Wednesday 2 July 2014

Survivor: Cagayan Episode 2

Episode 2

Links to past episode: Episode 1

Episode 1 Recap

Previously on Survivor, 18 castaways with different relationship with me are brought together to outwit, outplay and outlast each other to claim the Sole Survivor title. Right from the start, one leader from each tribe were asked to elect one member they want to vote out, sending Siying, Zac and Yuyan back to camp to make an important decision. All three of them chose to receive a clue to the hidden immunity idol, with only Zac finding it successfully. At the first immunity challenge, Jack and Austin inability to work together proved disastrous for the Aparri Tribe, causing them to lose the immunity challenge. Back in camp, Austin wants to focus on getting rid of the weaker players, while Jack targeted Austin for being stubborn at the challenge. In the end, the tribe sided with Jack and voted for Austin, sending him home with 4 votes, making him the first person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan.

Back in camp, Isabel finds herself in a rocky situation after her closest ally, Austin, got voted out. She tried to make multiple deals with Yuyan and Erwitt to keep herself in the game. At Solana, Zac continues to piss his tribe mates off because he is in possession of the hidden immunity idol. At Aparri, Yuyan's persistence paid off when she uncovered the hidden immunity idol along the stream. Only Luzon's hidden immunity idol remains unfound. At the immunity challenge, Luzon had a huge lead entering the final part of the challenge. However, Bruno's incompetency caused Aparri and Solana to breeze past them, causing them to lose the immunity challenge. Back in camp, Joshua is insistent on Bruno paying for his mistake, while Bruno targeted Joshua for his bullying over the tribe. Elaine tried her best to convince the two guys to focus on weaker links, like Priscilla and Siying, but to no avail. At tribal council, a heated argument sparked between Bruno and Joshua. In the end, the tribe sided with Joshua to end the tribe feud by sending Bruno home with all 5 votes, making him the second person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan.

16 are left, who will be eliminated next?

Night 6

Luzon Camp

Joshua (confessionals): I'm glad my tribe chose to side with me instead of Bruno. I am a little sad for him, but you got to do what you got to do.

Elaine (confessionals): I really didn't want Bruno to go, but I shouldn't go against my tribe's wishes.

Martin (confessionals): I wanted to side with Bruno, but when the rest of the tribe aren't doing so, I decided to keep myself alive and jumped ship. I hope it doesn't burn my ass.

Day 7

Luzon Camp

Elaine (confessionals): I am wondering about the idol. I am pretty sure that there is one in play, but I don't know where to find it.

Priscilla: We need to win this challenge. I have a bad feeling that I am in danger if we lose.
Siying: Joshua and Elaine seem to be in control.
Priscilla: Yeah, and if they get me out, you are probably next.

Priscilla (confessionals): I am really worried that the tribe will boot me if we lose again. Last challenge, I really suck at swimming, I just hope that I can get enough people on my side.

Siying (confessionals): I was wondering about what Priscilla said. If she gets booted because of strength, I'm probably next.

Martin: What are your plans after this?
Elaine: I want to keep the tribe strong to be honest.
Martin: We shouldn't have gotten rid of Bruno
Elaine: Yeah, but if we didn't we will be dead if Joshua teams up with the 2 girls.

Martin: This is really tricky.
Elaine: I really want to go far into the game with you.
Martin: Me too, I think you are a really good person

Elaine (confessionals): I am trying to lay out my network with all the individuals in the tribe. So that in case anyone tries to backstab me, people will let me know.

Martin (confessionals): I really want to work with Elaine because she works really hard in camp and in challenges. And that's the type of person I want to go far in the game with.

Solana Camp

Zac: Hey, does everyone want me out?
Steven: Technically yes.
Zac: This is frustrating.
Steven: You have yourself to blame for pissing the whole tribe off.
Zac: I am just being myself.
Steven: It's a social game, control yourself a little.

Zac (confessionals): People start to hate me just because they cannot accept me for who I am. Screw them.

Steven (confessionals): Right now, the tribe's target is Zac. As much as I want to save him, I'm not going to sacrificing myself to save him.

Antranig: Are we still tight against Zac?
Marta: Of course, that annoying pest has to go.
Antranig: I am totally on your side Marta, just so you know.
Marta: Of course I know.

