Tuesday 27 January 2015

Survivor: Cagayan Episode 5

Episode 5

Links to past episodes: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4

Episode 4 Recap

Previously on Survivor, Zac's idol blindside of Shaniqua caused his tribemates to utterly lose all trust in him. And Marta was relieved that she wasn't targeted. At the reward challenge, a tribe swap screwed up plans for some, while it was a new window of opportunities for others. Winning the reward challenge, Erwitt found an idol clue in the donut basket at Luzon, almost caught by Elaine. Steven and Giselle gets a little comfortable around each other. At the immunity challenge, Solana had a brief lead into the puzzle, but when Kandace led Luzon through the puzzle, her prowess left Solana in the dust, giving Luzon yet another immunity win. Back at camp, it was Marta vs Zac, garnering people to vote each other out. At tribal council, they witness the internal combustion of Solana, and Priscilla held the deciding vote. Wanting to keep the women numbers, she went along with the former Aparri and Marta to send Zac packing, making him the fifth person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan.

13 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Night 14

Solana Camp

Marta (confessionals): We got back from tribal and we finally got that evil monster out of the game. I was so scared that it was me, so I am going to scream to my whole tribe later xd

Joshua (confessionals): I know that Priscilla definitely flipped at the last minute to vote out Zac. I think she don't want the guys to overpopulate the tribe. But I feel that my position is still quite good, and I am definitely going to work hard to get Priscilla out of here.

Priscilla; Calm down girl, we did not vote for you.
Martin: You don't run this game, just like how you don't dictate the votes.

Joshua: Yeah, we have the right to vote who we want to.
Priscilla: Come on Marta, at least 3 of us voted with you.

Marta (confessionals): I will throw challenge and get everyone in Solana out xd

Martin (confessionals): Marta is one crazy bitch. I want her out NOW!

Jack (confessionals): So after we got back from Tribal, Marta went on a bitchfit and screamed at everyone. I just kept quiet and watched the show. That is good for me because now, someone else pinned a target on themselves and I am not involved.

Day 15

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Luzon and Solana walking in*

Yixuan: Luzon taking a first look at the Solana tribe, Zac voted out.
Kandace: YES!
Yixuan: Kandace, you seem happy at that result?
Kandace: Zac is a sneaky rat who used his idol selfishly. I don't give a damn if he is out.
Yixuan: Let's get to today's challenge.

You guys will square off one-on-one. You will be holding an idol and your goal is to knock the opposing tribe's idol off their mount before they can knock off yours. Every time you knock off the other tribe's idol, you score a point. First tribe to score 4 points wins reward.

Yixuan: The winning tribe can send 2 members to the losing tribe to raid their camp, giving yourselves a chance to better your life and make it more difficult for the other tribe. Worth playing for?
Castaways; Yes!
Yixuan: Luzon, you have 1 extra member, who's going to be sitting out?
Elaine: I am.
Yixuan: Elaine, take a spot on the bench, Rest of you, let's get started.

Yixuan: First match-up, we have Marta up against Giselle. Survivors ready? GO! Marta goes straight at Giselle's idol. Giselle swung her hand back and attacked Marta's idol. She couldn't reach it, and her idol starts to wobble! Marta gives Giselle a push, and the idol drops. SOLANA SCORES 1-0!

Yixuan: Next up, Joshua against Steven. Both are very cautiously approaching each other. Steven extends his arm for an attack, Joshua blocks it and enters with a counterattack. He successfully reaches it and sweeps it off the mount. SOLANA SCORES 2-0!

Yixuan: We now have Antranig up against Martin. Antranig moving quickly towards Martin, Martin is surprised. Antranig tosses his idol into the air and lunged at Martin's idol, it worked perfectly as Martin is caught unaware! LUZON ON THE BOARD WITH 1 POINT!

