Wednesday 25 June 2014

Survivor: Heroes vs Villains Episode 1

Episode 1

Day 1

Yixuan: The South Pacific. Thousands of islands lay scattered across the world's most beautiful ocean. But for centuries, Man has traveled these waters to meet in combat. From brutal tribal warfare, to the epic battles of World War Two, this is a place where rivals have long traveled to settle old scores. It is the perfect setting for our first season of Survivor. (copyrighted from Survivor: Heroes vs Villains start scene)

*Choppers bringing in 20 survivors*

Baowen: This is one of the most breathtaking scenes I've ever seen!

Pohchoon: Looking around me, I see all sorts of competition. But I know I will emerge victorious.

Celest: I've never taken part before in this type of challenge before so I hope I can do really well!

Hanwei: People might think that I'm not good at this game, but trust me, you will misjudge me.

Ruth: I have seen this game and I know exactly how to play this. I am going to dominate and show what a girl like me can do!

Erwitt: I've always wanted to do this and now that I've the chance, I'm not going to let it go down to waste.

Priscilla: Others can look at me and say that I'm not strong or this or that. However, I will make sure they will swallow what they said. Proving them wrong will be my motivation to win.

Zhenyang: Being the only and eldest son, I think a lot of leadership roles has been entrusted on me. I think this is definitely advantageous for me when it comes down to this game.

Yuyan: This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I must make sure I enjoy myself. But not at the expanse of losing. Believe me, I will stab you back if necessary.

Yanzhi: I've always believed that karma is a bitch. But I am friends with karma. Hence, it won't bite me back if I start to do wrong stuff.

Jezabel: I think what girls have over the guys is their flirting abilities. I will try my best to flirt my way up the game.

Timothy: I rarely step out of my comfort zone. I hope that this will be an eye-opening experience for me and be a learning experience.

Shelia: I am not sure how this game works, but I know that if you are on the outs, you are out. So I will definitely try my best to be in any alliance I can form.

Jianhong: I am going to put in my very best so that the others do not have a reason to vote me out. And of course, play with brains too! Blindsides, here I come!

Jenyun: I think everyone will see me as the small little girl out there. But small little girls can also be scheming and manipulative. My strategy is to be the nice girl everyone sees and burn their backs when they turn around.

Hexun: In Survivor, you are weak, you are gone. You are too strong, you are gone. I am just going to be average and let the wind carry me through to the finals.

Siying: I am not going to let my weaknesses get in my way to winning Survivor. My willpower and determination is just too strong to be stopped!

Siaun: I belong to the nature. And when I'm home, I feel comfortable, I am unbeatable. Bring it on man!

Lisa: I am going to play safe. Once you are confident, you will be more prone to blindsides. And hence, you have to be vigilant the whole time.

Waisin: I am so ready to start this. Come on baby, let's rock and roll!

Yixuan: 20 people, forced to work together while battling the elements and each other. They must learn to adapt or they will be voted out. In the end, only one will remain to claim the title of Sole Survivor.

39 days, 20 people, 1 SURVIVOR!

*choppers land*

Yixuan: Welcome to Survivor. You have been split into two tribes named based on the two elements most prevalent here. The Zephyr tribe, named after the wind, has Baowen, Erwitt, Hanwei, Hexun, Jenyun, Jianhong, Lisa, Ruth, Siying and Zhenyang.

*Zephyr tribe cheering*

Yixuan: The Torrent tribe, named after the water, has Celest, Jezabel, Pohchoon, Priscilla, Shelia, Siaun, Timothy, Waisin, Yanzhi and Yuyan.

*Torrent tribe cheering*

Yixuan: We shall see how well you can work with your tribe. You will be taking part in your first challenge now.

There are 7 lanes in front of you. On my go, two members of each tribe will race down the beach to a lane and dig up one bag. Once you have a bag, you must race back to your tribe’s finish mat. This is where it will get nasty. There will only be one bag and all four of you will be battling to get to the mat with the bag. To score a point for your tribe, you must be touching the bag and your finish mat at the same time.

Yixuan: Want to know what you are playing for?

Survivors: Yes.

