Thursday 26 June 2014

Survivor: Heroes vs Villains Episode 9

Episode 9

Links to past episode: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8

Episode 8 Recap

Previously on Survivor, a tribal switch caused the castaways' game plans to change. The newly formed Zephyr tribe has the upper hand as they maintained a winning streak over Torrent. After voting out 3 members in a row, Torrent is down in numbers. At the same time, Ruth's position in Zephyr is rocky. Being without any alliance member, she caught a break by finding the hidden immunity idol. At the reward challenge, Torrent finally broke free from their losing streak by winning the bowling game. Then, they went on to win the immunity challenge by inches, sending Zephyr to tribal. Before tribal, Ruth was sure that one of the three ex-Zephyr girls will be the target and is ready to use her idol. However, feeling threatened by the alliance between Priscilla and Siaun, Pohchoon decided to turn against one of them to break up the pair. At Tribal Council, Ruth was targeted by Siaun for playing a loner game. However, the tables turned when Siaun admitted his closeness with Priscilla. This worried many of the Zephyr members as they went to vote. In the end, Ruth was spared elimination when Siaun got blindsided, receiving 4 out of the 7 votes, causing him to be the ninth person voted out and the first member of the jury.

11 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Night 21

Zephyr Camp

Priscilla (confessionals): I was totally shocked at how the votes turned out. Apparently, 3 people flipped sides and now I find myself in trouble.

Priscilla: *approaching Pohchoon* What happened? Why did the votes go to Siaun instead?
Pohchoon: I had no choice. You two were too close and I don't want to be blindsided by you two.
Priscilla: You just ruined our plan. We were in such a good position to enter the Final 4. Now, we not only lost our strongest player, but we are even with the Zephyr girls.

Pohchoon (confessionals): Hmm, maybe it was the wrong time to blindside Siaun. But this game is so unpredicatable! You won't know what's coming next!

Day 22

Zephyr Camp

Ruth (confessionals): I am so glad that I survived Tribal Council last night. Somehow, there's an internal strife within the previous Torrent members and they decided to vote one of themselves out. Looks like there's a crack for me to advance into.

Baowen (confessionals): I somehow feel that Ruth is rather sneaky but Siying insists on working with her! I really don't know what to do now. Ahhhhh!

Waisin: Guys, TREEMAIL!
Priscilla: We have to rank our tribe members from strongest to weakest.
Pohchoon: It looks like an endurance challenge.
Priscilla: I think the girls will have an advantage being light and have smaller feet.
Ruth: But who is going to sit out?
Pohchoon: I think I should sit out. I might not hold out as long as you guys.
Baowen: Alright. So how should we rank this?

Torrent Camp

Jenyun: Guys, we have to rank ourselves.
Jianhong: Hmm, it looks like an endurance challenge to me.
Zhenyang: We should put the guys in front. It says from strongest to weakest afterall.


Timothy (confessionals): I am still trying to find the hidden immunity idol. I cannot guarantee that I am safe until we win the next immunity challenge.

Timothy: It should be this stream. Now, to find underneath the rocks. *starts to overturn rocks* Oh my god! I found it! This has to be it!

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Torrent walking in*

*Zephyr walking in*

Yixuan: Torrent, getting your first look at the Zephyr tribe. Siaun voted out last tribal council.

Timothy: Wow.

Yixuan: Alright, let's get to today's challenge.

Each tribe member will use their arms to brace themselves between two walls, while their bare feet are perched on very narrow footholds. Every ten minutes, the castaways will move to smaller footholds. Once the third and final foothold has been reached, they will stay there for as long as possible.

Yixuan: You will be matched up with someone from the opposing tribe. That's where your ranking comes in. First pair, Ruth and Timothy. Second pair, Siying and Jianhong. Third pair, Waisin and Zhenyang. Fourth pair, Baowen and Jenyun. Fifth pair, Priscilla and Jezabel. To score a point, you have to outlast your opponent. The first tribe to three points win reward. Want to know what you are playing for?

Castaways: Yes!

Yixuan: Winning tribe will be treated to a feast from Outback Steakhouse, where you will have steak, potatoes, vegetables and wine to go along with it. Definitely worth playing for. Zephyr, you have one extra member to sit out, who's it going to be?

Pohchoon: I am.

Yixuan: Pohchoon sitting out, take a spot on the bench. Everyone else get into position.