Yixuan: Next we have Priscilla against Siying! Former tribemates facing off against each other. Both girls are wary of each other, waiting for each other to make a move. Priscilla takes a step forward, but Siying retreated slightly. Siying makes a sudden jump for Priscilla's idol but she misses! Priscilla steps forward and sweeps at Siying's idol and she did it! SOLANA LEADS 3-1!

Yixuan: Our next match up is Kandace against Yuyan. If Yuyan scores, Solana will win Reward. Kandace needs to win the round to keep Luzon in this. Kandace focusing on Yuyan's movements, and Yuyan is looking for an opportunity to attack. Kandace makes the first move while keeping her idol behind her. Yuyan is moving back, trying to fend off Kandace's continuous sweeps. Yuyan's back is at the fence, she couldn't reach Kandace's idol. Kandace reaching forward with one last push and Yuyan's idol falls! LUZON SCORES AGAIN! THE SCORE IS NOW 3-2!

Yixuan: Jack playing for Solana and Erwitt playing for Luzon. Solana needs 1 more to win, Luzon needs to score to even the competition. Jack moving slowly towards Erwitt. Erwitt employing Joshua's technique and lunged at Jack, but Jack was prepared. Jack draws his idol to his back, bringing it out of reach from Erwitt. Erwitt's idol lands on the floor. SOLANA WINS REWARD!

Yixuan: Congratulations Solana, you may now choose 2 people to go with Luzon to raid their items.
Martin: Joshua and I will go because we know the Luzon camp well.
Priscilla: *rolls eye* You guys say it like I wasn't from Luzon.
Joshua: You can go in my place if you want.
Priscilla: It's alright, you guys can be gay buddies for all I care.
Yixuan: Okay, Martin and Joshua, you guys can follow Luzon to their camp. Everyone grab your stuff and head back to camp.

Luzon Camp

Martin (confessionals): My first instinct was to raid Luzon with Joshua because we are obviously on the outs of our tribe. Hopefully, we get to raid an idol or something.

Joshua: So these are the things we may raid: 1) fire making kit, 2) tarp, 3) their roosters.
Martin: We should take the tarp and the fire making kit. After all, we have sufficient food back in camp.
Joshua: That's right. I think we should also let Siying and Elaine know we are still with them.
Martin: We shouldn't do it too openly, I don't want the others to talk.

Antranig (confessionals): I was really annoyed we lost the challenge, now our camp is going to be reduced to scraps.

Elaine (confessionals): I was thrilled when Martin and Joshua came over. I wanted to know the situation on their tribe and see what is better for my future game plan. Especially when Siying has an idol, I need her out soon!

Kandace: So what happened at tribal? Was it fiery?
Martin: Not really, Marta treated Zac like a dead body. And nothing he said got to her.
Antranig: LOL! That is really interesting? Was it a 6-1 vote?
Martin: Not really, but I guess I shouldn't be sharing so much.
Steven: Marta must be enjoying herself.

Elaine: What happened? I thought you guys want Marta out?
Joshua: Priscilla flipped on us and voted out Zac.
Siying: What? That is not very smart of her.
Joshua: That's why we are here now trying to fight for our lives.
Elaine: Okay, let's not talk too much. I don't want them thinking we are still working together.
Joshua: Alright. let's hope you guys survive till the merge.

*Martin and Joshua leaves Luzon camp with tarp and fire making kit*

Kandace: They are smart, removing our essentials. Now we have nothing much left.
Antranig: Based on what they said, seems like Marta is running Solana.
Kandace: I know right. If she gains to much power, we might need to cut her off.
Steven: I am not comfortable with what Martin told us. He seems a little shady.
Kandace: Yeah, but it's better than nothing.

Kandace (confessionals): I am placing my trust in Antranig and Steven because clearly, Marta is a ticking timebomb which could get me into trouble anytime.

