Wednesday 3 December 2014

Survivor: Cagayan Episode 3

Episode 3

Links to past episode: Episode 1 Episode 2

Episode 2 Recap

Previously on Survivor, after winning both immunity challenges, Solana kept their full strength, but their internal politics continued to brew. Marta continued to rally the tribe against Zac, while Zac's secret possession of the hidden immunity idol kept him safe. In Luzon, Priscilla and Siying felt that they are at the bottom of the totem pole and worked to keep themselves within a majority alliance, while Elaine worked hard to find the hidden immunity idol. At the immunity challenge, Isabel and Giselle performed terribly, allowing Luzon and Solana to pull ahead and win immunity. Back at camp, the tribe were thinking between the 2 of them. However, Giselle got confident and taunted Isabel about the vote, tipping Isabel over the tipping point and pouring away almost all their rice. In the end, the rest of the tribe decided that they could not live another day with a mad woman, and sent Isabel home with an unanimous 4 votes, making her the third person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan.

15 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Night 8

Aparri Camp

Yuyan (confessionals): I am glad we got rid of that crazy bitch. I hope that our tribe can function much better without her hinderance.

Jack (confessionals): I don't understand why these girls are so difficult to deal with. If we lost again, I definitely want Giselle out.

Jack: I'm glad that was over.
Yuyan: I really don't know why did you do that Giselle. Just blindside her, at least we still have our rice.
Giselle: Oh so that's a bad move by me? You are not the boss of me, you don't dictate what I do.
Erwitt: Calm down girls. Chill out.

Giselle (confessionals): Urgh, I can't stand Yuyan anymore. Can't wait to get her out of here.

Erwitt (confessionals): These girls HAVE to start learning to work with each other.

Day 9

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Solana, Luzon and Aparri walking in*

Yixuan: Solana and Luzon taking a first look at the new Aparri tribe, Isabel voted out the last tribal council.

Yixuan: Guys ready to get to your first reward challenge?
Castaways: Yeah.

For today's challenge, one person from each tribe will climb to the top of a tower and act as a caller. Three other tribe members will be blindfolded. The caller will have to verbally direct two of the blindfolded members to retrieve five items. Each time you get an item, you have to bring it back and hoist it up to the caller. After the five items are retrieved, the caller will send two blindfolded members out to retrieve the last item, which is their tribe flag. The first two tribes to get their flag up to the caller wins reward.

Yixuan: Want to know what you are playing for?
*reveals reward*
Yixuan: The first tribe to finish wins for themselves, three egg-laying hens and a rooster. The second tribe to finish wins a dozen eggs. The last tribe, nothing.

Yixuan: Solana, you have 2 extra members, who are you sitting out?
Kandace: Marta and Steven.
Yixuan: Luzon, you have 1 extra member, who are you sitting out.
Siying: I am.
Yixuan: Marta, Steven and Siying, take a spot at the sit-out bench. The rest of you, give you a few minutes to strategize and we will begin.

Yixuan: For Luzon, Joshua is calling, Priscilla, Elaine and Martin blindfolded. For Aparri, Jack is calling, Giselle, Erwitt and Yuyan blindfolded. For Solana, Antranig is calling, Kandace, Shaniqua and Zac blindfolded. Survivors ready, GO!

Yixuan: All the blindfolded people are running around like headless chicken, and the callers are trying to fight each other to be louder. Luzon off to a quick start! Priscilla and Elaine finding their first item and bringing it back. Solana right behind. Aparri having trouble right from the start!

Yixuan: Priscilla and Elaine making quick work of the task. Zac keeps knocking into barrels, slowing Solanad down. Giselle does not have enough strength to move that item! Jack trying to navigate Erwitt to help. Luzon is breezing through the course, both Priscilla and Elaine bringing one item back each, giving them a lead at 3 items. Kandace placed Solana's second item on the platform. Aparri is not working well together, still stuck with 1 item.

Yixuan: Martin hoisting up Luzon's item swiftly. Shaniqua trying to hoist Solana's second item but it keeps falling off, opening a window for Yuyan to catch up. Elaine and Priscilla working well bringing back the heaviest item. Zac and Giselle bumping into every obstacle in the course. Aparri and Solana and neck-in-neck for last. Luzon hoisting their fourth item, Solana and Aparri still at their third.

Yixuan: Zac and Kandace working together to bring back the heaviest item. Giselle and Erwitt went back to work on the heaviest item. It requires 2 people to move it because it is very bulky. Priscilla coming back with Luzon's final item! Can anyone beat Luzon? Elaine moving out to retrieve Luzon's flag. At the same time, Solana and Aparri raising their third item.

Yixuan: Zac and Kandace with a slight lead over Giselle and Erwitt getting their last 2 items. Martin having trouble to hoist the flag. It's long and requires to be nicely on the platform to be hoisted. Solana retrieved all 5 items, they are now going for the flag! Aparri right behind them! Martin is losing a lot of time for Luzon!

Yixuan: Erwitt getting Aparri's flag first, with Kandace right behind with Solana's flag. Martin trying again to hoist Luzon's flag. And Joshua grabs it! LUZON WINS REWARD, THREE EGG-LAYING HENS AND A ROOSTER!

Yixuan: Solana trying to find a window to overtake Aparri. It's a very tight race to the end. Both of them start hoisting but both flags dropped out. There's a learning curve to this. Once you get it, you will get it. Yuyan hoisting Aparri's flag slightly faster than Shaniqua. Both flags reaching the top. Both callers desperately reaching for their flag. One of them reaches first! SOLANA WINS REWARD, A DOZEN EGGS!

Yixuan: Congratulations to Luzon and Solana for winning the reward. Unfortunately, Aparri, I've got nothing for you. Grab your stuff and head back to camp.

*Luzon, Solana and Aparri walk out*

Luzon Camp

Elaine (confessionals): I am hoping to find another clue in the cage, without Joshua noticing. He is trying to micromanage everything and it's pissing the hell out of me.

Siying (confessionals): I am so excited that we won! Looks like we don't have to worry about food for awhile!

Joshua: Guys, I think we should kill a chicken and let the other 2 lay eggs. We need protein and it is going to be beneficial during the immunity challenge!
Martin: Yeah, I agree. Let's pamper ourselves before the challenge!

Elaine: Hmm, I wonder which one is the rooster?
Martin: Haha, don't be silly, it's the one that looks different!
Elaine: Is it? *reaches hand into cage to poke rooster*

Elaine (confessionals): I wanted to try to see if there are any hidden notes in the cage, so I acted blur and put my hand into it. Sure enough, I noticed a small parchment taped at the corner of the cage covered by hay. So I quickly slipped it into my pocket without anyone seeing.

Elaine: I am going to find this idol and keep it for myself because I can't stand Joshua and his ego. *opens note*

Find the place where water is falling
Deep within the forest of trees
To find it requires some thinking
Protection is what you'll be needing
Tied to something solid
Is the idol you want to get
Very hidden, but not too deep
And requires that you get wet

Elaine: This is definitely pointing towards the waterfall. Maybe I can spend some time tomorrow to find it.

Day 10

Solana Camp

Zac (confessionals): This morning, I wanted to surprise the tribe by frying some eggs for them. But I suddenly thought of how they treated me, so I decided to just do it for myself.



Steven (confessionals): So this morning, Zac and Marta got into yet another huge argument. At this rate, I might want to go to tribal just to end this nonsense.

Antranig (confessionals): I love it every time when a fight breaks out. Because it just makes the target on my back smaller.

Marta (confessionals): I want to throw the immunity challenge to get him out.

Shaniqua (confessionals): They need to learn when to shut their traps when the diva is sleeping.

Shaniqua: That's better.

Zac (confessionals): I hate the two of them. They think they rule the tribe, but guess again, my idol rules the tribe.

Aparri Camp

Jack (confessionals): I can't stand this tribe. We just keep losing and losing. At this rate, we are going to be pagonged.

Yuyan (confessionals): I am so hungry. After Isabel emptied our rice, we are like surviving on scraps. And we haven't won a challenge in like 6 days.

Erwitt (confessionals): I feel like I have the duty to keep the tribe morale high being the oldest out here. But everyone is just spent and out of energy.

Giselle: I am so hungry I can eat one of you up right now.
Erwitt: We need to stay positive! Tomorrow's immunity challenge is really important, if not we are realy going to be down in numbers.
Jack: If we lose again, I swear I will lose my mind.
Yuyan: Let's just pray for a challenge the others suck at.

Luzon Camp

Elaine (confessionals): I woke up early today to head out to the waterfall. And guess who I found there...

Siying: Hey Elaine, you are early!
Elaine: Hey, I didn't know you are here.

Siying: Yeah, I like to hear the crashing sounds of the falls. It clears my mind.

Siying (confessionals): So I was searching for the idol, when suddenly Elaine popped by. It's been 10 days and I still can't find this damn idol. I might share my clue with Elaine.

Elaine (confessionals): I am not too keen to share my clue with Siying, but having one more ally is definitely better than another enemy. So I decided to share my idol clue with her, hoping to find the idol.

Elaine: Okay, the thing is this, I have a clue to the idol, and it says it's around here.
Siying: Oh you found a clue too? I have a clue too! And that's why I've been spending so much time here. But I still couldn't find it.

Elaine: What? Okay let's stop wasting time and start searching.

*both starts overturning rocks underwater*

Elaine: It should be somewhere here.

Siying: I have been overturning rocks for like forever, and if it suddenly comes up here, I might feel like the stupidest person on Earth

*something floats up*

Siying: Okay, I am the stupidest person on Earth. BUT WE FOUND IT!

Siying (confessionals): Oh my god. Why did the idol only appear in front of Elaine? Now I have no choice but to share it with her.

Elaine (confessionals): When Siying uncovered the idol, my heart sank. Now I am thinking if I should work with her, or just blindside her and solve my problems.

Elaine: Let's work together!
Siying: Yeah, we can totally use this at the merge to do some major damage!

Elaine: I like the sound of that!
Siying: We are going to dominate this game!

Day 11

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Luzon, Solana and Aparri walking in*

Yixuan: First things first, I will take back the idols.
*takes idols back from Marta and Priscilla*
Yixuan: Ready to get to today's challenge?
Castaways: Yeah!

For today's challenge, one tribe member at a time will dive down and release a buoy and bring it back to a basket. Once you have collected all five buoys, another team member will throw the 5 buoys into their basket. At the same time, two members will be in the water collecting "missed" shots. You may only shoot when you have all unscored buoys in your basket.

Yixuan: First two tribes to successfully get all five buoys in the basket win immunity. Losers will go to Tribal Council where by the fourth person will be voted out.

Yixuan: Solana, you have 2 extra members, who are you sitting out? You cannot sit out Marta and Steven.
Kandace: Shaniqua and I will sit out.
Yixuan: Luzon, you have 1 extra member, who are you sitting out? You cannot sit out Siying.
Priscilla: I will.
Yixuan: Shaniqua, Kandace and Priscilla, grab a spot on the sit-out bench. Rest of you get into positions.

Yixuan: For immunity, survivors ready? GO! Antranig, Jack and Martin heading in first to the first buoy. All 3 of them neck in neck, coming back swiftly with the first buoy. Jack comes back slightly quicker and Yuyan heads out. Antranig seconds behind, and Zac enters the water. Joshua also in the water within seconds. They are now heading to the second buoy. Yuyan is back. Joshua is back, Zac having a little difficulty diving down. Luzon sending out Siying for the third buoy and Aparri sending out Erwitt. Zac just coming back with the second buoy. Marta heading in, hoping to make up for lost time. Siying is struggling, opening the chance for Aparri to overtake! Erwitt comes up quickly and tags Jack back in for the fourth buoy. Siying unclipped the third buoy seconds before Marta!

Yixuan: Jack managed to unclip Aparri's fourth buoy and is coming back too. Elaine and Steven going out for Luzon's and Solana's fourth buoy. Erwitt going out again for Aparri's fifth buoy. He has to go really deep this time round. Elaine couldn't reach the buoy, it's too deep for her. She's coming back empty-handed, losing a lot of time for Luzon! Martin going out on her behalf! Steven barely made it with Solana's fourth buoy. He returns the buoy and heads out again! Erwitt is up with Aparri's final buoy, APARRI CAN START SHOOTING!

