Wednesday 28 January 2015

Survivor: Cagayan Episode 6

Episode 6

Links to past episode: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5

Episode 5 Recap

Previously on Survivor, Marta went off on her tribe for voting for her, which left her position in Solana rocky. Meanwhile at Luzon, Kandace seems to be in control, having all her pawns in place. At the reward challenge, Solana won and sent Joshua and Martin to Luzon to raid their items, however, it provided them the opportunity to work with the other tribe. Back in Solana, tension continued to rise between Marta and Joshua. While on Luzon, Elaine found out that Erwitt was looking for the idol at the waterfall. At the immunity challenge, Jack's speed brought Solana to a win, sending Luzon to tribal council. Back at camp, Elaine exposed Erwitt in front of Kandace, prompting her to force a split between Erwitt and Giselle, his right hand man. However, complications rose when Steven and Giselle got too close. Being wary of her new allies, Siying concocted plans for her own, turning Erwitt against Steven. In the end, the tribe faced a bizarre tribal council, sending Erwitt home with a 4-1-1-1 vote, making him the sixth person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan. Unable to face the liars and backstabbers, Giselle volunteered to leave the game after Erwitt's exit.

11 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Night 16

Luzon Camp

Kandace (confessionals): Giselle is gone! *does victory dance* And Erwitt too! *continues victory dance* Right now, I hope that Elaine and Siying will stick with me, and I just need to swing Marta back to my side, and we have our numbers! Tada~

Antranig (confessionals): That went relatively well. Two birds with one stone. Now we need to even up the numbers before we merge.

Steven (confessionals): I was really devastated that Giselle quit. It's like I finally made a connection with her, and she just left. Just like that. Gone with the wind.

Elaine (confessionals): So Tribal Council was a mess, with votes going to Kandace and Steven as well. I guess that is a good thing for me! I just need to lay low and avoid their radar.

Siying (confessionals): Okay, I think I did well. I managed to keep myself out of any votes, and even manipulated Erwitt to vote for Steven. I am definitely doing that again.

Day 17

Solana Camp

Marta (confessionals): I can't believe that I still have to see Joshua and Martin. I need double elimination to get rid of them xd

Priscilla (confessionals): So this morning Yuyan and I are talking about future plans while collecting treemail.

Priscilla: Hmm we are at the Final 12, do you think we are merging soon?
Yuyan: I think so, it should be either now or at the Final 10.
Priscilla: If we aren't merging yet, who do you think we should boot?
Yuyan: Definitely Marta. She is like a crazy woman waiting to explode.
Priscilla: Yeah, but we should also consider who is gone from the other tribe.
Yuyan: I am hoping Erwitt is still around, I can try to get him to flip to us.
Priscilla: Sounds like a plan.

*back at camp*

Priscilla: TREEMAIL!

You may want to tidy up camp a bit and make some room.
You will be having guests from the Luzon tribe arriving shortly,
And some of them may be living here for the next 22 days.

Marta: MERGE!
Priscilla: This definitely says merge!
Joshua: Woohoo!

Joshua (confessionals): When the treemail says merge, I was ecstatic! I can totally feel that my time is almost up in this tribe, and this merge definitely provided me with new life.

Martin (confessionals): No more living on borrowed time! It's time to fight back this tyrant!

Jack (confessionals): I am excited to see the merge. Hopefully, I can swing the exAparri members back to me so that we have at least a majority of sorts.

Priscilla (confessionals): My heart sank when I saw the merge. Joshua and Martin will flip to them in a heartbeat, and we are going to be outnumbered badly.

Jack: We definitely need to stay tight as a group so that we don't get picked off.
Priscilla: Stop that Marta! We are going to be voted out one by one if you keep that up.
Marta: Then do your plans without me. I am queen and I make orders, I don't follow them.
Yuyan: Urgh, what are we supposed to do?

Yuyan (confessionals): I am tight with Jack and Priscilla right now. And Marta is supposedly with us. But her actions are going to cause us problems! And I haven't told them about my idol. I am not sure if I should to solidify the alliance.