Erwitt: I shouldn't have dived at Jack. Damn.
Giselle: Don't be too hard on yourself. You aren't the only one didn't do well.
Erwitt: I found a clue to the hidden immunity idol last time, but I couldn't find it!
Giselle: Wow! This is awesome. You should continue to find it while I distract the others.
Erwitt: Yeah, I am heading out to the waterfall again later. It's too obvious to disappear now.

Solana Camp

*Joshua and Martin walking in*

Marta: Oh look, those people who voted for me are back
Martin: Can you just stop it, it's getting annoying.
Marta: You are annoying. Pfft.
Joshua: We brought back their tarp and fire making kit!
Yuyan: Now we can have dry nights! Awesome!
Jack: Good choices guys!

Jack (confessionals): I don't trust Martin and Joshua at all. God knows what they have done at the other tribe, currying favours and whatsnot.

Priscilla: Marta needs to calm down honestly.
Yuyan: Drama is good for us.
Priscilla: Yeah, but it's bad for the tribe morale too!
Jack: I just think that Marta should go if we end up at tribal again. She has friends and it's detrimental for us.
Priscilla: Wouldn't it be lovely if one of her friends at the other tribe gets voted out?
Yuyan: Yeah, that would be lovely.

Jack (confessionals): Right now, the former Luzon has the upper hand of 5 people. And Priscilla is over here talking about all this crap. Luzon needs to burn 1 more member.

Yuyan (confessionals): I am keen to work with Priscilla, but the former Luzon currently has the most people. I don't want to end up getting burnt by her.

Marta (confessionals): I need an idol, and I don't know if any is replanted after that loser used it.

Joshua: We should talk.
Yuyan: Yeah, it's about Marta isn't it?
Joshua: Yes, she is insane and I am not sure if I still want her around.
Yuyan: But she is numbers for us.
Jack: You never throw numbers away voluntarily.
Joshua: But she is tight with the former Solanas.
Yuyan: Are you suggesting throwing the immunity challenge?
Joshua: That is a possible plan. But I am not too sure.

Jack (confessionals): Now Joshua comes up to me and suggests to throw the challenge? Sorry man, I am not putting my ass on the line to throw an immunity challenge.

Luzon Camp

Siying (confessionals): After Elaine told me about Erwitt and the idol clue, I have been on alert of his movements. I am thinking if I should tell the former Solanas about this.

Elaine (confessionals): I am torn between aligning with the former Solanas or the former Aparris. Because obviously, the former Luzon has the most people left and we don't make a move, moves are going to be made against us.

Elaine: If we do go to tribal, who are you voting?
Kandace: I don't know. Ideally, I hope we won't end up there. But if we do, I will vote the weakest link.
Elaine: But I think we are merging soon. Shouldn't we start targeting threats?
Kandace: Who are you suggesting?
Elaine: I don't know, are you tight with Antranig and Steven?
Kandace: Sort of.
Elaine: Well, we girls could control the game if we boot them.
Kandace: I will think about it.

Kandace (confessionals): This insane woman came up to me and wants me to blindside my closest allies? Go die in a fire please.

Steven: Are you feeling better?
Giselle: Yeah, a lot better. Thanks for being there.
Steven: Welcome. *gives Giselle a hug*
Giselle: *hugs back* You are an amazing guy Steven.

Steven (confessionals): I might have a little feelings for Giselle, but I am here ultimately to win the game.

Giselle (confessionals): I might have a small crush on Steven. I mean he is tall and handsome, who doesn't get attracted to him?

Antranig (confessionals): So Steven spent another day with Giselle. If he has any signs of flipping, I will be writing his name down at the first moment.

Day 16

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Solana and Luzon walking in*

Yixuan: Luzon, I will take the idol back. *takes idol from Siying* Ready for today's immunity challenge?

Castaways: Yes!

In this challenge, you will use wooden poles to build a staircase. Then, climb the staircase and race through a bamboo maze to get to a slide. After going down the slide, one person from each tribe will maneuver a key through a rope obstacle. The key will unlock a machete which will be used to release puzzle pieces. Then, two other tribe members will use the pieces to solve a puzzle, revealing three numbers for a combination lock.