Yixuan: Fire, given in the form of a flint. In Survivor, fire is almost essential to your survival out here. You are given one minute to strategize then we will begin.

*teams strategizing*

Yixuan: Alright, round one, on Zephyr tribe, Baowen and Siying, taking on Yuyan and Shelia from Torrent tribe. You will be racing to lane 2. Ready, GO! All 4 people racing to dig up the bag. Only one tribe can get the point. Baowen against Shelia digging in one corner. Siying against Yuyan digging the middle. Shelia has the bag! Baowen tackles her down! Siying trying to tug Yuyan away from the bag. All 4 of them are in a lock and no one is taking the bag! Shelia pushing Baowen out of the course! Yuyan is breaking free from Siying! Zephyr is in trouble! Shelia broke free of Baowen's grip! She's running for the bag. Yuyan turning to stop Baowen from reaching Shelia! Siying started to snatch the bag! Shelia is dragging the bag and Siying towards the Torrent mat! TORRENT SCORES A POINT!

Yixuan: Torrent 1 Zephyr 0. That was a pretty fierce matchup. Second round, Priscilla and Timothy for Torrent, up against Lisa and Erwitt for Zephyr. You will be racing to lane 5. Survivors ready? GO! Erwitt and Timothy reached the lane first and starts to dig. Priscilla starts to dig and throw sand at Lisa. Lisa is returning fire! The 2 girls are in a catfight! Timothy starts to dig something up! Erwitt noticed it and knocks Timothy out of the way! Lisa rushed over and held on to Timothy's leg! Timothy cannot break free! Priscilla running towards Erwitt to grab him! Erwitt dodging Priscilla's grab! ZEPHYR SCORES!

Yixuan: We are tied! 1-1! 3rd matchup, Hanwei and Jianhong from Zephyr against Pohchoon and Yanzhi. You are going to lane 7. On your marks, GO! 4 guys running to the final lane. Jianhong starts digging. Yanzhi starts digging. Pohchoon starts digging. Hanwei eyeing the three of them. Yanzhi tugging at something! Hanwei went to tackle him! Jianhong pulls the bag out of the struggle! Pohchoon jumped on Jianhong! It was a hard fall! Yanzhi wriggling out of Hanwei. Hanwei stands up and drags Yanzhi across the sand! Jianhong holding Pohchoon in a submission! The bag is still free! Hanwei raced to the bag with Yanzhi right behind him! Yanzhi stopped Hanwei by pulling the bag! Jianhong released Pohchoon and rammed Yanzhi to the ground! Hanwei broke free! ZEPHYR GETS A POINT!

Yixuan: Zephyr 2, Torrent 1. We are playing to 3! If Zephyr scores again, they will win! This time it will be 4 girls again! Ruth and Jenyun running for Zephyr, Celest and Jezabel running for Torrent. You will be running to lane 1. Survivors ready? GO! Ruth marking Celest while Jenyun is marking Jezabel. All 4 are digging all over. Who will find the bag first? Ruth changing a position. Jezabel seems to be digging something up! Jenyun runs forward and fights with Jenyun. Celest runs in to help! Ruth digs out a bag! No one saw her! Ruth is running back! Celest noticed and ran towards Ruth! Jenyun tugged at her ankle and she fell! Jezabel starts to make a move but Jenyun tugged her arm back! ZEPHYR SCORES THREE POINTS IN A ROW! ZEPHYR WINS REWARD!

*Zephyr tribe starts cheering*

Yixuan: Torrent, I only have the map to your camp. *tosses map* Zephyr, congratulations! Flint, and the map to your camp. You have to head back to your camp and build shelter. The winds are getting stronger and it looks like it's going to rain.

Zephyr Camp

Ruth: Oh my god, there's a whole box of supplies!
Siying: Yes! And look, we can catch fishes with these! And pluck fruits with these!
Lisa: This will definitely help us along the way!
Hanwei: Everyone, I think we should build up a shelter because it's raining soon.
Zhenyang: I agree. Let's go look for fallen branches and logs.
Baowen: I can help with the collection of more food!
Siying: Oh great! Let me help you!
Hanwei: Alright, that guy over there!
Jianhong: My name's Jianhong
Hanwei: Alright you wanna help to unload all the supplies?
Jianhong: Sure!