Luzon Camp

Antranig (confessionals): After the fiasco with Erwitt, I am convinced that the Luzon idol is already in someone's possession. And from the looks of it, it doesn't seem like Elaine or Siying. Which means, one of Priscilla, Joshua or Martin is holding on to it. The problem is which one?

Kandace: Guys, it's treemail!

Pack up all your essential items you may need for the next 22 days,
And head over to the Solana camp where you will spend your remaining days in this game.

Steven: Merge time baby!
Antranig: We need to stay tight as a group. We are already down in numbers, 5 against their 6.
Elaine: We definitely need them to swing. Martin and Joshua seem to be the easiest to swing.
Kandace: Ultimately, here is to the final 5!
Siying: Yeah! Final 5!

Steven (confessionals): After Giselle's exit, I've been thinking. I feel like my game has been controlled by these bullies since the start, voting for Zac, and now voting for Erwitt. I believe that the merge will be the time for me to start playing my own game, making my own decisions, and orchestrating my own blindsides. No more following the leader.

Siying (confessionals): I think I have no other choice but to follow Kandace now. I want to keep my idol as long as possible, and if I follow them, I could potentially use it at the Final 5 to secure myself in the Final 4!

*merged camp*

Jack (confessionals): When their boat was approaching, I noticed there was only 5 people, which was weird. Then I realized both Erwitt and Giselle aren't there, and that left a really sickening feeling in my gut.

Yuyan (confessionals): When Luzon came over, I did not see Erwitt and Giselle. And I was like "What the hell happened over there?" Looks like I really need to solidify my alliance with Priscilla and Marta.

Priscilla: There are only 5 people!
Joshua: Now that you mention it, yeah! What happened?
Martin: That's good for us isn't it! We have the upper hand!
Marta: Shut up! I still want to vote you out.
Martin: And I will vote you out first.

Marta (confessionals): When I see there are only 5 people in Luzon, my first thought is to GET MARTIN OUT xd

Martin (confessionals): I am going over to the Luzon people and campaign for Marta to leave this ridiculous place.

*self introductions*

Congratulations... Your tribes are merged.
Throw away your old buffs and put on your new ones.
Come up with a tribe name and paint your new tribe flag.
Enjoy the feast provided, you have earned it.
Hidden idols are still in play, and another idol with different powers, is hidden somewhere near your camp.

Elaine (confessionals): My ears lit up when I heard another idol is in play. Though everyone may not show it, but that idol must be running through everyone's minds.

Antranig (confessionals): I am not going to make the same mistake as Erwitt, getting myself into trouble and not finding the idol. So I am going to plant seeds in people's mind to look for it.

Priscilla (confessionals): The new idol definitely perked everyone up. But the hunger is still on everyone's mind, so we just tucked into the feast given, and temporarily pushed the idol out of our heads.

Jack (confessionals): I am in urgent need of that idol, especially with both Erwitt and Giselle gone. The game is going to change and I can feel it.

Martin: So what happened? Why did 2 people leave?
Siying: Nothing much. Giselle quit after Erwitt was voted out.
Steven: Yeah, she couldn't take the pressure I guess.
Antranig: More like she couldn't take you cheating her feelings.
Yuyan: So you guys just lost 2 members like that?
Kandace: Who cares? She is just whining uncontrollably anyways.

Yuyan (confessionals): I am not really a fan of Kandace, her arrogance irks me.

Kandace (confessionals): Once I get my people to flip, all of you guys will be taken out by me! *smizes*

Jack: What should we name our new tribe?
Marta: We should name it charlottexo, after my daughter.
Martin: NO!

Elaine: Okay guys, let's relax. How about naming it after our old tribe names?
Steven: Sounds good!
Siying: Apazolana?
Priscilla: Ew! How about Solarrion?
Antranig: Sounds good! Shall we agree on that?
Joshua: Sure! Why not?