Yixuan: The first tribe to solve the combination lock and release their flag wins immunity. Losers will have a date with me at Tribal Council tonight, whereby another person will be voted out. Luzon, you have one extra member, choose one person to sit out, Elaine may not sit out.

Giselle: I will.

Yixuan: Giselle, take a spot on the bench, rest of you give you one minute to strategize.

Yixuan: For immunity, survivors ready? GO!

Yixuan: Both tribes starting to build the staircase! Luzon starting to build it right away, Solana is trying to arrange it in order before assembling it. Which strategy will work better? Luzon pulling ahead slightly, you have 8 poles to put in place! Solana starting to build their staircase! Luzon making a mistake, the taller poles are in front! That is wrong! Luzon removing the wrong poles and re-doing it, allowing Solana to catch up! Solana making quick work of the staircase after arranging them in order, now they are making their way up the stairs and entering the bamboo maze!

Yixuan: You have to go over and under the various parts of the maze! Solana having Jack to lead the tribe. Luzon finally getting through the staircase and starting on the maze. Solana is halfway through the maze, maintaining their lead over Luzon. Luzon catching up slowly but still a gap between them! Solana is going through the slide!

Yixuan: Jack starts to maneuver the key while Luzon just reaches the slide. Solana is widening the gap with Jack's swift movement across the rope obstacle. Jack is reaching the end while Erwitt starts with the key maneuvering. Jack starts to chop the block to release the puzzle pieces while Erwitt is stuck in the rope obstacle! Jack releases the puzzle pieces! Priscilla and Yuyan starts to work on the puzzle!

Yixuan: Priscilla and Yuyan arranging all their puzzle pieces again before starting to form it. Erwitt starts to chop the block. Yuyan starts to form the lower part of the puzzle while Priscilla is passing her the arranged blocks. Solana having a really good system going there. Erwitt releases the puzzle pieces! Kandace and Siying starts on the puzzle. Solana is already halfway through the puzzle! Luzon trying their best to catch up. Solana already revealed their three numbers, Priscilla trying out the numbers on the combination lock. And it unlocks! Priscilla pulls out the bar.


Yixuan: Congratulations Solana, immunity keeping you safe tonight. Grab your stuff and head back to camp.

*Solana heading out*

Yixuan: Luzon, unfortunately, tribal council tonight and you have the afternoon to scramble. Grab your stuff and head back to camp.

*Luzon heading out*

Steven (confessionals): This sucks. Our coordination wasn't there and I don't know why is that so.

Siying (confessionals): Urgh, I hope that Elaine and I are not in trouble tonight because we definitely want to save the idol for the merge.

Luzon Camp

Kandace (confessionals): We sucked so bad that I don't even get a chance to showcase my puzzle prowess. Now we have to vote someone out, which is definitely not what I want to do.

Erwitt (confessionals): I guess I should give the idol one last try. I am not even sure if it's still here.

Elaine (confessionals): Once we got back to camp, Erwitt bolted out of camp instead of trying to scramble. This is my chance!

Elaine: Don't you guys realize Erwitt is always missing from camp?
Antranig: Now that you mention it, yeah!
Elaine: I saw him by the waterfall yesterday! I wonder what is there.
Kandace: I did notice him missing, but I didn't really care.
Antranig: If the idol is by the waterfall, then we have to be wary.
Elaine: If he does find the idol, we need to flush it and keep ourselves safe!
Kandace: Sounds like a plan!

Kandace (confessionals): Even though Elaine may seem to be a strategical mastermind, I rather work with her than face whiny Giselle anytime! I rather die than to talk to her.

Elaine (confessionals): I think I managed to get Kandace and Antranig on my side! I don't see the need to split the votes so 4 of us should be enough to get Erwitt out!