Yixuan: For Aparri, Erwitt and Jack are shooting, Giselle and Yuyan collecting the balls. Steven resurfaces with Solana's last buoy the same time as  Joshua with Luzon's fourth buoy. Luzon still has one more buoy, Martin heading out again. Jack and Erwitt wasting no time and started to shoot at the hoop. Erwitt got one in! Steven comes back with the buoys, SOLANA CAN START SHOOTING!

Yixuan: Zac and Marta in the water collecting buoys, Antranig shooting, Steven still recovering from doing multiple laps. Martin trying to reach for the last buoy! Jack scores the second point for Aparri! Antranig's balls are flying everywhere. Zac and Marta having a hard time collecting them. Martin returns with Luzon's final buoy, LUZON CAN START SHOOTING! The current score is Aparri 2, Luzon and Solana 0!

Yixuan: Elaine and Joshua shooting for Luzon, Siying and Martin in the water! Everyone shooting the buoys, trying to score and win immunity. Jack scored another one for Aparri! Antranig scoring one for Solana! Elaine scores one for Luzon! It's Aparri 3, Luzon and Solana tied with 1! Marta coming back with the unscored buoy. Siying coming back with their unscored buoy. It's neck-in-neck for the 2 of them! Jack scores another one for Aparri, they now lead with 4! One more to win immunity. Can Luzon and Solana make a comeback?

Yixuan: Joshua scoring for Luzon! Antranig just misses! Erwitt tries a high angle shot, will he make it? And he does! APARRI WINS IMMUNITY! Solana and Luzon getting frantic now! Steven recovering from the swim and start to shoot. Elaine scores again! Marta screaming at her tribe mates, trying to get them to aim properly. Zac trying to recover the unscored buoy but it keeps floating away further. Luzon is leading with 3, against Solana's 1!

Yixuan: Steven makes a nice throw, and he scores! At the same time, Elaine scores another one! It is now 4-2 in Luzon's favour, can Solana make a miracle comeback? Antranig scoring another one immediately! Siying fighting to return Luzon's last buoy to Elaine. Antranig scoring Solana's fourth buoy, this guy is on fire! Both Luzon and Solana neck-in-neck with 4 points. Who will make the final point first? Elaine shoots, Steven shoots. Steven's buoy bounced off the hoop! Elaine's buoy hits the interior of the hoop, and it enters the basket! LUZON WINS IMMUNITY!

Yixuan: Aparri and Luzon, congratulations. Immunity keeping you safe from tribal council tonight, nobody going home. Grab your stuff, head back to camp.

*Aparri and Luzon walking out*

Yixuan: Solana, after 11 days, your first tribal council tonight, whereby one of the 6 of you will be going home. Grab your stuff and head back to camp. You have a long afternoon ahead to figure out who it's going to be.

*Solana walking out*

Zac (confessionals): I am really pissed that the tribe lost the challenge. I don't know if they were throwing it to get me out, or they just suck in general. But this baby in my pocket means I am not going anywhere!

Marta (confessionals): Those useless idiots can't shoot for nuts. I think even my baby girl can shoot better than them! But luckily, we have an easy boot so, wish me good luck! xd

Solana Camp

Antranig (confessionals): Once we got back to camp, the situation was really tense. And as usual, I was waiting for an explosion between Zac and Marta.

Marta: You guys know who I am going to vote, kthxbye.

*Marta walks to the water*

Kandace: You know, Marta needs to calm her tits down.
Steven: I like her this way. We need to discuss the vote tonight.
Kandace: Let's just do Zac, he can't even swim properly just now. He is like a dead fish trying to find life.
Steven: Yeah, I know right, and if he and Marta sticks together, they will just keep fighting.
Kandace: One of them needs to go.

Kandace (confessionals): I feel like I can trust Steven because he seems to be very open with his thoughts. And he is also good at challenges so I think it would benefit me if I stick with him.

Antranig (confessionals): I think the tribe wants Zac gone, but I have a feeling that he might have the idol. And that really unnerves me.

Antranig: Hey Zac, what are your plans?
Zac: What else can I do? Marta is gunning for me, no she is drowning me.
Antranig: Do you have an idol or anything?
Zac: What? No! How would I find an idol when I am treated like a prisoner of war here.
Antranig: Anyway, I was thinking we can maybe work together and get one of the girls out.
Zac: I want Marta out.

Antranig: That was fast.
Zac: Yeah, I am going to scramble until I am out.

Zac (confessionals): Antranig seem to be suspecting that I have the idol. Tonight I most definitely have to play it, and I need to figure out which one of the 5 of them I should send home.

Marta: Okay, the clue says that it's around here somewhere.
*waddles around shallow water*
Marta: I guess I should try overturning rocks.
*overturns rocks and rocks and more rocks*
Marta: What if it's already found? That would suck big time.

Shaniqua: Time to get that whiny bitch out.
Kandace: I agree. Steven is also in, so we have at least 4 votes on him.
Shaniqua: I know, and Antranig would be nuts not to join us. Let me bully him a little more, I am going to miss it.

Shaniqua (confessionals): Tonight, Zac is going. So I decided to slave him around for one last day.

Zac: What? When did I become your personal assistant?
Shaniqua: I don't know. Go make yourself useful if you don't want me to vote for you.
Zac: Ouch, that hurts. Go get your water yourself.

Shaniqua: Oh no you didn't.
Zac: Oh yes I did.
Shaniqua: Buzz off, I am totally going to vote you out tonight.
Zac: You are going to anyway.
Shaniqua: You sure are obnoxious.

Shaniqua (confessionals): Urgh, talking to Zac just cause my blood level to rise. I need to rest so that my complexion remains pretty.

Zac (confessionals): Shaniqua is another one who thinks she can boss me around. Looks like I am spoiled for choice tonight.

Antranig: Aren't you worried at all that Zac might have the idol?
Steven: I know, Are you thinking of splitting the vote to keep ourselves safe?

Antranig: That did cross my mind.
Steven: We could split it to a girl, making it 3-2-1.

Antranig: I talked to him just now but he assured me that he doesn't have it. Which means, someone in our alliance might be lying to us.
Steven: This game is so confusing and full of paranoia.

Antranig: Urgh, I know. I can't wait for tonight to be over.

Antranig (confessionals): Walking to tribal, I am still not decided on how to vote. I hope that if Zac really has the idol, he would use it against one of those girls instead of me because I am like the only one treating him nicely.

Tribal Council

*Solana tribe walking in*

Yixuan: Behind each of you is a torch, go ahead and grab one, approach the flame, dip it in and get fire. This is part of the tribal council ritual because in this game fire represents your life, and when your fire is gone, so are you. And one of you will be facing it tonight.

*castaways light up torch*

Yixuan: Okay someone give me an update, Steven?

Steven: Well, I think our tribe really works well together, except the girls really hate Zac and vice-versa.

Shaniqua: I don't hate Zac, but from where I come from, people from different classes don't mingle.

Zac: Oh, thank you for placing me in a higher class than you.

Shaniqua: Oh shut up, no one said you could talk.

Steven: See?

Yixuan: That is interesting. Marta, what is your take on this?

Marta: Since we arrive at camp on Day 1, Zac has been going all out to annoy everyone. So, for the better of everyone, bye Zac.

Zac: Bye my ass.

Yixuan: Antranig, in this game where by social skills is important, how will it hurt you if you are caught in an argument like that?

Antranig: It's definitely going to work against your favour if you are not on the majority side, because that gives them another reason to vote for you. If Zac continues to pick fight with the girls, it will not end well for him.

Zac: At least I am living up to how I should live my life, and not let a couple of doll run it.

Yixuan: Kandace, you are awfully silent tonight. What is going to factor into your vote tonight?

Kandace: The past few days, the fued between Zac and everyone is causing our tribe morale to be low. So I am hoping to fix it with my vote.

Zac: By voting me out.

Shaniqua: BINGO!

Zac: Shut up.

Shaniqua: You shut up first.

Marta: Can we just get to the vote? I can't wait to see that spoiled brat leave.

Yixuan: Wow, okay, we will now get to the vote. Steven, you are up.

*Steven voted*
Steven: Sorry bro, but cohesion is what the tribe needs.

*Marta voted - Zac*
Marta: You are not glam enough, get out of my face.

*Shaniqua voted - Zac*
Shaniqua: You need to get your fat ass out of here.

*Kandace voted*
Kandace: I have waited 11 days too long to write your name down.

*Antranig voted*
Antranig: Praying really hard that this is not the wrong choice. I need this to pull through.

*Zac voted*
Zac: Some people need to learn that you don't get everything you want.

Yixuan: Alright, I will tally the votes.

*collect votes*

Yixuan: If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.

Zac: *standing up* As a matter of fact Yixuan, I have a little trinket hiding it my shorts, waiting to emerge. And tonight is the perfect time for it to come out.

Antranig: Oh crap.


Yixuan: The rules of Survivor states that if anyone plays the hidden immunity idol, any votes cast against them will not count. This is indeed the hidden immunity idol, any votes cast against Zac will not count. I will read the votes.

First vote, Zac. Does not count.

Second vote, Zac. Does not count.

Third vote, Zac. Does not count.

Fourth vote: Zac. Does not count.

Zac: Knew it!

Fifth vote, Zac. Does not count.

One vote left.

Fourth person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan, SHANIQUA

Yixuan: Unfortunately, that 1 vote is enough.

Shaniqua: You crazy bitch. I hope to see you in Ponderosa soon

Zac: Shut up, no one cares about you.

Shaniqua: I am going to throw you into the fire!

*Shaniqua brings torch over*

Yixuan: Shaniqua, the tribe has spoken. *extinguishes torch* Time for you to go.

Shaniqua: Please do me a favour and send that brat packing too.

Yixuan: Well, you guys openly discussed your strategy and got blindsided by an idol. Looks like your tribe feud has just started. Grab your stuff and head back to camp.

Shaniqua (confessionals): Bye.

Tribal Council #4:
Antranig - ZAC
Kandace - ZAC
Marta - ZAC
Shaniqua - ZAC
Steven - ZAC

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Survivor: Cagayan Episode 2

Episode 2

Links to past episode: Episode 1

Episode 1 Recap

Previously on Survivor, 18 castaways with different relationship with me are brought together to outwit, outplay and outlast each other to claim the Sole Survivor title. Right from the start, one leader from each tribe were asked to elect one member they want to vote out, sending Siying, Zac and Yuyan back to camp to make an important decision. All three of them chose to receive a clue to the hidden immunity idol, with only Zac finding it successfully. At the first immunity challenge, Jack and Austin inability to work together proved disastrous for the Aparri Tribe, causing them to lose the immunity challenge. Back in camp, Austin wants to focus on getting rid of the weaker players, while Jack targeted Austin for being stubborn at the challenge. In the end, the tribe sided with Jack and voted for Austin, sending him home with 4 votes, making him the first person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan.

Back in camp, Isabel finds herself in a rocky situation after her closest ally, Austin, got voted out. She tried to make multiple deals with Yuyan and Erwitt to keep herself in the game. At Solana, Zac continues to piss his tribe mates off because he is in possession of the hidden immunity idol. At Aparri, Yuyan's persistence paid off when she uncovered the hidden immunity idol along the stream. Only Luzon's hidden immunity idol remains unfound. At the immunity challenge, Luzon had a huge lead entering the final part of the challenge. However, Bruno's incompetency caused Aparri and Solana to breeze past them, causing them to lose the immunity challenge. Back in camp, Joshua is insistent on Bruno paying for his mistake, while Bruno targeted Joshua for his bullying over the tribe. Elaine tried her best to convince the two guys to focus on weaker links, like Priscilla and Siying, but to no avail. At tribal council, a heated argument sparked between Bruno and Joshua. In the end, the tribe sided with Joshua to end the tribe feud by sending Bruno home with all 5 votes, making him the second person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan.

16 are left, who will be eliminated next?

Night 6

Luzon Camp

Joshua (confessionals): I'm glad my tribe chose to side with me instead of Bruno. I am a little sad for him, but you got to do what you got to do.