*after the feast*

Marta (confessionals): I need time to regroup with my slaves Kandace, Antranig and Steven. I hope they follow my idea to vote out Martin xd

Marta: Hey!
Kandace: How have you been doing?
Marta: Great! I've got one less problem without Zac.
Antranig: LOL!
Marta: I want Martin out! xd
Kandace: Not now! We need them first.
Marta: I will vote with you only if you vote Martin.

Antranig: Oh well.

Steven (confessionals): Marta is being a bitch once again, insisting we vote Martin. Like she really doesn't think much of the repercussions does she?

Kandace (confessionals): Marta wants Martin out. I need Martin now. I am going to just lead her on for now.

Marta (confessionals): Everyone is going to vote Martin out. Glam!

Elaine: It seems like Marta wants you out.
Martin: Yeah, I don't know what went wrong in her head!
Siying: I think the four of us should stay tight. We are up against big players here.
Joshua: Yeah, now that Priscilla flipped, we are not really in good shape. 4 of us against 7 of them?

Elaine: I have been working with Kandace, and I think we can try to convince her to take out the physical threat? Jack seem to be really strong.
Joshua: Yeah, he has been climbing lots of beanstalks when he was young.
Siying: I think that we should let the other 2 alliances burn each other.

Elaine (confessionals): I am looking for the best chance to blindside Siying and her idol, or at least try to let her waste her idol. I don't want it coming back to haunt me in the end.

Siying (confessionals): I am not too close with Kandace and gang, and it seems that Kandace and Elaine are working well with each other.

Day 18

Solarrion Camp

Priscilla (confessionals): I think the former Luzon people are really sneaky and they have already excluded me from their talks. And my alliance with Jack and Yuyan is not going to be enough to tide me to the finals.

Steven (confessionals): I am probably at 4th in my current alliance, and I need to make a move. But I am not too sure whether the move should be made now or later? But first, time to charm others.

Steven: Hey Priscilla, we haven't really talked since the start.
Priscilla: Hey. Yeah, well we are on different tribes the whole time, which makes talking difficult.
Steven: True, anyway I feel really rocky in my alliance. It's like I am at the bottom.
Priscilla: Yeah! After the swap, I feel excluded from the previous Luzons too!
Steven: Let's watch each other's backs for now!

Priscilla: Sure, I will let you know if you are in trouble too!
Steven: Same!

Steven (confessionals): I hope I gained a little of Priscilla's trust because you can never have too many friends in this game!

Priscilla (confessionals): Steven and I have a little agreement to watch each other's backs. I will try to use it to the fullest and further myself.

Jack: Okay, we have to make the best out of our current situation, despite only having 2 of us.
Yuyan: If tribal lines still exist, the exSolanas definitely need us to take out Luzon. And with the Marta-Martin drama, we should be safe.
Jack: Priscilla seems to be on our side too. That makes it 4-4-3 at the very least.
Yuyan: So we have to appear to be the swing vote no matter what.
Jack: It would be really awesome if we can pull someone over.
Yuyan: I guess this is the right time for this. *takes out idol* I found the idol back in Aparri!
Jack: Damn! That's great!
Yuyan: If we use it correctly, we should be able to bring ourselves a lot further.

Jack (confessionals): Yuyan showing me the idol solidifies our alliance, and being the only 2 Aparri left, we are definitely going to show them that we are a force not to be reckoned with.

Kandace (confessionals): Yesterday, it was revealed that an idol with a different power is in play. And I want to try finding it so I started to wander out of camp today.

Marta (confessionals): I want to find the special idol so I roamed outside camp today xd

Kandace: Marta! Are you finding the idol too?
Marta: Yes, I am glam so I need idol.
Kandace: Let's try to find it together.

Antranig (confessionals): It appears that Kandace and Marta went to search for the special idol. I hope they find it so that it will remain within our alliance. And I will try to make more friends in the tribe.

Antranig: Joshua, I think we should work together to eliminate Jack and Yuyan first.
Joshua: Sounds good but I am not too sure if Marta is with them.
Antranig: Marta is bent on voting Martin. Kandace and I are planning to let her be and take out the former Aparri members first.