*at the waterfall*

Erwitt: Where is it? I need this damned idol!

*behind the trees*

Antranig: Yeah, he seems to be finding something.
Kandace: That probably means he has the idol clue or something!
Antranig: Urgh, this is bad.
Kandace: Okay, we need Steven to do a 3-2 split.
Antranig: Yeah, if he isn't busy flirting with Giselle.

*along the beach*

Giselle: I think we should vote Kandace out. She is really scary and I think she is a strong competitor.
Steven: Do we have the numbers?
Giselle: We can get Erwitt and the girls. That is 5.
Steven: Hmm, I need sometime to think about this.
Giselle: Let me tell you a secret. Erwitt found the idol clue and I think he is working to find the idol.
Steven: Are you serious?
Giselle: Yeah, so I think it would be good for you to work with us.
Steven: Alright.
Giselle: I trust that you won't vote for me?
Steven: Yes, I promise.
*Steven and Giselle hugs*

Steven (confessionals): Okay, this is a really sticky situation. If Erwitt does have the idol, he isn't going to use it on me duh! But I don't really want to disappoint Giselle.

Giselle (confessionals): My closest ally right now is Erwitt and Steven. I hope that they will vote with me this time to take out Kandace.

Siying: Have you talked to them about the clue?
Elaine: Yeah, I even directed them to the waterfall to catch Erwitt in the act!
Siying: Awesome! Since we already have the idol, they are going to be completely fooled by us.
Elaine: I know right. This is going to be the most fun tribal council ever.
Giselle: *walking over* Hey girls.
Siying: Hey.
Giselle: What are your plans?
Elaine: I'm not too sure yet.
Giselle: I think we are taking out Kandace. Even Steven is on board!
Elaine: Wow! Are you serious?
Siying: I think it's quite a safe move since Solana's idol is gone!
Giselle: Yup! We can take out a huge mastermind!
Elaine: Sounds good to me!

Siying (confessionals): I feel bad being fake to Giselle, but taking out Erwitt is our top priority right now.

Elaine (confessionals): I can't believe that we are out of the crosshairs. We just pitted the former Aparris against the former Solanas!

Kandace: Okay, here's the plan. We take Erwitt out tonight.
Steven: So you heard?
Antranig: About the idol clue? We even saw him in the waterfalls.
Steven: Giselle told me he has the clue.
Kandace: I think that the idol is already taken by someone.
Steven: By Elaine or Siying?
Kandace: Hard to tell. It could be with those in Solana.
Antranig: Well, in any case, if Erwitt survives without the idol, he will definitely be back to find it.
Steven: Hmm, should we vote for Elaine or Siying?
Antranig: What for? We want to flush the idol, or at least get rid of the clue!
Kandace: For security sake, we should make sure the vote is split at least 3-2 with none on us.
Steven: So we get Siying and Elaine to vote for Erwitt and we vote for them?
Antranig: No, we are voting for both Erwitt and Giselle.
Kandace: If we aren't getting rid of Erwitt, we need to kick the whiny girl out.
Steven: Umm, but Giselle isn't really a threat?
Antranig: Stop thinking with your dick. Giselle is definitely tighter with Erwitt not you.
Kandace: Okay, stop arguing. We need to inform the girls.

Steven (confessionals): Okay, I am torn. I don't really want to hurt Giselle but voting out Erwitt will definitely benefit my game. This sucks.

Giselle: We are voting for Kandace. I think the vote is set.
Erwitt: Are you that sure?
Giselle: Yep, I talked to Steven, Siying and Elaine. They are in!
Erwitt: Sounds good to me!
Giselle: Did you find the idol?
Erwitt: No. I am starting to think that it is with one of the former Luzons.
Giselle: Shucks, could it be with Elaine or Siying?
Erwitt: I don't know, I hope not.