Hanwei (confessionals): When we got back to camp, I didn't want to procrastinate and sleep in the rain. So I took volunteered to be the leader.

Ruth (confessionals): Everyone was actively helping to build up our camp! I love the positive energy we got from winning the reward! I really hope this can help us win immunity!

*in the forest*

Zhenyang: Hi! I'm Zhenyang.
Erwitt: Erwitt.
Zhenyang: For the mean time, let's work together and watch each other's back. I don't want people gunning for me immediately.
Erwitt: Yup! I was thinking voting out one of the weaker girls first so as to strengthen our tribe.
Zhenyang: Yeah! My sentiments exactly.

Baowen: You are Siying right?
Siying: Yup!
Baowen: I'm Baowen!
Siying: Nice to meet you!
Baowen: And you are?
Lisa: I'm Lisa!
Siying; Let's form a female alliance! And we can vote out the guys!
Baowen: Yup!

Ruth: So you are Jenyun?
Jenyun: Yes!
Ruth: Nice work back at the Reward Challenge!
Jenyun: I got lucky. Don't be fooled by my petite size. I go for gym workouts regularly.
Ruth: Wow! Didn't know that!
Jenyun: We should help out each other and stuff. Like warn each other if our name's are up for tribal.
Ruth: Sure!

*back at camp*

Hanwei: So Jianhong, who do you think might be a good candidate for the boot?
Jianhong: I'm not sure. It's still early in the game.
Hexun: *overheard conversation and joined in* Hi guys!
Hanwei: Hi, you are Hexun right?
Hexun: Yup.
Hanwei: I was asking Jianhong who he think should go.
Hexun: Personally, I think we should wait awhile longer and judge later.
Hanwei: I am going for one of the weaker girls.

Hexun (confessionals): That Hanwei is quite egoistic. First, step up to be leader. Then, start to gun people down before anything starts. Hmm, quite a competitor I think.

Torrent Camp

Yuyan: Home sweet home!
Celest: Look there's a lot of supplies left for us!
Pohchoon: Looks like we have equipments to get food!
Jezabel: How about a round of self-introduction? I'm Jezabel!
Celest: Celest.
Priscilla: Priscilla.
Yanzhi: Yanzhi.
Pohchoon: Pohchoon.
Shelia: Shelia.
Yuyan: Yuyan.
Timothy: Timothy.
Siaun: Siaun.
Waisin: Waisin.
Yanzhi: How about we start setting up our camp?
Timothy: Great! Let's go collect materials.

*in the forest*

Shelia: How about we form an alliance?
Yuyan: Definitely.
Shelia: I have a plan. We shall be the core of the alliance. Then we pull people in to be our outer layer to protect ourselves.
Yuyan: Wow! That's a genius plan!
Shelia: Of course! Let's work the guys over first!
Yuyan: We can charm them!

Celest: We should help each other watch for possible tribal names.
Jezabel: Yup. I really don't want to get voted out so early.
Celest: Same here.
Jezabel: Let's expand our alliance first!

Siaun: So you guys wanna form an alliance?
Yuyan: Yup! It will be you, me and Shelia first.
Siaun: Good good! We should watch out for others. They might be listening.

Shelia: So Timothy, you think we should form an alliance?
Timothy: Why not?
Shelia: Great! That makes 3 of us now.

*back in camp*

Waisin: I have a feeling everyone is scrambling now.
Priscilla: I feel it too.
Yanzhi: I think we should be wary. Things are not as simple as they seem.
Pohchoon: Yup. I just saw Celest and Jezabel talking in the forest. No idea what they are up to.

Priscilla (confessionals): It's like once our shelter is built up, everyone darted into the forest. I think they might be looking for gold.

Waisin (confessionals): I saw Jezabel and Celest going that way (North), Yuyan and Shelia going that way (East) and Siaun and Timothy going that way (West). It's so obvious who's in alliance with who. I am so clever and I love it!

Day 2

Zephyr Camp

*chickens clucking in the background*

Baowen: My god! Can someone kill those chickens?
Jianhong: I think we should capture them so we can eat them later!
Hexun: And eggs too!
Lisa: I will go build up an area to store them!
Siying: Looks like we are going to have good food!