Yixuan: For reward, survivors ready, and get onto the first foothold.

Yixuan: Alright, the challenge is officially on the way.

*10 minutes later*

Yixuan: It's now time to move onto the second foothold. You have 10 seconds to move. If you fall off now, you will be out of the challenge. Everyone moving up slowly. Priscilla wobbling a little. Jianhong almost losing his foothold. Everyone is now on the second foothold. And the challenge goes on.

*20 minutes later*

Yixuan: Alright, everyone move onto the smallest foothold. You have 10 seconds to move. Same rules apply. Ruth and Jenyun moving into position very quickly. Zhenyang moving slowly and steadily. Everyone else squirming into position. The foothold is smaller than a quarter of your foot. It's going to be very uncomfortable. Waisin shifting uneasily. Baowen looks like she's giving up.

Jianhong: Oh crap!

Yixuan: Jianhong slides off the foothold! SIYING SCORES ONE POINT FOR ZEPHYR! Zephyr leads 1 - 0.

Siying: Thank goodness you are down. I can't hold on much longer myself.

Yixuan: We are playing to three. The remaining 4 pairs going strong. Timothy buckling a bit. Jenyun trying to get back onto her foothold.

Priscilla: Come on, give up already.

Jezabel: Why don't you drop out first?

Siying: Come on Priscilla, don't give up!

Priscilla: Oh no.

Yixuan: Priscilla drops out of the challenge. JEZABEL SCORES THE FIRST POINT FOR TORRENT. We are now tied, 1 - 1.

Zhenyang: Good job Jezabel.

Yixuan: 3 pairs remaining. Ruth making this look easy. She's yawning already.

Ruth: Timothy, please drop out now.

Timothy: Haha! Nice try there.

Baowen: Ahhh! I've had enough. I'm stepping down.

Yixuan: Baowen stepping down. JENYUN SCORES AGAIN FOR TORRENT. Torrent now leads 2 - 1. If Ruth or Waisin steps down, Torrent will win the challenge.

Waisin: This is bad.

Ruth: God, please give me strength.

Yixuan: Ruth is the only girl left in the challenge. Zhenyang is showing fatigue. Timothy looks tired.

Waisin: I can't take this anymore.

Ruth: Waisin, you can do this.

Timothy: I'm having cramps on my foot already.

Zhenyang: This is indeed uncomfortable.

Yixuan: Timothy and Waisin stepping down at the same time. TORRENT WINS REWARD!

Yixuan: Alright, Zephyr, I've got nothing for you. Grab your stuff head back to camp.

*Zephyr walking out*

Yixuan: Congratulations Torrent. Go ahead and enjoy your reward.

Jianhong (confessionals): I'm really thrilled to have this reward as it really boost our morale and our protein intake! We are doing very in challenges now and I hope that it won't end.

Torrent Reward

Zhenyang: Great job guys! Now we just have to win the next challenge and Zephyr's numbers will be even!
Jenyun: It's our chance to get back in this.
Jezabel: Cheers!
Timothy: *thinking to himself* They make it sound like everyone is a happy family here when the fact is that I'm getting voted out once we lose the immunity challenge.

Zephyr Camp

Ruth: I wanted the reward so bad!
Baowen: Yeah! Me too!
Waisin: It was really hard to hang in the challenge. I thought it was easy but in fact, it requires a lot of strength and your posture must be correct.
Siying: Let's not talk about it and work harder for our next challenge!

Ruth (confessionals): Personally, I want to vote Waisin out. He hasn't been performing that well in the past challenges as compared to Siaun and he is on good terms with Pohchoon. I am afraid that they might pull off something disastrous.

Baowen (confessionals): I think Ruth is currently on the outs now. But she's pretty strong in challenges. Voting her out now may not be the most ideal situation. On the other hand, I want the guys out early so that we can have a all-female alliance.

Day 23

Torrent Camp

Jianhong: I wonder where's the hidden immunity idol. We haven't had any clues yet right?
Zhenyang: True. It's already 23 days and we only witnessed the one played by Siying.
Jenyun: You think Timothy or Jezabel has the idol but never reveal it?
Jianhong: That's very likely.
Zhenyang: Looks like someone is being sneaky around here.