Joshua: Yes, I think we should do that first. Then we can settle the rest later.

Joshua (confessionals): I am so glad that the target is exAparri. Looks like tribal lines still run deep here.

Antranig (confessionals): I want Aparri out first so that at 9 people, Kandace, Steven, myself, along with Elaine and Siying can gain the majority. Right now, I just need to keep my 5 man strong.

Priscilla: Hey Siying, what plans do you have?
Siying: Just stick with everyone? After all, we should vote together.
Elaine: Siying is right, we should not try anything funny this early.
Priscilla: But the guys definitely have an upper hand in challenges.
Elaine: We can weed them out slowly. I think we should just go with the flow and keep our numbers.

Priscilla (confessionals): It seems that the tribe swap is for naught because everyone just went back to their original alliance. But since I know that I am fifth in my previous alliance, I am definitely going to make moves to better my position.

Siying (confessionals): I don't feel comfortable working with Priscilla knowing that she is also working with Jack and Yuyan. I need to know that I am safe before I can agree to work with you. And Priscilla cannot guarantee me that safety.

Kandace (confessionals): So after a whole day of idol hunting with Marta, we did not find anything as we have no clue where to start.


Day 19

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Solarrion tribe walking in*

Yixuan: What's your new tribe name?
Antranig: Solarrion, it is the mashup of our initial tribe names.
Yixuan: Alright Solarrion, I will take the idol back.
*takes idol from Yuyan*
Yixuan: Tribal immunity is no more. You are now playing for this:

Yixuan: Individual immunity. With this around your neck, you are safe at tribal council. You cannot be voted out. The most important thing in this game. Ready to get to today's challenge?
Castaways: Yes.

Each of you will be balancing on your own triangular platform with your feet perched on very narrow footholds. At regular intervals, you will move your feet up the platform, making it more difficult to balance. If you fall off your platform, you are out of the challenge.

Yixuan: Last person remaining on the platform wins immunity. Losers, one of you will be the 7th person voted out of this game. Get into your positions and let's get started.

Yixuan: And the challenge is officially on the way. Only your feet may touch the structure, you may not use your hands or butts to support yourself. Everyone looking steady. This is the easiest part of the challenge.

Yixuan: 15 minutes have passed. You may now hold on to the structure to move up to the next perch. Everyone is making the transition smoothly.

Yixuan: Alright, the next transition will be up to the top most perch. It will be very difficult to balance and the slightest wind will knock you over. You will be moving up in 1 more minute.

Yixuan: Okay, 30 minutes have passed, you will now move to the top most perch. You have 10 seconds to complete the transition. It is going to be very difficult to balance. Steven loses his balance and falls into the water! Priscilla and Martin following suit immediately. And we are down to 8 even before the transition is complete. Antranig and Joshua are very wobbly! Marta loses her balance and falls into the water! Siying stabilizing herself. Elaine doing well. Kandace completely focused. Jack and Yuyan are also moving up nicely.



Yixuan: The wind suddenly picked up! Antranig loses balance and falls into the water. Joshua falling in immediately. Yuyan also blown into the water. Less than 1 minute into this section and we are down to the last 4 contenders! Jack and Kandace are rather stable. Elaine and Siying constant adjusting themselves, flirting with danger. Elaine with a nice recovery. Siying couldn't get her balance back and falls into the water! We are down to 3!

Yixuan: The wind is picking up again! Kandace wobbling a little. Jack is trying to regain his balance. Elaine is dangerously on her side, and she fails to stay on the platform! It's now Jack against Kandace, fighting for immunity. This is the very first tribal after the merge, and having immunity can definitely help you see where everyone's loyalties are at.

Yixuan: Kandace and Jack fighting very hard for balance and immunity. Kandace tipping to the side because of the wind, but she managed to recover nicely! Jack also starts to tip to his right. Can we recover in time? Jack lost his footing and falls into the water! KANDACE WINS IMMUNITY!

Kandace: Yes!