Elaine (confessionals): I really didn't want Bruno to go, but I shouldn't go against my tribe's wishes.

Martin (confessionals): I wanted to side with Bruno, but when the rest of the tribe aren't doing so, I decided to keep myself alive and jumped ship. I hope it doesn't burn my ass.

Day 7

Luzon Camp

Elaine (confessionals): I am wondering about the idol. I am pretty sure that there is one in play, but I don't know where to find it.

Priscilla: We need to win this challenge. I have a bad feeling that I am in danger if we lose.
Siying: Joshua and Elaine seem to be in control.
Priscilla: Yeah, and if they get me out, you are probably next.

Priscilla (confessionals): I am really worried that the tribe will boot me if we lose again. Last challenge, I really suck at swimming, I just hope that I can get enough people on my side.

Siying (confessionals): I was wondering about what Priscilla said. If she gets booted because of strength, I'm probably next.

Martin: What are your plans after this?
Elaine: I want to keep the tribe strong to be honest.
Martin: We shouldn't have gotten rid of Bruno
Elaine: Yeah, but if we didn't we will be dead if Joshua teams up with the 2 girls.

Martin: This is really tricky.
Elaine: I really want to go far into the game with you.
Martin: Me too, I think you are a really good person

Elaine (confessionals): I am trying to lay out my network with all the individuals in the tribe. So that in case anyone tries to backstab me, people will let me know.

Martin (confessionals): I really want to work with Elaine because she works really hard in camp and in challenges. And that's the type of person I want to go far in the game with.

Solana Camp

Zac: Hey, does everyone want me out?
Steven: Technically yes.
Zac: This is frustrating.
Steven: You have yourself to blame for pissing the whole tribe off.
Zac: I am just being myself.
Steven: It's a social game, control yourself a little.

Zac (confessionals): People start to hate me just because they cannot accept me for who I am. Screw them.

Steven (confessionals): Right now, the tribe's target is Zac. As much as I want to save him, I'm not going to sacrificing myself to save him.

Antranig: Are we still tight against Zac?
Marta: Of course, that annoying pest has to go.
Antranig: I am totally on your side Marta, just so you know.
Marta: Of course I know.

Marta (confessionals): I am trying to get the whole tribe on my side. So that when it's time, we can all wave goodbye to Zac. *demonstrates diva wave*

Antranig (confessionals): I am a little wary about Marta. She seems to have this aura to her that's a little intimidating. I hope that she doesn't screw me over.

Kandace: Hey gurl, where's your head at?
Shaniqua: I think everyone is on the same page with getting rid of Zac. But we need to think past that.
Kandace: I know right.

Shaniqua: We need to stick together. And maybe pull Steven with us. Marta has Antranig wrapped around her fingers.
Kandace: Totally, it's so gross. I can't even watch.

Aparri Camp

Giselle: I think we should stick as a 4 and vote for Isabel next.
Yuyan: Yeah, keeping together is definitely a smart choice.
Giselle: If we do split, we are dead.
Yuyan: I think Erwitt and Jack should be in with us.

Yuyan (confessionals): Keeping myself in the majority definitely helps me because I want to keep my idol for as long as possible.

Giselle (confessionals): I hope that Yuyan isn't lying to me, but I feel that we are going to be tight and that's a good thing if we are merging soon.

Isabel (confessionals): I made deals with Erwitt and Yuyan individually, but I still feel really uncomfortable, so I decided to talk to Jack too.

Isabel: Jack, I think that Erwitt and Yuyan are a dangerous pair.
Jack: And how do you know that?
Isabel: Well, they told me that they can keep me safe if I voted with them.
Jack: What?
Isabel: Yes, and I think they are thinking of blindsiding you.
Jack: Those sneaky little...
Isabel: Don't tell them that I told you that.
Jack: Sure.

Jack (confessionals): Isabel just told me that Erwitt and Yuyan are plotting against me. If that's the case, I need to keep Giselle and Isabel with me so that we still have the majority.

Isabel (confessionals): I am trying to create havoc now. After all, the more chaos there is, the less they trust each other, and the more I would survive longer. Hahaha.

Day 8

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Aparri, Solana and Luzon walking it*

Yixuan: Aparri and Solana taking their first look at the new Luzon tribe, Bruno voted out at the last tribal council.

Yixuan: Are you guys ready for the immunity challenge?
Castaways: Yes.
Yixuan: First things first, I'll take back the idols.
*take idols from Kandace and Giselle*
Yixuan: Once again, immunity is up for grabs.

For today's challenge, three tribe members are going to use a bucket to scoop water from the ocean. You will then work together, passing the water from tribe mate to tribe mate to fill a container. When the container fills, it will drop releasing a ball. The other two tribe mates will then use that ball to solve a vertical maze.

Yixuan: First two tribes to finish win immunity, safe from the vote. Losers go to tribal council where the third person will be voted out of Survivor: Cagayan. In addition, you are playing for reward. Want to know what you are playing for?
Castaways: Yes.
Yixuan: Given the weather, this will help a lot. First tribe to finish, comfort and shelter. You will have blankets, pillows, mosquito net and a tarp to keep you dry. No matter what condition your shelter's in, a tarp will improve it. Second tribe to finish, no comfort but shelter in the form of tribe. A lot at stake in this challenge.

Yixuan: Solana, you have one extra member, who's going to sit out?
Shaniqua: I will.
Yixuan: Alright Shaniqua, take a spot on the sit out bench. The rest of you, give you a minute to strategize and we'll get started.

*Castaways get into place*

Yixuan: For Luzon, Joshua scooping the water, passing it to Siying and Elaine. Priscilla and Martin solving the puzzle. For Solana, Steven scooping the water, passing it to Zac and Marta. Antranig and Kandace solving the puzzle. For Aparri, Jack scooping the water, passing it to Giselle and Isabel. Erwitt and Yuyan solving the puzzle. Here we go, survivors ready? GO!

Yixuan: Joshua, Jack and Steven starting to scoop the water and passing the bucket. You have to throw the bucket such that the water remains in it. Siying dropping the whole bucket for Luzon. Isabel dropping the water bucket. Zac catching it well and passing it to Marta. Marta spilling some water but she managed to pour some water in, putting Solana in the lead.

Yixuan: Jack successfully passed the bucket to Isabel. Isabel throwing the bucket but it's too heavy for her. The whole bucket dropped on the floor, Aparri wasting precious time. Siying successfully catches the bucket and throwing to Elaine. Elaine catching it nicely. Luzon with some water in the container. Jack trying to pass another bucket to Isabel but she can't catch it. It's too heavy for her. Jack looking very frustrated.

Yixuan: Solana working very well, and building up momentum. They are halfway through the container. Luzon trying their best to catch up. Aparri nowhere near filling their container. Steven, Marta and Zac working really well, starting up an efficient system. Joshua learnt not to fill their bucket too much because it gets harder to pass it. Aparri learning from their mistake, Jack is filling the bucket halfway. Jack passes the bucket to Isabel, and she gets it. Now Isabel tries to make the pass to Giselle. Giselle drops it, losing all the water. Aparri facing a disaster again.

Yixuan: Solana is almost done with the container. One more good pass would do it. Luzon is two-thirds through, Aparri hasn't even deposited any water. Steven with a nice toss. Zac catches it well. Zac passing it to Marta. Marta catches it with the tip of her fingers. She pours the water into the container. Solana's ball is released! Antranig and Kandace, start working on the puzzle!

Yixuan: Luzon trying to catch up to Solana. Anyone would love the comfort. Elaine stumbling with the bucket, losing a lot of water for Luzon. Giselle finally pouring water in for Aparri. Erwitt and Yuyan shaking their heads. Kandace and Antranig trying to get used to the big vertical puzzle. It's not easy to control it. Joshua with a nice toss to Siying. Siying making a nice toss to Elaine. Elaine pours the water into the container. Luzon's ball is released! Martin and Priscilla, start working on the puzzle!

Yixuan: Solana getting the hang of it, they are halfway through the puzzle. Martin and Priscilla trying to feel the puzzle. Aparri needs to put their act together. The puzzle is really difficult, lots of nooks and cranny you have to get past. You need teamwork, coordination and strength to complete it. Isabel and Giselle still struggling with the water buckets, Aparri needs a miracle to win this right now.

Yixuan: Martin and Priscilla making bold moves, it paid off and they are closing the gap towards Solana! Kandace and Antranig trying to pull away from Luzon. Aparri's container is two-thirds filled, you have to hustle! Luzon and Solana are neck-in-neck right now. They are at the last obstacle, once you get past this, it will downhill to the end. Martin giving it a strong tug, the ball went too far! Antranig giving it a tug, he failed too. Giselle pouring a lot of water with that last bucket. Aparri's ball is released! Erwitt and Yuyan, you can finally start to work on the puzzle. The puzzle has a steep learning curve, it would be a huge comeback if Aparri wins this.

Yixuan: Solana trying again. Antranig tugs at it lightly, it didn't go through and the ball fell back, causing them to lose time! Martin tugging for Luzon, once again it's too strong and the ball went off course! Yuyan and Erwitt working their butts off to stay in this. You need immunity if you want to stay safe tonight. Antranig giving it another try. And he did it! Kandace pulling the puzzle all the way clockwise, and the ball is free! SOLANA WINS IMMUNITY AND REWARD IN THE FORM OF COMFORT AND TARP! 

Yixuan: One more tribe will be safe tonight, who's it going to be? Martin attempting the last obstacle, he gives it a gentle tug, and the ball went through. Priscilla pulling the puzzle all the way clockwise, and the ball is free! LUZON WINS IMMUNITY AND REWARD IN THE FORM OF TARP!

Yixuan: Aparri, totally had no shot at winning from the start. Jack, how are you feeling?
Jack: It's really frustrating that they couldn't do well with heavy buckets, and when we had to load lighter buckets, we were already out of it.

Yixuan: Solana and Luzon, congratulations. Immunity for the two of you, safe from tribal council, no one going home. Grab your comfort items and tarp and head back to camp.

*Solana and Luzon walking out*

Yixuan: Alright Aparri, I have nothing for you but tribal council tonight, whereby someone from your tribe will be the third person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan. Grab your stuff, head back to camp. You have the afternoon to figure it out and we'll see you tonight at tribal.

Yuyan (confessionals): That's what we get for voting out a strong person last tribal, now we are paying for our mistakes.

Solana Camp

Shaniqua: Good work bitches!
Marta: Who're you calling a bitch?
Kandace: I'm a diva, mind you. You can go be a bitch yourself.

Shaniqua: I am the diva. You guys can go die in a fire.
Marta: How about I throw you into the fire?
Shaniqua: You can go throw yourself into the dump.
Kandace: The two of you should just zip it and drown yourself.
Marta and Shaniqua: Shut up!

*Kandace walks towards the forest, Marta walks into the tribe shelter, Shaniqua goes to the water well*

Zac (confessionals): The girls are like in a power struggle to see who can control the tribe, and I am like sitting back and hope that the target can get off my back.

Steven (confessionals): I must say it's somewhat entertaining to watch the girls squabble. Takes the stress and tension off the game.

Marta (confessionals): I was so annoyed at the girls so I decided to just go back to the shelter to catch some zzz.

Marta: I'm going to use the pillows!

Antranig: *replying from fire* Sure, go ahead gurl.
Marta: I am going to choose the pink pillow, it suits me so much.
*Marta pulls out pink pillow and a note falls out*
Marta: Oh my god, what's this? *opens note*

Take a stroll along the rocks
Easier when the tide is right
Find some time on the reef today
You could have protection by tonight
Tied to something solid
Is the idol you want to get
Very hidden, but not too deep
And requires that you get wet

Marta: This is huge! I'm going to hide this in my bra first and look for it another time.

Aparri Camp

Jack (confessionals): This is so frustrating, those 2 girls can't do any shit properly.

Erwitt (confessionals): Right now, I am fully regretting voting out Austin. Look at our beloved Giselle-Isabel combo today. It's totally screwing us over.

Isabel (confessionals): I think I am on the block, again. So I am going to try to keep myself safe by putting up Giselle, I felt like that's my only choice.