Marta (confessionals): I am trying to get the whole tribe on my side. So that when it's time, we can all wave goodbye to Zac. *demonstrates diva wave*

Antranig (confessionals): I am a little wary about Marta. She seems to have this aura to her that's a little intimidating. I hope that she doesn't screw me over.

Kandace: Hey gurl, where's your head at?
Shaniqua: I think everyone is on the same page with getting rid of Zac. But we need to think past that.
Kandace: I know right.

Shaniqua: We need to stick together. And maybe pull Steven with us. Marta has Antranig wrapped around her fingers.
Kandace: Totally, it's so gross. I can't even watch.

Aparri Camp

Giselle: I think we should stick as a 4 and vote for Isabel next.
Yuyan: Yeah, keeping together is definitely a smart choice.
Giselle: If we do split, we are dead.
Yuyan: I think Erwitt and Jack should be in with us.

Yuyan (confessionals): Keeping myself in the majority definitely helps me because I want to keep my idol for as long as possible.

Giselle (confessionals): I hope that Yuyan isn't lying to me, but I feel that we are going to be tight and that's a good thing if we are merging soon.

Isabel (confessionals): I made deals with Erwitt and Yuyan individually, but I still feel really uncomfortable, so I decided to talk to Jack too.

Isabel: Jack, I think that Erwitt and Yuyan are a dangerous pair.
Jack: And how do you know that?
Isabel: Well, they told me that they can keep me safe if I voted with them.
Jack: What?
Isabel: Yes, and I think they are thinking of blindsiding you.
Jack: Those sneaky little...
Isabel: Don't tell them that I told you that.
Jack: Sure.

Jack (confessionals): Isabel just told me that Erwitt and Yuyan are plotting against me. If that's the case, I need to keep Giselle and Isabel with me so that we still have the majority.

Isabel (confessionals): I am trying to create havoc now. After all, the more chaos there is, the less they trust each other, and the more I would survive longer. Hahaha.

Day 8

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Aparri, Solana and Luzon walking it*

Yixuan: Aparri and Solana taking their first look at the new Luzon tribe, Bruno voted out at the last tribal council.

Yixuan: Are you guys ready for the immunity challenge?
Castaways: Yes.
Yixuan: First things first, I'll take back the idols.
*take idols from Kandace and Giselle*
Yixuan: Once again, immunity is up for grabs.

For today's challenge, three tribe members are going to use a bucket to scoop water from the ocean. You will then work together, passing the water from tribe mate to tribe mate to fill a container. When the container fills, it will drop releasing a ball. The other two tribe mates will then use that ball to solve a vertical maze.

Yixuan: First two tribes to finish win immunity, safe from the vote. Losers go to tribal council where the third person will be voted out of Survivor: Cagayan. In addition, you are playing for reward. Want to know what you are playing for?
Castaways: Yes.
Yixuan: Given the weather, this will help a lot. First tribe to finish, comfort and shelter. You will have blankets, pillows, mosquito net and a tarp to keep you dry. No matter what condition your shelter's in, a tarp will improve it. Second tribe to finish, no comfort but shelter in the form of tribe. A lot at stake in this challenge.

Yixuan: Solana, you have one extra member, who's going to sit out?
Shaniqua: I will.
Yixuan: Alright Shaniqua, take a spot on the sit out bench. The rest of you, give you a minute to strategize and we'll get started.

*Castaways get into place*

Yixuan: For Luzon, Joshua scooping the water, passing it to Siying and Elaine. Priscilla and Martin solving the puzzle. For Solana, Steven scooping the water, passing it to Zac and Marta. Antranig and Kandace solving the puzzle. For Aparri, Jack scooping the water, passing it to Giselle and Isabel. Erwitt and Yuyan solving the puzzle. Here we go, survivors ready? GO!

Yixuan: Joshua, Jack and Steven starting to scoop the water and passing the bucket. You have to throw the bucket such that the water remains in it. Siying dropping the whole bucket for Luzon. Isabel dropping the water bucket. Zac catching it well and passing it to Marta. Marta spilling some water but she managed to pour some water in, putting Solana in the lead.