Yixuan: Kandace, come over here.
*Kandace swims over*
Yixuan: Congratulations Kandace, immunity is yours, safe at tonight's vote and you have a 1 in 10 chance at the million dollars. The rest of you, tribal council tonight whereby one of you will be voted out. You have the afternoon to figure out who it is, grab your stuff and head back to camp.

*Solarrion tribe walking out*

Kandace (confessionals): I was so happy to win Jack at the immunity challenge. He is definitely someone we need to take out early before he goes on an immunity run!

Jack (confessionals): I can't believe I lost to a girl in the challenge. I really wanted the necklace so that I can see how the vote split will be like. Now, I definitely have to scramble.

Solarrion Camp

Steven (confessionals): You can feel the tension when we got back to camp. Everyone started scrambling and I was no different.

Marta: So the vote is Martin, and that is final.
Kandace: Stop this nonsense! We need to get Jack out first! He can go on an immunity run!

Marta: And Martin can go on an annoying run! We take Martin out first, then we worry about Jack.
*Marta walks off*
Antranig: Just let her be, we don't need her vote.
Kandace: I am worried about the Aparri idol, and I want to split the votes.
Antranig: It should be gone by now. There are only 2 of them left anyways.

Kandace (confessionals): I have no idea what is Marta doing here. If she wants to be bitchy, she should join Big Brother and not Survivor.

Antranig (confessionals): I strongly believe that the idol from Aparri is already used or got out. I am more worried about the Luzon idol, which is why I want to form the alliance with Luzon.

Martin: Can we please vote Marta out first? She is going to write my name down anyways!
Joshua: We can do that after we settle Jack and Yuyan!
Elaine: Yeah, besides Marta is harmless.

Martin: Try getting shouted by her.
Siying: Either ways, the 4 of us should agree on one person to vote for.
Elaine: I think we should get rid of Jack.
Joshua: Yes, he is the biggest threat right now.

Elaine (confessionals): Our plan is working. Kandace and I are going to run the show. Now to inform her about the great plan.

Elaine: Kandace, I already told them to vote for Jack.
Kandace: Great, I don't have Marta though. But we should have 7 solid votes.
Elaine: Should we split it?
Kandace: Marta is going to vote for Martin regardless.
Elaine: Why is she wasting her vote?
Kandace: That's what I don't know! But we need her now, just in case.
Elaine: We could get rid of her first.
Kandace: I don't want to risk Jack running immunity.
Elaine: Okay, so if we split, we could do 4-3-3-1. If I managed to convince Priscilla, then it would be 4-4-2-1.
Kandace: Okay, guys will vote for Jack, and girls will vote for Yuyan. Just in case they play the idol.
Elaine: Alright.

Priscilla: Who are you guys voting?
Siying: Jack! He is too strong in challenges!
Martin: How about Marta?
Joshua: That doesn't make sense.
Priscilla: We still have 5 members and I hope we don't lose that lead.
*Elaine walks over*
Elaine: Okay here's the plan, we are going to split the votes between Jack and Yuyan, just in case they have an idol.

Priscilla: I guess.

Priscilla (confessionals): I need to make my decision now. If I go with Jack and Yuyan, I need to let them know of this plan and find a way out of it. If not, I am going to drown in this alliance.

Elaine (confessionals): I have no confidence that Priscilla is on our side right now. But either way, her vote would not matter much, we just have to see what happens tonight!

Kandace: Okay, Elaine confirmed that we have at least 7 votes tonight. And if Marta throws her vote to Martin, we can pull off a 4-3-3-1 at least.
Steven: Isn't it too risky to split the vote?
Kandace: I am confident it will work out.
Antranig: I feel really uncomfortable doing it.
Kandace: Have faith in me. My plans never fail.
Steven: And Marta isn't voting with us, why?

Kandace: She is too obsessed with Martin for having a similar name as her.
Antranig: LOL! I hope that they stay long to provide us entertainment.

Antranig (confessionals): I decided to go talk to the Luzon members to confirm this vote. It spells wrong from top to bottom.