Siying (confessionals): I love our tribe! Everyone is so helpful and we are making good progress!

[and things go on as per normal... scrambling for alliance, making friends, finding targets for tribal council]

Torrent Camp

Yuyan: Hey Priscilla, I have a proposal. You, me and Shelia in the final 3. We will pick off the guys one by one.
Priscilla: It sounds good to me. But I think we should have at least 6 to 7 people with us. If not things might be grim.
Yuyan: We are still working on it. Who should be pull in?
Priscilla: I don't know.

Shelia: Hi Waisin! Let's have an agreement. You, me and Yuyan in the final 3. We can cover each other and cruise into the merge.
Waisin: Hmm, not bad! I like it!
Shelia: So it's set?
Waisin: Sure!

[tribe life carries on as per normal... Shelia and Yuyan went to work on Pohchoon and Yanzhi to expand their alliance, Celest and Jezabel tried to persuade Siaun and Timothy to join them]

Day 3

Torrent Camp

Jezabel: Treemail guys!

"This challenge is a big one,
It's not for the stupid or weak.
You've been here before, so save your excuses,
At Tribal Council, feel free to speak.

Life's tough enough on the island,

With suffering, hunger and your thirst.
So don't add to the humiliation,
By being the one who's voted off first."

Timothy: Sounds like a puzzle and a physical challenge!
Yanzhi: Perhaps those better at puzzles should stay back and do the puzzles!

*prepare for immunity challenge*

Zephyr Camp

Hanwei: How about eating one of the chickens so we will be energized for the challenge?
Erwitt: It's a good idea!
Hanwei: I think those doing the physical part later should eat more!
Jenyun: Yeah! I think so too!

*prepare for immunity challenge*

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Both tribes walking in*

Yixuan: Now, you guys ready to get into your first immunity challenge?

Survivors: Yeah!


Six tribe members will race to assemble a boat. You must then use seven planks to keep the boat together. They will paddle out, grab a torch, paddle back where you will remove the seven planks and bring them back to the start. The four remaining tribe members must then solve a puzzle. Once the puzzle is completed, you will use those planks to build a ladder to allow them to place the puzzle in its appropriate spot. It will the be a race to the top. The first tribe to get all of their tribe members to the top and light their fire barrel wins immunity.

Yixuan: This is want you want in this game. If you have immunity, you are safe and you can't be voted out. Without it, you are vulnerable. Losing tribe goes to tribal council, where somebody will be the first person voted out from Survivor: Heroes vs Villains. Give you guys a minute to strategize.

Yixuan: Alright, here we go. At stake, immunity and for the Torrent tribe, fire if they win. For Zephyr, Baowen, Erwitt, Hexun, Jenyun, Jianhong and Zhenyang running the course, Hanwei, Lisa, Ruth and Siying doing the puzzle. For Torrent, Shelia, Siaun, Timothy, Waisin, Yanzhi and Yuyan running the course, Celest, Jezabel, Pohchoon and Priscilla. Survivors ready? GO!

Zephyr taking a small lead with Erwitt fixing up the first 2 parts of the boat! Zhenyang passing him the next few parts! Zephyr is forming a conveyor belt to pass the parts down! Torrent running up and down to form the boat! Yuyan starting to get tired already! Zephyr completed forming the boat are starts to row out. Torrent struggling to form the boat! Yanzhi and Yuyan getting into a small argument trying to fix the part in! Zephyr having a huge lead now, Hexun and Jianhong using all their strength to keep their boat going forward! Torrent finished fixing the boat! They have to cover a lot of ground.

Zephyr got their torch and are on their way back! Torrent having co-ordination issues, Shelia and Siaun knocking their paddles into each other!! Things are not looking good for Torrent! Zephyr working well together and are reaching the beach soon! Torrent grabs their torch and starts heading back! Zephyr disassembling their boat. Torrent catching slowly but steadily. Zephyr disassembled their boat and brought the planks to the start mat. Puzzle makers start working! Hanwei is directing Zephyr to fix the puzzle.