Yixuan: Jack successfully passed the bucket to Isabel. Isabel throwing the bucket but it's too heavy for her. The whole bucket dropped on the floor, Aparri wasting precious time. Siying successfully catches the bucket and throwing to Elaine. Elaine catching it nicely. Luzon with some water in the container. Jack trying to pass another bucket to Isabel but she can't catch it. It's too heavy for her. Jack looking very frustrated.

Yixuan: Solana working very well, and building up momentum. They are halfway through the container. Luzon trying their best to catch up. Aparri nowhere near filling their container. Steven, Marta and Zac working really well, starting up an efficient system. Joshua learnt not to fill their bucket too much because it gets harder to pass it. Aparri learning from their mistake, Jack is filling the bucket halfway. Jack passes the bucket to Isabel, and she gets it. Now Isabel tries to make the pass to Giselle. Giselle drops it, losing all the water. Aparri facing a disaster again.

Yixuan: Solana is almost done with the container. One more good pass would do it. Luzon is two-thirds through, Aparri hasn't even deposited any water. Steven with a nice toss. Zac catches it well. Zac passing it to Marta. Marta catches it with the tip of her fingers. She pours the water into the container. Solana's ball is released! Antranig and Kandace, start working on the puzzle!

Yixuan: Luzon trying to catch up to Solana. Anyone would love the comfort. Elaine stumbling with the bucket, losing a lot of water for Luzon. Giselle finally pouring water in for Aparri. Erwitt and Yuyan shaking their heads. Kandace and Antranig trying to get used to the big vertical puzzle. It's not easy to control it. Joshua with a nice toss to Siying. Siying making a nice toss to Elaine. Elaine pours the water into the container. Luzon's ball is released! Martin and Priscilla, start working on the puzzle!

Yixuan: Solana getting the hang of it, they are halfway through the puzzle. Martin and Priscilla trying to feel the puzzle. Aparri needs to put their act together. The puzzle is really difficult, lots of nooks and cranny you have to get past. You need teamwork, coordination and strength to complete it. Isabel and Giselle still struggling with the water buckets, Aparri needs a miracle to win this right now.

Yixuan: Martin and Priscilla making bold moves, it paid off and they are closing the gap towards Solana! Kandace and Antranig trying to pull away from Luzon. Aparri's container is two-thirds filled, you have to hustle! Luzon and Solana are neck-in-neck right now. They are at the last obstacle, once you get past this, it will downhill to the end. Martin giving it a strong tug, the ball went too far! Antranig giving it a tug, he failed too. Giselle pouring a lot of water with that last bucket. Aparri's ball is released! Erwitt and Yuyan, you can finally start to work on the puzzle. The puzzle has a steep learning curve, it would be a huge comeback if Aparri wins this.

Yixuan: Solana trying again. Antranig tugs at it lightly, it didn't go through and the ball fell back, causing them to lose time! Martin tugging for Luzon, once again it's too strong and the ball went off course! Yuyan and Erwitt working their butts off to stay in this. You need immunity if you want to stay safe tonight. Antranig giving it another try. And he did it! Kandace pulling the puzzle all the way clockwise, and the ball is free! SOLANA WINS IMMUNITY AND REWARD IN THE FORM OF COMFORT AND TARP! 

Yixuan: One more tribe will be safe tonight, who's it going to be? Martin attempting the last obstacle, he gives it a gentle tug, and the ball went through. Priscilla pulling the puzzle all the way clockwise, and the ball is free! LUZON WINS IMMUNITY AND REWARD IN THE FORM OF TARP!

Yixuan: Aparri, totally had no shot at winning from the start. Jack, how are you feeling?
Jack: It's really frustrating that they couldn't do well with heavy buckets, and when we had to load lighter buckets, we were already out of it.

Yixuan: Solana and Luzon, congratulations. Immunity for the two of you, safe from tribal council, no one going home. Grab your comfort items and tarp and head back to camp.

*Solana and Luzon walking out*

Yixuan: Alright Aparri, I have nothing for you but tribal council tonight, whereby someone from your tribe will be the third person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan. Grab your stuff, head back to camp. You have the afternoon to figure it out and we'll see you tonight at tribal.