Steven (confessionals): So Kandace comes up with an almost foolproof plan to vote out Jack or Yuyan. Honestly, I don't see myself going far with Kandace, since she is so much closer to Antranig, Marta and even Elaine. I am definitely not playing so hard to come short. If I have to make a move, tonight is the opportune time.

Priscilla: Marta, are you still voting for Martin?
Marta: YES! ARE YOU?
Priscilla: There are bigger fishes to catch right now.
Marta: You guys can go catch your big fish. I will vote Martin until he is out.

Priscilla (confessionals): Marta is one stubborn cookie.

Antranig: Joshua, you heard about the splitting?
Joshua: I think it's ingenious! Especially with Priscilla on board, we can split 4-4-2-1!

Antranig: I honestly hope Marta would stop it with her tantrum and vote logically.
Joshua: Her vote doesn't really affect this anyway.
Antranig: Yeah, This is going to be one hell of a tribal council.

Antranig (confessionals): Talking to Joshua managed to calm some of my nerves down. Tonight should be a fairly easy vote.

Jack: Okay, it is very clear we are in trouble. No one is talking to us.
Yuyan: They are avoiding us on purpose!
*Priscilla walks over*
Yuyan: Priscilla, are you voting for us too?

Priscilla: All I can say is things look bleak for you. They are splitting 4 votes on each of you.
Jack: What?
Priscilla: We can get Marta on our side, but she is insistent on voting Martin.

Jack: Okay, if we all vote Martin, it will be 4 votes.
Priscilla: Which will be a tie, and we aren't going to win the revote.
*Steven walks over*
Steven: You guys should know you are in trouble right?

Yuyan: Priscilla just told us.
Steven: I have a brilliant plan, but I need you guys for it to work.
Priscilla: Ooh, I am all ears!
Steven: Kandace needs to be taken down. No one should have so much power in the game, and Kandace is no exception.
Jack: But she has immunity.
Steven: We take down her army! There is Elaine, Marta and even Antranig.
Yuyan: But aren't they splitting 4-4?
Steven: Marta is voting for Martin, and if I don't follow their plan, they only have 3-3, giving our 4 votes a lot of power.

Jack (confessionals): So Steven came over and opened a door for us to walk through. And of course, I pounced on it at the first moment. However, I am not sure how much I can trust him, and whether the idol can be saved for later.

Steven (confessionals): Like I said, no one should have so much power. Hopefully by making this move, Kandace has no choice but to promote me in her ranks. But by then, I might not need her anymore!

Priscilla (confessionals): Steven coming up with this plan just makes me excited to go to tribal council tonight. I am most probably safe, but I love being part of a grand blindside.

Tribal Council

*Solarrion tribe walking in*

Yixuan: Welcome back to Tribal Council, this time as a merged tribe. Siying, tell me how it feels to have made it to the merge.

Siying: Excited, proud and definitely happy that I got to play with so many people.

Yixuan: Joshua, does it worry you when the jury starts to form?

Joshua: Well, it should be soon, maybe a Final 3 with 8 jury? Either way, we need to make plans for that.

Yixuan: What sort of plans?

Joshua: Taking out huge threats.

Jack: In other words, he is referring to me.

Yixuan: So Jack lasted the second longest in today's challenge. Kandace, does that warrant him to be a threat?

Kandace: It shows that Jack is a strong endurance competitor, and he has also proven to be fast and decent in puzzles as well. To me, that is a threat to immunity running.

Jack: Well, people are not seeing the social aspect of the game. There have been winners who did not win any immunity challenges at all. All I want to say is that everyone should be given an equal chance.

Yixuan: Marta, what is your take on this?

Marta: I want Martin out xd

Martin: What for? You are just going to waste your vote. Why not use your vote to do greater things?

Marta: Using my vote to send you home is my aim.

Yixuan: Yuyan, Marta and Martin arguing. Good for your game?

Yuyan: It shifts the pressure of you for a moment. But I know that tonight, Jack and I are in trouble.

