyun or you tonight.

Jianhong: Jenyun, we are voting Lisa out.
Jenyun: Think about it, after Lisa goes, they will have a 4 - 3 advantage over us. We will be picked off next,
Jianhong: Zhenyang and I will negotiate with Yanzhi to take out one of their girls next. Don't worry.

Jenyun (confessionals): What worry me most about taking out Lisa tonight is that our numbers will be down and we will be picked off by them easily.

Jianhong: Yanzhi, we will vote out Lisa tonight, but the next time, you have to vote out one of your girls to make it even.
Yanzhi: You have my word.
Jianhong: I hope that I can trust you and you will cover my back.
Yanzhi: Don't worry, you and I will go into the Final 2.

Yanzhi (confessionals): Jianhong came up to me to agree on voting one of the Torrent girls after Lisa is out. Of course I will agree to it. It's Lisa going first then next Tribal Council, we will have the numbers to take our Jianhong easily.

Timothy (confessionals): I have been finding the idol for 4 days now. And I've got nothing. Could it be with Priscilla?

Tribal Council

*Torrent tribe walking in and sitting down*

Yixuan: So this tribe has 4 ex-Zephyr and 4 ex-Torrent members. Jianhong, will this restrict the way you vote?

Jianhong: If you mean us voting for the ex-Torrent members are vice versa, I don't think so. I am sure everyone here has the same objective, strengthening the tribe to win the next immunity challenge. The last 2 times here, I have this objective and it's no different today.

Yixuan: Alright, and I am thinking the target is going to be on one of the girls tonight?

Yanzhi: Definitely. We all know who screwed up during the immunity challenge.

Lisa: I know that everyone is looking at me for the vote tonight. But at least I've tried my best. It beats not doing anything at all and sitting out.

Yixuan: Jenyun, you looked shocked at the comment.

Jenyun: Yeah, of course. I mean I didn't expect Lisa to have such a perception of me. And just now, nobody is volunteering to sit out and I saw that since Siying is sitting out, I shall sit out too.

Timothy: If we have had known earlier, we would get Lisa to sit out.

Yixuan: So ultimately, it's down to Lisa messing up the immunity challenge again. Let's take a look at the challenge. Jianhong and Shelia, Zhenyang and Jezabel, both of you came back with 4 puzzle pieces which is double of what Timothy and Lisa acheived. Shelia, Jezabel, what do you have to say about this?

Jezabel: I am definitely shocked at my performance. I didn't know I could be that effective.

Shelia: I felt proud of myself for working so hard to prove myself during the immunity challenge. I think that speaks a lot because some people performed like they do not want to be here.

Yixuan: Alright we shall see how things turn out. It's time to vote, Timothy, you are up.

*Timothy voted*
Timothy: This is a no-brainer. Keeping my numbers is more important.

*Shelia voted*
Shelia: Majority is all I need in this game. Getting rid of you achieves that.

*Jezabel voted*
Jezabel: I really want to go with you guys, but I am afraid I might be targeted instead.

*Yanzhi voted*
Yanzhi: I can't believe you would fall for this trick. Goodbye puny Zephyrs.

*Jianhong voted*
Jianhong: You have been a disgrace at the challenge. Time for you to go.

*Lisa voted*
Lisa: Praying that my scrambling works.

*Zhenyang voted*
Zhenyang: I am really reluctant to do this vote. I just hope we aren't played by Yanzhi.

*Jenyun voted*
Jenyun: I never trusted you since the first tribal council. You have proven that again and again to me.

Yixuan: Alright, I will go tally the votes.

*collect votes*

Yixuan: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. As you know, the Hidden Immunity Idol has entered play. If anyone has the Hidden Immunity Idol and wants to play it, now will be the time to do so.


Yixuan: Alright, I will read the votes.

First vote, Lisa.

Second vote, Jenyun.

We are tied. 1 vote Lisa, 1 vote Jenyun.

Third vote, Lisa.

That's 2 votes Lisa, 1 vote Jenyun.

Fourth vote, Lisa.

3 votes Lisa, 1 vote Jenyun.

Fifth vote, Lisa.

That's 4 votes Lisa, 1 vote Jenyun. 3 votes left.

Fifth person voted out off Survivor: Heroes vs Villains, Lisa.

Yixuan: Lisa, I need you to bring me your torch.

*Lisa walks over*

Yixuan: Lisa, your tribe has spoken *puts out torch*

*Lisa walks off*

Yixuan: From tonight's vote, I can see that the division between the two tribes have been blurred because of a common objective, to make the tribe stronger. We shall see how well you guys will perform after this. Grab your stuff, head on back to camp.

Lisa: I think it's just unfair for people to judge me based on the one challenge I screwed up today. But the past 14 days have really taken a toll on me. I've not gone through so much hardships and difficulties. This had definitely made me treasure life more.

Tribal Council #5:
Jenyun - Lisa
Jezabel - Lisa
Jianhong - Lisa
Lisa - Jenyun
Shelia - Lisa
Timothy - Lisa
Yanzhi - Lisa
Zhenyang - Lisa

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