Jenyun: Jezabel, do you have the hidden immunity idol?
Jezabel: Nope. Why are you asking?
Jenyun: Don't you find it weird that it hasn't entered play yet?
Jezabel: True. Maybe it's with Timothy?
Jenyun: Then that should be it.

Jezabel (confessionals): If Timothy has the idol, I'm afraid he might use it on me. I flipped against the alliance and he might still hold a grudge against me.

Zephyr camp

Pohchoon: Who do you think has the idol now?
Priscilla: I am not too sure. I haven't heard anything from the girls and I sure don't have it.
Waisin: Maybe it's with the gods and it will descend to us when we need it most.
Priscilla: Do you think we are watching some drama?
Waisin: You never know.

Siying: I have a feeling you are on the chopping board.
Ruth: I know. Did you see how the votes went last tribal? It was obvious everyone was gunning for me.
Siying: I am in your side, just so you know.
Ruth: I really want Pohchoon or Waisin out. They are both really strategic and they will definitely flip in a heartbeat.
Siying: My exact sentiments.

Day 24

Yixuan: Come on in guys.

*Zephyr and Torrent tribe walking in*

Yixuan: First things first, let me take the idol back.

*takes idol from Jenyun*

Yixuan: Once again, immunity is up for grabs. For today's challenge,

Both tribes will start on a platform floating in the water. One person at a time must move a bag of puzzle pieces along a rope and through a series of obstacles to the finish mat. Once all five bags have been collected, you must use those puzzle pieces to build a totem pole.

Yixuan: First tribe to correctly assemble the totem pole wins immunity and safe from tonight's vote. Losers go to tribal where one of you will be the tenth person voted out of this game. Zephyr, you have one extra member, choose who are you going to sit out, keeping in mind you cannot sit Pohchoon out this challenge.
Priscilla: I'm sitting out.
Yixuan: Alright, Priscilla take a spot on the bench. The rest of you given a minute to strategize.

*both tribes strategizing*

Yixuan: For immunity, survivors ready, GO! Jianhong and Waisin first out on the course. Both of them neck-in-neck as they make their way through the obstacles. Jezabel and Pohchoon heading out now. Jezabel taking a small lead over Pohchoon when Pohchoon got stuck at the obstacle. He's coming up for many breaths. Navigating the bag of puzzle pieces underwater is not easy. Jezabel is back! Timothy on the course for Torrent. Pohchoon tugging at his bag. It finally got free. Timothy flying through the course. Siying is out for Zephyr. Timothy is back and Zhenyang sets out! Siying slowing down. Zhenyang is catching up with Siying. Both Zhenyang and Siying coming back at the same time. Torrent having a 1 bag lead over Zephyr. Jenyun and Baowen running the course. Baowen trying her best to pull away from Jenyun but both of them are very close. TORRENT HAS ALL 5 BAGS! THEY CAN START ASSEMBLING THE TOTEM POLE! Ruth heading out trying to make up alot of lost time. Zhenyang and Jianhong assembling the base together. Jezabel and Timothy fixing up all the middle parts. Jenyun helping them. Ruth comes back with Zephyr final puzzle bag. ZEPHYR CAN START ASSEMBLING THE TOTEM POLE. Torrent having a huge lead, it will be their challenge to lose this. Pohchoon and Ruth putting the base of the totem pole up. Torrent working very well. Timothy and Jianhong putting the final piece in. TORRENT WINS IMMUNITY!

Priscilla: Oh crap.

Yixuan: Congratulations Torrent on winning your fourth challenge in a row. Here's the immunity idol *passes to Jenyun*, safe from tonight's vote.
Jenyun: Thanks.

Yixuan: Zephyr, I've got nothing for you except for a date with me at tribal council tonight whereby one of the six of you will be going home. You have the afternoon to figure out who that will be. Grab your stuff and head back to camp.

Ruth (confessionals): I really wanted to hold the immunity idol into the merge since it should be approaching soon, but it looks like it will be difficult to do so.

*Zephyr and Torrent tribe walking off*

Zephyr Camp

Siying (confessionals): Tonight's tribal council is going to be a shocker. No one other than me knows that Ruth has the idol and I'm thinking whether to tell the rest about it. If not, I could work with Ruth to get rid of either Pohchoon or Waisin so that the people remaining are all in an alliance with me.