Giselle (confessionals): Isabel sucked so much! I hope that Jack and the rest can see that and vote for her tonight.

Jack: I am going to just put it out here. I am voting out Isabel tonight. That's all. Don't bother talking to me, don't bother changing my opinion.
Isabel: What? I wasn't the only one who screwed up the challenge. You had a part to play too! Giselle also dropped some buckets. I am just in the wrong place at the wrong time!
Jack: You couldn't even catch buckets properly, how am I supposed to work with you in future challenges?
Isabel: You are unreasonable. I can't be bothered talking to you anymore.
Jack: And everyone else, you guys better vote Isabel out tonight if not we are headed back to tribal council.
Isabel: You are such an unreasonable bully.

Giselle (confessionals): Once we got back to camp, Jack and Isabel got into a heated argument. I am just glad that I am off the chopping block.

Isabel (confessionals): Jack is so arrogant, he makes me so sick of looking at his smug face.

Yuyan (confessionals): I would think that voting out Isabel is the correct move, but Jack didn't have to announce it to the world.

Yuyan: So I think we are going to vote for Isabel tonight?
Erwitt: I guess. I really don't want Jack gone because we need him in challenges.
Yuyan: And Jack isn't voting for Giselle.
Erwitt: Giselle is Jack's pawn. He won't do that.

Yuyan: Should we try to blindside Giselle?
Erwitt: It might work, we just need Isabel's vote.

Giselle: I'm sorry but I think you are going home tonight.
Isabel: What do you mean?
Giselle: It's either you or me, and I think it's probably you tonight.

Isabel: What do you mean you or me? We can take out that snob together!
Giselle: I am going to stop raising your hopes. We are in an alliance of four, you are not. So goodbye.

*Giselle walks off*

Isabel (confessionals): After Giselle talked to me, I was really furious so I sort of let my rage control me and dump all their rice in the fire.

Isabel (confessionals): And I don't regret one bit. You don't piss someone off like that and leave her alone with your food supply. Be glad I didn't pee in it.

*Yuyan and Erwitt walking back to shelter*

Yuyan: What's the burning smell?
Isabel: It's nothing, probably just rice.
Erwitt: What?
Yuyan: Did you just dump all our rice in the fire?
Isabel: Not all, maybe just 90% of it.
Erwitt: This is ridiculous.

Erwitt (confessionals): So after Yuyan and I discussed about voting out Giselle instead of Isabel, we went back to camp to a horror. Almost all our rice are in the fire! I don't know whether I should laugh or cry.

Yuyan (confessionals): That crazy bitch just dumped all our rice into the fire! Someone please tell me why we should keep her?

*Giselle and Jack walking back to shelter*

Jack: What happened?

Yuyan: Nothing much, but someone probably was unhappy with you and threw all our rice into the fire.
Isabel: First, you openly announced my boot, then your pawn comes along and rub salt in my wound. I'm also a human you know!
Erwitt: What did Giselle say?
Isabel: Nothing much, just about how the 4 of you are going to stick together and vote me out. Since I'm going home soon, I am sure I wouldn't need the rice.

Yuyan: I can't take this shit anymore.

*Yuyan walks away*

Jack (confessionals): When I got back to camp, most of our rice is in the fire. And I looked over to Isabel looking all happy and nonchalant about it. You just signed your own death warrant.

Tribal Council

*Aparri tribe walking in*

Yixuan: Alright, Erwitt, what happened with the challenge today?

Erwitt: Giselle and Isabel messed up. So when we got back to camp, the obvious choice was one of them. But then, Jack flared up and dictated for Isabel to go. And if things weren't bad enough, Giselle added that there is no way for Isabel to get people on her side and she's definitely going home.

Isabel: And I went mad and dumped their rice into the fire.
Yixuan: You what?

Yuyan: She emptied 90% of our rice into the fire.

Isabel: Since I won't be around to eat it, why not?

Erwitt: That was probably the most ridiculous move anyone can make in Survivor. To be honest, I thought that it would be a toss-up between the two, but seeing the rice the fire, it sort of help me decide my vote tonight.

Yuyan: Scrambling is one thing, Self-destructing is one thing. And what Isabel just did was plain crazy, stabbing herself in the chest.

Isabel: I am definitely stronger than Giselle but that stubborn Jack doesn't see it. And now, they are all ganging up on me.

Jack: You were weak in both the challenges that caused us to be here. Giselle redeemed herself with the puzzle last immunity challenge. For you, you have been nothing but a burden to us.

Isabel: See? He's just bullying me to keep himself safe.

Yixuan: Giselle, you are awfully quiet tonight. What are you thinking?

Giselle: Even if you are going to be voted out, you still shouldn't have done such a thing. I mean that just doesn't make sense!

Yixuan: Yuyan, do you think that Isabel sealed her own fate by doing the rice dump?

Yuyan: I would think so. I am not risking my life to spend another minute next to a lunatic. Who knows what she would do next?

Yixuan: Alright, it's now time to vote. Giselle, you are up.

*Giselle voted - ISABEL*
Giselle: What you did was just ridiculous and unforgivable.

*Jack voted*
Jack: A total no-brainer vote.

*Erwitt voted*
Erwitt: I really wanted to give you another chance, but what you did doesn't deserve my second chance.

*Yuyan voted*
Yuyan: To think that I was going to work with you, you probably shouldn't play this game at all.

*Isabel voted - JACK*
Isabel: I am probably gone tonight but I am still harboring the slightest hope that you get blindsided instead.

Yixuan: I'll go tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

First vote, ISABEL

Second vote, JACK

Third vote, ISABEL

Third person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan, ISABEL

Yixuan: That's 3 votes, that's enough. Bring me your torch.

*Isabel brings torch over*

Yixuan: Isabel, the tribe has spoken. *extinguishes torch* Time for you to go.

*Isabel walks off*

Yixuan: Looks like your tribe still remain united, voting off the person whom you think is crazy and the weakest. Hopefully, you will start winning challenges or you will have to vote out one of your own. Grab your stuff head back to camp.

Isabel (confessionals): Looking back, maybe I shouldn't have dumped the rice. But I am really proud of myself for doing it and didn't regret a moment. At least I am standing up to the people who are against me. Hopefully, the whole Aparri tribe will just disintegrate into nothing.

Tribal Council #3:
Erwitt - ISABEL
Giselle - ISABEL
Isabel - JACK
Yuyan - ISABEL

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Survivor: Cagayan Episode 1

Episode 1

Yixuan: These 18 castaways have been divided into 3 groups, that represent their relationship to the host, me. The FRIENDS tribe, coming by helicopter, consists of:

Martin: I am a real avid fan of Survivor and I have watched every season at least once. I know what moves to make and what mistakes to avoid. So get ready for me to rock your world.

Elaine: I think that people may underestimate me because I am a girl. *looks around* And I think I am probably stronger than the guys out here.

Priscilla: I am a really smart and sharp woman. If anyone tries to backstab me, I would definitely know and return the favour.

Joshua: I am not an outdoor person so I may not do well in physical challenges. But when it comes down to mind-bending tasks like puzzles, just watch me blow them away.

Bruno: Survivor is actually a very simple concept. Do well in challenges and form good alliances and you are bound to win. It's like simple math, one plus one equals two!

Siying: This is really a totally different experience for me. I just want to enjoy myself and soak myself in these beautiful scenery. Winning it could be a plus though.

Yixuan: The FORUM tribe, coming in on a speedboat, consists of:

Marta: All hail the queen. I am going to use my looks to play all the guys and bitchslap anyone who comes in my way. I am here to win, and I am going to win.

Zac: I believe that hard work will result in success. So I will play my hardest and put in my 100% effort in challenges. On top of that, I might try to do more confessionals for more screentime.

Shaniqua: Bitch please. All these people are going to listen to me and do what I say, because if they don't, they can wipe their sorry asses clean and prepare to go home.

Kandace: I think that I have what it takes to win this game. Physical strength to do well in challenges; mental strength to play others into my hands; and looks to make the guys all fall hopelessly in love with me.

Antranig: I am probably going to be the dark horse. That would be my winning strategy. No one is going perceive me as a threat, but when need be, I will outshine all the rest.

Steven: Survivor is child's play to me. In my actual life, I have done far more intense and difficult things. What we will experience here will definitely hurt me much less than the others.

Yixuan: The FAMILY tribe, coming in on a truck, consists of:

Giselle: I am a tough girl. I love the outdoors and have always been out camping with my friends since I was young. I believe that what I learnt then will come in handy for me to win this game.

Austin: I have a very strong desire to win. I believe that we should all have such a goal to work towards because competitiveness brings out the best in us. Also, it will definitely bring out the worst in me.

Jack: I am a really strategic person. I rely on my brains a lot in my actual life and I think this is where I can have an edge over the others. No one would think that this scrawny kid is up to no good.

Isabel: I am a really sociable person in real life. My job needs me to be approachable and friendly, and thus I will be capitalizing on this to make sure that my social aspect of the game is beyond the rest.

Erwitt: Believing in yourself is the most important aspect of life. Once you have faith in yourself, you can easily convince others to have faith in you. That would be my motto to form alliances and win the game.

Yuyan: I am going to play the best game that no one else had. That means to make flawless moves and forming air-tight alliances. Let's cheer for this little girl to dominate the game!

Yixuan: It is the ultimate challenge, FRIENDS vs FAMILY vs FORUM, who will have what it takes to outlast all the rest? In the end, only one will remain to claim the million prize. 39 DAYS, 18 PEOPLE, 1 SURVIVOR!

Day 1

*trucks unloads FAMILY tribe*

Yuyan (confessionals): I am so stoked to be here. Being thrown onto the wild is really exhilarating for me. I am going to be the best player this game has ever seen.

Austin (confessionals): I will do what it takes to surpass anyone who gets in my way.

*speedboat unloads FORUM tribe*

Zac (confessionals): I almost died from hyperventilating. Coming to play Survivor is like a dream come true!

Shaniqua (confessionals): I had a really bad first impression from that guy with a lesbian haircut. He is like "OMG WE ARE HERE!" and all the unnecessary squealing is driving me crazy.

*helicopter unloads FRIENDS tribe*

Martin (confessionals): Walking up to the tribe mat just gets me really excited. Now, I just need to make sure that we win all the challenges so I won't be voted out.

Joshua (confessionals): Apparently, our tribe is the last to reach the place. So when I stepped out of the helicopter, I had a first glimpse of the competition and I tried to size everyone up.

Yixuan: Welcome to Survivor: Cagayan. You have been divided into three tribes. This season will test your adaptability to the game at every moment. And for your first task, we will be electing a tribe leader for each tribe. You didn't have any chance to talk to you guys will have to size each other up just by looking at each other.

*FRIENDS tribe elects Joshua*

*FAMILY tribe elects Austin*

*FORUM tribe elects Marta*

Yixuan: Alright, so we have our 3 leaders. Now the game is going to get a little tougher. The leaders of each group are now going to decide who is the weakest from their group. If you have to get rid of somebody, who do you get rid off? Suddenly, being the leader is not the position you want to be in.

Yixuan: We will start with FORUM. Marta, who would you pick?
Marta: This is a really tough decision but I would have to go with this guy.
Yixuan: What's your name?
Zac: Zac.
Yixuan: Why Zac?
Marta: I feel that he might not do as well in challenges as the rest of us.
Zac: Wow.
Yixuan: Alright Zac, take a step over here.

*Zac walks over*

Yixuan: Now the FAMILY tribe, Austin, based on first impressions, who will you dump from your tribe?
Austin: I feel that there would be a lot of physical challenges at the start, and I would have to choose the one who strikes me as the weakest, the woman in yellow.
Yixuan: Woman in yellow, what's your name.
Yuyan: Yuyan.
Yixuan: Yuyan, how do you feel being labelled as weak from the start?
Yuyan: It's alright. If that's how she feels then I would have to prove her wrong when I get the chance.

*Yuyan walks over*

Yixuan: One more, down to the FRIENDS tribe. Joshua, who are you going to choose?
Joshua: I would have to agree with Austin and go with the girl over there.
Siying: Siying.
Yixuan: Alright, Siying, how do you feel?
Siying: I think that he has a valid point and if he wants me gone, I don't have much option.