Yixuan: How so?

Jack: Everyone was obviously avoiding us in camp today! We only managed to talk to a few people, like Marta and Priscilla.

Yuyan: I mean, even if we are your targets, you could have the basic courtesy to interact with us.

Antranig: I believe that there is karma in this game.

Yixuan: Antranig, would you like to elaborate?

Antranig: Well, Shaniqua was rude to Zac, so when Zac used his idol, he targeted Shaniqua. A very good example of karma.

Yixuan: Elaine, 19 days into the game. Has the fatigue caught up to you?

Elaine: Definitely. The lack of sleep, the lack of food, all these combined caused you to be paranoid about the situation.

Steven: And when paranoia sets in, you start to think about stuff and also start doing crazy things.

Yixuan: Such as?

Steven: Doing something stupid you might regret the rest of the game.

*Kandace raises her eyebrow*

Yixuan: Kandace, you have the necklace, I assume you are not giving it up?

Kandace: After Steven's last statement, definitely not.

Yixuan: Alright, it's time to vote. You may not vote for Kandace, everyone else is fair game. Joshua, you are up!

*Joshua voted*
Joshua: Everything should follow the plan.

*Marta voted - Martin*
Goodbye bitch.

*Jack voted*
Jack: I am praying really hard that it is not me tonight.

*Siying voted*
Siying: I just need to tide past these few tribal councils. Sorry.

*Elaine voted*
Elaine: You should have been more outspoken. You might pull yourself out of your current situation.

*Antranig voted - Jack*
Antranig: You are a freaking huge threat. Be honoured that you are voted out early.

*Steven voted*
Steven: Sometimes when you can't cut off the serpent's head, you have to go for it's tongue.

*Martin voted*
Martin: I wish this vote is for Marta. But that day will come soon.

*Yuyan voted*
Yuyan: Based on the conversations just now, I won't be playing my idol tonight.

*Kandace voted - Yuyan*
Kandace: Sorry girl, collateral damage.

*Priscilla voted*
Priscilla: You should never be so arrogant. You cannot see what is coming.

Yixuan: I'll tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.

*eyes darting at Jack and Yuyan*

Yixuan: Person with the most votes will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

First vote, MARTIN

Second vote, JACK

Third vote, YUYAN

We are tied. 1 vote Martin, 1 vote Jack, 1 vote Yuyan

Fourth vote, JACK

Fifth vote, YUYAN

Sixth vote, JACK

Seventh vote, YUYAN

We are still tied, 3 votes Jack, 3 votes Yuyan, 1 vote Martin, 4 votes left.

*Jack and Yuyan crosses fingers*

Eighth vote, ANTRANIG

Ninth vote, ANTRANIG

Tenth vote, ANTRANIG

We are tied again. 3 votes Antranig, 3 votes Jack, 3 votes Yuyan, 1 vote Martin, 1 vote left.

Seventh person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan and the first member of the jury, ANTRANIG

Antranig: Holy shit!

Kandace: What the fuck happened?!?!

Yixuan: Antranig, please bring me your torch.

*Antranig brings torch over*

Yixuan: Antranig, the tribe has spoken. *extinguishes torch* Time for you to go.

Antranig: Good luck guys!

*Antranig walks off*

Yixuan: Looks like Antranig wasn't expecting this blindside. But looking at the votes, it is clear cut who is at the bottom. The question is, how are you getting out of there? Grab your stuff, head back to camp.

Antranig (confessionals): I definitely did not see it coming. Judging from the votes, 1 guy and 1 girl flipped, I am pretty sure it's Priscilla and either Joshua or Martin. I knew they couldn't be trusted! I definitely felt shortchanged having such an early exit, but at least I made the jury! I hope my alliance babes can make it all the way to the end!

Tribal Council #7:
Antranig - JACK

Elaine - YUYAN
Joshua - JACK
Kandace - YUYAN
Marta - MARTIN
Martin - JACK
Priscilla - ANTRANIG
Siying - YUYAN

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