Pohchoon (confessionals): We lost immunity again and we are going to tribal council. And I guess I have to vote for Ruth to appease Priscilla.

Priscilla (confessionals): Tonight, Ruth will be receiving the votes mainly because I don't want to vote any of my alliance member. Hopefully, nothing will surprise me like the previous tribal council.

Ruth (confessionals): It was really frustrating to see another loss and it was out of my control. I really didn't want to go to tribal council because I know my name will definitely pop up. So, looks like my idol have to be played tonight.

Priscilla: So, tonight is definitely Ruth right? I don't want my name appearing in those votes.
Pohchoon: Yes. I need you to stick around for my plan to work. If not we would be down in numbers.
Priscilla: I'm glad you know my importance.

Pohchoon: Waisin, we have to vote Ruth out. She seem to be a very strong competitor. I don't want her winning the challenges in future.
Waisin: What about Priscilla? Is she still mad that we voted out Siaun? If so, we have to cut her loose before she deals damage to us.
Pohchoon: I know, but we need her for numbers now. If we enter the merge in the Final 10, we will have 5 people on our side and it's easy to swing one vote.
Waisin: I hope you know what you are doing.

Priscilla: Girls, we have to vote Ruth out.
Baowen: I am okay with writing down her name.
Siying: *feeling uneasy* Hmm, I guess so.
Baowen: I'm going to get some fruits.

*Baowen walks off*

Siying: Priscilla, Ruth has the hidden immunity idol. And she knows she's going out tonight so she's definitely playing it.
Priscilla: Are you serious?
Siying: I think we should split votes. Let the 3 of them vote Ruth then we vote out someone else.
Priscilla: Why did you share this with me and not Baowen?
Siying: I find that I can trust you better. And I am sincere in forming the final 3 alliance with you.
Priscilla: Alright.
Siying: The thing is I don't know who is Ruth going to take out.
Priscilla: Why not we vote out one of the guys. At least the girls will have control then.
Siying: You mean Waisin or Pohchoon?
Priscilla: I don't know. Waisin is like harmless. But Pohchoon is rather manipulative.
Siying: I will talk to Ruth to see who she's voting.

Siying (confessionals): I decided to share my information with Priscilla to win over her trust. I find that if I can keep Baowen and Priscilla close, it's very likely that we can make it into the final 3 together. And that's my ultimate aim.

Priscilla (confessionals): I am very happy that Siying shared the information with me. Now I'm in a dilemma. I can either go with Siying's plan and give her more control, or I could tell Pohchoon about this and blindside either Siying or Baowen. Both ways, I will be pissing off a jury member and the best I could go is still the final 3.

Siying: Ruth, I think you know everyone is gunning for you.
Ruth: Yeah, sort of. I am going to try and squeeze into the cracks.
Siying: Who are you going to vote then?
Ruth: I was thinking Waisin because he is very close with Pohchoon. And I'm afraid they might do some damage.
Siying: Hmm, oh well, as long as it isn't me!
Ruth: Don't worry, it won't be you. I was thinking between Priscilla and Waisin. Both of them are quite weak and has been causing us to lose challenges.

Ruth (confessionals): I am going to try to save my idol for tonight. And try to squeeze up any last minute alliances I can form.

Ruth: Pohchoon, I know you are going to vote for me but I can give you a better deal.
Pohchoon: What do you have to bargain?
Ruth: Vote for Waisin and we can make it further and I have this *reveals hidden immunity idol*
Pohchoon: Oh! Now that changes things.
Ruth: If we can get rid Waisin and enter the merge with this idol, we might be able to pull off a blindside on the opposite tribe.
Pohchoon: I think we should vote Priscilla instead.
Ruth: That's fine with me.

Pohchoon (confessionals): I don't really care if the idol is played tonight. As long as it's not me at the receiving end of votes, I am safe. Any thing after the merge can be discussed later.

Ruth (confessionals): Pohchoon wants me to vote Priscilla but I am still going to vote Waisin. I don't want him to gain too much power in this game.

Tribal Council

*Zephyr tribe walking in and sitting down*

Yixuan: Now bringing in members of the jury, Siaun, voted out of the last tribal council.

*Siaun enters and takes a seat*

Yixuan: Welcome back to Tribal Council, Zephyr. It's been 2 straight tribal councils in a row. Tell me Ruth, what went wrong?