*Siying walks over*

Yixuan: This is how fast Survivor changes. If this had been Tribal Council, all three of you, Zac, Yuyan, Siying, would be out of this game. Fortunately for you, it's not Tribal Council, you are not out of the game, you are not even out of your tribe. But you are not going back to camp with them, you are going to get on the chopper, you will fly ahead, you will land at camp early and you will make a decision on behalf of the tribe that just voted you out. Now it's the three tribes that are worried, wondering what did they just do. Grab your bags, get on the chopper, good luck.

*Zac, Yuyan and Siying boards chopper*

Yixuan: Alright, for the rest of you, I have maps to your new home. FORUM tribe, you are Solana. FAMILY, you are Aparri. FRIENDS, you are Luzon. Good news is you have great weather on Day 1. Grab your stuff, head to your new camp and get started on building your shelter. It could be a wet season. Good luck.

Luzon Camp

Siying (confessionals): I am really disappointed that my tribe called me out as small and weak. But I will definitely work hard to prove my worth to them.


If you choose to help your tribe - you will be given a 2nd bag of rice.

If you choose to help yourself - you will be given a clue to the location of the hidden immunity idol.

Siying: I am obviously helping myself. Who wants to help a bunch of people who just made you an outcast.

Find the place where water is falling
Deep within the forest of trees
To find it requires some thinking
Protection is what you'll be needing
Tied to something solid
Is the idol you want to get
Very hidden, but not too deep
And requires that you get wet

Siying: I think that this clue is pointing me towards the waterfall. Better hurry up before my tribe gets here!

Aparri Camp

Yuyan (confessionals): I am really pissed off right now. There are other girls who looks smaller than me, and they choose to kick me out. That Austin is an absolute idiot.

Yuyan: So the major decision is to choose between rice or a clue to the hidden immunity idol. Come on, any idiot would just go for the idol!

The ocean offers fish
Your well offers drink
Another body of water offers protection
To find it, you'll have to think
Tied to something solid
Is the idol you want to get
Very hidden, but not too deep
And requires that you get wet

Yuyan: Okay, I am pretty sure it's by the stream. Now to get to it before the others arrive.

Solana Camp

Zac (confessionals): I have no idea why I got chosen as the weakest. The other tribes chose girls, but Marta chose me. This is frustrating.

Zac: You can help the tribe or help yourself. Oooh, you must be crazy to think that I won't help myself. Man are made to be greedy and selfish, I am no different.

Take a stroll along the rocks
Easier when the tide is right
Find some time on the reef today
You could have protection by tonight
Tied to something solid
Is the idol you want to get
Very hidden, but not too deep
And requires that you get wet

Zac: That means that I need to go into the ocean. Which I am really not keen to because I would get my cute clothes wet. Urgh.

Luzon Camp

Siying: Why must the clue be underwater? I am not that good in water.
*waddles around in waterfall*
Siying: I really hope I can find this idol before the rest are here.
*overturns rocks*
Siying: This is tiring, I am not even sure if I'm at the right place.

*distant chatter*

Siying: Oh no! I think they are reaching! Better go back and pretend that nothing is happening.

*Siying rushes back to tribe shelter*

Siying: Welcome home!
Joshua: Sorry for picking you Siying. I thought that it was the most logical choice.

Siying: Don't worry, I am not blaming you.
Joshua: Yeah, no hard feelings.

Siying: By the way, the decision I had to make was to choose between comfort or food. And obviously, I chose food.
Bruno: Great job!

Siying (confessionals): No hard feelings my foot. I hold grudges and I hold them for a long time.

Martin (confessionals): Somehow, I don't believe that Siying chose the food. My gut feeling tells me that it has to do with an idol of sorts.

Martin: Guys, let's do a round of self introduction! I am Martin!
Joshua: I am Joshua, the guy you guys pick as the leader.
Siying: I am Siying, nice to meet you guys.
Elaine: I'm Elaine. Hi guys.
Bruno: My name is Bruno. How's everyone doing?
Priscilla: And I am Priscilla.
Joshua: Now that everyone is acquainted, let's work on the shelter. It would suck to sleep in the rain.

*everyone helps to build shelter*

Solana Camp

Zac: *taking off clothes* I need to hurry and find the idol. I have a feeling that I am not really welcomed by the tribe and this idol could really help me to turn the situation around.
*Zac steps into the water*
Zac: AHHHHH IT'S SO COLD! I need to suck it up and find this fucking idol.
*waddles around the ocean*
Zac: Okay, I think I would need to dive underwater to find this retarded rock.
*dives headfirst into ocean*
*hits his head against a rock*
Zac: OWWWWW! Why is this rock protruding out of place? *pushes rock aside* Oh, something is tied here.

*unties knot*
Zac: Goodness! I think I found it!

Congratulations on finding the idol
This is the protection you will need
Keep it to yourself or tell your tribe
It can save your life or ruin it too

Zac (confessionals): I am totally excited that I found the idol, but in exchange, I have this huge bruise on my head. Nevertheless, this idol is so sweet, it's definitely going to "save my life".

*tribe approaching camp*

Zac: I think they are coming. Time for me to go back.

*Zac rushes back to tribe shelter*

Kandace (confessionals): Just as we were heading back to camp, Zac was emerging out of the ocean. My mind started to run wild and I lost control of my mouth.

Kandace: Hey, what were you doing in the water?
Zac: Oh, I was just soaking myself, you know getting rid of the stress and stuff.
Kandace: Then how did you get the big lump on your head?
Zac: I fell asleep and floated to near to the rocks.
Kandace: Really? I am pretty sure you were doing something sneaky there.

Steven: Guys, let's focus on the shelter now okay?
Marta: I am the leader. Listen to me. All of you shall shut your trap and work on the shelter.

Shaniqua (confessionals): Who died and made her boss. Geez.

Antranig (confessionals): When I saw the big bruise on Zac's head, my first thought was that we got it when he was finding an idol. So while building the shelter, I asked him about the decision he had to make.

Antranig: So Zac, what was the decision you made?

Zac: Um, well. You know, the rice and the tools? Yeah.
Antranig: So what did you forgo?
Zac: It was a clue to the idol actually. But don't tell anyone. I decided to be a team player and help the tribe.

Zac (confessionals): I was caught surprised by Antranig's sudden conversation, so I tried to lie my way through it. Hopefully, he is stupid enough to miss it.

Antranig (confessionals): I was so certain that Zac was feeding me bullshit. Come on, which idiot would choose rice and tools over an idol clue? And there isn't any luxury items. There must be something more to this.

*everyone helps to build shelter*

Aparri Camp

Yuyan: Urgh, I don't know which stream it's supposed to be. There are like 1001 streams here.
*waddling into a stream*
Yuyan: I definitely need an idol so that I have some chips on my side for any potential bargains.
*starts overturning rocks*
Yuyan: I need some luck right now. Where is this damn thing?

*distant chatter*

Yuyan: Damn it, I must have wasted too much time! The rest are coming. Maybe I will continue this hunt tomorrow or something.

*Yuyan rushes back to camp shelter*

Yuyan: Hey. How's the trek?
Giselle: It was brutal.

Jack: I think it was alright. But it's really long.
Isabel: Yeah, I was quite okay.

Isabel (confessionals): I was really tired from the trek, but after Austin called Yuyan out for being weak, I decided to put up a brave front.

Jack (confessionals): I wonder why did Austin pick Yuyan when Giselle proves to be so much weaker?

Erwitt (confessionals): I want what is best for the tribe, so I wasted no effort to form alliances with people whom I think are strong. And my first option was Jack.

Erwitt: Jack, do you want to head to the forest to collect branches for the tribe shelter?
Jack: Sure.

Jack (confessionals): Erwitt asked me to get away from the others right from the start, and I immediately know that the strategizing has begun.

Erwitt: I really want the strong people to stay around so that we can win all the challenges.
Jack: I have the same idea.

Erwitt: So I would say we should start observing the others during challenges and see who are the weaker ones.
Jack: Yeah, but hopefully we can win challenges, and not get picked off.

Yuyan (confessionals): I found it a little weird that Erwitt and Jack snuck off alone, so I decided to trail along behind them. And obviously, I overheard their conversation. Looking at the other girls, I would say that I am in quite a safe position then.

Isabel: Hey Austin, let me help you with that.
Austin: Sure thing.

Isabel: I think we should watch each other's back and form a sneaky alliance.
Austin: I would love to! Our main goal should be to vote out the weaker players.
Isabel: Count me in.

Isabel (confessionals): I think that I am really to be able to form an alliance with the leader of the tribe. Hopefully, Austin can keep me safe.

Austin (confessionals): This is a little too easy. Everyone should just come to me for an alliance and it will really safe my trouble of unnecessary talking.

*everyone helps to build shelter*

Day 2

Luzon Camp

Siying (confessionals): Today, I woke up exceptionally early to go on my idol hunt. But then, Bruno also woke up at the same time as me so my plan got foiled.

Siying: Good morning.
Bruno: Hey morning. What's up?
Siying: I was thinking of going to the well to get some water.
Bruno: Sounds great. Maybe I should try to start a fire back here so that we can boil so soup.
Siying: Okay.

Bruno (confessionals): This morning when I woke up, Siying seem to be a little sneaky around camp. I wonder if she is trying to find an idol or what. And I sort of shot myself in the foot by saying I am going to try to start a fire. I think it's totally impossible to start a fire without flint.

Siying (confessionals): I found it really funny that Bruno wants to try to start a fire without any flint. Haha! I think he is really cute and charismatic. But I shan't let love come in my way to a million dollars.

Martin: *waking up* Are you trying to start a fire?
Bruno: Yeah, wanna help me?

Martin: Sure. *piles up dried leaves*
Bruno: *striking rocks* I hope this works.

Martin: Yeah, it would be awesome to get fire this early.
Bruno: By the way, Siying was acting weird this morning. I suspect that she might be finding the hidden immunity idol.
Martin: Are you serious?
Bruno: I really don't know though. She looks a little clueless.
Martin: Wow, thanks for sharing.
*small fire started*
Bruno: It worked! Let's make it bigger.
Martin: I will go get more leaves!

Martin (confessionals): Bruno shared some information with me about Siying. But I am not too sure if I should trust him. After all, never trust anyone easily in Survivor. He could be lying just to improve his position.

*Siying comes back from the well*

Siying: Wow! The fire started!

*everyone waking up*
Priscilla: *rubbing her eyes* We have fire?!?!
Elaine: Great job guys! Now we can have hot food!

Priscilla (confessionals): I was really surprised by the fire this morning. Looks like Bruno and Martin are trying to earn points!

Elaine (confessionals): Having fire is really important and I think it boosted out morale.

Siying (confessionals): Now that everyone woke up, I can't slip out of camp to find the idol.

Solana Camp

Zac (confessionals): It's really great to be holding on to an idol. This is definitely going to come in handy sometime soon. But I would hope to keep it for later usage.

Marta: Shut up. I want to sleep.
Kandace: Which idiot is that?
Antranig: *throws shoes at Zac* Quieten down would you?

Zac: How rude!
Shaniqua: Go play yourself and stop disturbing us.

Kandace (confessionals): That idiot woke us up early in the morning and started to act all chirpy. Can't stand him.

*everyone wakes up reluctantly to Zac's singing*

Antranig: I am getting away from this nuisance, who's with me?
Kandace: Urgh, let's get out of here.

*Antranig, Kandace and Marta walk to the well* 

Antranig: I really think Zac has either the idol, or a clue to it.
Kandace: Yeah, me too. I mean, we aren't 3 year olds. Who's he going to trick with that pathetic lie of his?
Antranig: I don't know, I just know that we have to stick together just in case he really has it.
Marta: Look at that lesbian hairstyle of his. There's no way he can have the idol.
Kandace: Hahaha. True that. He doesn't seem that capable.

Marta (confessionals): Everyone is worried that lesbian hair found the idol. But I am not worried because the idol belongs to me, the queen bitch. No one will snatch it from me.