Yuyan (confessionals): That's what we get for voting out a strong person last tribal, now we are paying for our mistakes.

Solana Camp

Shaniqua: Good work bitches!
Marta: Who're you calling a bitch?
Kandace: I'm a diva, mind you. You can go be a bitch yourself.

Shaniqua: I am the diva. You guys can go die in a fire.
Marta: How about I throw you into the fire?
Shaniqua: You can go throw yourself into the dump.
Kandace: The two of you should just zip it and drown yourself.
Marta and Shaniqua: Shut up!

*Kandace walks towards the forest, Marta walks into the tribe shelter, Shaniqua goes to the water well*

Zac (confessionals): The girls are like in a power struggle to see who can control the tribe, and I am like sitting back and hope that the target can get off my back.

Steven (confessionals): I must say it's somewhat entertaining to watch the girls squabble. Takes the stress and tension off the game.

Marta (confessionals): I was so annoyed at the girls so I decided to just go back to the shelter to catch some zzz.

Marta: I'm going to use the pillows!

Antranig: *replying from fire* Sure, go ahead gurl.
Marta: I am going to choose the pink pillow, it suits me so much.
*Marta pulls out pink pillow and a note falls out*
Marta: Oh my god, what's this? *opens note*

Take a stroll along the rocks
Easier when the tide is right
Find some time on the reef today
You could have protection by tonight
Tied to something solid
Is the idol you want to get
Very hidden, but not too deep
And requires that you get wet

Marta: This is huge! I'm going to hide this in my bra first and look for it another time.

Aparri Camp

Jack (confessionals): This is so frustrating, those 2 girls can't do any shit properly.

Erwitt (confessionals): Right now, I am fully regretting voting out Austin. Look at our beloved Giselle-Isabel combo today. It's totally screwing us over.

Isabel (confessionals): I think I am on the block, again. So I am going to try to keep myself safe by putting up Giselle, I felt like that's my only choice.

Giselle (confessionals): Isabel sucked so much! I hope that Jack and the rest can see that and vote for her tonight.

Jack: I am going to just put it out here. I am voting out Isabel tonight. That's all. Don't bother talking to me, don't bother changing my opinion.
Isabel: What? I wasn't the only one who screwed up the challenge. You had a part to play too! Giselle also dropped some buckets. I am just in the wrong place at the wrong time!
Jack: You couldn't even catch buckets properly, how am I supposed to work with you in future challenges?
Isabel: You are unreasonable. I can't be bothered talking to you anymore.
Jack: And everyone else, you guys better vote Isabel out tonight if not we are headed back to tribal council.
Isabel: You are such an unreasonable bully.

Giselle (confessionals): Once we got back to camp, Jack and Isabel got into a heated argument. I am just glad that I am off the chopping block.

Isabel (confessionals): Jack is so arrogant, he makes me so sick of looking at his smug face.

Yuyan (confessionals): I would think that voting out Isabel is the correct move, but Jack didn't have to announce it to the world.

Yuyan: So I think we are going to vote for Isabel tonight?
Erwitt: I guess. I really don't want Jack gone because we need him in challenges.
Yuyan: And Jack isn't voting for Giselle.
Erwitt: Giselle is Jack's pawn. He won't do that.

Yuyan: Should we try to blindside Giselle?
Erwitt: It might work, we just need Isabel's vote.

Giselle: I'm sorry but I think you are going home tonight.
Isabel: What do you mean?
Giselle: It's either you or me, and I think it's probably you tonight.

Isabel: What do you mean you or me? We can take out that snob together!
Giselle: I am going to stop raising your hopes. We are in an alliance of four, you are not. So goodbye.

*Giselle walks off*

Isabel (confessionals): After Giselle talked to me, I was really furious so I sort of let my rage control me and dump all their rice in the fire.

Isabel (confessionals): And I don't regret one bit. You don't piss someone off like that and leave her alone with your food supply. Be glad I didn't pee in it.

*Yuyan and Erwitt walking back to shelter*

Yuyan: What's the burning smell?
Isabel: It's nothing, probably just rice.
Erwitt: What?
Yuyan: Did you just dump all our rice in the fire?
Isabel: Not all, maybe just 90% of it.
Erwitt: This is ridiculous.