Erwitt (confessionals): I feel bad for having Giselle work on my behalf because I am finding the idol. And yet, I failed in finding it.

Kandace: I think we should split the vote.
Elaine: Between Erwitt and Giselle?
Siying: Hmm, but isn't he still searching for the idol?
Antranig: It doesn't mean he won't find it.
Elaine: I agree. Splitting the vote is safer that way.
Steven: So myself, Kandace and Antranig will vote Erwitt, and you two will vote Giselle.
Siying: I guess.
Kandace: That settles it then!

Steven (confessionals): Now that they are splitting the votes. My vote is going to be the deciding one!

Elaine (confessionals): Honestly, I didn't think there was a need to split, but I guess going along with their plan could prove our worthiness in the long run.

Siying (confessionals): I am feeling a little uncomfortable after our talk. It seems that they might turn around and backstab us. I am definitely bringing the idol to tribal just in case.

Siying: I am not comfortable about splitting.
Elaine: We have to so that they can trust us!
Siying: Yeah, and their 3 votes could decide who goes home!
Elaine: What are you suggesting?
Siying: Since we know we are safe, should we pull a 3-3-1 tie or something? I could play the idol, or in the worst case, Erwitt and Giselle will vote in our favour at the revote!
Elaine: Yeah, and the idol would be wasted! I really think we should go with them honestly! 

Siying (confessionals): I really don't agree with Elaine. I definitely need to make plans of my own.

Siying: Hey, we should talk.
Erwitt: I haven't been talking to people much. And Giselle tells me I should be voting for Kandace.
Siying: I don't know about it, but she and Steven have been really close.
Erwitt: She did tell me they are working together.
Siying: I am not too sure about that. Besides, I saw them hugging, so I am not too sure how close they are.
Erwitt: Urgh, is there anyone I can trust out here?
Siying: Kandace told me she thinks you have an idol.
Erwitt: But I don't!
Siying: I believe you. I think we should vote out Steven. That way, Giselle has no one else to depend on. I can get Elaine and you should get Giselle.
Erwitt: Okay, I will try.

Siying (confessionals): So right now, I am getting Erwitt and Giselle to flip the vote back on Steven. And I think I will vote for Erwitt. After all, I don't want people to know that the Luzon idol is with one of us. I hope that there is enough chaos at Tribal Council tonight.

Erwitt: We should vote for Steven tonight.
Giselle: What? No! Why?
Erwitt: I heard he is plotting against me!
Giselle: Trust me, he isn't! We have to keep the vote on Kandace! Listen to me for once!

Erwitt (confessionals): I don't know who to trust right now. I guess I will have to go with my gut instinct at tribal.

Giselle: This is an emergency! Erwitt suddenly told me to vote for you because he said you want him out.
Steven: What?
Giselle: I still managed to get him to vote for Kandace. So you need to do the same!

Steven (confessionals): This is ridiculous! Moments before Tribal Council and such shit occurs. I am really undecided right now. I knew we should have voted for the 2 girls instead. It's a little too late right now to change the plans.

Night 16

Tribal Council

*Luzon tribe walking in*

Yixuan: Welcome to Tribal Council. Tell me about your tribe dynamics.

Elaine: Well, there are 3 former Solanas here, as well as 2 Luzons and 2 Aparri. Everyone seem to get along well with each other on the surface.

Kandace: But I hate some people here. So it's not a happy family.

Yixuan: Alright, so Giselle, does it make sense for the minority to gather and take out the majority?

Giselle: Well, it would appear that that is the ideal situation, but circumstances caused things to change.

Siying: In short, Giselle and Steven got too comfortable with each other.

Yixuan: Is that true?

Steven: Yeah, I like to be around Giselle. It makes me feel comfortable.

Giselle: And Steven makes me feel secure. I feel like I can trust him.

*Erwitt raises eyebrow*

Yixuan: Erwitt, don't you agree?