Shaniqua: We should probably stick together.
Steven: Yeah, pairs are always effective and dangerous in Survivor.
Shaniqua: That's why we need to keep it low. And get rid of that annoying whiny guy first.
Steven: Oh you mean Zac?
Shaniqua: Who else?

Steven (confessionals): So this morning, Shaniqua dragged me aside to bitch about Zac. I was totally enjoying it because it would mean that I am not the target right now.

Shaniqua (confessionals): I feel that Steven can be trusted. But in Survivor, I am not supposed to trust anyone, so I should try to sow discord among them and make them trust me instead.

Aparri Camp

Austin (confessionals): I remember seeing Yuyan darting out of the forest yesterday when we were approaching camp. So I decided to take a short stroll into the forest to see if there's anything worth my interest.

Yuyan (confessionals): I saw Austin sneaking into the forest and got a little worried. If he finds the idol there, they would know that I was probably searching for it. That could get me into trouble. So I followed him in just in case.

Yuyan: Hey Austin, where are you going?
Austin: Oh, I was just looking for some fruits and stuff. You know, so that we can have a variety of meals, not just rice everyday.
Yuyan: Oh, let me go along with you.
Austin: Sure, why not.

Austin (confessionals): I may seem okay with Yuyan tagging along, but I was literally cursing and swearing under my breath.

Giselle: Do you have any alliances yet?
Jack: Not really, I am still open to options.
Giselle: Great, we should work together.
Jack: Watch out for each other's back and stuff?
Giselle: Yup.

Jack (confessionals): I was a little wary of Giselle when she came up to me for an alliance. After all, she looks really young and attractive, and these are the real dangerous players because they can flirt they way to anything.

*Austin and Yuyan returns with fruits*

Isabel: I am hungry. Let's dig in!
Erwitt: Me too.
Yuyan: Enjoy the meal!

Jack (confessionals): I was noticing Isabel. She seems to be eating and eating but not helping much. If she doesn't do well in the immunity challenge, then it would be off with her head!

Day 3

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Luzon, Aparri and Solana walking in*

Yixuan: Guys, ready to get to your first immunity challenge?
Castaways: Yes!

For today's challenge, you will have to maneuver a cart through an obstacle course. At each tower, you will have to retrieve a key to unlock a chest, put the chest on the cart and continue on. Once you collected all three chests, you must disassemble your cart, slide it through a barricade, put it back together, and get to the finish line, where two people will use the pieces to put together a giant dragon puzzle.

Yixuan: Want to know what you are playing for?
Castaways: Absolutely.
Yixuan: Immunity. This is what you covet in this game. If you have immunity, you cannot be voted out. The first two tribes to finish will receive immunity and be safe from Tribal Council. Losers, and somebody will be the first person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan. That is a distinction that nobody wants. In addition, you are playing for reward. The first tribe to finish will receive a deluxe fire making kit. The second tribe to finish will get fire in the form of flint. Losers, nothing. Give you a minute to strategize and we'll get started.

*Castaways get into place*

Yixuan: For immunity and reward in the form of fire, survivors ready? GO!

Yixuan: First immunity challenge, everybody wants to win this to show their opponents what they are made of. Aparri leading to the first key, Jack reaching for it. Antranig and Martin reaching for the keys for Solana and Luzon respectively. Everybody neck-in-neck. Nobody wants to lose, everybody wants that reward. Aparri's key getting stuck at the first lock. Luzon taking the lead, unlocking their chest first and loading it to the cart.

Yixuan: Solana right behind Luzon. Aparri finally removing their chest from the shackles. Joshua helping Luzon get their second key. He's got it quickly. Antranig getting the key for Solana. Austin trying to get the key for Aparri, but he couldn't get it out. They are wasting time here. Solana and Luzon unlocking their second chest. Both of them fighting for a lead. Aparri falling out of it. Jack taking over and hooks the key out easily.

Yixuan: Yuyan working the lock quickly as the guys load Aparri's second chest. Luzon on the third key and Martin is reaching for the key. Antranig getting the key again for Solana. Kandace making quick work of the lock. She's getting used to it. Marta helping to rip the chains apart. Solana working very well together and getting the lead. Luzon struggling at the lock. Siying couldn't get it unlocked! Aparri catching up. Jack hooking out their last key very quickly. It's not Aparri and Luzon fighting to stay in this.

Yixuan: Solana disassembling their cart quickly. They seem to know how this challenge works. Zac and Shaniqua working well to transport the wheels first to Steven. Marta ripping the cart apart. Aparri slightly ahead of Luzon. All of them are disassembling their carts. Giselle and Isabel trying to pull out a piece but it seem to be stuck. Erwitt helping them and it dislodged immediately. Martin and Bruno making quick work of the cart. Solana still in the lead and they are putting it back together.

Yixuan: Aparri falling behind again. Priscilla and Elaine fixing Luzon's cart back as the pieces are being transported over. That's a good strategy to save time. Solana can start on the puzzle! Steven and Kandace working on the puzzle. Aparri arguing on how to reassemble the cart. Giselle and Austin are quarreling. Erwitt trying to calm them down. Jack totally ignoring them and fixing the cart himself. Luzon can start on the puzzle. Priscilla and Joshua working on the puzzle.

Yixuan: You are looking to form a giant dragon puzzle. The complete puzzle will show a dragon from head to tail. Kandace trying pieces very quickly, but none of them seem to work. Priscilla getting the first piece in for Luzon, taking the lead away from Solana. Joshua putting another piece in. Things are looking good for Luzon. Aparri finally reaching the end. Jack and Austin working together at the puzzle. Steven putting in Solana's first piece. Everybody is still in this.

Yixuan: Luzon getting the momentum. Joshua and Priscilla are halfway through the puzzle. Solana and Aparri only have a few pieces in. Kandace starts to panic. She's making mistakes. Jack and Austin started arguing again. Aparri can't stop arguing. Priscilla making quick work of the puzzle, it's like she has done this before. Joshua fixing in the higher pieces, they are almost done. Steven fixing in a huge chunk for Solana, widening the lead on Aparri. Jack and Austin have no idea what they are doing.

Yixuan: Jack peeping at Luzon's puzzle. He managed to fix some pieces in. Austin totally lost. Priscilla holding the last 3 pieces of the puzzle. She hands 2 over to Joshua because she can't reach it. They place the puzzle pieces in. LUZON WINS IMMUNITY AND FIRE MAKING KIT! We are looking for one more tribe. One more immunity to be won. It's down between Solana and Aparri.

Yixuan: Kandace realizing that the puzzle pieces can go in both ways. She is picking up her actions. Steven working well with her. Jack and Austin nowhere near completion. Kandace sliding in Solana's last puzzle piece. SOLANA WINS IMMUNITY AND FIRE IN THE FORM OF FLINT!

Yixuan: Luzon and Solana, congratulations. Immunity for the two of you, safe from tribal council, no one going home. Luzon, grab your fire making kit. Solana, fire in the form of flint. Grab your stuff and head back to camp, go get that fire going.

*Luzon and Solana walking out*

Yixuan: Alright Aparri, I have nothing for you but tribal council tonight, whereby someone from your tribe will be the first person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan. Grab your stuff, head back to camp. You have the afternoon to figure it out and we'll see you tonight at tribal.

*Aparri walking out*

Luzon Camp

Joshua (confessionals): I was really excited that we won the fire making kit. We can start a fire easily now, and such rewards usually have a clue to the hidden immunity idol in it.

Elaine (confessional): My first thought looking at the fire making kit was that an idol clue is probably inside. So I tried to ransack it without people knowing.

*Joshua and Elaine approaches the fire making kit*

Elaine: Hey, let me help with making the fire.
Joshua: Don't worry, I'll do it. It's really easy,
Elaine: It's alright, I can do it. Don't underestimate my ability just because I am a girl.

Joshua: Let's do it together.

Joshua (confessionals): I was a little annoyed that Elaine came up and started to search the fire making kit. Luckily, the clue wasn't inside. Perhaps it isn't hidden this way?

Elaine (confessionals): Joshua was so irritating. He refuses to leave the fire making kit. So I just poked my nose into whatever he's doing and also to ensure he doesn't find anything beneficial. But in the end, there wasn't anything in the fire making kit.

Siying (confessionals): I really like how our tribe work together. They are even making fire together! Our teamwork is going to be unbeatable.

Aparri Camp

Yuyan (confessionals): Losing the challenge sucks. First, we have Giselle who don't have strength, then we have Isabel who don't have stamina, and lastly, we have Jack and Austin who don't have teamwork. At this rate, our tribe is going to be decimated.

Jack (confessionals): I've had it with Austin. So what if he is strong? He has absolutely zero team spirit. He will probably drive me to my grave if I continue seeing him.

Erwitt: I say we should vote Isabel or Giselle out. They are really weak and I am not too sure if they will be more of a liability to us in future.
Yuyan: Yes, I really want to keep the tribe strong. But Jack and Austin needs to stop arguing. If they continue like that, we are still going to lose challenges.
Erwitt: But let's make it clear that the 2 of us are not turning against each other.
Yuyan: Yes, you have my word.

Erwitt (confessionals): After watching Yuyan's performance at the immunity challenge, I would love to work with her to go far. She seems really trustworthy too.

Yuyan: Hey, who are we going to vote tonight?
Austin: As much as I want that jerk off this island, I think we should keep Jack for his strength, and vote out Giselle.
Yuyan: Why not Isabel? She is much less coordinated and Giselle has better endurance.
Austin: I don't think so. Giselle is the weakest. That's final.

Yuyan (confessionals): Initially I was okay getting rid of Giselle or Isabel, but after talking to Austin, I am more inclined to vote out Isabel. He is such a stubborn brat.

Austin (confessionals): I am trying to get everyone to vote for Giselle because I have an alliance with Isabel. Hopefully, nobody will be able to see through it.

Erwitt: Plans for tonight?
Giselle: I know I screwed up, but please give me another chance.

Jack: I am not voting for you. I am voting for Austin. We need tribe unity to win, and we will never achieve that with him around.
Giselle: Yes, thank you Jack!
Jack: What do you think Erwitt?
Erwitt: I think we should vote out Isabel though, she seems to be really weak.
Jack: We can do that later. Austin is more urgent.

Erwitt (confessionals): I don't really want to vote out Austin because tribe strength is important. Urgh, what to do?

Yuyan: What are they doing tonight?

Erwitt: They want Austin out. I tried to coerce them to vote for Isabel, but Jack was insistent of Austin.
Yuyan: My side wants Giselle out.
Erwitt: Looks like we are caught in the middle.

Yuyan: But we have to make the same decision to prevent a tie.
Erwitt: I think I know what we should do.

Yuyan: Vote for Isabel and force a 3-way tie?
Erwitt: Think about it, we can take her out at the revote.
Yuyan: That's worth thinking about.

Tribal Council

*Aparri tribe walking in*

Yixuan: Behind each of you is a torch, go ahead and grab a torch, approach the flame, dip it in and get fire. This is part of the tribal council ritual because in this game fire represents your life, and when your fire is gone, so are you. That's going to be the case for one of you tonight.

*castaways light up torch*

Yixuan: Give me a quick update of the tribe. Yuyan was voted out by Austin right from the start. Did you manage to integrate into the tribe or are you still stranded?

Yuyan: Well, I think that I have managed to integrate nicely. Everyone seems to be friendly towards each other, but during the challenge, Jack and Austin just went head up against each other.

Jack: Austin was being really stubborn.

Austin: Jack was being uncooperative.

Jack: Well, I can't be cooperative if you aren't even listening to me.

Yixuan: Okay, this argument between the two alpha males is definitely going to strain the tribe. Giselle, what are your thoughts on this?

Giselle: Well, it's good that they are each other's throat. That means the target isn't on my back.

Erwitt: Ultimately, we want to keep our tribe strong so that we will not end up in Tribal Council all the time.

Yuyan: And by doing so, we need to either preserve our strength, or tighten our unity.

Isabel: I think that even though the two guys may argue a lot, they can still contribute to challenges because they are both really strong players.

Yixuan: Erwitt, how are you going to base your vote tonight?

Erwitt: I want the tribe to advance as a whole and not fragmented, hopefully.

Yixuan: Austin, what about you?