Erwitt (confessionals): So after Yuyan and I discussed about voting out Giselle instead of Isabel, we went back to camp to a horror. Almost all our rice are in the fire! I don't know whether I should laugh or cry.

Yuyan (confessionals): That crazy bitch just dumped all our rice into the fire! Someone please tell me why we should keep her?

*Giselle and Jack walking back to shelter*

Jack: What happened?

Yuyan: Nothing much, but someone probably was unhappy with you and threw all our rice into the fire.
Isabel: First, you openly announced my boot, then your pawn comes along and rub salt in my wound. I'm also a human you know!
Erwitt: What did Giselle say?
Isabel: Nothing much, just about how the 4 of you are going to stick together and vote me out. Since I'm going home soon, I am sure I wouldn't need the rice.

Yuyan: I can't take this shit anymore.

*Yuyan walks away*

Jack (confessionals): When I got back to camp, most of our rice is in the fire. And I looked over to Isabel looking all happy and nonchalant about it. You just signed your own death warrant.

Tribal Council

*Aparri tribe walking in*

Yixuan: Alright, Erwitt, what happened with the challenge today?

Erwitt: Giselle and Isabel messed up. So when we got back to camp, the obvious choice was one of them. But then, Jack flared up and dictated for Isabel to go. And if things weren't bad enough, Giselle added that there is no way for Isabel to get people on her side and she's definitely going home.

Isabel: And I went mad and dumped their rice into the fire.
Yixuan: You what?

Yuyan: She emptied 90% of our rice into the fire.

Isabel: Since I won't be around to eat it, why not?

Erwitt: That was probably the most ridiculous move anyone can make in Survivor. To be honest, I thought that it would be a toss-up between the two, but seeing the rice the fire, it sort of help me decide my vote tonight.

Yuyan: Scrambling is one thing, Self-destructing is one thing. And what Isabel just did was plain crazy, stabbing herself in the chest.

Isabel: I am definitely stronger than Giselle but that stubborn Jack doesn't see it. And now, they are all ganging up on me.

Jack: You were weak in both the challenges that caused us to be here. Giselle redeemed herself with the puzzle last immunity challenge. For you, you have been nothing but a burden to us.

Isabel: See? He's just bullying me to keep himself safe.

Yixuan: Giselle, you are awfully quiet tonight. What are you thinking?

Giselle: Even if you are going to be voted out, you still shouldn't have done such a thing. I mean that just doesn't make sense!

Yixuan: Yuyan, do you think that Isabel sealed her own fate by doing the rice dump?

Yuyan: I would think so. I am not risking my life to spend another minute next to a lunatic. Who knows what she would do next?

Yixuan: Alright, it's now time to vote. Giselle, you are up.

*Giselle voted - ISABEL*
Giselle: What you did was just ridiculous and unforgivable.

*Jack voted*
Jack: A total no-brainer vote.

*Erwitt voted*
Erwitt: I really wanted to give you another chance, but what you did doesn't deserve my second chance.

*Yuyan voted*
Yuyan: To think that I was going to work with you, you probably shouldn't play this game at all.

*Isabel voted - JACK*
Isabel: I am probably gone tonight but I am still harboring the slightest hope that you get blindsided instead.

Yixuan: I'll go tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

First vote, ISABEL

Second vote, JACK

Third vote, ISABEL

Third person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan, ISABEL

Yixuan: That's 3 votes, that's enough. Bring me your torch.

*Isabel brings torch over*

Yixuan: Isabel, the tribe has spoken. *extinguishes torch* Time for you to go.

*Isabel walks off*

Yixuan: Looks like your tribe still remain united, voting off the person whom you think is crazy and the weakest. Hopefully, you will start winning challenges or you will have to vote out one of your own. Grab your stuff head back to camp.

Isabel (confessionals): Looking back, maybe I shouldn't have dumped the rice. But I am really proud of myself for doing it and didn't regret a moment. At least I am standing up to the people who are against me. Hopefully, the whole Aparri tribe will just disintegrate into nothing.

Tribal Council #3:
Erwitt - ISABEL
Giselle - ISABEL
Isabel - JACK
Yuyan - ISABEL

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