Torrent pulls into the beach. Timothy untying the knots swiftly while Waisin is transferring the planks back to the start mat. Ruth trying out her method and 2 puzzle pieces fit! Lisa trying to squeeze the other pieces in but failed! Hanwei getting annoyed and starts to gain control! Torrent bringing back all their planks. Puzzle makers start working! Celest and Jezabel systematically piecing the puzzle pieces together! Priscilla figuring out the base of the puzzle! Zephyr is losing their lead fast! Siying forcing a puzzle piece in. Oh no! Zephyr's puzzle fell apart! Siying put in too much strength! Hanwei is losing his patience! He's trying to make his 3 tribe mates listening to his orders! Pohchoon putting in piece after piece. Ruth tries to fix Siying's mess. Lisa picks up 2 pieces and fits them nicely! Hanwei is practically screaming! Celest and Jezabel fix in the last puzzle piece. Torrent completes the puzzle! Now all 10 members are waiting for the puzzle piece into the spot. Zephyr nowhere near forming the puzzle. Torrent tribe running my the ladder and lights the fire barrel. TORRENT WINS FIRST IMMUNITY CHALLENGE!

Yixuan: Torrent, congratulations. Immunity keeps you safe from Tribal Council. Fire, will hopefully get your camp in order. Alright Zephyr, Tribal Council tonight where one of you will be voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains. Head back to camp.

Zephyr Camp

Hexun (confessionals): I saw how Hanwei react during the immunity challenge. He can't go around bullying people like that. It will definitely cost our morale to get low!

Hanwei (confessionals): At the puzzle, Siying made a wrong move and caused the whole puzzle to fall apart. We can't keep people like them here. They will just continue to screw up challenges.

Ruth (confessionals): During the immunity challenge, I was so irritated at Hanwei shouting and screaming his lungs out. Then, Siying went to destroy our puzzle. I am really speechless.

Erwitt (confessionals): The lead we worked so hard for just dissipated at the hands of the puzzle makers. Damn!

Hanwei: Look, it was clear just now who deserved to be voted out.
Jianhong: Yeah! It's so obvious she's going to go. All 9 votes to her and poof!
Baowen: *listening quietly*
Lisa: But that puzzle was really hard! Hmm, if that's the case then okay.
Zhenyang: So we are set?
Erwitt: Yup.
Hexun: Oh well.

Zhenyang (confessionals): Looks like the weakest link got to go. And unfortunately, it had to be the one who cost us the challenge.

Baowen: Siying, they are writing your name down because you flopped the challenge!
Siying: What?
Baowen: Hanwei was pushing for it!
Siying: It's his fault we screwed up. He kept shouting and shouting. We couldn't even concentrate!

*Baowen & Siying approached Ruth and Jenyun*

Baowen: Hanwei is getting the guys to vote Siying.
Jenyun: Oh.
Ruth: Personally I think it's not only Siying's fault. Hanwei was having a panic attack and it was causing all sorts of chaos.
Siying: Exactly! And he's putting the blame on me!
Jenyun: So you guys are suggesting to vote Hanwei?
Baowen: Yup! We need 2 more people.
Ruth: Hmm, I will try to work Hexun.
Baowen: We will go talk to Lisa!

Ruth: Hexun, look, who do you want to vote out tonight?
Hexun: They are all saying Siying, caused she's the weakest and caused us to lose.
Ruth: How about blindsiding someone who couldn't keep his mouth shut?
Hexun: Hanwei?
Ruth: Think about it. We already have 4 votes. We just need 2 more and he's gone.
Hexun: I will think about it.

Baowen: Lisa, here's the plan. The girls are all going to vote for Hanwei.
Lisa: Huh? Why?
Siying: It's not entirely my fault! You were there too. Hanwei was screaming like a mad dog.
Lisa: True. I was also irritated by that!
Baowen: Yup, and he is so bossy. Ordering us here and there.
Siying: I want him home. Now.
Lisa: Er, oh well...

Tribal Council

Yixuan: Behind each of you is a torch. Go ahead and grab a torch, approach the flame, dip it in and get fire. This is part of the ritual of Tribal Council, because in this game fire represents your life. As long as you have fire, you are still in the game. When your fire is gone, so are you and that will be the case for one of you tonight.