Erwitt: Well, I've been with Giselle for 16 days and she hasn't told me she trusts me. So that says a lot.

Giselle: No, I don't mean that. It's just the sense of security that makes me feel at home.

Steven: I am pretty sure that the relationship between Giselle and I should not be of a concern to anyone. We are just friends!

Siying: Friends who cuddle each other.

Yixuan: Antranig, it must be interesting to watch this.

Antranig: Definitely. It keeps the heat off my back and as usual, couples are always dangerous.

Kandace: But idols are more dangerous.

Yixuan: Elaborate on that please.

Kandace: Well, a certain individual hasn't been around camp much. Who knows where he has been snooping around.

Erwitt: Yes, she is referring to me. Yes, I have been snooping around. But no, I did not find any idol or whatsnot. So nobody has to worry.

Yixuan: Looks like merely 5 days and your tribe lines have vanished.

Antranig: I believe that we all know what is best for the tribe and we have a common goal to attain.

Siying: Idol or no idol, I think that tonight's vote can help us bond better against Solana.

Elaine: I believe that we know what is best for ourselves and we know what we should do.

Giselle: I just hope that the people I have talked to trust me and follow my plan.

Kandace: And those people I talk to should also trust that my plan is the best one they should follow. And by the way Giselle, you are just an ugly hag no one wants to talk to.

Giselle: And you are just a vile woman who needs to know your place!

Yixuan: Alright, looks like there are two plans in place. Let's see which one works and which one doesn't. It's time to vote, Steven, you are up.

*Steven voted*
Steven: This is definitely based on my gut instinct. Please don't fail me.

*Giselle voted - Kandace*
Giselle: You are a snake and you have to be eradicated NOW!

*Siying voted*
Siying: Only my plan matter. All our plans can go down the drain.

*Elaine voted - Giselle*
Elaine: I am going to show them that I can be trusted.

*Erwitt voted*
Erwitt: If this can solidify my standing, then it is the correct thing to do.

*Kandace voted*
Kandace: Bye bye idol, or human. Whatever.

*Antranig voted*
Antranig: If that stupid boy follows his dick, we are most probably screwed.

Yixuan: Alright, I will tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: If anyone has the Hidden Immunity Idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so. 

Yixuan: Person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I will read the votes.

First vote, KANDACE

Second vote, STEVEN

Third vote, GISELLE

Fourth vote, ERWITT

Fifth vote, ERWITT

Sixth person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan, ERWITT

Erwitt: You guys had me good.

Giselle: WHAT?

Yixuan: That's 3 votes, that's enough. Please bring me your torch.

*Erwitt brings torch over*

*Giselle starts to break down*

Yixuan: Erwitt, your tribe has spoken. *extinguishes torch* Time for you to go.

*Erwitt walks off*

Yixuan: Looks like your tribe still has lots of loose ends to tidy up. Grab your stuff, head back to camp.

Giselle: Hold on Yixuan. I can't take this anymore. Everyone out here is bullying me and lying to me. Even Steven, whom I thought I can trust. This vote just tells me that this is a brutal game. And since Erwitt is gone, I want to be out of it.

*everyone gasps*

Yixuan: Are you saying you are quitting?

Giselle: Yes, I don't care anymore. Just get me out of here.


Yixuan: Alright, if that's the case, Giselle, you are officially out of the game. That means Luzon, you are currently down to 5 left. Grab your stuff, head back to camp.

Erwitt (confessionals): I was played bad. And I think hunting for the idol definitely caused it. If I can do anything differently, I would have talked to the rest more, rather than hunting for the idol.

Giselle (confessionals): I hate everyone in this game, especially that big bully Kandace. I hope no one wins and everyone dies of some diseases or whatsnot.

Tribal Council #6:
Antranig - ERWITT
Elaine - GISELLE
Erwitt - STEVEN
Giselle - KANDACE
Kandace - ERWITT
Siying - ERWITT
Steven - ERWITT

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