Ruth: I think it's because we have voted out the wrong people. I have been putting in my 100% in challenges but some others haven't been.

Yixuan: Hmm, Siying, do you think that you have put in your 100%?

Siying: Yes I have. I find that I am actually improving as the game progresses. I may have caused many blunders in the past but I have gone past that stage and actually am contributing to the tribe's success.

Yixuan: What about you Priscilla?

Priscilla: Like before, I am less physically active. But I have also helped in puzzles. I must say that I have also put in my best effort to help the tribe win.

Yixuan: Then who are you referring to Ruth?

Ruth: I find that Waisin hasn't been performing up to standard. He does bad at challenges and he is also not very helpful around camp.

Waisin: *shocked* Why are you saying that about me? I did give in my best in the challenges. It's just that my best is not enough.

Ruth: If you didn't drop out during reward, we could have won.

Waisin: Then why don't you look at Pohchoon and Siying who cost us the immunity challenge?

Yixuan: So we are back to the same issue, are you going to vote to keep the tribe strong? Or keep your alliance strong?

Pohchoon: I think ultimately, this is an individual game and you have to vote according to your own interests. At this point, it's very close to the merge and I would rather vote out strong players and keep my alliance strong. But hey, this is Survivor and if you can predict what happens next, it wouldn't be Survivor!

Priscilla: I would think the same. Why keep a strong competitor and dampen your chances of winning? And by strong, it could be physically strong, it could also be a manipulative player who plays the social game! So it's rather difficult to strike a balance and decide who to vote.

Yixuan: Baowen, are you worried sitting here tonight?

Baowen: I'm not worried because I know what's going to happen and I know I'm safe. I'm not the type of strong player mentioned by Priscilla nor Pohchoon.

Yixuan: Alright, we shall see how this goes. It's time to vote, Waisin, you are up.

*Waisin voted*
Waisin: This vote is purely to get rid of the last individual person standing on this tribe.

*Priscilla voted*
Priscilla: Too bad, plans have to be changed because circumstances changed. Now it's time for you to taste your own medicine.

*Baowen voted*
Baowen: You were saved previously but I doubt you will be again. Once again, sorry for putting your name down.

*Ruth voted*
Ruth: The reason for voting you have already been mentioned. Hopefully, my idol can send you packing.

*Pohchoon voted*
Pohchoon: I hope that I can give you false hope and that you don't play your idol. Goodbye, but you are too strong and out of my control.

*Siying voted*
Siying: I cannot allow someone more manipulative than me linger around. It's both a threat to me and my alliance members. I hope that this can strengthen my alliance.

Yixuan: Alright, I will go tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and wants to play it, now would be the time to do so.


Ruth: As a matter of fact, I think I would be playing the idol. I'm having fixed feelings after tribal council and it would be stupid to be voted home with an idol in my pocket.

*hands over idol to Yixuan*

Siying: *thinking to herself* Good, the idol is flushed out. Hopefully Priscilla doesn't turn against me.

Yixuan: This is, indeed, the hidden immunity idol. Any votes casted against Ruth will not cast. Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I will read the votes.

First vote, Ruth.

Does not count.

Second vote, Ruth

Does not count.

Third vote, Ruth

Does not count.

Ruth: *heaves a sign of relief*

Fourth vote, Waisin

1 vote Waisin, 2 votes left.

Fifth vote, Pohchoon

We are tied, 1 vote Pohchoon, 1 vote Waisin, 1 vote left.

Pohchoon: What?

Tenth person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains and the second member of the jury, Pohchoon.

Yixuan: That's 2 votes, that's enough.

Pohchoon: *stares in disbelief* I can't believe this. *walks over*

Yixuan: Pohchoon, your tribe has spoken. *extinguishes torch*

Pohchoon: You guys got me good.

*Pohchoon walks off*

Yixuan: Looks like this tribe never fails to have a blindside during every tribal council. Grab your stuff, head back to camp.

Pohchoon: Apparently, someone else knew about the idol and decided to split the votes. I am really disappointed at myself and those who split the votes, which I think is Baowen and Siying. However, I am proud of how I played the game and I never regretted the gameplay. But it's time for me to go!

Tribal Council #10:
Baowen - Ruth
Pohchoon - Ruth
Priscilla - Pohchoon
Ruth - Waisin
Siying - Pohchoon
Waisin - Ruth

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