*Survivors lighting torch*

Yixuan: I want to welcome you all to Tribal Council. I want to look at reasons why you will vote someone out. Hanwei, what do you think will cause you to be voted out?

Hanwei: I would think that if you are weak, no one will keep you because you will be a burden.

Jianhong: I agree. Forming a strong tribe can keep us out of Tribal Council and that's what everybody wants.

Yixuan: Alright. Ruth, what are you views?

Ruth: Personally, I would prefer to keep strong players but I, myself, am not very strong too. So I think sometimes, it might voice down to alliances you make and how loyal they are.

Jenyun: I think so too. And to form a strong tribe, morale is very impotant too

Yixuan: So Ruth thinks that alliances are important and Jenyun says it's morale. Hexun, what do you think?

Hexun: Personally, no one has approached me to form an alliance yet, but I have been asked to vote for a particular somebody. However, I have to agree with Jianhong, and that is to keep the tribe strong.

Yixuan: Baowen, what's your definition of a strong tribe?

Baowen: I think that we should be winning challenges and most importantly, work well with one another.

Siying: Yes, I think that understanding one another and ultimately delivering results is what all of us wished for.

Erwitt: But understanding one another doesn't necessary mean we can win challenges.

Yixuan: So after one big round, it's back to winning challenges. Lisa, what's your take.

Lisa: I think that it is definitely important because it's the only thing to keep us from Tribal Councils.

Zhenyang: Yeah! And nobody likes Tribal Council.

Yixuan: I like it very much actually.

*breaks out in short laughter*

Yixuan: Alright. It's time to vote. Lisa, you are up.

*Lisa voted*
Lisa: No one is going to get away with bullying.

*Erwitt voted*
Erwitt: Your poor performance is why I am writing your name down.

*Hexun voted*
Hexun: I hope this for the best of the tribe.

*Siying voted*
Siying: I hate you and I want you gone now.

*Hanwei voted*
Hanwei: Please just go home. I don't know why are you even out here.

*Ruth voted*
Ruth: This vote is going to harmonize the tribe.

*Zhenyang voted*
Zhenyang: I really think this game is not suitable for you.

*Baowen voted*
Baowen: You shall not get your way easily.

*Jianhong voted*
Jianhong: Well, you didn't even try scrambling to me, so goodbye.

*Jenyun voted*
Jenyun: I am a firm believer of gaining control, and I doubt I would be able to control you.

Yixuan: Alright, I will go tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council immediately.

First vote, Siying

Second vote, Hanwei

One vote Siying, one vote Hanwei

Third vote, Siying

Two votes Siying, one vote Hanwei

Fourth vote, Hanwei

We're tied. Two votes Siying, two votes Hanwei

Fifth vote, Siying

Three votes Siying, two votes Hanwei

Sixth vote, Hanwei

We're tied again. Three votes Siying, three votes Hanwei, 4 votes left

Seventh vote, Siying

Four votes Siying, three votes Hanwei, 3 votes left

Eighth vote, Hanwei

We're tied yet again. Four votes Siying, four votes, Hanwei. 2 votes left

Ninth vote, Hanwei

Five votes Hanwei, Four votes Siying, 1 vote left

1st person voted out of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains, Hanwei.

Hanwei: What? *utters in disbelief*

Yixuan: Hanwei, I need you to bring me your torch.

*Hanwei walks over with torch*

Yixuan: Your tribe has spoken. *extinguishes torch*

*Hanwei walks off*

Yixuan: First Tribal Council and you already have a blindside. It should be interesting to see future Tribal Councils. Grab your stuff, head back to camp.

Hanwei (confessionals): I seriously don't know what happened. I thought I had at least secured a solid 7 votes against Siying, and yet the votes all bounced back to me. I think Zephyr has made a bad choice voting me out and they will definitely lose if they continue to perform like that.

Tribal Council #1
Baowen - Hanwei
Erwitt - Siying
Hanwei - Siying
Hexun - Hanwei
Jenyun - Hanwei
Jianhong - Siying
Lisa - Hanwei
Ruth - Hanwei
Siying - Hanwei
Zhenyang - Siying

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