Austin: I would love to win the next immunity challenge so we don't have to be back here.

Yixuan: Giselle, worried that it might be you tonight?

Giselle: Definitely, I didn't perform as well as the others and I hope that I am given another chance.

Yixuan: Alright, with that it's time to vote. Jack, you are up.

*Jack voted - AUSTIN*
Jack: I don't need you around spoiling every damn thing for me. Do us all a favour and go home quietly.

*Yuyan voted*
Yuyan: Hopefully, this vote will be the right move and we will avoid future tribal councils.

*Giselle voted*
Giselle: I know I am on the chopping block tonight so praying that you are going home instead of me.

*Austin voted - GISELLE*
Austin: There isn't any space for weaklings here.

*Erwitt voted*
Erwitt: Sometimes, you just have to take a step back and see what's happening. Don't get too caught up in yourself.

*Isabel voted*
Isabel: I have a feeling it's either you or me. And I really hope that it's you.

Yixuan: Alright, I'll tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

First vote, GISELLE

Second vote, AUSTIN

Third vote, GISELLE

Fourth vote, AUSTIN
We're tied, 2 votes GISELLE, 2 votes AUSTIN.

Fifth vote, AUSTIN
That's 3 votes AUSTIN, 2 votes GISELLE, 1 vote left.

First person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan, AUSTIN

Yixuan: That's 4 votes, that's enough. Bring me your torch.

Austin: Damn, whatever happened to keeping the tribe strong!

*Austin brings torch over*

Yixuan: Austin, the tribe has spoken. *extinguishes torch* Time for you to go.

*Austin walks off*

Yixuan: You guys chose tribe unity over tribe strength. Hopefully it will work out for you guys. Good thing about coming to tribal is that you get fire. *tosses flint to Jack* Grab your stuff and head back to camp.

Austin (confessionals): I was really disappointed at Jack for being unable to look past such a small argument for the big picture. I hope that all of them gets picked off until the tribe disappears.

Tribal Council #1:
Austin - GISELLE

Erwitt - AUSTIN
Giselle - AUSTIN
Isabel - GISELLE
Yuyan - AUSTIN

Night 3

Aparri Camp

Giselle (confessionals): I am really glad that they chose to vote out Austin over me. Right now, I am living on borrowed time and I have to do well in the next immunity challenge to keep myself safe.

Jack (confessionals): Austin is gone. That means I won the battle. I control the tribe now.

Isabel (confessionals): I was the only one who didn't vote for Austin, hopefully, it doesn't cause me the game.

Day 4

Solana Camp

*everyone is sleeping*

*Zac starts to chop firewood*

*everyone wakes up*

Shaniqua: What the hell do you think you are doing?
Zac: Preparing wood for the fire.
Antranig: Can't you see that everyone is sleeping?
Zac: You shouldn't sleep so much!
Kandace: Urgh, I am so done with you.
Marta: I don't even want to see your face.
Zac: What?
Steven: Chill guys, Zac merely wanted to help the tribe.

Marta (confessionals): Zac is so annoying that I want to throw a punch into his face. This morning, he decided to chop firewood, when everyone is sleeping.

Zac (confessionals): The whole tribe is against me. Wait till I use my idol to blindside them, then they will truly fear me.

Steven (confessionals): Right now, the tribe seem to be like Zac against everyone else, with me in the middle. It's a really tough spot to be in, but at least, it gives me options.

Marta: Should we throw this challenge to vote his ass out?
Antranig: I don't know man. Losing numbers isn't a very smart thing to do.
Kandace: But he's so annoying. Like I can't even stand the sight of him.
Shaniqua: I don't think that throwing challenges is the way to go. We should see what we can do about it.

Antranig (confessionals): Marta wants us to throw challenges to get rid of Zac. True, Zac might flip if we merge, but we can use that to our advantage by feeding fake information!

Luzon Camp

Siying (confessionals): I haven't found the idol yet, so today, I went back to the waterfall.

Elaine: This is such a slow day.
Martin: I wish we had more food. I am hungry.
Joshua: Let me go find fruits.

Joshua (confessionals): Siying seems to be missing an awful lot from camp. So I volunteered myself to find fruits, and maybe snoop around to see what Siying is doing.

Siying: Where is the rock? Urgh, I hate this.
*leaves rustling*
Siying: Crap! Someone is coming!
Joshua: Hey, what're you doing in the water?
Siying: I thought I should relax a little. My body is aching from yesterday's challenge.
Joshua: Oh, when you are done, help me bring fruits back to the tribe.
Siying: Sure.

Joshua (confessionals): I suspected Siying for a moment that she's finding the idol. But then, she really looked clueless, so I naturally dismissed the thought.

Siying (confessionals): Phew, that was close. I was almost caught by Joshua. Have to be more careful in future.

Aparri Camp

Isabel: Hey, I would like to know where you stand right now.
Yuyan: With the vote?
Isabel: Yeah, after you guys voted out Austin, I have no more alliances anymore.
Yuyan: I voted Austin only because I want everyone to work well together.
Isabel: Well, I will prove that I am worth keeping.
Yuyan: Yeah, I want to win rewards.

Isabel (confessionals): I approached Yuyan to ask her about the vote and hoped that I am not the next one of the chopping block.

Yuyan (confessionals): I can see that Isabel is frantically trying to save her ass. That works well for me. Now I just need to find the idol.

Jack: The tribe is so much peaceful without Austin
Giselle: Yeah. Thanks for saving me last night.
Jack: Just buck up. We can't afford to be losing all the time.
Erwitt: Yeah, we have to win the next challenge.

Erwitt (confessionals): Jack seem to have Giselle in his back pocket. This isn't very good for me.

*Yuyan went back to the stream*

Yuyan: New day brings new luck, come on idol, where are you. *overturns rocks furiously*

Isabel: Erwitt, please keep me over Giselle. I am way better than her at challenges.
Erwitt: I don't know, I don't really want to go against the tribe.
Isabel: Yuyan and you can vote with me if we do go to the next tribal council. We could take out Giselle.
Erwitt: I will think about it.

Erwitt (confessionals): Isabel approached me to vote with her, and all of a sudden, I have more options. But I will definitely consider which side I should go with.

Yuyan: Please let me find the idol. *overturns rocks*
*something floats up*
Yuyan: Oh my god, is this it? *unties knot*

Congratulations on finding the idol
This is the protection you will need
Keep it to yourself or tell your tribe
It can save your life or ruin it too

Yuyan: This is huge! I am definitely keeping it to myself. None of them should know about it.

Day 5

Luzon Camp

Joshua: Look, I know you were looking for the idol clue in the fire making kit.
Elaine: You were too.
Joshua: I think we should help each other and form an alliance.
Elaine: Well, I am open with working if you because I don't really have any alliances now.
Joshua: Great! I was thinking of we should keep our tribe strong.
Elaine: Yes, and I believe that the two of us should form a really strong pair.

Elaine (confessionals): So apparently, sneaky Joshua knows what I am up to. So, in order to pacify him, I decided to align with him temporarily. Once I find him of no use, off with his head!

Joshua (confessionals): I think that out of the 3 guys, Elaine strikes to me as the most capable one. So I decided to stick around her and keep her around for challenges.

Priscilla: I am really uncomfortable that the tribe isn't talking much strategy.
Siying: I know right. It's like we aren't playing Survivor anymore.
Priscilla: I think we should stick together and take out those egoistical maniacs.
Siying: Yeah, prove to them that we aren't weak little girls.

Bruno: Hey, isn't it weird that there isn't any clue to the hidden immunity idol?
Martin: Hmm, you are right! It should have come with the reward. *looks to the fire* Which has all been burnt up in flame.
Bruno: Someone must have gotten it.
Martin: That doesn't sound good for us.
Bruno: Yeah, I know right. We should watch each other's back.

Bruno (confessionals): I feel that I could trust Martin. He's like the only person who talks to me.

Martin (confessionals): Bruno feels like an insecure little boy. I can't stand him.

Aparri Camp

Giselle: I am worried about my safety.
Yuyan: I think you should be fine. Based on the previous vote, it should be Isabel next.
Giselle: Yeah, but what if she has an idol? Or she managed to get Erwitt and Jack to flip?
Yuyan: Those boys only care about strength. So as long as we do well, we should be fine.
Giselle: I hope so.

Giselle (confessionals): I hope that there will be a puzzle challenge soon so that I can exhibit my puzzle solving prowess.

Jack: I am afraid the girls might gang up on us.
Erwitt: I don't think they will. If one of us goes, they will definitely struggle in future strength challenges.
Jack: I hope they are logical enough.

Jack (confessionals): I am a little paranoid that the girls might gain control and kick Erwitt and myself out.

Erwitt (confessionals): I hope that Yuyan can be trusted though. But I am not about to share everything I know with Jack.

Solana Camp

Kandace: Zac is so quiet today.
Antranig: Yeah, it's really peculiar of him
Shaniqua: Maybe he fell ill and is going to be medically evacuated.
Marta: I wish.
Steven: He told me he was just too tired and needed to sleep a little more.
Marta: You have to stop being so nice to him. He will climb over your head.
Kandace: Yeah, and you will regret it after that.
Steven: Haha, I am alright with it. Besides, he's like a little boy. Just let him have his fun and he will quieten down when he gets tired.
Shaniqua: Yeah, but before he gets tired, I want to murder him already.

Shaniqua (confessionals): I am starting to think if Steven and Zac has anything up their sleeves. Those sneaky sluts.

Marta (confessionals): I think the whole tribe has agreed to vote out the annoying fuck. But queen Marta needs to make her next move ahead of the rest. And I want one of the girls out. There can only be one diva here and that's going to be me.

Day 6

Yixuan: Come on in guys!

*Luzon, Solana and Aparri walking in*

Yixuan: Luzon and Solana taking their first look at the new Aparri tribe, Austin voted out at the last tribal council.
Marta: Wow.
Yixuan: Marta, are you surprised?
Marta: They vote out their strong players, they are going to be crushed by us soon.

Yixuan: Alright, first things first, I'll take back the idols.
*takes idols from Elaine and Shaniqua*
Yixuan: Once again, immunity is up for grabs.

For today's challenge, each tribe will swim out to a large bamboo cage. You will climb up and over the wall, jump into the water where you will find four large fish traps. You must then untie the cage door, push the traps through and swim them back to shore where one tribe member will use the pieces inside  to solve a very complicated fish puzzle.

Yixuan: First two tribes to finish win immunity, are safe from the vote. Losers go to tribal council where somebody will be the second person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan. In addition, you are playing for reward. Want to know what you are playing for?
Castaways: Yes!
Yixuan: First tribe to finish wins a large fish kit. Everything you need to catch a lot of fish; you have nets, worms and lures, and if you have any luck with the fish, a few things to help you cook it up, a pan, some oil, some salt and pepper. Second tribe to finish wins a slightly smaller fishing kit, lures, weights and fishing line. For the losers, nothing but a date at tribal council with me where you will vote somebody out.

Yixuan: Luzon & Solana, you have one extra member, both of you have to sit out a male.
Martin: I will sit out.
Zac: I'm sitting out.

Yixuan: Martin and Zac take a spot at the sit out bench, the rest of you, give you a minute to strategize and we'll get started.

*Castaways get into place*

Yixuan: Here we go! For immunity and reward, survivors ready? GO!

Yixuan: All 3 tribes heading out to the water. They have to swim quite a distance to the fish cages. Jack leading for Aparri. Bruno leading for Luzon. Steven leading for Solana. All three tribes are trying to get a lead over the rest. People are falling behind. Priscilla is struggling. Marta is struggling. Isabel and Giselle are struggling. Solana reaching the cage first, but they have to wait for Marta! Antranig trying to pull Marta along.

Yixuan: Luzon catching up! It's now between Marta and Priscilla to see who gets the lead. Marta reaches the cage seconds before Priscilla. Both tribes climbing over the cage. Aparri falling out of it again. Solana having a short lead over Luzon. Which tribe will untie their cage door first? Aparri finally at the cage, you guys need to hustle! Jack and Erwitt helping Giselle and Isabel up the cage. Yuyan entering the cage first for Aparri.

Yixuan: Joshua and Antranig working on the cage doors. Appari is finally in the fish cage. Erwitt working on the cage door. Luzon taking the lead! Their cage door is open! Bruno dragging the puzzle pieces out of the fish cage with the help of Elaine and Siying. Priscilla swimming ahead. Solana seems to be struggling. Steven diving down to help Antranig. Aparri is still in this. Jack and Erwitt working on the cage door. Luzon having a huge lead. Both Aparri and Solana released their cage doors! It's down to who can bring them back quickly.

Yixuan: Luzon back on shore. Bruno working on the puzzle. Aparri having a short lead, but Giselle and Isabel are swimming slowly. Solana trying to pull their fish traps along. They are arguing in the water. Bruno have all 8 puzzle pieces, he's starting the puzzle for Luzon. Kandace and Shaniqua seem to be arguing. Antranig and Steven trying their best to move their tribe forward. Yuyan and Jack dragging the fish traps for Aparri, Erwitt trying to help the girls.

Yixuan: Aparri is back to shore, Giselle starting to untie the bags. Solana is back! Kandace working on the bags. Bruno is still stuck, none of his puzzle pieces fit. Luzon's incredible lead is vaporizing in a second. Kandace starting on the puzzle first. Giselle trying to untie the final knot. Luzon watching their entire lead disappear. Giselle unties the knot, she's starting the puzzle. All 3 tribes are neck-in-neck again. Kandace fixing in Solana's first puzzle piece! Solana is in the lead.

Yixuan: Bruno finally fixing in the first piece for Luzon. He is starting to panic. Giselle fixing in Aparri's first piece. She's making quick work out of it. This puzzle gets easier as more pieces fit in. Giselle places 2 pieces in simultaneously! All of a sudden, Aparri leads with 3 puzzle pieces. Kandace fixing in Solana's second piece. Bruno is stumped once again!

Yixuan: In a blink, Giselle has 5 pieces in! Aparri having a huge lead! Solana has 3 pieces in! Luzon still with 1 piece! The lead Luzon worked to get has totally evaporated! Giselle is on a roll! Placing in the sixth piece for Aparri. Only 2 left. Kandace stuck at the fourth piece for Solana. Bruno fixing in Luzon's second piece.
Giselle fixing in the last piece of the puzzle. APARRI WINS IMMUNITY AND THE LARGE FISHING KIT!

Yixuan: We are looking for one more tribe to win immunity. Solana with a slight lead over Luzon. Kandace getting the hang of it. She's fixing in Solana's sixth piece. Only 2 pieces left for Solana. Bruno fixing in the fourth piece. Luzon is in trouble. Kandace turning the piece furiously and fixed in the seventh piece. One last piece for Solana. Bruno looking over at Solana's puzzle. Kandace secure the last piece of the puzzle. SOLANA WINS IMMUNITY AND THE SMALL FISHING KIT!

Yixuan: Luzon, that was by far one of the most disappointing performances ever, blowing a huge lead like that. Bruno, what happened?
Bruno: I am usually good at puzzles, but I somehow couldn't solve this for nuts.

Yixuan: Aparri and Solana, congratulations. Immunity for the two of you, safe from tribal council, no one going home. Grab your fishing kits and head back to camp.

*Aparri and Solana walking out*

Yixuan: Alright Luzon, I have nothing for you but tribal council tonight, whereby someone from your tribe will be the second person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan. Grab your stuff, head back to camp. You have the afternoon to figure it out and we'll see you tonight at tribal.

*Luzon walking out*

Aparri Camp

Yuyan (confessionals): When we got back to camp with that huge fishing kit, I suspected that an idol clue would be inside. The idol is already with me, but I still don't really want anyone else finding it.

Isabel (confessionals): Giselle did great with the puzzle, which now puts me in trouble, again.

Jack: Great job guys!
Erwitt: Giselle did awesome for the puzzle.
Giselle: I'm really good at puzzles because I've done them since I was young.
Erwitt: Let's see what we won!
Jack: *opening lure box* Oh there's something here.
Yuyan: What's that?
Jack: *unfolding note*

The ocean offers fish
Your well offers drink
Another body of water offers protection
To find it, you'll have to think
Tied to something solid
Is the idol you want to get
Very hidden, but not too deep
And requires that you get wet

Erwitt: Looks like a clue to the idol.
Yuyan: Oh yeah, it really looks like it.

Jack (confessionals): I was like cursing under my breath when I realized it was an idol clue. Should have kept it to myself.

Yuyan (confessionals): Jack, being the dumb jock he is, reveals the idol clue to the whole world. Now, everyone is going to look for it and people might start suspecting me.

Erwitt (confessionals): I was really laughing when I saw Jack read out the idol clue. Right now, that's my main priority, trying to find the idol, but it will be sneaky trying to get it to without detection.

Luzon Camp

Elaine (confessionals): That was disappointing. We had such a great lead and everything just disappeared.

Joshua (confessionals): It's obviously Bruno's fault that we lost the immunity challenge. I am going to lobby for his boot.

Bruno (confessionals): Apparently, I failed miserably. Now I need to pray that the rest will keep me and boot a weaker player like Priscilla instead.

Elaine: What happened back there?
Bruno: I have no idea. I just panicked and became really flustered.
Elaine: Yeah, that doesn't really look good on you though.
Bruno: Will you be voting for me?
Elaine: I don't know yet.

Bruno: You guys should keep me. Give me another chance, I can do well in physical challenges. Besides, Priscilla is really weak at physical challenges!
Elaine: I will have to talk to the rest first.

*the other 4 washing off in the sea*

Joshua: That was obviously on Bruno, he just wasted our lead. We shouldn't have lost that challenge.
Priscilla: Yeah, I know right. We could have won the reward again.
Joshua: I would love that fishing reward. I need something to stimulate my taste buds.
Siying: So what are we going to do? Vote out Bruno?
Martin: I wouldn't want to because he is strong in challenges, minus the puzzle.
Joshua: Elaine is strong too!
Martin: Yeah, which makes this such a tough choice!

Martin (confessionals): I was a little shocked that they want to get rid of Bruno, who is generally good at challenges, instead of people like Priscilla. I would need to pull them apart to talk to them.

Martin: Hey man, I think you are on the chopping block tonight. Joshua was really pissed.
Bruno: What? Are you serious? Just because of one puzzle?
Martin: And the spices too.
Bruno: You know what? Screw them. I am going to cause a revolution to overthrow that bitch.

Bruno (confessionals): I can't believe Joshua decided to go behind my back and try to get rid of me. I mean, the obvious choice would be Siying or Priscilla, not me.

Elaine: I think Bruno wants to get rid of Priscilla.
Joshua: No, we get rid of Bruno now. He caused us to lose, he needs to pay for it.

Elaine: But we need to look ahead.
Joshua: Looking ahead, we can always choose to sit Priscilla out.
Elaine: Not if we are down in numbers.
Joshua: You have a valid point, but Bruno needs to pay.

Elaine (confessionals): I have no idea what's going on in Joshua's head. Why would he want Bruno instead of Priscilla out?

Joshua (confessionals): Now I am caught between voting for Priscilla and Bruno. This is a little tricky.

Bruno: Let's vote Joshua out. He has been a bully to everyone and he shouldn't be allowed to play like that.
Priscilla: Hmm, you make a good point.
Bruno: If you vote with us, we just need one more.
Priscilla: Who's us?
Bruno: Martin. He told me about what happened at the ocean just now.
Priscilla: Alright, I will talk to Siying about it.

Priscilla (confessionals): I'm like what? Martin went straight to Bruno and told him about our plans? That makes me wonder how tight the two of them are!

Siying: So who are we voting tonight?
Priscilla: From what I hear, it's between Joshua or Bruno
Elaine: What? Are you serious?
Priscilla: Yeah, they are at each other's neck now.
Elaine: I think we should vote together, you know as girls we need to watch our backs.
Siying: But we need to decide on one.
Priscilla: Well, Martin and Bruno seem to be really tight. And if that's the case, keeping Joshua might be a better choice.
Elaine: Yeah, but even if we vote out Joshua, we still hold a 3-2 advantage over them.
Siying: What to do?

Siying (confessionals): I am just glad that it isn't me on the block tonight. But I really hope that the choice we make tonight doesn't come back to haunt us.

Martin: What's your decision?
Elaine: I am not too sure.
Martin: Well, I am open to vote for either one of them tonight.
Elaine: We'll just have to wait till tribal council because I am really undecided.

Martin (confessionals): Talking to Elaine scares me a little. What if they turn on me instead? I have to keep myself on my toes at tribal tonight.

Tribal Council

*Luzon tribe walking in*

Yixuan: Behind each of you is a torch, go ahead and grab a torch, approach the flame, dip it in and get fire. This is part of the tribal council ritual because in this game fire represents your life, and when your fire is gone, so are you. That's going to be the case for one of you tonight.

*castaways light up torch*

Yixuan: Siying, tell me what's going to happen tonight.

Siying: We're going to vote someone off and it sucks. And right now, I think the 2 candidates up in the air are Bruno and Joshua.

Joshua: *stunned* What?

Priscilla: Well, both of them have their valid points, and both of them need our votes.

Yixuan: Joshua, what's your stand?

Joshua: Bruno caused us to lose the challenge. We had such a huge lead but all of that just disappeared thanks to him.

Bruno: And you are just being a bully to everyone in camp. Just because you are the leader doesn't give you all the rights to boss people around.

Yixuan: So 2 of the guys are arguing. Elaine, that must be good for you, since you can say "Hey, the target is off my back"?

Elaine: Absolutely. Being in this game without immunity is always stressful, and their argument just makes it worse.

Yixuan: Priscilla, what is going to be factored into your vote tonight?

Priscilla: I want to keep my alliance strong, but at the same time keeping the tribe strong?

Yixuan: Priscilla touched on a very important issue. Alliance or strength, Martin, what's your take?

Martin: I think that we need to be able to balance both to do well. And right now, I would say that voting out Joshua or Bruno will affect my gameplay adversely.

Priscilla: And there is also the issue of breaking up pairs in this game, because everyone knows that pairs are dangerous.

Joshua: I agree that pairs are deadly if you aren't in them, so when we have the numbers, we should always use it to break up and potential pairs that could surface.

Yixuan: Elaine, how do you think tonight's vote will help the tribe as a whole?

Elaine: Well, I am just hoping that my position in the tribe can be improved after tonight's vote and we will win subsequent challenges.

Yixuan: Alright, it's now time to vote. Bruno, you are up.

*Bruno voted - JOSHUA*
Bruno: You are not going to get your way through bullying others.

*Priscilla voted*
Priscilla: I'm sorry to vote for you but like I said, pairs are dangerous.

*Elaine voted*
Elaine: This is probably the lesser of two evils. Even though both aren't my initial choices.

*Joshua voted - BRUNO*
Joshua: I'm not really sorry to write your name down because you sucked at the challenge.

*Siying voted*
Siying: Next time, try to approach all of us instead of using a messenger. It would help greatly.

*Martin voted*
Martin: From what I hear, I would be in a sinking ship if I stuck with you. I'm sorry and no head feelings.

Yixuan: I'll go tally the votes.

*collects votes*

Yixuan: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes.

First vote, BRUNO

Second vote, JOSHUA

Third vote, BRUNO

Fourth vote, BRUNO
*Bruno shaking his head*

Second person voted out of Survivor: Cagayan, BRUNO

Yixuan: That's 4 votes, that's enough. Bring me your torch.

*Bruno brings torch over*

Yixuan: Bruno, the tribe has spoken. *extinguishes torch* Time for you to go.

*Bruno walks off*

Yixuan: Looks like your tribe is really united in voting out what you perceived as a future threat. We'll see tomorrow if that's the correct decision. Grab your stuff and head back to camp.

Bruno (confessionals): I am really disappointed that I am out so early. I thought that I had played my best but that ridiculous puzzle screwed me over. To the Luzon tribe, screw you guys for voting me out just because of a tiny mistake.

Tribal Council #2:
Bruno - JOSHUA

Elaine - BRUNO
Joshua - BRUNO
Martin - BRUNO
Priscilla - BRUNO
Siying - BRUNO